The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 33 - Sixteen petal peach

At eleven o’clock, the game is full of excitement. I accidentally opened the WeChat of life, but found that yesterday, the three of us, a small group of buns, sent me a message:

“Pinacious, you don’t drink so much. Don’t drink so much in the future. And it was embarrassing that Du Hanchuan appeared yesterday. I’ll be finished if I’m not there. You must stand by. Don’t be fooled by him.”

I returned to her confusedly: “Has Du Hanchuan appeared yesterday?”

“Wow, you reflex me, just reply to me now … Did you not remember what happened yesterday? After you got drunk, he blocked you in the niche of the bathroom door, his actions were super ambiguous, and he wanted to kiss you strong. Everyone in the restaurant is watching you. If I did n’t come to drag you away, I really do n’t know what he wants to do. I thought he was quite crisp and clear, and broke up, no entanglement, light and light, and the result It’s a scum to do such a thing. “


I go, I don’t get any impression …

“You did break the film again. He also knows that if you drink too high, you will break the film, so you will drink the oil while you are drunk. The irresponsible scumbag is no different from before, hum.”

At this time, the school flower came out coldly: “How do I think it is Brother Hanchuan’s old love for Pina’s sister?”

Xiao Baozi expressed a shocked expression: “The old love is not what it is, how he was so fond of you that you may have forgotten. He also had an unhappy relationship with a married elder sister.”

Xiaohua said in a voice: “Yesterday when I met Brother Pineapple on the school day, I also deliberately tapped and asked about it. Brother Pineapple said that Du Hanchuan was a” Primary Three “. But never mind, although Du Hanchuan is handsome, but after all They both broke up for so long, it is better to treat him as a scumbag. He has a boyfriend and can’t let him make trouble. “

During the time when Du Hanchuan and I broke up, in fact, he knew that there was depression in his heart, otherwise he would not suddenly change so much. And many good students will lose themselves after entering college, and he is no exception. He began to surf the waves, not reading hard, drinking and smoking, and I was very disappointed. Throughout the process, I worked hard to encourage him, hoping that he could cheer up, and maintain a positive attitude no matter what was unhappy, but it didn’t work. He was always taciturn in front of me. If I said too much, he would say impatiently, “So, are you finished?”

At the time, I was a little fart myself, and no matter how I liked him, I couldn’t resist going all the way to overseas but was treated like this. Moreover, because I frequented the entry and exit, my father found that I was in early love and talked to me for two hours, and it was a rare order to take me seriously: to sever the relationship with this boy. I didn’t promise him, but the feeling of giving to that relationship increased a lot, and the tolerance of Du Hanchuan became lower and lower.

Every time we quarreled from abroad to my home country, and because of the distance and jet lag, we couldn’t always contact each other the first time. The quarrel became the Cold War. The Cold War has been long, and naturally the contact has been reduced.

After the last big quarrel, the two of us couldn’t communicate. I said tiredly on the phone: “I’m tired, I gave up.”

He sounded tired too, “I’m tired too. That’s it.”

We haven’t contacted for a month since then.

Although the nature of the breakup is multiple disputes and immaturity of each other, the way we ended it can actually be considered a peaceful breakup. He did not tear his face, did not delete his friends, and pulled black. Every day, looking at his gray QQ head, he seemed to have a huge stone pressed against his chest, unable to breathe.

At that time, I didn’t quite understand it. I thought that the breakup must be officially raised by someone alone. So even if it hasn’t been contacted for two months, I still feel that we have a formal end.

I’m ready to fly to Britain for the last time and formally say goodbye to him. As a result, he could not be reached, and he could only be found by the pub address given by his roommate.

Then I saw his new girlfriend. She was in a red, low-cut, tight-fitting skirt, with cups without e and d. Her skin was white and flawless like a girl, with long black hair and a vibrant luster, but her eyes were full of charm and **. They hugged each other in the corner of the pub, doing various intimate moves that Du Hanchuan and I had never done before. I didn’t find this face strange at all, because I often saw her leave a message to Du Hanchuan on Facebook, but did not fill in a love relationship with him. She is the kind of big beautiful woman who is rarer than her photos.

From the information on Facebook, I learned that she was twenty-nine years old, a full ten years older than Du Hanchuan. She was a student of Du Hanchuan lse, and she was studying at MBA. He was born in Heilongjiang but settled in Beijing. He worked in the financial industry before going abroad. Then, through various clues, I fumbled to her Weibo, and found that she had been married for six years. I wished her husband a happy birthday on Weibo two days before dating Du Hanchuan.

