The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 47 - Peach blossom petals

Xiao Du’s heart journey is extravagant: a man who pursues freedom like a mustang

“Son, I want you to go abroad for two most important purposes: first, to learn English well, and to make friends. This good study of English naturally also includes broadening your horizons. But you remember, no matter how far you go, how much you stay Years, the foreigner’s trendy set of thoughts and feminism, you just have a long experience, don’t go into your heart. You are a Chinese man, and the tradition in the bones of Chinese men cannot be changed. We talk about ‘building a family and starting a business’ since ancient times. Start a career. Only when you shoulder the family responsibility will you have the capital to establish a career. You are still young and it is too early to say these things, but you must remember what I said to you today. “

“I know.”

This is a dialogue between Du Chi and Du Hanchuan before going abroad. Du Chi said a lot, but Du Hanchuan heard it, but didn’t want to understand the meaning in any sentence.

After Du Chi changed his college entrance examination, he didn’t want to talk to his father.

He had no intention to understand what Britain and Europe looked like.

He only knew that in the past seventeen years, his birthday mother had to prepare a grand party for him every year, proclaiming how proud the son she is of the world.

And his eighteenth birthday was in a foreign country.

Except for the blessing in WeChat this year, nobody around him knew he was an adult. He didn’t receive anyone’s birthday gift, except for God’s message to him: Dad was hospitalized, his mother lost his voice, and he learned from his aunt that his father sent him abroad, not because of his strength but because of what happened at home. Something big.

On his birthday, he bought two American pizzas from the supermarket for 2.98 pounds, took them back to the dormitory, turned around in the microwave twice, and swallowed them with tap water.

Then bad news fell down like dominoes. This made him know that God gave him everything that was better than others. When fate wanted to take them away, he could only wait for arrangements like a helpless fool. But he never cried, but accepted it all in anger first and then in silence.

University dormitories are mixed gender, with one person per room and shared kitchen. The place of Twenty Ping does not feel like any home. It just looks like a nest. He doesn’t like living in the nest. He just smokes under the street lamp in front of the dormitory.

He has a roommate who is a Chinese girl, and she often asks him how he can smoke, stay up all night, and eat junk food, and his skin is so good.

He said, that’s what you said. Smoking, staying up late, eating junk food every day, not skin care, made the girl laugh.

Even when he was seventeen, he felt that his life had just begun. At eighteen, he felt that everything had come to an end.

Occasionally, when I was thinking about high school, I felt as if I had passed away. At that time, he had the ideal college, there was a future he wanted to fight, there were many unknowns waiting to be explored on his own, there was a fantasy that accompanied him all the way to the old girl … Now everything is past tense, and he broke up with his girlfriend. And there is nothing you want.

Others will gain weight when they go abroad, and only his weight plummets, as thin as if there were only a hanger left. Because he had been sick for a long time to go to the hospital and had a high fever, in addition to the obese nurse with blond hair, he would fiercely ask him where he was uncomfortable. He would send him home with a lot of medicine and no one would take care of it.

Just as he was in high school in China, he soon became famous in the school Chinese circle. There are many active girls, different from those in high schools in China. All of them are little princesses with great family backgrounds. The way of expressing good feelings is also high. For example, they will say, “I give you the opportunity to invite me to dinner, and you are honored “It’s totally impossible for people to feel good.

But because everyone is easy to be lonely abroad, Chinese girls are particularly popular in the Chinese circle and in the foreign world, and the girls with big tempers are also chased away quickly.

May be related to age, shirley is a clear stream among many mudslide little princesses, and everyone likes her character. Moreover, her appearance is really outstanding, her features are exquisite, her figure is proud, and she is the kind of stunner who can’t help coping with even the most handsome British man. A man who started a business in London drove flowers to school and came to her, but she refused in public. The little Chinese boy mentioned that she couldn’t help but snap her fingers. Another boy stupidly told his girlfriend that if I could sleep shirley once, it would be worth my death. As a result, his girlfriend slapped him on the spot and then broke up.

Du Hanchuan knew shirley because of Spanish electives. The gentle elder sister was very enthusiastic and patient to him from the beginning. He heard that he would not cook and went to his dorm to cook for him. He has always respected her, so at the party, people joked that “it’s like saving money to grow up like Frank”, and he almost fought with each other. Shirley stopped him, stared at him with drunk eyes full of tears, and said aggrievedly that he was right.

