The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 30: (1)

The Rising of Tanaka - 30 Part 2

Sudden Change

At the border between the Purin Kingdom and the Western region, while it wasn’t as vast as the mountain ranges on their border with the Haru Empire, mountains stood tall there. In order to get to and from the two sides of the border, meandering roads had to be taken as they detoured the mountainous region. Among the several of such roads that existed between the two countries, there was a particularly large and well-developed traffic route. It was a road that the Republic of Gokuri, which once unified the western region of the continent, built for military use. And near the border, the largest fortress in the western region was built as though choking the road between the mountains – the Majide(serious) Fortress.

Even at the current state where Republic of Gokuri had deteriorated, the Majide Fortress was still functioning as usual. Although it was a road that was originally built to invade the Purin Kingdom, it didn’t take a genius to tell that it was also the most suitable road for the Purin Kingdom to invade the Republic in return. With about a thousand soldiers stationed there at all times, it was an impregnable fortress which had always stood tall even during the decisive battle of Republic of Gokuri’s civil war.

However, right now, that impregnable fortress was seriously about to fall… Like really, seriously….

「Not good! We can’t stop their advance! At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before they breach into the fortress!」

The vice commander reported to the commander in a scream-like voice. However, it could be said to be inevitable that he fell into such a state. Right now, what they were being faced with were none other than gigantic monsters. Trolls, minotaurs, cyclops… all of them belonged to high ranked monsters. They were marching to the fortress in swarms. There were also races that surpassed even dragons in terms of toughness among the swarms of monsters, so it was impossible to stop their momentum even by attacking them from a distance with magic.

「I can tell just by looking! Nevertheless, all we can do now is to continue firing magic toward them. Get the archers ready! Once the monsters step within arrow range, let the magicians retreat into the fortress! Tell the archers to be ready to retreat into the fortress anytime the monsters start climbing the walls as well!」

The commander deemed that it was no longer possible to stop the advances of the monsters already. He had decided to promptly pull back his troops into the fortress. It would be difficult for the monsters, which were currently marching towards them, to enter the fortress with their gigantic bodies. Also, no matter how much of monsters they were, they shouldn’t be able to destroy the fortress in a short span of time. Thus, they were going to switch their strategy into attacking the monsters from an advantageous position that was out of the opponents’ reach, the inside of the fortress. However…

「Enemy spotted inside of the fortress! Vampires have appeared! Currently the magicians unit are engaged in battle against them!」

A soldier came running toward the command center at full speed from the inside the fortress, and reported on the situation there. It was the worst report they could have hoped for, which forced them to abandon the strategy they had come up with. If they continued to hole themselves up inside the fortress, the vampires would continue to become their nightmare at all times, day and night.

「Kuh! … All units, retreat! We’re abandoning the fortress!」

It was without a doubt an untimely fall. In fact, overall the siege itself hadn’t even lasted for that long. The impregnable myth crumbled in a very short amount of time. The silver lining of this all was that the degree of casualties they suffered wasn’t that heavy. The difference in power between their forces was simply that overwhelming, forcing the decision of prompt retreat, which instead could be said to have ironically led them to minimize the number of casualties.

The archers became the anchor as they were, guarding their rear. The fortress garrison swiftly made their retreat. For some reason, however, the monsters weren’t chasing after them. The commander, who was commanding the anchoring archers, was lost in thought as he stared at the fortress. However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted as he fell into astonishment.

「What in the word is that… dragons?」

The commander, who was lost in reverie, suddenly noticed the abnormal state of the sky above the fortress. The sky overhead of the fortress alone was pitch black, as though being overshadowed by layers of cloud. There floated an impossibly large number of dragons.

The commander felt fortunate that he had opted to a prompt retreat, however at the same time, fear and doubt began to arise in his mind.

「Why aren’t they chasing after us? Moreover, their bodies… Such jet-black appearances that look as though being covered in ink. What on earth is going on?」

The commander was stunned for a brief moment, but he gave up on pondering too deep into it right after, as he realized that it was something beyond his realm of understanding. From then on, he decided to focus his mind solely on leading his troops in their retreat.

There was someone looking down at the retreating fortress garrisons from a far above place, beyond even the swarm of dragons. It was angel Caramel.

「Well, I guess I’ll leave the invasion to the humans… Now then, the stage is set, O Evil God. I shall perish that insolent thought of yours, along with your very existence.」

◇ ◇ ◇

A few days after the fortress garrisons’ retreat. They’d already sent out messengers, and the troops were busying themselves with fortifying the defenses of the closest town.

In the midst of it all, they suddenly appeared.

For some reason, all of the troops there ceased their movements at once. The commander, who was located at the rear of the troops, stepped forward to see what was going on. That was when he saw them. A group of beings that exuded overwhelming presence….

Even though the troops were numbered close to a thousand, the area was very quiet, as though they had fallen into an illusion which froze anything and everything there, even the air itself. Amidst it all, a figure, clad in fluttering jet black cloak, was moving forward in leisure.

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