The Strongest Exercise Upgrade System

Chapter 21 - Falling off a cliff

The crescent moon was like a hook, and the originally pitch-black mountain was very dark, but dark clouds floated up, covering the remaining waning moon.

The mountain became invisible, and Zeng Yu couldn’t see exactly what was under his feet.

But at this moment he can no longer take care of that much. Only if he escapes from this mountain and gets rid of the mountain ghosts, will he have a chance to survive.

Therefore, Zeng Yu’s foot has been infused with most of his internal strength.

Even if he hasn’t learned light skills, he jumped high when he leaped.

Originally, Zeng Yu planned to use the force of this fall to make another jump and leave this mountain very quickly.

However, Zeng Yu fell for a while, and the familiar feeling of being down to earth did not come.

His feet are still empty, and the falling speed of his body is still accelerating.

“Oh, I’m going! It’s a cliff!”

Zeng Yu realized at this time how dangerous it is to step on the air with this foot!

It turns out that behind this mountain, there is no gentle slope, but a vertical cliff close to ninety degrees.

The height of this mountain is not low, and the cliff below is high without even thinking about it.

A post-eight-fold warrior who jumped from such a high cliff would be crippled if he was immortal.

“I mention it!”

In order to reduce the speed of her own fall, Zeng Yu hurriedly lifted Zhen Qi into her chest cavity so as to be able to generate some floating power for her body, so as not to fall off the cliff hard like a dead pig.

However, this cliff was too high and there was no place to settle. Zeng Yu raised his breath several times, but he couldn’t reduce the speed of falling much.

“Am I going to die?”

A sorrow suddenly rose from the bottom of Zeng Yu’s heart.

Numerous pictures suddenly appeared in his mind. These pictures, including pictures of the earth and pictures of the world, flashed quickly in Zeng Yu’s mind, like a high-speed train.

“It turns out that life is so short and fragile!”

Zeng Yu had no choice but to give up the needless struggle, and tried his best to curl up his body, letting the force of gravity **** his body down, like a meteor, falling down.

“It’s sad! To die in such a place, there is not even a dead body!

It’s as if I have never been in this world before, and I will soon be forgotten! Father and mother! I miss you guys! “

This was Zeng Yu’s last thought.

Afterwards, a violent tingling and numbness came, accompanied by a violent sound of water, Zeng Yu finally couldn’t bear the intense pain, and his consciousness fell into the darkness of Zheng.

Under the night, the shimmering stream, a thin body lying on its back on the stream.

The body is rippling with the waves, I don’t know where to drift.

The cluster is barren, maybe just as Zeng Yu thought, dying here, really didn’t even have a corpse.

Fifteen years ago, he quietly traveled from the earth to this world and became a baby in the world of Xianxia.

Fifteen years later, his body was lying silently on the stream, and even his soul seemed to be plunged into darkness again, and was about to leave quietly.

Like a weed that no one knows, it grows quietly, withers quietly, until it rots.

No one knows that a weed has grown there, and no one will remember that weed.

Because there are so many weeds in this world, they are ordinary and ordinary, and they have no characteristics that are easy to remember.

So even if they are gone, no one will remember them.

What an ordinary life is like this weed!


The apes on both sides of the strait couldn’t stop crying, and the body had passed the ten thousand mountains.

Perhaps the only one to bid farewell to Zeng Yu was the sound of apes crying like a baby.

Sadness and desolation, echoing in the dark night sky, added a trace of sadness to the night!

“It’s cold!”

On a rocky beach, Zeng Yu who had been soaked in the water suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, his face was pale, like a dead man, and his lips were also purple from the cold in the water of the mountain stream.

He was drenched and there was no dry place.

Even the skin appears white and swollen because it has been soaked in water for too long.

If there is no God in the eyes, others will think that this is a dead body.

Getting up from the stream beach with difficulty, Zeng Yu sat weakly on the rocky beach, breathing slightly.

Then, Zeng Yu suddenly laughed.

Because his face was soaked by the stream of water, he was extremely pale, making him look a little sullen when he laughed.

Falling down from such a high cliff last night, he should have died.

Fortunately, I was lucky and survived falling into the water. Although he fell into a coma, fortunately, there are no missing parts.

Zeng Yu checked what he was carrying again, and found that the Huiyuan pot and Kunyu sword were still there.

However, the baggage I got earlier and the incomplete copy of the Imperial Scriptures have long been missing.

