The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 42 - Twenty petal peach

Du Hanchuan and I looked at each other, seeing that he was about to say “yes”, I quickly stepped forward, covered his lips, and desperately shook his head.

Du Hanchuan staggered slightly for two seconds, nodded, and when I let go of my hand, I took the hand covering his mouth, pressed it against his chest, and said, “There is no such person here, you go Find somewhere. “

His hand was bigger than I thought and his temperature was slightly higher than mine. I wanted to pull my hand back, but he stretched out his palm to cross my fingers, and then slid his hand down, and never let go again.

Zheng Feiyang responded, and his footsteps drifted away, leaving only silence outside the door.

Du Hanchuan said puzzledly: “This person is the project leader of” Peach Blossom World “, why not tell him you are here?”

I pumped again, he clenched, stopped, and let go as if he wanted to understand. So I stepped back and lowered my voice and said, “It’s my ex.”


“Yes, and it’s Cang Xue Indus.”

“Cangxue Indus?” Du Hanchuan looked at me in wonder, “The Cangxue Indus in our district?”


“Wait, you wait for me to think about it.” He held his arms and thought down for a while, “So, are you green or green?”

“He wanted to be in the game with me in the game. I was not green, and then after we broke up in reality, he gave up the green I and ran into white. He and white should not be green, because they both Not long ago, I still wanted to be with me in the game. “

Du Hanchuan frowned, nodded, holding his chin, wondering whether he understood or not: “Your circle is really chaotic. However, I am right about one thing.”

“what’s up?”

“Your ex-boyfriend and you are really not the right ones.”

“It’s okay. His family seems to be fine in Xi’an. He started a small company.”

“A fruit license with a business license can also be counted as a company. Do you believe in his words, or the son of the boss who holds his personal information?” Before I answered, he smiled, “If he really has He spoke so well that he wouldn’t be working here for this age. “

“What’s your age, you’re young.”

“That’s a must. I’m only twenty-four. It’s small fresh meat.”

Seeing a smile on his pretty face, I confessed that the dog’s gene, which is inherited from the mother, was about to move. But thinking about why he was so proud of it, I couldn’t help but ditched my mouth: “Du Hanchuan, how do I think you are so angry?”

“Are you there? No.”

“You’re playing Zheng Feiyang.”

“No, no. We are 24 years old and we don’t need to meet a 30-year-old uncle. After all, we haven’t experienced the feeling of 30-year-olds.

It’s so obvious, I’m afraid it’s a bit silly to follow up. I twitched again: “Yes, you told me about your twenty-five last time.”

“Intentionally. To keep you from guessing who I am.”

“Wow, what kind of mentality do you guys use to say so cheekless …” I said halfway, and the door suddenly rang.

Then, with a click, the door of the conference room was pushed open. Du Hanchuan and I looked at the door at the same time.

At the door stood a tall, thin man, wearing a sky blue t-shirt and black trousers, and wearing the watch that my dad gave. His cheeks were narrow and long, his nose and eyebrows were as high as mixed blood, and he had a microhawk hook. He had a smile on his face, and when he looked at us, his smile faded away. As a result, his appearance became slightly aggressive. He stared at me, saying, “Hao, Pina, Pina?”

“Ah, uh, Zheng Feiyang, hello.”

“Mr. Du is early.” He looked at Du Hanchuan with a soft smile, and then looked at me. “Hao Pian Pian, how did you come to Lei Chi? Do you still know Mr. Du?”

I glanced at Du Hanchuan with the light from the corner of my eye, and he looked at me with a look of confusion, as if waiting for me to give orders. But Zheng Feiyang was a man who changed his destiny through his wisdom. Before he could speak, he opened his mouth slightly, and suddenly realized: “You are a phoenix … no, you dance lightly.”

I hesitated briefly, thinking that Zheng Feiyang was not good at all, so I just gave up the struggle and tried to pile up the muscles on my face, trying to make a smile: “Well, I’m dancing lightly. You are Is he responsible for signing an illustrator? “

I’m so embarrassed.

