The Strongest Exercise Upgrade System

Chapter 33 - Kunou

After half a while, Zeng Yu sat on the bed, still amazed.

“This has entered the Hou Nine Layer? The effect of Pozhang Pills is too strong and zero, right?”

Zeng Yu thought in shock.

The pill just now has no effect, but the effect is too good, and the key is that it sends out slowly, but once it comes out, the effect makes Zeng Yu feel shocked to think about it.

Even the stubborn barrier, before this barrier-breaking pill, was like a piece of paper, and was broken by its medicine.

“It’s worthy of being a prescription left over from the ancient times, it really works amazing!”

Zeng Yu thought excitedly.

The effect of this Pozhang Pill is so amazing, he can definitely use the Pozhang Pill to break through to the bottom ten.

However, in order to lay a solid foundation, Zeng Yu didn’t want to rush, and planned to wait for a while to practice.

After that, Zeng Yu focused his energy on cultivation.

Of course, during this time, he used Huiyuan Water to cultivate a large number of low-level elixir for hundreds of years.

Zeng Yu boiled these elixir into a jar of Pozhang pills for future use.

These Pozhang pills have extraordinary medicinal effects for the later martial artists, and they are the best medicine for breaking through the realm.

Zeng Yu believed that the value of each pill-breaking pill must be extremely high, and once it was brought to the market, it would be robbed by warriors.

However, the reason why Zeng Yu made so many Pozhang pills, did not intend to take them out, but thought that they would be taken by their relatives.

Father Zeng Chuping has been busy with the family business for these years, and his strength has always been in the last seven, and he has not made progress.

If he doesn’t break through, I’m afraid he can only stay in the latter seven layers in his life.

There is also Grandpa Zeng Chengfeng, although he has cultivated to the peak of the last nine layers, but he has not been able to break through to the last ten layers.

If such a barrier-breaking pill can be used to help, Zeng Yu believes that he will soon be able to break through to the bottom ten, and become an existence comparable to Huangqi County’s top master Lin Luo.

Zeng Yu planned to send a can of Pozhang pills to his grandfather’s house.

It’s just that how to deliver such an important pill will not cause Grandpa’s doubts. This point needs careful consideration.

Zeng Yu couldn’t tell his grandfather that he used the Huiyuan pot to cultivate low-level elixir for hundreds of years, and then made it by himself through the pill.

If he does that, he is very likely to be taken by his grandfather as the chief alchemist of the family, specializing in refining medicine for the family.

The result was tragic.

Zeng Yu’s goal is not a pharmacist, he wants to break through to the bottom ten, or even first.

Become a master at the first level before you have the opportunity to marry Jiang Qianxue and marry Jiang Qianxue home as his wife.

“Just when I met an expert outside, these pills were all given by the expert from outside the world!”

Zeng Yu thought to himself.

Fortunately, he has been refining many furnace-breaking barrier pills one after another recently.

All these broken barrier pills were sealed up by him using a large urn.

So many Pozhang pills are enough for the family to use for a long time.

Drive drive… On the only village road in Zengjiapu, a family member of the Zeng family was driving a carriage and hurriedly toward Zengjiapu.

The horse’s hoof was so strong, the wheels rolled, making a rumbling sound, galloping from a distance with billowing smoke and dust.

Jia Ding’s expression was panic, and there was a faint worry between his eyebrows, and he didn’t know why he rushed home in such a hurry.

The horse-drawn carriage galloped all the way through the avenue of the village, until it came to the gate of the ancestral house.

The curtain opened, Zeng Yu’s parents Zeng Chuping Han Yurou helped the uncle Zeng Chuhan, who was pale and still had blood on his chest, walked out of the carriage slowly.

At this time, Zeng Chuhan’s face was pale and frightening, his breath was weak, and he looked seriously injured.

Both Zeng Chuping and Han Yurou were both embarrassed, with some injuries on their bodies.

The family knocked on the door of the ancestral house, and the three rushed into the ancestral house.

Soon after, a shocking news came from the ancestral house: The Luo family has taken action against the forces of the Zeng family in Daji Town!

The five towns in Huangqi County were controlled by the four major families in Huangqi County.

The Lin family is the most powerful, controlling Yangang Town, the county seat, and the East Town next to Yangang Town.

The third town in Huangqi County, Anxi Town is controlled by the Luo family.

The fourth town, Shuangmen Town, is controlled by the Zhang family.

The fifth town, Daji Town, belongs to the Zeng family’s sphere of influence.

The four big families each control one or two towns. Each family has a business store in its own town, and the well water does not interfere with the river.

The Zeng family did not expect that the Luo family would actually do something about the big market town, apparently intending to annex the big market town.

Business in Daji Town is the main source of income for Zengjiapu.

The several shops in the town can bring huge profits to the entire Zeng family every year.

This allows the children of Zengjiapu to practice with peace of mind, instead of having to work all day for life because of life constraints.

Therefore, the site of Daji Town must not be lost!

However, according to this time, in order to win the big market town, the Luo family sent Luo Erye and Luo Sanye.

The two brothers led a large group of people into the Zeng family’s resident station in Daji Town.

Zeng Chuhan, who was in Hou Bazhong, was severely wounded, and Zeng Yu’s parents also suffered some internal injuries.

The rest of the Zeng family were also beaten and fled, and now they have fled back to Zengjiapu.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of the gate of Zengjiapu’s ancestral home.

The ethnic group in Zengjiapu was excited and shouted that they would send people to the big market town to beat the Luo family away and give them back.

However, according to Zeng Chuhan and Zeng Chupingsuo, in order to occupy the big market town, the Luo family not only dispatched nearly a hundred family elites, but also dispatched the second master Luo of the post eighth peak and the third master Luo who had just entered the post eighth clan.

Under the leadership of these two post-masters, the children of the Zeng family stationed in Daji Town were not their opponents at all, and they fled back in despair.

Now the big market town has two masters of the eighth layer, who want to regain it, unless the three elders of the family are dispatched.

But once the three elders of the family were dispatched, even if the big market town was retaken, Zengjiapu lost a lot.

Because once the elders of the lower nine layers of the family are dispatched, the four elders of the Luo family are not vegetarian.

At that time, once the two families fight together, there will be heavy casualties, giving other families a chance.

Listening to the village’s discussion, Zeng Yu’s handsome face was covered with frost, and his fists were clenched tightly.

Before the clansmen had discussed a countermeasure, Zeng Yu resolutely left the gate of the ancestral house.

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