Du Hanchuan pretended not to understand what she said and sent her home to rest. Shirley is a ripe red apple that is fatal to any man. Du Hanchuan is a man no matter how young he is, he can also find the most attractive characteristics of her. Not sure why, he didn’t show much interest in her.

That night, even if she exhaled a fine gasp in the bed, the black low-cut jacket was supported high by two plump hills, and he twirled his horns with a restful expression, and he was also very graceful. Retreat.

But less than two weeks later, he heard the news that his father had just been discharged from the hospital and was invited to drink tea.

The ex-girlfriend kept sending messages to him, asking him what happened recently, why he disappeared, and whether he was uncomfortable. She was worried. She was so young that she didn’t even understand the meaning of breaking up, and she kept asking him, “Are we breaking up?” “You want to break up and tell me straight away.” He didn’t reply. Until she said, “Do you remember our agreement, you promised me to take the university in Shanghai with me, why should I keep my word?”

He couldn’t take it anymore, and said impatiently: “You are really childish. What do you know?”

“Don’t you say how do I understand? Du Hanchuan, I promised you to do everything, how about you, did you do it? How can you do this to me just because I like you? You are too scum It’s up! “

“I think I’m scum, you can go.”

“Okay. As you wish.”

One idiom was invented very well: thousands of swords.

At that moment, his heart seemed to be stunned.

Du Hanchuan was so drunk in the pub that day, and saw on Facebook that he was spoofed by friends with graffiti on his face, and Shirley immediately ran to pick him up and return to her house. She held his head in his arms, wiped the lipstick on his face with great compassion, kissed his lips, and pierced his tongue into his mouth …

One night passed, Du Hanchuan woke up with a sore head and saw Shirley sitting at the window and painting his nails. She likes big red, nail polish is big red, lipstick is big red, and camisole is big red too. The vest was small and barely covered the leaked plump figure, but her eyes looking up at him were simple and loving, giving her a contrasting charm of extreme maturity and extreme innocence.

“Frank, you’re up.” She quickly put down her nail polish and ran over, holding his face up and staring at him. “You’re really thin, and you’re always sick. I feel bad. I’ll go to you Cooking, feed you fat, okay? “

“I …” The memory of the night before was broken, but the fragments were still there. He was embarrassed.

“What do you want, macaroni or egg noodles?”

“Let’s eat out, I invite you.”

“Why don’t you want to owe me?” She was lost for a while, then raised her red lips again. “You can rest assured, my sister is an adult, and you don’t need to be responsible for your sister. No matter what hurts you have suffered in the past, in Sister, you just need to be happy to be yourself. Okay? Little Du Xiansen. “

He didn’t know if it was love. He only knew that instead of falling into the endless abyss at the bottom of his heart, he was caught and replenished by the woman named Shirley.

Maybe the soul has become incomplete like a puppet, but in a sense, it also extends life.

Later, she was found to have a boyfriend, he expressed shock, to cut off the relationship, but she told him that her boyfriend was derailed, and for two years she was too lazy to touch her hand, otherwise she would not People go abroad.

He understood the loneliness in her words. Therefore, he only kept a certain distance from her afterwards, but did not completely break the ties.

On the first winter afternoon in London, Du Hanchuan took Shirley’s hand and passed Oxfordstreet. She saw two good-looking men’s trench coats, forcibly pulled him to try them on, put them on him, praised him for being so handsome, and wanted to buy money for him. Changing to an average boy may be happy, but for Du Hanchuan, this is undoubtedly an insult. He almost quarreled with her in order to reject the fleece.

He is Du Chi’s son, not a little fresh meat that needs to be attached to his older sister.

At last he rushed back from the third floor of the mall to the street, breathing at the crossroads of people, holding his knees and breathing. Then, looking up, he saw a classic white angel stone sculpture. The sun was dim, and it was just right on the little angel.

Shirley stepped up, reached out and stroked his back, and said softly, “Frank, it was my fault just now. If we do too much in our business, we will inevitably be overly selfish, sorry.”

He shook his head slightly, just looking at the angel statue.

