The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 35 - Seventeen petal peach

Red did not respond.

The end of the world was like talking about her and waiting for her answer, and stopped talking. I waited for a while and made another horn.

[Trumpet] Dancing lightly: Where is the person?

[Trumpet] Dancing lightly: Is the first goddess of Wanjie still alive?

It’s not like the personality of Hong Yi. Although her operation is very general, she never relents in charging money and never counsels when confronted.

I used to chat with her and learned that she was the same age as me. Grandpa was a senior officer in the local military district. She grew up with grandpa since she was a kid. She has a successful business and covers her brother, so she has a boyish personality, strong and aggressive. I guess she shouldn’t be overly exaggerated, because she has the arrogance of the third generation of red, and the pride of narcissism of the second generation. This kind of temper can’t be pretended. She is still studying, and the money charged in the game is pocket money given by her brother, so the use of money is not as free as other high wars, but everyone knows that she has such a family, so she obeys her. Especially girls.

Of course, they also have mysterious claims about my realistic background. The less I said, the stranger their guesses were. Before I confessed my family situation, Cang Xuewutong also said that Hongyi is the daughter of the upstart, and I have the temperament of a noble lady, and she is well nurtured. I was happy at the time and thought that he watched a lot of medieval English and French movies. The so-called good cultivation is not very angry, that is because of self-confidence in strength, and then faced with the provocation of Yichuan Hanxing, I think my cultivation is not so good, every day exploded in the same place as the upper body of the grenade.

Just because I didn’t say anything, I didn’t talk about life in the world except fights, and they had a one-sided understanding of me, and I was afraid of such a strong red coat.

But I know that she is strong, but still a little arrogant, and rarely chooses to take the initiative of another girl. She now sends this kind of serial horn, also because she knew that I was back and was with Yichuan Hanxing. Her gang status and first goddess status were threatened, so she couldn’t sit still.

I was wondering what happened to her that day, but she didn’t respond to my challenge, she finally spoke.

[Trumpet] Red Clothes: Come to the Wanxiuhai.

I immediately understood what she meant, smiled, and went to Wan Yaohai without hesitation.

In the middle of Wan Yaohai is an ancient city ruined by the sea. Here, the sea surface is blue and translucent, half-covered with seagrass-covered streets, broken city walls, and a palace that was split by floods and thunder to reveal its pillars. The golden altars used to be worshipped by the Protoss were already eroded by the sea and covered with octopuses and monsters.

This game of water warfare and air combat operations are both cumbersome and need to jump up and fight. Wanxiuhai map is like a split island, which is very beneficial to Lingyu.

[Speaker] Brother Wu is me: I lie in a big slot, sister in red, aren’t you so good? Wan Yaohai can play melee?

[Speaker] White clothes: We are red and red, although they are irritable but very Buddhist. Who asked Pingshen to let her go?

[Speaker] No brother is me: Is she still a Buddhist? Believe it or not, Brother Han, a magic blade will be extinct to send you to see the Buddha.

[Speaker] Cangxue Indus: You are so fierce without brother, no wonder they all say that the more beautiful a woman is, the fiercer.

[Horn] No brother is me: Uh.

Alas, this Cangxue Indus has a mouth like honey.

I turned off the chat channel, dragged the most expensive medicines and hidden devices to the shortcuts, and released the animal of war, the order of pets, the order of skills, the shortcuts of the battle to check it again, eat good food, and look for red clothes on the map.

She was standing on the roof across from the distance, and her half-waisted long skirt fluttered in the wind like a **** lotus leaf. Her waist was swaying, her shoulders were exposed, and her half-sleeve dropped from her elbow, like two red lilies. Her pinching face has always been the ultimate beauty of heavy makeup, holding the golden feather flame bow in her hand, paired with this suit and the “first goddess of the world” on the head, it is even more eye-catching on this map.

And my character is wearing a high fork dark purple dress, with the same color of hair on the head, and a thick black hair hanging down to the hips. The eyebrows flew slightly, the complexion was white to slightly morbid, the forehead **** peach blossom was in full bloom, but the small and full lips were deep strawberry red, with a high level of fine flash. There is a gold ring at the root of the snow-white long legs, matching the golden double dagger in hand.

On the roof farther away from us, there were crowds of players. It is worthy of being a senior melon on the top of the northern border. This is the best onlooking distance that will not be accidentally injured by the sword lightsaber shadow.

The red shirt didn’t start the learning mode, and the name changed to red directly. She chose a slaughter mode that exploded equipment and lost props.

Okay, it’s still so fresh.

Then she took a step forward and raised her bow and fired an arrow rain at me.

Being attacked for the first time, the background music immediately changed from the desolate flute sound of Wan Yaohai to combat music. Exciting drum sounds and rapid lute sounds alternate. At the same time, lightning split the dark clouds, the thunder sounded, and the rock was cold.