Awkward replacement.

Although his expression is not exaggerated, I have read from his eyes that various marquee performances are being performed in his mind, and I should still remember whether he has fallen off a horse in front of me.

Fortunately, he didn’t know that I knew he was Cangxue Indus, otherwise he should now want to dig a hole into it.

“Yes.” He cleared his throat and glanced at Du Hanchuan, revealing a British-style smirk with a smile on his face. “Come, let’s go downstairs and talk about signing a contract.”

I went out with him. As soon as he went out, he dragged me aside and whispered, “Pina, aren’t you in a lawsuit, playing a game of phoenix dancing? Also, do you know our grandfather?”

I took a step back and kept my distance from him: “How do you know that Fengwu is my number?”

“Please, this is the game that I am responsible for. Feng Wu is my biggest customer. Of course, I know who she is. Whose ID are you using for real-name authentication? They are all 37 years old.”

“You don’t care about this. In my case, I can’t always use my ID.”

“Then what happened to Du Hanchuan?” He asked this question twice, probably because he was so curious that Du Hanchuan appeared behind him without even realizing it.

“Of course, the game is now coming.” Du Hanchuan bypassed him, walked to my side, and naturally held my waist. “I married her in the game, and I almost caught up in reality.”

I let go of his hand and gave him a disgusting glance: “Who married you? Leave early, okay. The game isn’t together, and the reality hasn’t caught up.”

And Zheng Feiyang is indeed an expression management expert. He listened to us and showed a smile of affection. He could not detect the emotional wave in his face.

Later, the three of us talked directly about cooperation in the conference room.

The game companies are indeed very rich, and a detailed plan for a person actually gave 50,000 yuan. Do you need to say more about this kind of contract? However, before Zheng Feiyang was ready to print the contract, Du Hanchuan changed the electronic version a few more: deleted a few terms that were not good for the painter, added a few terms to protect the painter, and also changed the price of a single work from five 10,000 changed to 100,000.

Then he printed it down and gave it to me for signature.

I hesitated and never wrote: “This … it’s too expensive. 100,000 is the kind of extreme fineness that is too luxurious for gaming …”

“Of course not only as long as you draw, you have so many fans. When you have finished drawing, you still need to advertise. We do not lose this business.” Du Hanchuan raised his chin to the agreement. “You are still hesitating. Something, sign it quickly. Miss this village and no more shops. “


I was about to write, and he blocked the contract with his hand: “You put me out of all blacklists first.”


After signing the contract, I went out of Leichi Building by myself, but Zheng Feiyang followed and tapped my shoulder to stop me. After a while booing, he entered the subject:

“Pinacious, I think the Prince is chasing you so hard now, it is not difficult to disturb his Yaxing, but as your ex boyfriend and a father-and-brother friend, I still want to give you a piece of advice: Master Du is not a worry Boy. How rich his father is, how much romantic debt he has. He had a fiancee before, and both of them even got the engagement banquet, because they saw a beautiful girl at the offline event of “Peach Blossom World”. , I went to the game to chase Jin Meng chase, I do n’t know if it was chased, anyway, not long after that, he and Du Dong quarreled in the company because of the matter of retiring. ”

“Offline event?” I meditated, “Is … the Valentine’s Day event this year?”


“How did you know about this?”

“My colleagues all know. He said that he lost his soul at the event that day. Others spoke to him. He couldn’t hear nine of the ten sentences, which was abnormal.”

“What does that girl look like?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t even get to work at Lei Chi at that time, I only heard that she was tall and wore a big red winter dress.”

That skirt is my favorite one, so there is no need to remember to have an answer. My heart pounded, I couldn’t believe there was such a coincidence in the world. If Zheng Feiyang’s statement is true, then Du Hanchuan did know who I was early in the morning, but still insisted on playing cp with me in the virtual world, and agreed not to show up … why?