There is nothing left of the human emperor’s scripture. Zeng Yu has already upgraded it with the exercise upgrade system.

Even if that scrap falls into Bierao’s hands, it will be difficult to cultivate.

What Zeng Yu feels distressed is the dozens of taels of gold in that bag!

Dozens of taels of gold, this is the largest sum of money that Zeng Yu has ever come into contact with.

With dozens of taels of gold, you can buy many things.

It’s a pity that so much gold has drifted along with him down the cliff.

Thinking of this, Zeng Yu felt a pain in her heart.

But come back, falling from such a high cliff would be great if you could save your life!

If you don’t have any money, you can make more money. If you don’t have a life, then there is nothing!

Thinking of this, Zeng Yu was a little relieved.

“Anyone who survives a catastrophe will have a blessing. As long as there is life, there will be gold in the future, and there will be techniques!”

Zeng Yu comforted herself like this.

Zeng Yu took out the Huiyuan pot, opened the cork, and poured a large mouthful of Huiyuan water.

The originally cold body, with the supplement of vitality, began to produce a hint of temperature.

Zeng Yu replenished his vitality with Huiyuan Water and recovered some physical strength before he walked out of the rocky beach.

Looking around, I found that this was a valley surrounded by peaks, and there was a stream in the middle of the valley.

“Passing down the cliff, there is a high chance that you can meet seniors, get advice from seniors, or get the inheritance of a senior! From then on, you will reach the pinnacle of life!”

Zeng Yu thought slightly.

“Old man, are you there?”

“Where are you my peerless technique?”

But here is surrounded by mountains, there is not even a cave, let alone any peerless exercises.

Zeng Yu turned half a circle in the valley, but did not find any martial arts secrets, nor did he find any peerless experts.

On the other hand, a newly built wooden house was found in an open area covered with greenery and flowers.

The cabin was closed, and there was no movement inside.

Zeng Yu was a little curious, and then gently knocked on the door of the wooden house: “Senior, a peerless expert!”

It’s just that there is still silence inside the wooden house.

“Probably the peerless senior went up the mountain to collect medicine?”

Zeng Yu thought to himself.

It is isolated from the world and the environment is beautiful, like a paradise.

Ordinary people will not live in seclusion here at all, because there are so many beasts in the mountains and forests, and ordinary people are easily killed.

The only explanation is that there are experts living here.

Zeng Yu thought that the average peerless expert would know something about pharmacology, it would be fine to go to the mountains to collect medicine, refine alchemy, and live a good life.

Seeing no response from the wooden house, Zeng Yu didn’t open the wooden door rashly, but began to wander around the valley.

There is no way, since he was caught by the robbers yesterday, he has not yet entered the grains. Although he had drunk the Huiyuan water just now, he recovered some strength, but his stomach was too hungry.

The only way to go in this valley is to see if you can find wild fruits to satisfy your hunger.

It would be great if one or two pheasants and hares could be hit.

Zeng Yu looked for it, and found depressed that in this valley, besides the beautiful scenery, there was not even a hare cherry blossoms.

In front is a turquoise water pool with clear water. Zeng Yu intends to go and see if there are any fish in the pool. If one or two big fish can be caught, it would be good to make grilled fish.

However, just as Zeng Yu approached the water pool, the surface of the water pool suddenly rolled, as if some underwater monster was about to emerge.

Zeng Yu hurriedly bent down and lay down in the bushes, holding his breath, watching the movement of the pool.

As the pool water surged, a black thread emerged from the water, and the black thread continued to float up, revealing a jade back as white as jade. Under the cover of the black thread, following the movements of the jade hands as white as lotus root, Looming.

Such a fragrant picture made Zeng Yu’s breathing swift.

“Looking at the back, it’s extremely beautiful.

But this woman had been diving for so long before she emerged from the water. Isn’t she a fairy? “

Zeng Yu’s face was solemn, and he quickly held his breath and glanced at it, only to see a pile of clothes on the rocks in the water pool, and his trousers were randomly placed on the rocks.

Zeng Yu was relieved now.

At least as far as Zeng Yu knows, fairies don’t need to wear clothes.

Even if you want to wear it, you only need to magically transform it. It doesn’t need to be so troublesome. You have to take off so many clothes even in a shower.

Zeng Yu relaxed and looked at the picture of a beautiful woman in bath.

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