The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 59: Enforcer of Justice

The inside of the prison was in the midst of confusion.

As I had predicted, while the staff of the prison did take damage, not one of them died. Many were unconscious, but they were breathing properly.

Half of the convicts died instantly, while the survivors took the opportunity to riot. Trying to make their escape, they were currently engaged in a fierce battle with the staff, who were trying to stop them.

The convicts were fitted with collars that prevented the activation of Skills, but the modifiers to their physical ability that were provided by their Jobs remained. On top of that, they outnumbered the staff. Both sides were locked in a stalemate.

「Kouga, Alma, wipe out the small fry」


Following my instructions that also granted them buffs, the two of them activated their attack Skills.

Samurai Skill: Rain of Cherry Petals

Assassin Skill: Perfect Throw

Countless sword slashes cut down many convicts while countless iron needles shot even more dead. The stalemate was broken in an instant.

「Sn, snake!? Why are you guys here!?」

I shouted to the startled staff.

「I’ve confirmed that there was an explosion in this prison! Our clan intends to help suppress the convicts’ riots and secure the perpetrator who set off the bomb!」

The staff were abuzz. From among them, the warden, who had command of the scene, emerged.

「Snake…... No, Wild Tempest, first of all, I thank you for your clan’s help. I’m only too glad to have your clan’s assistance. ……But can I trust you?」

In the eyes of the warden, the timing of our appearance was surely far too good. It was no wonder that he had his doubts.

「Of course. It’ll take some time for the reinforcements from the military police to arrive. In the meantime, the one thing that we must prevent at all costs, is the escape of the convicts and the assailants. Let’s give our all to protect our beloved imperial capital」

With a mysterious expression, the warden nodded.

「Alright. Then, under my command--」

「No, we’ll act independently and focus on securing the assailants. Your side should rescue the other injured victims, and form a cordon so that there won’t be any fugitives」

「Wh, what did you say!?」

I tilted my head at the surprised warden.

「Is something wrong?」

「Don’t be silly! I’m the person in charge here! Follow my orders!」

I approached the visibly angry warden, and strived to put a gentle smile on my face.

「Is something wrong?」

「Gu, ku…...」

The warden twisted his face in frustration. His spirit was broken with just one smile, and he became unable to say anything. That was to be expected. I had something on this man as well.

I had been gathering information the entire time using Loki, an information broker, in order to get Hugo released. With the warden at the top of the list, I had something on the entire staff of the prison.

No matter how frustrated they were, no one could go against me.

「I’ll ask one more time. Is something wrong?」

When I repeated my question, the warden looked down and shook his head.

「……There’s no problem. Do as you like」

The warden had given up on resisting. With the smile still on my face, I drew closer to him and whispered.

「All a piece of trash like you needs to do is shut up and obey me. If you go against me again, at that time, you had better be prepared. I’ll make you regret being born」

「Hiii, hiiii!」

The warden let out a scream and jumped a little.

Fear was engraved on his face clearly. As I thought, fear was the best way to discipline a stupid beast. This guy would probably never talk back to me ever again.

I turned back and gave instructions to Leon.

「Leon, heal the staff who are here, and put up barriers」

「Okay, leave it to me」

Knight Skill: Light Veil

Knight Skill: Holy Shield

When Leon activated his Skills, a light, which looked like an aurora, enveloped the staff of the prison. The effects of that Skill would restore the staff to full health. Also, the invisible barriers that he had put up would likely protect them against attacks.

Capturing the assailants was our role, but to do that, we needed people to form a cordon. That was because it would be very difficult to catch them if they were allowed to escape.

I won’t allow even one ant to escape this prison. This will be the end of the line for them.

「Let's go」

As I proceeded onward, the three of them followed.

Suddenly, Kouga walked up beside me and glanced at my face.

「Give our all to protect our beloved imperial capital, you said? It’s the same thing every time, but where do you find the nerve to lie with a such straight face? I’m impressed」

「It's not a lie. Our actions are just. Don’t you like being a champion of justice?」

「Ha, it’s a papier mache champion of justice though. I feel bad for those who get fooled」

Kouga laughed as he said that, then crossed his arms behind his head.

「Well, I'm a villain anyways. In that case, I'll enjoy being the villain」

「Heh, what nonsense. --What’s the situation inside the prison, Alma?」

When I stopped and asked, Alma closed her eyes and concentrated.

「Many of the staff and the convicts are still engaged in battle inside the prison. In addition to that, there are a lot of injured people. There are five people whose presences are clearly different from the others. Among them, I think that four are assailants and the remaining one is Hugo」

There should be five assailants, so Hugo had probably turned the tables and defeated one of them.

