The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 27: (1)


A large pavilion standing almost at the center of the city of Gokuri – ever since Alliance army’s headquarters stayed in this place, two weeks had already passed.

And there was Tanaka, the man who easily got carried away, who was living in a carefree manner there. Since staying in the pavilion, the only noteworthy effort Tanaka had made was to arrange that in case a black-clad skull or a muscle in nothing but a pair of black speedos were to appear, they ought to be guided to him.

However, eventually time alone came and passed by without any progress on the matter at all ever since. As for Tanaka, who possessed a vessel larger than that of a water flea, as expected he began to feel restless. Mainly about his own safety… However, that was inevitable, because for Tanaka, the source of his confidence was his strongest team Tanaka.

「It’s been a while since the last time I was all by myself, so I feel kinda insecure. I guess there’s no harm in preparing myself for the what if scenario, huh…」

Tanaka was sitting on the bed inside the room which he had been provided with. This room was originally used for the stay of emissaries of other countries, thus it was both spacious and luxurious. He was mumbling to himself inside such a room. For the time being, Tanaka decided to ponder about his imminent problem, taking into account his personal information.

「To begin with, the display of my stats values is glitched! And of all things, I don’t even know how much my vitality is!! … Mumumu, now that I think about it again, isn’t it kinda bad? If it happened to be not at a baby level or something, but only at 1 or something…. Oh no! Wouldn’t a simple slip up lead me to game over then?!」

Tanaka’s face turned white. Now that he thought about it, he was akin to walking on a very thin ice there, or so he concluded.

「Come to think of it, I miraculously haven’t received even a single injury up until now, huh. Phew, as expected of me… wait, that’s not it! Not good, it’s definitely not good! I can’t help but feel that I’ve been getting carried away too much lately. I have to return to my root here and straighten up my mind.」

While sitting on the bed, he nodded to himself. He had been retorting to himself for a while now, so if someone were to peek into the room, they would definitely think he was a weirdo. In fact, though, he was indeed a weirdo.

「Let’s first figure out our problems based on the recent events. Speaking of recent battles, I’d have to say the one against the dragons. In the end, I wound up getting myself directly involved in that battle. Yup, that was definitely a mistake. My creed was to support my comrades from a safe and secluded place. A man who lurks in the shadows… That’s a pretty cool phrase. Let’s use it on the right occasion later.」

Tanaka, a man who spared no efforts in his pursuit of coolness, quickly noted down the cool line he just came up with. After putting away his notes, he quickly took his signature pose and practiced in articulation of this line several times before coming back to himself.

「Oops, I got off the track there. Anyway, I need to first reorganize my power. During the battle against the dragons, the most troublesome part was the long range battle. I had always trained Suke-san with close range combat in mind, after all. We’d obtained Dragon Slayer skill, so close range combat should pose little to no problem to us. The problem is that Suke-san’s magic isn’t powerful enough in a long range battle.」

Suke-san had mastered all the ninth-order basic attack magic. If he was up against a monster around that rank, those magic could more or less deal their due damage. However, as expected, if he was up against monsters of higher rank, not to mention dragon class, his magic clearly possessed not enough firepower to even make a dent on them.

「If I want to break our current deadlock, I guess I have no other choice but to use another support magic, similarly like how I use acceleration magic on him to deal with a close range combat, huh.」

Tanaka decided to learn one of the eighth-order support magic, magic enhancement. It was magic of the same type as acceleration magic, a magic that temporarily increased one’s stat.

「It’s a useless magic for me whose magic control is messed up… rather, I think it’d be pretty dangerous to use on myself. But, it’s a good idea to use it on Suke-san.」

Tanaka was relieved that for the time being Suke-san’s problem was solved with that. The next one he had to consider was Kaku-san.

「At first, I thought he was a useless guy who could do nothing but cheering… but he’s actually a very amazing guy, huh. In the end, he turned out to be a land mine, though!」

Tanaka thought that Kaku-san’s ability to use all kinds of magic would turn him into an all-purpose, convenient existence. However, given the fact that his magic control was as good as Tanaka’s, in the end he turned out to be not a particularly useful existence at all. In fact, Tanaka had made him use magic twice, but it only resulted in them being faced with absurd incidents on both occasions. However, as Tanaka himself wasn’t one to comment on other’s magic, he was unsure of what to do about this problem. Moreover, apparently it was presumed that the main reason as to why Kaku-san’s magic went out of control was none other than Tanaka himself.

「I guess, there’s no other choice but to have Kaku-san train together with me and learn to somehow control his magic power, huh….」

As for Kaku-san’s problem, Tanaka could only pray that it could be solved somehow. Should Kaku-san somehow manage to control his magic power, Tanaka was intending to use him as his expansion unit so that he could fire magic to his heart content.

「Kukuku, my dreams are getting larger and larger. Well, for now, I guess that’s all for our war potential reorganization…. Wait, it’s worth nothing now that I’m all alone! In my current situation, that plan proves no use whatsoever for my safety!」

He kept rolling around on the bed while groaning. In the end, he couldn’t come up with a good idea….

「I don’t think worrying about it any longer would get me anywhere. I guess I’ll just head out to the courtyard for a change of pace.」

Tanaka left the room and headed for the courtyard. Tanaka moved through the hallway. Along the way, he passed by people several times, but they all reacted in the same way. They were startled for a moment, before moving away while avoiding his gaze.

However, it was no wonder, because after all, Tanaka’s presence was the one that put an end to the turbulent era in the western region of the continent. His power was so overwhelming that rumors of the descent of the Jet-Black God were widespread in the city. There were numerous people in this headquarters who had witnessed Tanaka’s power firsthand, so it was inevitable that they had to humble themselves in his presence.

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