The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 40 - Nineteen petal peach

This is expected and unexpected. Although many people play games for fighting power and fighting, at least half of the sales are due to death.

I desperately curbed my urge to save Yichuan Hanxing and focused on other things.

Before the depression was over, I found someone Ait himself.

[Gang] Listen to the wind: cute baby. Lightly

[Gang] dancing lightly 😕 ? ? ?

[Gang] No brother is me: listen to the wind, you tmd and bark, I beat your whole family to spiral to heaven.

I thought about this name for a long time and didn’t expect who it was. It wasn’t until I saw Wuge scolding him that she was one of Wuge’s many predecessors. Recently, she asked Wuge to fail to regroup, so she began to show mercy.

[Gang] Listen to the wind: Oops, what a fire like this. Pina God is single now, why only allow the big brother to be interesting to her, and still not allow me to admire her?

[Gang] Dancing lightly: Girlfriends cp, whether past, present or future, are on my love blacklist. Now it’s all together, everyone can play together, don’t think about other things.

[Gang] Listen to the wind: change your name, change your identity, and be another person.

[Gang] Dancing lightly: If you say another word, I will retire from the gang.

[Gang] Listen to the wind: Wow, so fierce, why are you as fierce as Wuwu?

After the maintenance on the morning of August 14th, the Tanabata event ended, and the Mid-Autumn Festival event was updated. The theme of the fashion was “Nai He”, which alludes to Nai He Bridge. Called Luo Cha, some are like a mix of Bai Suzhen and Wang Zuxian’s “Ghost Girl Ghost”; the latter is called painted skin, with longer hair and redder clothes.

Compared to the fairy of Qixi Festival, the heavy ink of the Mid-Yuan Festival brightened many players’ eyes: the fireworks in the sky disappeared, and the night sky was replaced by a deep indigo blue. All the towns of Wanjie are lit with big red lanterns. The flowing water in the capital is full of lotuses put by the players. The lotus lights drift quietly and look out of the distance, like a burning starry sky falling into the world.

I usually like event updates. I was going for fashion. But I do n’t know what happened. When I saw such a beautiful fashion, and the European emperor possessed a lottery, a lot of drawings were drawn out quickly, but it was too troublesome to wear it.

The little devil and I teamed up to complete a task and looked at the time. At ten o’clock in the morning, I immediately felt that nothing was done online. Is preparing to go offline, and found two new unread message subjects in the system email:

“The Fourth” Peach Blossom Cup “Full-service Painting Competition Result! 》

“You’ve Got New Fashion”

Open the mail and clicked on the two boxes lying in the attachment. Sure enough, the first one said “Tiangong Yunying two-piece suit”, and the second one said “Peach Blossom World Realm E-Tickets for Peripheral Exhibitions”.

At this moment, I deeply understand what is resurgence. I clenched my fists and screamed with excitement. Light speed put Tiangong Yunying on my body, rotating the lens, taking pictures, and doing fancy actions. After playing for ten minutes, I opened the winning result announcement email and entered the illustration contest page on Lei Chi’s official website. The top of my picture bears the golden crown with the number “1”, and the number of comments is also the most:

“This painter wants Tiangong Yunying to go crazy, and draws it 100 times better than the fashion itself … hahahahaha …”

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, awsl! This is actually a beautiful painting by God, oh ah ah ah ah ah rich and talented, but also not let people live ah ah ah!”

“When it comes to Pina … I alone think Pina God’s painting style is very similar to Hao Pina Pian?” Many people responded to this response with a “+1”, and some people added that I copied it so wonderfully.

“Is there so many fans of Hao Pian Pian here, oh oh, I miss the goddess! But she is missing, I don’t know when I will come back, hey …”

“How come so many fans blowing rainbow farts, I feel like they are drawing so much.”

“I don’t want you to feel, I want me to feel. Listen to me, I think it looks good.”

It was learned from Wu Brother that listening to the wind at the same time knocked her three girlfriends over the car, and two people confronted him on the same day and found his greasy essence, and one girlfriend did not say anything. This girlfriend is a deputy gang leader as seen at the beginning, with low combat power, high position, and great power of speech. Although she did not disclose her actual information, she can feel that she is not too young from the usual way of speaking of a gentle wife. She is usually responsible for coordinating interpersonal relationships and caring for people in the gang.

The deputy has been married three times, and each cp disappeared long after she married her. After being abandoned by her third term, she was desperately renamed “Widow Three.” Now she has a cp. She is a young guy who just works, and her combat power is far worse than just listening to the return of the high battle number. The two of them would change the name of the poetic couple once every three days, but everyone still used to call her a widow.

In the past two days, the widow of three surnames came to ask Wuxi timidly whether she was allowed to form a task cp with Tingfeng.

Wu brother sent me a chat with her widow. I found that she was still ill-tempered, leaving no room for it: “The husband and wife missions do not require levels, but if you want to do the missions, you can open a trumpet to marry yourself.”

“But we all just want to have a companion.”

“How many friends are there in the group, why do you have to choose the way to marry the scumbag?”