A western couple passing by with their babies, they couldn’t help looking at such a beautiful Asian teenager. They followed Du Hanchuan’s eyes toward the direction of the little angel, and the husband said to Du Hanchuan, “hasangelevereyourheart”

Du Hanchuan shifted his gaze to them, shaking his head expressionlessly.

The man closed his eyes and smiled and nodded: “shewille, justlikeourlittleangel.” After he said, he shook the baby in his arms gently.

— Have any angels come to you?

Angels have come, but his world has long gone to the opposite of heaven.

Du Hanchuan’s tutor is very good, he never loses his temper in front of people. Therefore, even though his heart was hurting like a knife at this moment, his face still had a very smiling smile on his face.

Rolling the sheets with Shirley at night, he returned to his dorm. Hungry, he opened a bowl of Taiwanese instant noodles bought from Chinatown, cooked them in a pot, and added some discounted vegetables.

For so long, he didn’t think about going back and looking for peace.

But she is the only daughter of an entrepreneur. How can she be ruined by the poor boy who is in trouble. She had everything when she was born. If the result of spending a lifetime with him is to lower the quality of life, let her carry debts and spend the second half of his poor life, he would rather have a more wealthy man appear and give her happiness for him.

And he knew that girls like her would not lack good suitors. She will be safe and happy all her life, and will be cherished by better men all her life.


Pinacious, I miss you so much.

Is it possible for me to see you again in my life.


It’s impossible …

At this time, the night was quiet, and the neighbors who loved clubs went out to have fun. Xueba fell asleep. The girl who had a phone fight with her boyfriend broke up with him every day. The pain didn’t stop, just like this can prevent the emotional collapse. But, eating and eating, tears fell into the noodle soup.

In fact, when he was in love with Shirley, he tried to imagine her as fluttering countless times, wondering if this would make him feel better.

But he found himself unable to do it.

No amount of pleasure in his body could make anyone’s face appear in his mind. Every time he thinks of flirty, he chooses the latter between eagerness and strong resistance.

It was a muddy and sinful land, and he had indulged himself and perished. But even in fantasy, he didn’t want to drag her in.

Of course, Shirley was aware of this feeling hidden by the teenager. One night she snuggled in his arms and said emotionally, “I know you have a girl in your heart, and you love her more than anyone else. But I love you.”

She was a mature woman and didn’t cry easily, but that night she hugged him and burst into tears out of control.

How did the past two years come, Du Hanchuan has been a little confused.

The junior finally passed through the crisis at home, and his unrestricted love with Miss Lin was still in progress, but he finally returned to reunite with his parents.

Having lived in Beijing for a week, the family is happy and cherish this hard-won joy. Then, he inquired about his first love girlfriend everywhere, booked a flight to Shanghai, went to her university, and happened to meet her at the school gate.

On the campus of the early autumn university, the bud hat pressed her voluminous curls, blowing small and dense waves. She wore a white turtleneck shirt, an ankle-length brown skirt, and vintage brown leather shoes. She had a white complexion and light footsteps. She was like a young girl coming out of a medieval painter. She took the paint bucket, sandwiched the drawing board, stepped on the broken leaves on the ground and found the body, and walked out of the campus with a smile.

At that moment, Du Hanchuan only felt that some scalp and even his limbs were tingling.

It’s Pinacious.

It’s really cute.

After seeing her again after many years, the shock from her heart was stronger than when she first met her in high school.

He was holding the steering wheel, breathing shortly, shaking his head, desperately telling himself to calm down, and thinking about how to talk to her after getting off the car. Would she hate him for slap in the face …

If that’s the case, that’s fine, at least she still hates him.

But while struggling, he saw her stop in front of a white BMW at the school gate.

The man in the suit, leather shoes, shoes and watches all showed his worth, and his manners revealed his experience and age. He went down to open the door for her and kissed her on the cheek. She shyly pushed him away and plunged into the co-driver.

Du Hanchuan stared at this scene dullly and lost his ability to think.

“The beautiful girl is Hao Pian Pian, a celebrity of our school.” A girl whispered to him beside her, “Young painters who have won the Long Cai Award have sold millions of books for each album. Last month, the first stop of the country ’s signing was still taking place in our school. Really, you do n’t know how fairy-like her painting style is, just like magic, it ’s too eccentric. ”

“Is that her boyfriend?” The other girl said curiously.

