The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 44: Fallen Wings

The moment Leisha picked up the morning newspaper that had been delivered to her lodgings, her eyes were glued to the headline on the front page. Because its contents were far too surprising, she unconsciously put her hand over her mouth.

「You’re kidding…… Sky Winged Knights are dissolved? Huh, wait a minute…… Huh?」

Sky Winged Knights was the strongest party among the B Ranks in the imperial capital, and also the party that Ophelia, her friend from the same hometown, was in. They were both very busy, and Ophelia was a higher Rank as well, so it wasn’t as if they socialized frequently, but they were still friends who would share a meal together once a month without fail.

Leisha, who was stunned with shock, looked at the article again, and was even more shocked after reading the rest of the headline that she hadn't noticed at first.

「Huhhh!? Sky Winged Knights are dissolved because they lost to Blue Beyond!? What’s the meaning of this!?」

The headline said:

『Fallen wings! Defeated by Blue Beyond, Sky Winged Knights are dissolved!』

Not able to make heads or tails of what was going on, she read the contents of the article, and finally saw the truth of the matter. Apparently, the root cause seemed to be the sudden change in policy by the Seeker Guild. Until now, as long as the compulsory fee was paid as collateral and a base of operations was prepared, clan creation applications would be almost unconditionally approved, but it appeared that for some time after this, they would be rejected if the applicants couldn’t pass the Seeker Guild’s strict screening.

As a result of that screening, both parties were once rejected. However, because both parties had protested at the same time, a joint test was held with only the winner being allowed to create a clan. However, it came with the condition that the loser had to dissolve their party.

The contents of the test was a contest over the Beast stipulated by the Seeker Guild, Dantalion of depth eight.

And the winner of that test was Blue Beyond. The loser, Sky Winged Knights, according to their promise, seemed to have been dissolved immediately in the name of the Seeker Guild.

The article also included interviews with each of the members, the reporter’s observations and the like, but the many unreserved and cruel words for the loser, Sky Winged Knights, were so harsh that Leisha threw the newspaper away midway through the article.

It was such a shameless about-face from when the reporters used to heap praises on Sky Winged Knights when they were flourishing. Leisha reaffirmed that this was why she didn't like newspaper reporters.

「Nevertheless, Noel and his party winning against Sky Winged Knights…… It’s a little hard to believe…… No matter how you look at it, their growth is too fast……」

Certainly, Blue Beyond was outstanding. Other than Noel, the members had completely changed, and while this new party had not yet earned any great achievements, their strength was already at the level of mid-ranked parties. That was because of the two newcomers, who were such fearless fighters that you wouldn't think that they were C Ranks. If anything, Blue Beyond might be far stronger now than before.

But for all that, they were all rookies in the end. Against Sky Winged Knights, which boasted a mature sort of strength, it was unthinkable that they could win. Above all, the enemies they faced were not just the members of Sky Winged Knights, but also the high-level Beast, Dantalion. No matter how many simulations she ran in her head, she couldn’t form an image of Noel and his party’s victory.

「I guess it's because of Noel……」

Noel, the leader of Blue Beyond, was an exceedingly unique Seeker even in Etorai, the holy land for Seekers. Despite being a Buffer, which was said to be the weakest among all combat type Jobs, he had unparalleled ability as a control tower, was called the big-eater rookie, and was highly regarded as a strong person by those in the know.

Moreover, it seemed like he had snared one of the top-level leaders in the Luciano Family, the most powerful Yakuza in the imperial capital, in a trap and had gotten rid of him. Leisha just happened to be on an expedition away from the imperial capital at the time, so she wasn't certain whether that story was true or not. She hadn't asked about the details from the people in question because she was afraid, but judging from the atmosphere surrounding them, it seemed like it was true.

「I guess he must have won using underhanded methods. Everyone from Sky Winged Knights are strong, but they seem weak against such methods…… Were they just ill-matched?」

While she didn’t know what kind of methods he had used, she thought that Ophelia and her allies must have felt frustrated to have lost after falling for his trap. As a friend, she couldn’t help feeling sorry for them.

However, as a Seeker, the word『unfair』was only an excuse for the weak. There was only victory or defeat, and nothing else. If you were defeated, even if you felt frustrated, you could only admit it with dignity and grace. If anything, you should probably count your blessings to still have your life.

