The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 61: First, weaken the magic ten thousand times

In the Palace, the main hall of government affairs.

Roger explained to the Queen of Eternal Night that she needs to play a leading role in the charge when "The New Arcane" is released.

She wrote an inscription for "New Arcane", wrote congratulations on the first issue, subscribed throughout the year, and at the same time established a "Great inventor" character.

You are the spokesperson of the new era of magicians!

"Because of Her Majesty's unparalleled popularity in the empire, your support for "New Arcane" will allow this magazine to get the support of more magicians, leading them to transform from barbarian mages to production and scientific research positions faster."

The Queen of Eternal Night frowned, "You mean, I can't go to the battlefield in person in the future, I have to stay in the mage tower every day to do research and set an example for the magicians in the whole country?"

She thinks "New Arcane" is good, and so is the industrialization of magic.

But fighting and supernatural slaughter are better!

She was quite willing to cooperate with Roger's previous requirements, but she was a bit resistant to the so-called "Personality" in the end.

"Cough, you have a secret dharma meeting, and the battlefield is inseparable from you, as long as you use your new inventions to make several waves of massacres." Roger reminded.

[Personal design is just to show the audience a piece of fun, not the truth! 】

"Yes, my advisor's invention is my invention, and war is the best publicity for new inventions!"

"Your Majesty's wisdom will shine on the entire Green Vines Empire!"

Roger praised loudly.

The Queen of Eternal Night glared at him, not feeling any changes in her heart because of his flattery.

Because what Roger thought in his mind was:

[ The Queen doesn't even think about herself, she is the most extreme representative of Master Manzi, who dares to let you invent it? ]

[ Then it must be the craftsmanship of this world, the painting is beautiful! ]

Roger made up his mind about the possible inventions the Queen of Eternal Night might make:

Large magic bomb;

Oversized magic bomb;

Super-giant magic bomb;

The ultimate giant magic bomb!

[Hey, can we still count on a violent madman, who can produce a lithography machine by hand? 】

He was madly happy in his heart, but he made the Queen of Eternal Night annoyed.

I am the embodiment of wisdom and beauty, how could I be a barbarian mage?

I am unparalleled in bravery, and if I attack the enemy unprepared, any magic in the world could be broken quickly, do you know?

But it seems good to make magic grenades to equip my army...

Stop stop stop!

The grenade is also a bomb. The first batch of them will be mocked by this kid as a barbarian!

The Queen of Eternal Night braked in time and decided to be a queen with pursuit.

I thought I had to use my creativity to shock Roger!

She pretended to ponder, "When "New Arcane" is published, I will make an invention to cooperate."

"That's great!" Roger was pleasantly surprised.

The corners of the queen's mouth raised, huh, can you kid? In the end, don't you have to rely on me to cooperate with the performance to make things happen?


She said proudly, "Okay, I will order the Secret Law Society to make a supergiant golem that ordinary people can control!"

She projected her new invention in the air.

Roger glanced at it and felt a little familiar.

Immediately, he recognized it and almost choked to death on his saliva.

[What are you doing, I thought you were wearing a vest and a tattoo so that I wouldn't recognize this as the first machine in EVA? 】

The idea of ​​the Queen of Eternal Night was a super-giant decisive weapon that Roger had just made up for.

It's just that the purple painting has turned into the blood-red that the Queen of Eternal Night likes most, and it has attached a lot of powerful magic circles, which are like dense tattoos.

The Eternal Night Queen admired Roger's surprised face and was very satisfied.

Is it big enough? Is it strong enough? Creative enough?

Kid, do you want to open it?

When the time comes, please beg me, I can consider letting you become addicted, stinky brother~

Thinking of this, she was a little excited.

If such a giant transformation golem has one manpower, then it is true that I can face the Seven Gods in the Green Vines Empire!

"Your Majesty, this invention of yours is inappropriate!"

Unexpectedly, Roger came back to his senses, but he rejected the idea of ​​the Eternal Night Queen.

The Queen of Eternal Night's face was stern, "What's wrong with my invention?"

How powerful!

[I won't talk about plagiarism and other issues. It's just a violent barbarian's head. I can only say that she can fight, so the empire has not been ruined! 】

[But the imperial army is now full of war madness... "New Arcane" must not be brought into the "Bomb Making Guide" by her! 】

Roger complained in his heart, but his mouth was righteous and stern, "Your Majesty, the empire has just gathered the seventeen countries, and there are still many construction tasks that have not been completed. This minister recommends that you take the lead in tackling key problems and improving people's livelihood inventions."

The Eternal Night Queen heard that she would not be allowed to transform into a giant golem, so she stopped opening the forest.