I jumped up and flew in the direction of her. I was beaten along the way, and when I fell in front of her, my blood dropped by a quarter.

The heavy rain poured down, and the cold weapon in his hand shone brightly. I grabbed her with a set of moves and controls to keep her from moving. She lost her blood madly, but she didn’t feel any disappointment. Against my fatal attack and my stubbornness, my blood lost a lot, and her blood dropped quickly. But because I have the ability to return blood according to the percentage of damage, and she has golden runes that return blood when attacking, both of us are constantly taking out healing green and red damage figures. The blood bars on both sides are up and down, just like an electrocardiogram.

The characteristic of Lingyu is that the longer the attack distance, the higher the damage.

A few seconds later, my control failed, and she lost a silent concealer to me and jumped to the roof opposite. I took a look at my blood strip, and it stood up. My medicine can return to full blood in one breath and fall below half before taking it. So, I jumped a little longer and wanted to pull away, but was hit by her long-range dizziness.

The probability of this skill is only 8%.

Seeing all my skills turn gray and a dizzy star spin on my head, I’ve calculated that she should not kill me in these three seconds, but watching the blood bar drop down thrillingly, I still use the release control skills Impulse. But I restrained, just desperately hit ctrl to return blood medicine.

When there was only a trace of blood left, he took a pill.

Damn, almost died.

I flew into the sky again and circled behind her from above. She also jumped up, but not as fast as I did, and did not find me for a long time, and probably knew that the ghost train was an explosive output. She did not dare to stand still and just jumped into the water. I landed exactly behind her, the water splashed, jumped up and lost a phantom three kills, and fell into the water; then jumped up and dropped the second skill, the sharp blade, into the water.

The heavy rain poured down, laying the background music for the sound of water splashes and metal collisions.

However, Ling Yu water battle was completely harmless.

She finally lost her second control skill to me. She was supposed to control me to jump on the roof, but I immediately released the control and grabbed her again, and gradually lost all her skills, and she lost her last bit of blood.

All skills are in the cd.

I jumped up, leveled a, stabbed twice with double daggers, and she died.

I was relieved and jumped back to the roof to sit back and forth.

A little irritating. This is the first time I have played so thrillingly with Hongyi. Previously, she was taken away with a set of skills. Sure enough, it’s interesting to even out.

[Speaker] No brother is me: Haha, it’s over, I want to know which one just blown himself to death!

I took a glass of water in front of the water dispenser and returned to the computer to sit down. I was trying to send a loudspeaker to Hongyi to stop pronouncing me. Everyone did not commit river water, but Hongyi came back full of blood and jumped to me with a red name. Opposite the roof. She used an output buff that increased the damage by 50% in the next attack, pulled the farthest distance that could be output, lost a stun skill to me, raised a bow and arrow on her hips, and a strong blue light appeared above her head.

I was scared to death, dropped the glass, and water splashed on the keyboard.

However, the control of cd did not arrive and could not be invisible.

Five big blue characters flashed over her head-“Cui Yu Piercing Soul Arrow”.

This is Ling Yu’s rage.

Then I was spiked.

[Gang] I help the master to dance lightly and be killed by red in the sea of ​​10,000 monsters and lose the fairy peach x10.

Can I play like this?

What kind of competition is this fucking, and this is the brain teleportation battle!

I was resurrected, and rushed back to where the red suit was, while giving me my big trick. I saw the big ink ink “Purgatory Shadowlessness” descending from the sky, the purple flame sprayed from the ground, and seven twisted skulls spun above her head, turning into dagger stabs at her. The picture flashed black and white seven times, and she also lay On the ground.

Then she resurrected to take revenge, and the two of us jumped back and forth on the roof, hacking, peony, controlling, releasing, and fighting back. During the thunder and lightning, the sound of weapons collision did not stop. Two red and one purple women jumped quickly, almost walking through the map, not even the remote islands in the sea. The onlookers were mistakenly killed many times.

In the end, I killed her seven times and she killed me three times.

[Trumpet] Dancing lightly: It’s all been done ten times, okay. Can you take your fate?

The battle ended and the heavy rain stopped.

A ray of sunlight pierced the center of the dark clouds in the gray sky, shining on the sparkling water surface, dyed the dragon head statue in the center of the ruins of the ancient city golden.

[Speaker] Purple clothes: In the nine major occupations, Ling Yu singled out the most scum, everyone knows. She knows that you are Ling Yu and hit you, not just picking up soft persimmons.

[Speaker] Officer: The combat power of Red is higher than that of Sister Pina, and you know the place of the battle. You can only say that you can only play with it.