“He’s scum. You don’t know him.”

“??? What are you talking about, sisters? They were married to him, and I don’t know him? No, no, don’t do this kind of thing, two good sisters look like the same cp one after the other Is n’t it embarrassing to be in a gang like you? Not to mention that you and your cp have n’t divorced yet, it ’s better to listen to the wind and get married, is n’t it good? ”

However, the widow of three surnames still insisted on marrying: “Trust me, we are only married for the task. I did this, but also to leave Gao Zhanhao in our help, after all Han Han left, do you mean? I do It ’s for the gang. You believe me without you, I can tie him up. “

In fact, the discerning person can see that the first willingness to listen to the wind is Wu Brother. After being dumped by Wu Brother, he has not been reconciled, so he bought a high battle number to return, trying to get her in various ways to stimulate Wu Brother. The circles are messy. And the widow of the three surnames can say with confidence that she can tether him, also exuding a kind of innocence that does not match her age.

“No need to tether him, let him go.”

“I don’t understand. Even my husband has agreed to divorce peacefully with me. Why don’t you agree with me and listen to the wind? I really want to see you as you see it.”

“Is it for the gang? Then let me tell you, my principle is not to be confused with my girlfriend and the same man, as Pina said, no matter whether it is the present tense or the ex, as long as it is the girlfriend’s cp, absolutely No, since you said you were for the gang, let me tell you: if you really want to be together, I will retire. “

“Nothing, what’s the matter with you? If you want him, I’ll quit immediately. But you don’t want him, why don’t the people you don’t want people to find a new wife?”

“It was you who asked me to agree or disagree. Then my answer is, I don’t agree. Because I can’t stand my predecessor and girlfriends, how many times do I have to say, annoying. As to whether you care I disagree, you decide for yourself. Moon old is there, and I haven’t dragged him under the tree of the third birth. “

“How can you be so overdone … I just want your blessing …”

“Xing Xing Xing, I’m not overdone, I send you my best wishes: First of all, congratulations to the two eyes, 99. Then this thing violates my principle, because the three views of each other are very different, friends do not have to do it, You can only be a passerby, and then retreat to see and worry. “

“Nothing, you are really too much. Are you threatening us by doing this? Are you threatening us with combat power?”

“I really feel a headache, what do you think of me? Do you really want me to think that you are a natural pair? A good sister, one after the other and a male cp, maybe you think it ’s nothing, it ’s very popular, but I ’m serious about cleanliness, do n’t force me … I just want to be a passerby with you, not against my eyes. Therefore, I hope that the two will not have victimization delusions, and think that the devil will come to bully you. “

What I call passers-by is that I saw all the passers-by on the battlefield. In addition, all pvp venues pass by without killing or driving. But I know that Wu brother’s so-called passer-by is to kill without amnesty.

The two of them argued for a long time without results. In the end, no brother covered his face with a split head and sprayed off the conversation: “Listening to the wind, the scumbag is holding three sisters at the same time. You are only one of them. They both ignored her. Thirsty posted it? Haven’t you seen a man fucking? “

The widow of the three surnames sent a row of ellipsis, and there was no postscript.

I told Wuge that after reading the chat history, I also said that I was caught. Brother Wu called me over.

“Pina, I really don’t understand. The girls we help have always been very proud of men’s ecology, and we have never been confused about men’s affairs. Even if you think so, you’re Pina, the girlfriend man wants to fight You idea, you’ll tell him to go away. “When I heard” Ehhhh “, she gave a high-five and said,” Right, right, this is the gesture that your brotherless girlfriend should have. But you know How did the widow of the three surnames tell me later? She said that it was all caused by combat power. If the wind was not a high war, there would be no such problems. She also said that she was just a little dregs. What effect does my reputation have? I wonder, when I mentioned these principles to her, there was no mention of combat power. Interesting? Widow is the only one of these three girls with a combat power of less than 70,000. Yes, she paid more attention to the high war than the high war. “

“That may be precisely because of these girls, she is the only one who does not have her own high battle number. Over time, it will inevitably lack self-confidence, so the temptation to listen to the wind is so great. For you, listen Feng is a slick licking dog, but for her, listening to the wind is a male **** of war. “

I just talked to Wu Brother casually, but I didn’t expect that she immediately lost the wind, so that the wind exploded in the gang.

[Gang] Listen to the wind: Do you say other girls just like my number? Ex-wife, are you sour? Am I not charismatic? Have you forgotten how girlish I was before? Brother is me

[Gang] No brother is me: I lie in a big trough! At that time, I was just embarrassed by your earthly love words, and I can be interpreted as a girl’s heart burst!

[Gang] Yun Bei tire: Which one are you from? I ’ve eaten too much recently.

[Gang] Listening to the wind: Why do you care so much about me and her? We are all just our ex, no big brother, are you a little gaffe?

[Gang] No brother is me: Hehe, only one man in this game will make me gaunt, but he is not you.

[Gang] Officer: Oh, who is it?