I was sickened at the time.

My male **** is actually acting as a junior to other women.

The previous resentment and horror fizzled away on that day. I completely gave up on Du Hanchuan and deleted all his contact methods.

This incident pierced all the wonderful dreams of my girlhood, and I wish I had never discovered the truth in my life. But today, the old things of the school are revisited. I can’t help but ask one more question: “Be the third? What do you mean?”

The school’s reconnaissance ability is no less than that of a beautiful woman. I gave a detailed response at nine the next morning:

“Pinacious, I helped you investigate. Du Hanchuan fell into a very state after breaking up with you, you know. The 29-year-old woman took advantage of the situation and comforted him, Gao Fushuai’s little brother. Then For two months, the two of them were greasy and ugly. Du Hanchuan also devoted his feelings, but tragically found that the young woman was a young woman, and immediately said that she wanted to break up with her. . Later I did not know that she volunteered, or was discovered by her husband, anyway, she really left, but did not succeed with Du Hanchuan. Later, Du Hanchuan returned home, she did not return, and she is still in the UK. “

I shook my lips: “Even I could find that she was married. Du Hanchuan was with her every day. I don’t believe he didn’t know she was married at the time.”

“That makes it unclear.”

“It’s mostly because the parents are beautiful, so I’m willing to be three. Hehe.”

“Yes, that sister had a sturdy evaluation of Du Hanchuan:‘ He looked at me and I wanted to do it with him… ’No, learn something.”

I couldn’t help but throw my tongue at the phone and vomited. “Please, I’m still a baby. Don’t tarnish me with this adult’s stubborn thinking.”

“I’m telling you with the eyes of a guy, Du Hanchuan is really super sexually attractive. He should be in the gym now, and he can feel invincible across his shirt. I show him a picture of my boyfriend, I My boyfriend was almost taken away, hum. And, ah, that sister is choppy, no wonder they are **. On the other hand, we are pretty, we have nothing to say about our face and figure, only the chest … “

“Just follow my dad, okay?”

“Okay. That’s fine.”

“Well, my curiosity is satisfied, this person is passing.”

“Are you sure you want to pass? Are you sure you don’t want to pass and pass again? I think he is full of love for you. Yesterday, it wasn’t a small bun, and you should have been happy.”

“I rub it !!! School flowers! Do you want such a big scale!”

“Pina, you won’t be a chick, you’ve talked about your boyfriend for so long …”

“No matter whether I have talked about love in the future, Du Hanchuan is a former! What is a former? The former is a passerby who has nothing to do with me! Let him go with the wind!”

How long has it been since high school, this guy has learned what **** communication habits.

Back in the game, the event that Yichuan Hanxing gave me flowers really turned into the headline of the world. On the line, we saw that some people in the world mentioned our name, and there were many trumpeters who registered across the North to the top of the northern boundary.

[World] 32 District Tourism Group: I want to know what a legendary woman is like Wu Qing Pian Ping, which can actually attract Yichuan Hanxing. So, I came, I took a small book to record.

[World] Qianqiu the Blood Ghost District comes to the crowd: it certainly looks good, is there a photo?

[World] Yan Lan made a shadow: Pinacious is the second ghost list in our district, with a combat power of 12w. She attracted Han by her strength.

[World] Wanwan sauce: Hey, didn’t you buy the lightly dancing number?

[World] Napkin Boy: I bought it, but now the owner is her, so there is no need to mention buying or not.

[World] Wanwan sauce: Really? When the former number was sold, the number was almost graduated. You did n’t mention much combat power when you bought it lightly. It ’s not as good as what you said. Besides, Yu Linglong is quite famous in other districts. You can’t because of your sister Yu, so erase her record in order to hold her thighs.

[World] Napkin: It’s boring to say that.

[World] 32 District Sightseeing Group: I will say why I have n’t seen light dancing in the northern boundary before. It turned out to be the rainy number. Yu Linglong, I know, the world’s Taoyuan list is one, the super fierce female war wolf.

[World] Wanwan sauce: Yu Linglong was indeed a war wolf before, but now it is a ghost.

[World] Refreshing sweetheart: Haha, probably don’t want others to see that the number is bought.

[World] Magic Qiaoer: The former owner is called “Yu Linglong”, there is no title for the current owner, only “this”, the meanness can not be hidden, you will not be jealous and have a cold boss. . I’m sorry I talk a little bit more, and if I accidentally hit it, ignore my existence. ^ _ ^

[World] Summer is cool: The magic trick is terrific, isn’t it just holding the thighs of the officials, you still don’t know that your officials are a pseudo-tyrant? I thought I was holding any god. I’ve been married a few times, and I don’t remember much.