“Yeah, male and female, you are born a pair.”

Finally, Du Hanchuan knew that time passed quickly, it did not wait for him, and did not retain the heart of the girl he loved for him.

She had never looked back since she was determined to leave him.

Only he lives in the past.

For so many years, she was the most beautiful nightmare. No matter when she was awake or when she was drunk, she was always there and did not want to leave.

However, the real woman has long gone.

For about three months after seeing her, Du Hanchuan didn’t sleep well. She doesn’t often dream of her, but the first person she thinks of every time she wakes up is always her.

He also knew from the high school classmates that Pian Pian really hated him and wished he had not started that relationship.

Du Chi vaguely knew the first love of some sons, and asked him to talk implicitly: “In a man’s life, love is only a small part of the factor, responsibility is the most important thing. We spoiled you, so you are in The sense of responsibility still needs to be strengthened. “

Recalling what his father said before going abroad, Du Hanchuan felt very reasonable. So after returning home completely, he agreed to get engaged with Han Rong. Han Rong has the strongest family base and is the most suitable object for marriage. At the beginning, she also showed her attitude towards marriage, but let him breathe a sigh of relief—playing each other, not playing with emotions, which is good.

“Have you got her?” Shirley once sent an email to greet him after his engagement.


“Do she know how much you love her?”

“It doesn’t matter. She’s just happy.”

“Who says that only a woman who is in love will have a lower IQ, and it’s foolish for a man to fall in love.”

He didn’t reply again.

Later, Du Hanchuan often thought that if it was not for the offline activities of Lei Chi’s Valentine’s Day, he and Pina would probably have missed it forever.

But at the event, she saw that she had been staring at the hand of “Peach Blossom Realm”. He wanted to know that she might be interested in this game, so he asked the staff to let her fill out a form and tell her to register for “Peach Blossom” Wanjie account can get luxury novice gift packages. She waved her hand and said, “I’m a loyal player of your game. Of course, you don’t mind giving me a gift package.”

I came to her phone number, searched the technology, and found that she used someone else’s ID number to register for the game. The id in the game was Feng Wu Pingran.

He doesn’t play this game, he knows the name.

At this moment he completely figured out what happened to a boyfriend, she was in the peach blossom world. In reality she would not forgive him, so he would never tell her who he was. He can approach her again. If you can get a love result, even if it is only in the virtual world, it can not be better.

He found Feng Wuran in Peach Blossom Realm.

Just seeing the character she pinched shaking in front of himself, he had felt a slight happiness.

The ghost refining woman, the purple robe is enchanting and ghostly, has almost no similarities with her own appearance. But it doesn’t matter, she’s manipulating the character.

But he was not ready to talk to her until he saw her in the world saying marriage standards.

The first formal dialogue began under the peach tree in Beijing. The freshman is Leng Yue. He actually has thousands of words to say, but he can only be a stranger, and can only use an uninteresting sentence as their opening line: “How are you going to fight that demon show?”

Pina, we are reunited.

I don’t know when you will disappear from this virtual world, become a bride of others, sleep in the arms of other men, and conceive of offspring with him, and live a life that has nothing to do with me.

However, at the beginning of this loveless relationship, I am willing.

And all this is a thing of the past.

At this moment, Pina is right in front of him, and he waved at him where he could reach: “Du Hanchuan? Du Hanchuan? What **** are you walking on … hey, have you learned eye training? It ’s so affectionate. Every time you look at me with this kind of look, I feel like you want to love me until the sea is broken. ”

“I love you,” he said casually.

“Flivolant, not serious.”

Du Hanchuan raised his eyebrows: “Don’t always ask me whether I love you or not, you better be infatuated, otherwise how to tie my wild horse.”

“Who wants to tie you up? It’s a weird narcissist.” Pina looked at him up and down, looking down and playing with his cell phone.

“I’m longing for freedom like a wind-like man. Hold me up so I won’t run.”

“You run, I don’t stop you. Pursue your freedom.” She didn’t even look up.

Du Hanchuan laughed: “My figure is still very smart.”

This can’t hide you.

I don’t want freedom. No longer want it.

The author has something to say: I originally wanted this chapter to be an egg, but Xiao Du’s crusade was too much. In order to write down smoothly, it was released in advance …

Follow the text tomorrow ~

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