[Gang] No brother is me: It’s such a person, no matter which girl he has a good relationship with, I can’t get angry, it will only make me sad and become very irrational. But this person is certainly not listening to the wind, so you two don’t have to be affectionate anymore, be good!

[Gang] Chief Officer: Is there such a number? I do not know how?

I was happy to see this, and sent a private chat message to Wu Brother: “Why did you suddenly become sad?”

[Private chat] No brother is me: What I want to say is that I have no regrets about the fighting ability till now. When you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want, even if you are lonely. For example, there is no need to be afraid of being bullied after leaving the first gang. You can pat your **** and walk away without any loss when you meet the “friends” who are at odds with each other such as the wind and the widow.

[Private chat] Dancing lightly: If you lose nothing, we will lose a lot. To be honest, the mysterious man you said is not a player in the game.

[Private chat] Wu brother is me: … how do you know? ? ?

[Private chat] Dancing lightly: I know.

[Private chat] No brother is me: you lie! You definitely don’t know! !!

[Private chat] Dancing lightly: Liang Xiaoxie.

[Private chat] No brother is me :! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! How did you know! !!

I feel like I’m being treated as a fool …

Actually, I haven’t felt much going out recently. But in the game, I was chased and cut by Xinfengwu every day, and my mother kept thinking that mushrooms were growing on my head and told me to go for a walk, so I printed the electronic ticket sent by Lei Chi on the weekend to participate in the surrounding area Exhibition activities.

I have participated in an offline event of Lei Chi’s Beijing headquarters before. This is my first visit to Lei Chi’s Shanghai branch. However, Lei ’s father is indeed everyone ’s father, and the office building is still unique. In front of the building, there is a neatly trimmed rectangular green space with irregular long black marbles in the middle. The side facing the street is largely left blank, just to show a few white fonts in the center: Thunderchi. Behind it, the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office building resemble stained glass, reflecting a rather high-level light, which twists the opposite office building into an illusion on the mirror surface.

The interior decoration of Lei Chi is the same as its logo. It is mainly blue and white. If you look at the style, you know that it is a new type of industrial company.

After the directions from the front desk lady, I found the surrounding showroom.

The exhibition hall is larger than I thought. The ceiling is about 15 meters from the ground. The wide walls are covered with huge game posters full of walls. They are all Lei Chi’s main games. Among them, Taohua Wanjie has the most posters and is also the most attractive to me. I walked along the wall, watched for a while, and saw the biggest poster in front of me. A tall young man turned his back to me, looking up at it, and seemed to have looked for a long time.

On the poster, a ghost girl stands between two giant mountains in the ruins of ghosts and gods. She is wearing a World Championship hegemony, crossed her two daggers on her chest, and kicked one leg. The silver hair flowed like a cloud, and her clothes were very flowing. The ink-and-wash dragons that entangled her body danced together.

This picture gave me a stun.

This … Is this copying my fashion collocation ideas?

I was feeling a period of indignation. I walked over and found out that Lei Chi actually gave me the right to sign in the lower right corner of the poster …

“Peach Blossom World” Winner of the Full-Service Hegemony: Phoenix Dance

In the end it is serving the bully, our VIP treatment is good. Can give me customer service chicken legs.

I smiled involuntarily, and then subconsciously found that the boy next to him seemed to be quite tall. I looked up at will, and then I could no longer look away.

The exhibition hall at this moment is as quiet as a church at night, with a sense of sacred loneliness. His skin was white and glowing, his sleeves rolled to his wrists, his gray shirt pierced into his pants, his hands in his pockets, and his legs looked almost two meters long.

When I was young, I loved many love songs. He is the actor of each song.

I used to just look at his side, and it made me laugh first and then cry astringently.

Time fools me so much. It didn’t heal my wounds gently, but it brought embarrassment and sting to such a close reunion.

Even worse, he was watching me.

I had previously imagined a reunion with him. Either he slapped him in public, or raised his **** in public, the spiral flying kick was not realistic because the legs could not be lifted so high, and it was good to poke his hair and roll his eyes … Many hypothetical options came out of his mind at this moment.

“Du Hanchuan …” I grabbed the edge of my denim shorts, and my voice shook slightly. “… Here you are here, too.”


“Most, have you been doing well recently?”

and many more.

Woman, what are you doing! !! Why is it so humble! !! !! Where did the woman who vowed to fight him go! !!

“It’s okay, just a game from our company, ready to concentrate on work.”

and many more.

What happened to his voice? I speak with Yichuan Hanxing every day. Are there really two people in the world who sound so similar? I tentatively said, “What game do you play?”

“This.” He raised his chin to the poster in front of him, but his eyes locked on me.

Such eyes made me feel inexplicable. I lowered my head uncontrollably and frowned, only to feel that my heartbeat was about to hit my chest: “… which district are you in?”

“On top of the northern border.”

“What’s your name …” My heartbeat is really going to blow up, “Ichikawa Hanxing?”

“It used to be. Now call me Pinacious.” He sighed wearily, “The number hasn’t been sold yet.”

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