Recently, it was probably that the Fengmeng League was beaten too badly. The style of Xialiang’s speech has changed. Although it is still sour, it is not as fierce as before.

[World] Magic Qiaoer: That’s better than your 10,000-year-old single lonely vixen. ^ _ ^

[World] Summer is cool: I am really envious of your wife who changed your name. I have spent 200,000 dollars, but I ca n’t beat her. Help: How can I buy a Gangster for 60,000 yuan? Wait online.

Of course, a group of girls talked wryly for a long time, and they were not as good as two brothers without brothers.

[Trumpet] No brother is me: your gang of little crickets are gone, and a group of dogs are scattered as birds and beasts. What else? The crystal isn’t broken enough, isn’t it? Would you like me to give you some more fun?

[Trumpet] No brother is me: You are a sand sculpture in summer, you do n’t buy a number to give you what you can.

After her horn appeared, the world was quiet until another horn appeared.

[Speaker] Red: Discuss everything, buy the number is fine. But if you do n’t have the ability to buy a number and it is particularly high-profile, it is very annoying. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with the man. But the attached man still thinks that he is the first goddess in this area, I am afraid that my title will teach you to be a man.

[Gang] Beauty explodes: vomit! I’m going to vomit! If Feng Wu was still there, would she dare to be so sad?

System Announcement: A hundred years of love and twin hearts, a thousand miles of marriage. Congratulations to Mu Yun and Wanwan sauce for their marriage, and they will never be disappointed. They will become the 3721 couple in this area. Please congratulate the players in the area!

[Speaker] Mu Yan: Suggestions for the rest of your life.

[Speaker] Wanwan sauce: Husband, no one can believe you, except me. No matter what others say, I will never let go. Suggestions for the rest of his life.

Bangli naturally talked about the two of them, and studied whether they would come again to the story of Mu Yan and the beautiful women. But I’m tired of watching these two Qiong Yao dramas. I don’t want to pay attention to what they are doing. I just read the official e-mail and the subject is “Peach Blossom World Realm Illustration Contest, Sending Gifts”.

The prizes for the second, third, and participation prizes of this competition are listed, all of which are props and game coins. The first prize was sold but said it was announced later.

I sent a screenshot of this email to Yichuan Hanxing’s WeChat: “What do you think this first prize will be, I’m curious.”

“I don’t know. It’s not a golden rune.”

“Lei Chi shouldn’t be so generous … it’s just a painting activity. In fact, I have collected all the runes so far, and I’m not so persistent. I especially want a out-of-print fashion.”

“Tiangong Yunying?”

“Ah, you know?”

“Girls want this.”

Tiangong Yunying’s fashion is so beautiful, it is fluffy and fluffy except for the waist, just like the fairies in Tiangong accidentally put more washing powder on the clothes, blow out countless foam clouds, and gently pick it off. On the body. The matching hairstyle is dark hair with a certain gentle curve. A white cloud-shaped hairband is worn from the root of the ear and tied on the back of the head. The end of the hairband is hanging from the shoulder and supports the soft curly hair knot on the back of the right ear. .

It just happened to be the first prize of a seiyuu event. There were only three people in the entire game. They are both low-combat players, two of them sold at high prices to players who like this fashion, but because the activated fashion can not be traded, they are not seen again after selling.

“Officials don’t give this set of clothes, and generally don’t send duplicates.” I opened the fashion interface and looked at the dream of Tiangong Yunying, “If the first prize is really it … I want to try test.”

How high is my probability of winning under normal circumstances, needless to say. But now that I am in this state, I have not taken a pen for more than a year, and I have no confidence. To be able to say this is to conclude that Lei Chi will not set it as a prize.

I didn’t take it seriously and led the team to make one.

Maybe ordinary people will feel that, with me, Yichuan Hanxing, Daguanren and Fangqiaoer, they will feel very helpless and double dog food attack. But the truth is that I, Hana Ichikawa, and Brother Wu formed the pair together. All three of us felt very helpless and helpless.

[Team] Officer: You are so stupid. Gotta hug.

[Team] Magic Qiaoer: That can be a little more stupid.

[Team] Officer: No, you have to kiss.

[Team] Magic Qiaoer: Do you want to like me if you are still stupid? > o2k novel reading network

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