[Speaker] Hong Yi: One-on-one skills are worse than others, I have nothing to say. But Fengwu is so beautiful, no matter how you fight, everyone fears you and hides from you, but no one will convince you.

[Trumpet] Dancing lightly: I’m a stand-alone player now. It’s enough to have friends. I don’t need others to serve me.

[Speaker] Red: Oh, you play, see when you can play.

[World] Cooking and listening to the rain: God in red, let’s not fight, let’s do something that is in line with the temperament of big brothers. For example, show us Tamron?

Did not return in red.

[World] Zao Zaozi: Yeah, the Red God is so high in combat power. Yesterday, when the Golden Dragon enhanced special effects, it was the last level to go to the ink and dragon.

The red shirt still didn’t return.

This booze to hear that Yu was originally a member of Fengmengmeng, has now retired from the gang and applied for the Fury War Dynasty. He will have these remarks, apparently knowing my true body, come to me in a second.

But what I hate the most is that this kind of man with two sides and three swords rejects him directly.

From Jinlong to Ink Tenglong, the gap is more than the materials needed for the previous 23 levels of reinforcement. Therefore, this game has every area in the old district of Jinlong, but there are only two people in the entire game.

Red dress is sometimes like the big villain in the TV series, usually very annoying, but when she really dies, the TV series is almost finished. Although she and I hate each other and are incompatible with each other, many things can only be understood by each other, just like how difficult it is to make ink dragons, not to mention ordinary players, no one can understand even high war. Because in addition to me and Yichuan Han Xing, only the red clothes will try the ink and ink dragon.

At the top of the northern boundary, in addition to the past Fengwu Pingran, only the red clothes in the girls will be wary to this extent.

However, the two of us are of the same character and have different perspectives. She likes aggression, murder, and overriding others. However, I feel that whether it is power or strength, it is held to protect others, not to indulge ourselves to enjoy privileges. Even in the game world, I have my justice, she has her waywardness. In this way, we will not have the opportunity to exchange these experiences that only top experts know.

The red jacket has not changed, and it is extremely strong. It is not as good as people, and there is not much explanation.

I sighed and typed a line, it was left to her for the last kindness.

[World] Dancing lightly: Tenglong is difficult to get out of ink and ink. If it is hard, more than three million yuan treasure will add more than 800 combat power.

[World] Early Child: Poor Limitation Image.

[World] Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei: Ahhhhhhhh please please take my knees!

[World] Cooking and listening to the rain: Brother, I have applied for your gang.

I didn’t make a head again, I just talked to the officials and Wu brother personally. Thank you for talking to me just now.

[Private chat] No brother is me: Small! You have listened to me for so long, I will help you to brush the horn and spray the red jacket, and it will be a no-brainer.

[Private chat] Officer: I was dumped only recently, so I didn’t have much energy to speak, otherwise, my red coat had to be cried by my skin.

[Private chat] Dancing lightly: Why does Huan Qiaoer dump you, I have been wondering why …

The official sent a voice over.

“Haha, sister, I’m not the same as you or Lao Han. You two are really rich and rich second generation. As for me, it’s a second generation split.” He put a Northeast accent in Mandarin, which is not like the world before So annoyed, “Fan Qiaoer likes real tyrants, and I don’t quite meet her standards. There is nothing I can do.”

I also returned his voice message: “Demolition of the second generation? Does that mean that your money for playing games is demolition fees?”


“To understanding.”

“Don’t you ask me why I spend so much money playing games?”

“Nothing to ask. Contemporary young people pay more attention to spiritual pleasure than material enjoyment. As long as the money is yours, you can use it as much as you like, don’t you?”

“Haha, Sister Pina is really different from ordinary people. I thought I would be blamed again.”

Even so, he told me something about the area before the meeting.

The earliest dignitaries were in District 6, and Cangxue Indus was one district. The dignitaries started with very low combat effectiveness and were technically ordinary civilians. Later, because they grabbed a girl’s box from the Cangxue Indus Gang in a mysterious fantasy, the gang crystal was broken within five minutes. The dignitaries were outraged and went to the gang in the world who scolded Cang Xuewutong. As a result, from that day on, the crystal would be broken once a day. The dignitaries were very loyal, and they smashed up their combat power to the second place.

After all, the Cang Xue Indus is their first gang, and there are others who have been crushing the small gang of officials. But no matter how they attacked the gang of the officials, the officials and his brothers were able to explode the liver all night and bring back the stolen resources, and they fought back with indignation. There were not many successful counterattacks, but they never gave up until they hit our zone.

It is interesting that their strong gangs were afraid of the officials, so they had almost no fight with the royal family, and they gave up all sovereignty and merged with the royal family. There was no need for a gang position. At the time, Hongyi said that this was a fool, and they wouldn’t give it if they didn’t want to. But I still insisted on giving Cang Xue Indus a deputy helper.