「It's unfortunate, but because they're Seekers, there's nothing I can do......」

As Leisha heaved a deep sigh, there was a knock on the door to her room. The presence of the visitor standing behind the door belonged to a person she knew well.



A short, affirmative reply. Leisha could roughly guess the reason for Ophelia’s visit.

「……Ophelia, did you perhaps quit being a Seeker?」


Her answer was as Leisha had expected. The reason for her visit was probably to say goodbye. Leisha struggled over whether she should dissuade Ophelia from quitting or not. Ophelia was an excellent Seeker. Even if Sky Winged Knights was dissolved, she should still be much sought after. However, considering Ophelia's feelings, it might be better to not stop her.

As Leisha struggled over that decision, Ophelia muttered while snuffling from behind the door.

「I worked my hardest the entire time, and I thought that I had become stronger…… But I didn’t get stronger at all…… I'm already tired…… Looks like I wasn’t suited to be a Seeker…… That’s why…………」

Unexpectedly, Ophelia’s presence disappeared. When Leisha hurriedly opened the door, only Ophelia’s lingering scent remained.

She was most likely returning to their village. Leisha knew that returning home would be the best way to heal the wounds in Ophelia’s heart. However, she also felt that it was a shame after all.

「Being a Seeker is tough……」

Vlaclav is a wolf beast-man. Beast-men are a race that had both human and beast characteristics, and in the case of a wolf beast-man, he would look like a human with wolf fur. Or it could be said he looked like a wolf that walked upright. Even among the beast-men, they were a race that was very markedly beast-like in appearance.

As a result, they had been discriminated against or besmirched unjustly, and even in the imperial capital, which was overflowing with a wide variety of races, it was rare to see their brethren.

Vlaclav’s clan had lived in a desert that was shunned by other people. Perhaps because of their underprivileged standing, his clan was an insular and pessimistic clan that understood that it had no future.

Vlaclav had hated the ways of his clan from an early age. But on the other hand, he also thought that he wanted to give his clan a future.

There was one way for the discriminated wolf beast-men to gain a strong societal standing. It was by becoming Seekers and building up their strength. For that reason, Vlaclav went to the imperial capital.

He was anxious at first. To begin with, he didn’t know if there would be any Seekers who were willing to become allies with a wolf beast-man like himself. But that anxiety disappeared after meeting Leon and the rest. Sky Winged Knights was a great party. It was not only strong, but had irreproachable conduct, which coincided with his purpose of improving the standing of wolf beast-men.

But he also realized that this relationship would not last long. As their battles piled up, everyone began to think that Sky Winged Knights owed everything to Leon, their leader. Vlaclav had become nothing more than Leon's accompaniment. At this rate, even if Sky Winged Knights had lasted for a long time, it would probably be impossible for Vlaclav to achieve his purpose.

That was why Vlaclav wasn't particularly in shock after the loss to Blue Beyond and the dissolution of Sky Winged Knights. In any case, he had planned to leave that party in the near future.

「Welcome, Vlaclav! I've been waiting for you!」

When he arrived at the Orc's Club, Veronica Redbourne, the leader of Scarlet Lotus Flower, greeted him with a beaming smile. Since it was still early in the morning and the bar had not yet opened for business, there was no one to be found inside the bar except for Veronica, Vlaclav and the boss of the bar.

Veronica had made contact with Vlaclav more than a month ago. Her purpose was headhunting. Veronica, who had seen through Vlaclav’s purpose for working as a Seeker, as well as his dissatisfaction with his current situation, had invited him to join her party, promising good treatment. He had promised to contact her by owl mail if he decided to accept her invitation.

Then, on the night that Sky Winged Knights was dissolved, Vlaclav sent her a letter. Her reply was quick, it wrote that he should go to the Orc’s Club the following morning.

「Vlaclav, since you’ve contacted me, is it fine for me to think that I’ll be able to hear a favorable answer from you?」

She was an impatient and aggressive woman. However, he liked that she didn’t beat around the bush.

「Yes, I look forward to working together」

The moment Vlaclav put his fists together in front of his chest and gave a wolf beast-man style bow, Veronica shouted loudly with joy.

「Alright!! All I need to do after this is to merge with the idiot wolf and the idiot monkey’s parties! Once I do that, we’ll immediately become a large party--no, a large clan! I’ll show you, Noel! I won't let you lord it over me ever again!」

Apparently, this woman also held a grudge against Noel. Now that they had become allies, he would follow Veronica, but he wanted no part in fighting Noel again.