She said angrily, "How can people's livelihood be improved with magic? Can those farmers afford alchemy tools to cultivate the land, or can they hire magicians to harvest crops?"

In this regard, Roger, of course, was well prepared.

He replied, "The peasants certainly can't afford the current alchemy tools, but this is what your Majesty is trying to do ahead of the times. For example, the Druid school has a spell called 'crazy growth'."

"That primary spell that entangles the enemy with vines and branches, it sucks blood to cause damage? Garbage, it's not worth learning at all."

The Eternal Night Queen expresses her contempt without hesitation.

He doesn't want to make giant transforming golems, but study low-level spells with high mana consumption, low effect, and slow activation speed. Isn't she a paratrooper?

Roger explained seriously, "My suggestion is to analyze the principle of this spell and only extract the effect of rapid growth. Even if the effect is reduced by 10,000 times, it is an extremely great invention!"

"Hey! Is it still magic if it is weakened ten thousand times? It can't even kill mosquitoes!" The Queen of Eternal Night looked at Roger as though he was seriously ill.

Magicians are all looking for quick casting, doubling the power of spells, strengthening special effects, concealing spells, and so on, making big bombs, bigger bombs, and super big bombs.

I learn about the aesthetics of violence!

But you're making me do the opposite, reverse the logic of magic, and make already useless magic even more useless?

As expected of you, you bastard brother!

"Your Majesty, this invention is not for the battlefield, but for agriculture. If it is successful and the cost is low enough, it can be widely used on the farmland of the empire, so that our crops will ripen once a month..."

"Doesn't the empire have more than enough food to eat?" The Queen of Eternal Night replied, imagining that picture, almost drooling out.

"You are invincible. Citizens praised your victory after seeing the news; you made everyone full, and every grain of rice we eat is filled with Her Majesty's love for us and we are willing to always follow such a queen!"

"That's right, I am such an empress worth following!" Empress Eternal Night proudly raised her chest.

"Of course, the premise is that the release cost of this magic is low enough and it can be mass-produced, so that it may be popularized in the empire."

A primary magic scroll costs one gold coin.

Farming must not be such a luxury.

The magical achievements of the Queen of Eternal Night have reached the realm of one skill, one hundred kills, and she thought:

"If weakened ten thousand times, it doesn't even count as a trick, and it only takes part of the effect, so you don't even need a magic scroll, you can achieve a similar effect only by the combination of casting materials... By the way, what is your invention called? "

"If it's made, we'll call it... fertilizer?"

Seeing that the Queen of Eternal Night was persuaded by him, Roger also showed joy.

[Good lord, I finally got your Majesty's violent tendencies under control and prevented the empire from becoming a lame place with only military and heavy industry! We won't follow in the footsteps of Russia.]

[Fortunately, Her Majesty still has ordinary people in her heart...]

The Queen of Evernight was in a good mood. She didn't care about his complaints and asked, "If Aiqing doesn't add anything, I will go to the secret dharma meeting."

"I thank your Majesty for your kindness in advance for all the people of the empire."

The Queen of Eternal Night waved to him, and she disappeared on the throne of stars.

Roger leaned back a bit:

[What is an action faction? What is a barbarian mage who starts a fight directly with the god of nature - ouch! pain! 】

With a snap, a small box flew out of thin air and hit him on the forehead, and a big bump suddenly swelled up.

Who the hell would dare to attack the young master?

He lowered his head and looked at the small box, and found that it was very delicate, with the private seal of the Queen of Eternal Night on it.

Roger didn't dare to compare.

This was thrown by the Queen of Eternal Night!

But why did she hit me?

I gave you such a good idea, why did you hit me?

I just complained in my heart. I resisted many times and didn't call her a barbarian mage out loud. What is this stinky woman doing?

Roger rubbed his forehead aggrieved and opened the box.

Seeing what was inside, he was happy again.

"Your Majesty must have just given it, this is a reward for me! A big reward!"

He walked out of the State Council's Hall with steps like he didn't recognize his relatives.

In the void, a half-plane connected to the mysterious capital.

A magnificent mage tower with a golden eye of mystery floating on the top of the tower, with overlapping female palms at its pupils.

This is a symbol famous throughout the world of Eternal Night, and it represents one of the most powerful magician groups in the world, the Secret Law Society.

Those overlapping hands symbolize that the Secret Law Society is the left and right hands of the Queen of Eternal Night, and the extent of her will.

The growing growth of the Secret Law Society is due to the continuous expansion of the Green Vines Empire and Sophie's ability to make money.

But at the core, it is because of the terrifying power of the Queen of Eternal Night that keeps raising the ceiling of this profession.