According to Cang Xuewutong, their previous hostility was a rogue bullying her sister. After learning that I am an official, I have always been a bit hostile towards official officials, and I especially like to stare at him in teamfights. I didn’t expect the story to change from this angle, it was interesting.

However, the northerners are talking about brotherhood and can charge so much money for the brothers to enter the game. In the case of a petty man named Cang Xuewutong, this behavior must be particularly stupid.

Later, I asked Sherlock Holmes to help me investigate how my vest was dropped. Why is there a trumpet somehow talking privately. After abcc knew that I was Fengwu Lanran, her attitude was ten times more respectful than before, and she became a little fan girl completely, which made me a little confused. But they quickly adjusted their status and sent me links to three posts, saying that they might find some clues here:

“Feng Wu Pianran and Yichuan Hanxing are married! !! !! !! 》

The newspaper! !! Feng Wu is back! !! Yichuan Hanxing’s wife is Feng Wuranan! !! 》

“ Pina God and the First Goddess of Realm have begun on the top of the North Realm in the Demon Sea ”

These three posts are all posted on the Red Bar. During the fight with Red, I have broadcast live for hundreds of floors. I looked at the comments, and some players in the new district were rhythmic by the screenshots of the red horn, and replied, “The big guy is planning to change the ghost practice? It’s not good to abuse such authority.

As a result, a group of old districts occupied the comment area, and the basic expressions were: “What’s wrong with planning to strengthen your career? Isn’t charging enough to do what you want. Otherwise, why do you want to charge your money? Lei Chi listens to the arrangement of the gods and strengthens the ghosts. Explain, all our ghosts support you! “

Or: “Whoa, I’m going to turn ghost training too.”

Wait, it doesn’t seem right to follow blindly …

I wiped my sweat and tried to explain to the gang channel: “That, those black materials about red clothes, I still want to clarify …”

[Gang] Son of napkins: Sister Pian, no need to explain. I don’t think it matters at all what they say about you. Whatever they say about you, you **** are all dancing. This is enough. For other things that matter, go with the wind.

[Gang] Belemhild: That’s right, I came here by name. I only know that Pina God is justice, everything else is crooked.

[Gang] Dancing lightly: No, what I want to say is that I use my friends or something …

[Gang] God: Feng Wu needs to use friends? Feng Wu is a woman who fights alone.

[Gang] Dancing lightly: Wait, I and Hanchuan of Yichuan also 818 …

[Gang] Magic Qiaoer: I said, we don’t believe a word. It is an honor for Boss Han to marry a Pina. Besides, both of you are married, no matter what they say.

Recently, I have played too much with the trumpet, and I almost forgot how great the experience of playing the trumpet.

These blind pursuits are actually nothing. When playing Feng Wu Pian Ran, there was a girl who ran to the top of the northern boundary from other places, throwing money to the list, joining the gang, and saying that she came from the name of Mu Pian. After the helper knew, he sent me the love grass and said thank the goddess for her glowing heat, which brought us so much style.

Being confessed is a daily phenomenon, and some people take photos while standing in a daze and show off on World Channel. There are always boys in the outer zone who go to the battlefield and say, God, I am the district handsome in our district. Would you mind opening a trumpet in our district to marry me and accept me as a concubine, and just visit me occasionally? Then he was killed by the demon spokesman who followed me.

The peak of life is the ultimate joy of spirit.

Fortunately, I am a girl, and confession of the opposite **** is not so attractive. The men’s list is different and requires a strong self-control. If you don’t know how to restrain yourself, the temptation is too much. Like what a wonderful private mailbox of Yichuan Hanxing is now, what wonderful pictures of palace fighting can be guessed without a brain.

But why is he so attached to me?

If it were me, I would be more willing to open the harem and enjoy the siege of the sisters, and not to be with a powerful women who want to kill him every day. From this point of view, maybe I have more severe cancer than his straight boy …

Looking at the list of friends, Yichuan Hanxing is not yet online and should still be at work. I left him a note, briefly described today’s battle, and saw a system announcement:

Don’t forget to give 99 pieces of love grass in red clothes, talk about feelings, send with acacia, message: Miss red clothes is cool.

I don’t quite understand.

Suddenly remembering how rain did not forget, I found out that my queen was phoenix dancing, so I wanted to talk to him privately to see if he had stolen my vest with them in red. But when he opened his head, he had retired and went to a small gang.

[Private chat] The beauty is bursting: Ping Ping, Red Teach and Feng Fengmeng have joined together! Just now, a minute ago!

[Private chat] Devil’s spokesman: You Ran, why don’t you tell me … Is it for the sake of Yichuan Hanxing?

The author has something to say: “Peach Blossom Begins Pleasantly” is the first on the season list, thank you for your support ^ _ ^ ~

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