That’s because people were not opponents that could match him.

「Kaim, isn’t it about time for you to go home?」

As Kaim drank, the barkeeper looked worriedly at him.

「……Let me drink a bit more」

「How many drinks have you had since you last said that? ……I know that you're having a hard time, but don’t drown your sorrows. You're still young, so there are any number of ways for you to get back on your feet, don't you agree?」

「There’s nothing like that…… I'm already finished......」

It had been two days since Sky Winged Knights was dissolved. After the test, his allies had parted ways without having a proper conversation with one another. Since then, Kaim hadn't stopped drinking. If he didn't drink and had remained sober, he wouldn't have been able to stop trembling.

「Even now, the sensation of stabbing Leon still lingers in my hand…… I did something unthinkable…… Certainly, like Noel said, I had thoughts of wanting freedom somewhere inside my heart…… But, even so, there was no need to do something like that…… And yet, without talking it over with him, I prepared a knife coated with a paralytic poison……」

The more he thought about it, the less he thought he was sane. Averting his eyes from what he ought to confront, that atrocious act was the result of him trying to vindicate himself.

「I said such terrible things too…… Even though he was only worried about me…… I called him something that must never be said, a traitor…… The real traitor was me…… I'm the worst kind of scum……」

Unable to bear it any longer, Kaim bent over the table and started sobbing. Overwhelmed by the flood of raw emotions, he sobbed, and after some time, the barkeeper gently stroked his back.

「Kaim, you've certainly done something that cannot be undone. But is it really fine to leave things as they are? Will your sin be forgiven just by drowning your sorrows like this? No, that's impossible. There's something that you need to do」

「…………Something that I need to do?」

When Kaim lifted his head, the barkeeper nodded.

「Set Leon free」

「He's already free...... Sky Winged Knights has been dissolved......」

「You're wrong. While I haven't met Leon since that day, he's definitely still imprisoned inside the cage of his heart, just like you are now. He's undoubtedly tormented over the fact that he couldn't trust in his allies. I mean, that guy is your little brother after all」

Certainly, the Leon that Kaim knew was exactly the kind of man that the owner had described. He had a strong sense of responsibility, and had the habit of taking it to heart and blaming himself whenever any problems occurred between allies.

「That might be true……. But, as the person who hurt him, what can I do? ...... I stabbed him with this very hand......」

「Even if there's nothing that you can do, have a proper talk with him. I've always watched over both of you in this store. That's how I know. That if you talk it out with him, both of you will definitely understand each other」

「……What if it doesn’t work?」

「That too, is also a way for both of you to be free」

「I see……. That's true……」

Kaim nodded and made up his mind.

To face his own weakness, and to face Leon.

Heavy rain was falling from the overcast sky. It was the kind of rain that chilled you to your bones. In the midst of the rain, Leon was walking without an umbrella.

His precious Sky Winged Knights had been dissolved. Even though there were plenty of chances for them to win, everything had come to nothing because of his worthlessness as the leader.

There was no use in regretting it now. Sky Winged Knights had practically been Leon’s other half. Now that he had lost his other half, Leon was already as good as dead.

Leon, who was aimlessly wandering around the city with ghost-like footsteps, was sometimes ridiculed by passers-by and sometimes watched with eyes filled with pity. In any case, Leon was no longer an admired Seeker like before. He was merely a loser in life that was inferior to them.

It was at that time that a breathless young boy ran up to Leon.

「Leon, I beg you! Please help me!」

「Huh? ……What's wrong all of a sudden?」

「My sister slipped and hit her head! Then, so much blood came out...... But because we don't have any money...... At this rate...... sob, sob......」

Looking at the crying young boy, Leon's spirit, which had almost disappeared, was lit on fire.

「It'll be fine! I'll definitely save her! So don't cry!」

「......Re, really?」

「Yes, really. It's not my main profession, but I have confidence in my healing abilities. Come, guide me to where your sister is」

「Okay! She's over here!」

The boy entered the back alleys from the main street. A bad side-effect from the rapid development of the imperial capital, the back alleys were complicated and maze-like. It would be troublesome if he got separated from the boy guiding him, so Leon followed the boy carefully so that he wouldn’t lose sight of him because of the successive turns.

