The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 32: (1)


The sky above the Majide Fortress – thunderclaps were roaring as if the heavens were revealing their wrath. The air trembled, and light flashed all over the sky.

The ones responsible for this phenomenon were two people. Tanaka and angel Caramel, who were engaged in a truly heavenly battle. The two were tearing the sky apart with inhuman speeds. And each time they crossed paths, the tremendous impact generated by the friction would engulf the few surviving dragons and blast them to smithereens.

「Hahahaha! How exhilarating! The one that most people could do nothing but dream of – I’ve finally obtained it. I’m the ruler of the sky!」

Tanaka was overcome with excitement as he sped through the sky. He became engrossed in it as his flight grew faster and more refined. He felt the sense of unity as though he had turned into wind itself. It reminded him of the dream of a man who once vied for the apex of speed. Or it might have been just an illusion shown by the fragments of his past dream. However, Tanaka could feel it. He could feel that the current him would definitely be able to do it… The feeling of flying across the sky had given the paper driver Tanaka great confidence. Something that didn’t really matter.

「You little… cut it out already!」

Angel caramel wielded the divine lance while in hot pursuit of Tanaka. While she was at it, she incessantly unleashed blades of light toward Tanaka. However, Tanaka would simply evade it at times, or offset it with the flames of Ignition unleashed from his hand at the other times. While he was at it, he also fired counterattacks at her from time to time, but they were all blocked by some sort of unknown shield of light. This was auto defense, a special ability possessed by the divine lance. Shortly after, angel Caramel ceased her previous one-sided attack pattern and began to accumulate magical energy.

「Then…, how about this!」


Suddenly, the sky lost its color. It was because angel Caramel had just erected a barrier to surround them utilizing Grand Magic.

Grand Magic was a special skill possessed by the administrator of the worlds, Gods and spirits. By following them, there were numerous apostles who obtained the ability to perform it as well, but it was only in rare cases where heroes or high priests managed to learn it as an acquired skill, that showed just how much of a phantom skill it was. Unlike magic whose effect was set from the beginning, Grand Magic could embody into various miracles. This description alone might make it sound like a total cheat skill, but of course the degree of difficulty to acquire it was no less broken. Not to mention, it consumed an obscene amount of magical energy which made even Gods and spirits unable to perform miracles as they pleased.

However, angel Caramel wished to restrain Tanaka’s movements to the extent she would tolerate its demerit of consuming such an enormous amount of magical energy. That showed how much of a threat angel Caramel had begun to regard Tanaka as.

From their exchanges of offense and defense thus far, at a glance, they were evenly matched. Or perhaps, it could be said that angel Caramel held the advantage as she could completely disregard her defense, relying on the power of the divine lance to defend against Tanaka’s attack. No, at a glance it might seem as such, but in reality that wasn’t the case at all. Angel caramel couldn’t perceive Tanaka’s attack in the slightest. As a result, she had no choice but to rely on the automatic defense of the divine lance.

In the name of the Lord, angel Caramel had battled against superior spirits on numerous occasions, or even existences that were referred to as gods from time to time. Even during those times, the automatic defense of the divine lance was rarely triggered. She had been able to defend against her adversary’s attacks with her own power, without relying on the power of the divine lance. However, right now, an enemy that forced her to solely rely on the power of the divine lance had appeared in front of her.

And then, the most dangerous part of Tanaka was his growth. As the battle proceeded, his flight speed gradually increased. Moreover, it was too drastic of a change to simply be referred to as growth. Thus it didn’t seem like she could afford to waste any more time. That ought to be reason enough to rouse the power of Grand Magic.

「You’re limiting the battlefield, huh… You know what, that’s not a fun thing to do.」

Tanaka was unhappy because his romance as the man who pursued the apex of speed was disturbed. She wanted to tell him to take it more seriously. However, as the one who had to personally deal with him, angel Caramel was in no position to tell him such.

「Say, you seem to be referring to yourself as the agent of God, but…. Do you honestly think that you can defeat me with only this level of power?」

Tanaka expressed his honest opinion. You couldn’t blame him, however. According to Tanaka’s Chuunibyou-style prophecy, he was supposed to be faced with a much more terrifying event. However, this casual word of his had succeeded in stirring angel Caramel’s ire.

Caramel, who was already a powerful angel to begin with, had been bestowed with the blessing of the God, thus dramatically enhanced her power as a result. Moreover, the power of the divine lance had further increased her power. However, Tanaka acted as though such power of hers was worth nothing. That was more than enough to hurt the pride of angel Caramel.

「Then take this one!」

She unleashed an attack imbued with a considerable amount of power. A blade of light, which was way larger than its earlier counterparts, was unleashed from the divine lance. However, it also proved to be of no use. As Tanaka easily extinguished it with his own blade of flame.

「Impossible… Such a thing is….」

Angel Caramel was aghast at the realization of such a wide gap in their powers. On the other hand, witnessing her reaction, Tanaka suddenly burst into an eerie laugh.

「– Kukukuku. Hahaha! I see, so that’s what it’s all about! Everything falls into place perfectly now. The malice of the world, which put me on such a harsh starting point and has led me into corners time and again. And then, the agent of God who is only at this level….」

Covering his face with one of his hands, Tanaka struck his signature cool pose.

「In other words, that could only mean there’s no God in this world….」

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