I tentatively said, “After that, he asked for a divorce? Are you sure?”

“Well, the two things are tied together, definitely for the red skirt girl.”

I remembered that Du Hanchuan once said to me in the game: I know you are going to marry someone in reality. Your reality has nothing to do with me, I just want to get you in the virtual world, love you without reservation, and I’m satisfied.

He said the same thing many times.

At that time, he already knew that I was Hao Pian Pian.

Why do you say that …

Did he really give up my reality, or did he retreat, or both?

“That’s me,” I said softly.

Zheng Feiyang said suddenly: “You? But I remember that event very well, the customer service invited you, and you did not agree.”

“I’m here. I don’t want to show up so I secretly bought the tickets myself.”

His face turned awkward. “Oh, in this case, that girl is you.”


“So does he know what’s going on in your house? If he doesn’t know, when he tells her the truth later, he may … you know. Tell him as soon as possible.”

“he knows.”

“Well, I still don’t think he is very reliable.” Zheng Feiyang flattened his mouth and shook his head. “After he chased you in the game, he was very dedicated, willing to spend so much money for you, and very sincere. But Pina, this money is just his pocket money, and it doesn’t explain anything at all. Moreover, a boy can abandon his ex-girlfriend for you, and he can abandon you for the next girl. You always consider yourself when you are with me Well protected, I don’t want you to get hurt-he’s too young and likes new things, including women. “

For Du Hanchuan, I’m not new. It might even be the heroine of his most boring memory when he passed from high school to college.

However, Zheng Feiyang’s words must have an acid component, but it is not completely unreasonable.

After returning home, I contacted the deputy general manager of my father’s company with great care, and sorted out the list that Du Hanchuan asked me to send to him. Within two hours, all the data was received and sent to Du Hanchuan. He looked at him and said he was having a headache with Word and asked me to make a form for him. I sorted out the excel format and sent it to him.

After posting, I suddenly remembered that these were the secrets of my dad’s company. I was so bad at sending them directly to others, would it be bad …

However, the sixth sense told me that he was very reliable.

Intuition This kind of things are invisible and intangible, which makes people feel very lacking. So I told Hou Manxuan all these things over the phone. She patiently listened to me and laughed twice: “So, what are your questions now?”

“I obviously have a shadow about Du Hanchuan, why do I have to tell him so many things, and I still don’t think there is anything wrong with it.”

“Do you still have to ask? Because Du Hanchuan is very strong, you have no place for him to use. For example, if you have difficulties at home, you will definitely not tell your secret to an old man who touches porcelain. But if Elvis Presley appears before you at this time, you shouldn’t mind telling your secrets too much. “

“If Elvis Presley really appeared in front of me, I wouldn’t tell him my secret, because I was too sleepy to sleep, and I was woken up by someone in my arms when I slept.” He said blankly, “Can we give a less vulgar example.”

“Well, let’s suppose that you were very depressed and very unconfident in yourself. The Queen of England suddenly told you again that you have traits that you can use for her. Would you feel particularly flattered and start life again? “

I thought about it and nodded: “Hmm … yes.”

“That’s how you face Du Hanchuan.”

I chatted with her for a while, the phone vibrated a few times, and a new WeChat message prompt appeared. I said goodbye to her and hung up, opened WeChat and looked.

Du Hanchuan pulled me and the other three into the group, and set them apart, saying, “Just as I said in the conference call just now, my girlfriend’s lawsuit is in trouble. I am a lawyer in the top three law firms in the country. If you have any questions in the future, please look for them. “

So, after I greeted the three lawyers separately, Du Hanchuan opened a group chat voice call and discussed with us about the case for an hour and a half. Finally, they asked about the specific situation of the company, and they asked me for scanned documents of various documents, and went to work.

After hanging up the voice, Du Hanchuan and I added each other’s private WeChat and dialed my voice again.

———————— This chapter is not complete, I will add later ——————

Today the network is a bit stuck, and it took a long time to connect. There is a paragraph to write later.

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