「Are the assailants gathered together?」

「No. They’re divided due to the rioting convicts. It seems like their bodies have sustained injuries from the explosion as well. If you want to defeat them one by one, now’s the time」

「Is that so? What a good opportunity」

The strategy of blowing up the prison had gone well. When I couldn’t help but smile, Alma tilted her head.

「But something is strange」

「What do you mean by strange?」

「The presences of the assailants are weird. I feel multiple presences from the same individual. They’re extremely weak though」

「What did you say?」

What did it mean when multiple presences could be felt from the same individual? Were they using other creatures? Were they Monster Tamers?

I pondered over the true form of the assailants, but I couldn't come up with a clear answer.

「Unknown enemies are dangerous. But we can’t afford to pull back. That’s why I’ll change the plan a little. In truth, I was going to capture at least one of them alive, but let’s wipe them out. Aim for a death-blow with all your strength」

When I issued new instructions, Leon had a grave look on his face.

「Are you sure? Weren’t you going to capture the perpetrator and use Confess on him? If we wipe them out, we won’t be able to connect them to Andreas, you know?」

As Leon had said, the goal of my original plan was to capture the assailants and bring out the truth by using Confess on them.

The odds of Andreas being directly connected to the assailants were low, but if they could be traced back to him, it would be clear physical evidence.

But if we wiped out the assailants, that goal would no longer be attainable. Nonetheless, if we took the risk and tried to capture them alive, there was a possibility that someone on my side would lose their life. That would be putting the cart before the horse.

「Plans must be changed as the situation demands. First, we’ll gain control over the prison and rescue Hugo. Even if we can’t shed light on the relationship between the assailants and Andreas, it’s a fact that the true culprit had ordered the attack itself. Hugo will be released immediately. After that, if we use Leicester to press for a re-investigation to be started, Andreas’ downfall will be as good as decided」

「But will the re-investigation be able to uncover evidence against him?」

「It might be difficult for the case from two years ago. But did you forget? He has also committed other crimes」

「Ohh! I see, that’s right!」

Leon smacked his fist into his palm after understanding what I was getting at.

The Hoger merchant company, led by Andreas, was smuggling Beast materials to other countries. It wasn’t something that could be completely covered up, and it would probably be exposed easily if there was a full-blown investigation. If that happened, Andreas would be backed into a corner.

Yes, there was no need to get hung up on the case from two years ago.

By revealing the Justice Department's wrongdoings, Hugo’s name had already been cleared. Moreover, today's attack was proof that the true culprit was someone else.

Now that the assailant’s assassination attempt had failed because of the explosion that I had set up, which had elevated it into a major incident, even if the person pulling the strings couldn’t be exposed, the public would have no choice but to acknowledge the existence of a true culprit.

In other words, Hugo would be released without needing to wait one month. And it would be up to me whether Andreas lived or died.

「Of course, I’m not going to leave Andreas in the hands of the law. I intend to squeeze as much as I can out of him」


I snorted in laughter at the three frowning faces.

「What’s so bad about that? What’s that saying from the Far East? That’s right; a man reaps what he sows. I’ll let him savor his just desserts. In the name of justice」

「Going by that logic, Noel will also meet a terrible end someday. Therefore, you should accumulate good deeds even now. Specifically, you should dress as a woman and have se--Owwwwwww!!!」

When Alma was about to utter an obscene remark, I pinched her cheeks with enough force to tear her face off.

「Wait, wait, wait a minute! Seems like the situation has changed!」


When I released my fingers, Alma rubbed her cheeks as she continued.

「......One of the assailants just started a battle with Hugo. They’re moving while fighting, and at this rate, they’ll end up on the rooftop. We should probably hurry if we want to help Hugo」

At Alma’s report, I clicked my tongue in spite of myself.

「Tsk, that’s troublesome」

The assailants weren’t giving up on killing Hugo even though the assassination attempt had failed?

「It can’t be helped. I’ll go support Hugo. You guys kill the remaining assailants」

If the assailants hadn't given up on killing Hugo, the probability that the rest of them would also head for the rooftop was high. It would be troublesome if they joined up. We would need to support Hugo and wipe out the remaining assailants simultaneously.

「Leon, I'll leave the command to you」

「Okay, understood! But will it be alright with just two people on your end?」

I smiled at the worried Leon.

「Of course. I’ve got the perfect plan. That is--」


That look of stupefaction on Leon’s face after he had heard my plan was truly a sight to behold.

Short chapter this time. Looks like we’ll get to see Noel and Hugo fighting together next time! Final chapter of this Part is next! How will things wrap up!? I can assure you that someone you’ll never expect is going to make an appearance! Stay tuned!

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