She is the idol of all the magicians in this world. The old-fashioned powerhouses want to discuss further secrets with her, and the new-generation powerhouses grow up listening to her legend.

If it is said that there are all king chefs in the empire, then the secret dharma meeting is the carnival hall of the most core king chefs.

And this Mage Tower is a new spectacle that was built recently by the Secret Law Society, and it is called "The Chapter of Imbalance".

It's probably something like "I want to break the principle of equivalent exchange and play a new chapter in alchemy that never existed in the past".

Well, this is the most advanced and complete alchemy laboratory in the entire empire and even the entire Evernight world.

The gold coins are very valuable.

So expensive that Sophie washed her face with the Queen of Eternal Night tears every day for half a year, accusing those alchemy lunatics of burning money too much.

And it burns to an outrageous level of a new idea that burns money every day.

Scientists who are pampered are outrageous.

But the Queen of Eternal Night still gritted her teeth and built the chapter of imbalance, becoming another spectacle of the Green Vines Empire.

In a very short period, the Chamber of Imbalance has become a holy place in the minds of alchemists, attracting an unknown number of young alchemists to volunteer to join the secret law club.

With the subsequent improvement in alchemy strength and the new inventions brought about by the collision of the masters, it didn't take long to recover the investment and then began to make crazy profits...

Sophie laughed so hard that she couldn't even see her eyes, her paws twitched when she counted the gold coins.

At this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night came to the chapter of imbalance in person and summoned all the magicians who were high-level or above, proficient in alchemy or Druid school to the top hall.

She is about to announce a "Major decision".

The Queen's appeal is unparalleled. Unless there is a super important magic experiment that can't go away, other people will naturally not miss the opportunity to face the Holy Spirit.

Soon, more than 500 high-level magicians gathered in the top hall.

Among them are mages, alchemists, and legendary wizards.

In other countries, this may be the whole background of the court mage group.

But this is only one-eighth of the secret law assembly.

The magicians looked up at the beautiful and domineering figure of the Queen of Eternal Night and sensed the surging magic power on her body.

Even if they waste their precious time waiting, they don't feel bored at all.

Seeing such a strong person, breathing the same air in the same room as her, is already a blessing for three lifetimes!


Seeing that everyone was almost here, the Queen of Eternal Night proudly announced:

"Everyone, remember today, this may be the beginning of a new era, and you will create history with me!"

"I will personally lead all members of the Secret Law Society to research a brand-new alchemy product. It will be a 10,000 times weaker version of the crazy growth spell , or other spells and medicines that can shorten the growth time of plants."

"Besides that, there are only three requirements, cheap, cheap, and cheap!"

The group of magicians all showed bewildered expressions.

Like the Queen of Eternal Night, these people don't understand the logic behind making garbage magic even more garbage?

Is the Queen saying the opposite of the request?

She should be trying to strengthen the spell of crazy growth ten thousand times to achieve the strength of a forbidden spell!

The Eternal Night Queen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I want to pull that bastard here to see everyone's expressions.

You see, it's not that I'm slow to respond, but that the idea you said is too bizarre and goes against everyone's original intention to study magic!

We all want to be big and strong, only you can think of those weird inventions!

The Queen of Eternal Night paused for a while and gave these people time to react before slowly opening her mouth:

"You heard it right, I just want to make this kind of rubbish magic. It's not for the battlefield, but... for agriculture!"

Before she finished speaking, the smart magician exclaimed:

"Agriculture? This is wonderful, even if the crazy growth is weakened by ten thousand times, the yield per mu of land can be increased several times!"

"As expected of Your Majesty, you can come up with such an idea, which is ten thousand times better than ours!"

"Your Majesty puts the people first, you're the blessing of the common people, the blessing of the empire!"

"I never thought that magic could still be used in this field. If everyone is fed, this will usher in a new era of energy!"

The Queen of Eternal Night stopped everyone's excitement, "From now on, the research and development of fertilizer will be the top priority of the Secret Law Society, and everyone's contribution will be rewarded with three times the secret magic points... I want to add that I'm not the one who came up with this idea."

The magicians couldn't help but wonder whose thought this was.

"Wait until the fertilizer succeeds, and when that magazine is released, you will have the answer."

The Queen of Eternal Night was sold out.

Even if the fertilizer fails, following the idea of ​​industrialization of magic, we can create many things that can change the times...

So, I look forward to that day!

Even if my giant golem is so far away... I am willing to do so!

Wait, I seem to have erected some strange flags before...

I didn't say it, and you will all forget it, right?

It's all that bastard Roger fault, who seduces me with all these strange thoughts every day, I can't help it!

(Today's victory or defeat, Roger succeeded in discussing officials with cross-generational thinking, and won a big victory)

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