「She's over here! This way!」

Eventually, they reached an unnaturally open space between the buildings. It wasn’t clear whether a building had been torn down or the landowner had neglected it, but it wasn’t uncommon for vacant lots like this to pop up by chance in the back alleys of the imperial capital.

「Is your injured sister in this vacant lot?」

When Leon asked the boy while he surveyed the surroundings, he suddenly felt the presence of a large group of armed people. He realized too late that it was a trap, and he was surrounded in the blink of an eye.

The boy who guided Leon here stuck his tongue out and left, and in his place, twenty rough-looking armed men approached him with vulgar smiles.

「To think that you would fall for a trap like this. The Sky Winged sure has fallen」

A large, hook-nosed man, who seemed to be the leader, stepped forward. Leon recognized his face.

「……Edgar, raid captain of Metalhound Army」

「You remembered who I am? That makes me so happy」

「What do you want with me?」

「It's not a big deal. I’ve simply disliked you for the longest time. That’s why I thought I would teach you a bit of a lesson」

「Did you use a young boy for something like that? You’re not right in the head……」

When Leon shook his head, not understanding, Edgar’s face twisted in anger.

「A genius like you probably doesn't understand how much we were ridiculed on the back of those praises you received…… A certain newspaper wrote this:『Compared to Sky Winged Knights, the paragon of Seekers, Metalhound Army is just a gathering of thugs. Despite not having much ability, they’re small fry who are full of themselves just because they’re a clan』」

「Isn't that exactly right? In reality, you’re doing something like this」

「You’re wrong. The one at fault is you, Leon. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have been ridiculed like that. Everyone fawned over you even though you’re a hypocrite. When I heard that you lost to Blue Beyond and had to dissolve the party, my heart felt refreshed. Because your true nature has finally been unmasked」

Listening to those far too irrational words, Leon’s anger boiled over.

「Edgar, you’ve gone insane……」

「Perhaps I have. But what about you? The way you look, wandering around like a ghost, it’s the best. You’ve fallen and hit rock bottom too, you know?」

「……Shut up」

「The glory of Sky Winged Knights is already in the past! All that remains for you is to lose ingloriously, go insane, and face your fate together with the other losers! The way you are now, you’ll fit right in the slums!」

「SHUT UP!!!」

The moment the enraged Leon reached for his sword, he received a strong blow to the back of his head. Although he did not lose consciousness, Leon collapsed onto the cold ground because the surprise attack had caught him completely off guard.

「Die! Go to hell, Leon! Your life is worthless! So, die here!」

Edgar and his allies swarmed towards Leon in unison. Leon calmly and objectively told himself that he was about to die. But, certainly, the current him was worthless. It might be better for him to just die like this--


When he had completely given up, the people who had surrounded Leon screamed one after another. Looking up to see what was going on, he saw that some people had the fingers on their hand cut off, while others had an iron needle pierced deeply into their hand. One way or the other, everyone had dropped their weapons in pain.

「Urghh, w, who’s there!? Show yourself!!!」

Edgar, who had lost the fingers on his right hand, yelled while putting pressure on his hand. From the back of the alley, the steady sounds of footfalls on the cobbles filled the air.

「What you’re doing looks fun. Let us join in too」

There stood a demon in a black coat.

Dum-dum-dum! Dramatic entrance! Noel comes to save the damsel in distress! Even if he saves Leon though, how is he going to convince Leon to join?

I really liked how the author showed what happened to each character separately, and it's really sad how broken some of them were, especially Ophelia. Vlaclav is smart though, he knows to never go against Noel.

Random fact: This is only the second time that the actual name of the imperial capital, Etorai, shows up despite the fact that there's more than 40 chapters already. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

One more chapter till the clan creation arc ends! And of course, since it's the clan creation arc, there's got to be a clan name, right? Stay tuned to find out the new clan name that the author has been teasing us with all the way from Part 1!

And it's the start of the month, so it's time for my once-a-month shill for my Patreon. I'll stop doing these once bills aren't a problem but for now, I thank all of you for reading and hope you'll consider supporting me! Thank you!!

I'm unbelievably grateful that you're enjoying my work, but paying bills is an issue at the moment, so it's only with your support that I will be able to continue to provide such translations! Every little bit truly helps!! Thank you so much! Stay safe and healthy, everyone!!!

My other works: Talker Manga, Foreigner(Ihoujin) WN and UHT.

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