The Peach Blossoms Begin to Dance

Chapter 21 - Ten petals peach

[Team] Officer: Good evening, little beautiful people, let’s have a happy climbing trip together.

No wonder abcc is so confident that both the 100-level tower official and Yichuan Hanxing can use it.

[Team] Beauty Explosion: Good Big Brother! !! Thank you guys!

[Team] Yun Bei tire: Thank you Hannan God and the official boss, so moved …

I wanted to refuse, but I was so embarrassed to see them both so excited to leave the group immediately. It doesn’t have to be so sensitive to think about it, the big devil should just be playing around just now. I didn’t know him before, maybe he has a skinny side too.

[Team] Beauty: Plenty of thanks to the two big brothers. Is it me? Or an operator?

[Team] Yichuan Hanxing: I. Private chat.

[Private Talk] Beauty Pina: Is this paid or unpaid?

[Private chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Paid.

So I was relieved.

[Private chat] Beauty: Pleasant Boss Han sent me your Alipay account and I will transfer it to you after taking it.

[Private chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Alipay is not needed, you add me on WeChat.

He sent me the WeChat signal, the account number is yichuanhanxing5588, which should also be a WeChat dedicated to the game. I added it and asked him how much money he said after taking it.

The chief officer opened a voice in the team and chatted with abcc. Yichuan Hanxing didn’t say anything, but he lost his skills silently. This guy is indeed the man with the highest output in all realms, and the boss layer appears every 10 layers. He is no different from the ordinary mobs.

The two girls haven’t crossed the team with such a big brother, nor climbed such a high tower, they talked with excitement, and they also spoke on the gang channel.

[Gang] Beauty explodes: Wow, do you know who we are teaming with, I feel like dreaming! !!

[Gang] Maple leaf is my eye: Who?

[Gang] Napkins: who? ?

[Gang] Yun Bei tire: Shh, excited, but low-key.

[Gang] Clear Book: If you can’t do it, talk half way.

[Gang] Beauty explodes: I really want to say! !! But I can’t say! !!

[Private chat] The beauty is explosive: Pinacious, can’t we tell now that you are friends with Boss Han?

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: I and he are not friends.

[Private chat] Beauty explodes: You lie to me! He said just now that you can take us to climb 100 floors, but you have to bring beautiful women.

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: He may have seen 818, take care of his little fan girl. However, I am not his little fan girl.

[Private chat] Beauty bursts: lie to me again! He is Yichuan Hanxing. Yichuan Hanxing has 10,000 fans in this game. How can I take special care of your feelings? Is it because of your picture, you are a little beauty!

I just reacted. There are still many photos of the former owner in this space. The former number one has good hair, white skin, and a temperament between a girl and a woman. She is gentle and feminine, and her **** and buttocks are not small and small. She is just right. She is wearing a pile of no money, but she is full of newly developed Strong sexual appeal. Maybe girls can’t get her charms after watching it, but boys should like it very much. When her combat power was still dregs, she used these photos to successfully get the Mu Yan boss. Now that I have raised this combat power a lot, it will be no surprise that even bigger guys will look after it.

It’s just that this person is a cold star from a river, which surprised me a little. After all, there are really many top beauties who adore him. Once in the 16th district, Jin Wushuang ’s list was “love at first sight” on the battlefield, and he played a trumpet to the north to confess to him. That girl’s space head is a black skirt, black melon face, cold and Yan-shaped. She made a trumpet, which roughly means that as long as Yichuan Hanxing formed a cp with her, she sold a large size to buy a Buddha month here, and concentrated on his binding milk.

However, his response was only one sentence: “I don’t need a nurse.”

Of course, the world was a good place to eat melon. There were still people who were fooling around and said, “Don’t blame me for being ky, but in this era, there are still people who don’t know that Brother Han is a good ghost refining girl? Sister, nurse is too challenging. If you want to chase the cold brother, turn to ghost practice.”

It turns out that it wasn’t the Buddha Moon that wasn’t beautiful enough, but it was the style that didn’t match Yichuan Hanxing’s taste.

I originally planned to delete it after the expiration of the agreement with the former number one. I did not expect that the photos could play a role again.

Suddenly, a bad idea came out of my mind: if the former owner agreed, otherwise I would simply not delete the photos, continue playing with her identity, help her and the first big brother group of cp to complete her The salted fish turned over and re-announced the truth that the name had been changed earlier. The love of the big demon summoned the former beauty Pian Pian, and the new Pian Pian and Leng Yue were a pair.

If this plan is implemented smoothly, I sold the former owner’s love, and then collected the sister of Yu Yu, and Yichuan Hanxing and the former owner also became our influential figures …

Thinking of this, I was almost touched by my wit and laughed in front of the computer.

Led by Yichuan Hanxing and the officials, we hung up and chat all the way. The first pass of the 100th floor was as easy as drinking water. It feels good to pay the boss to work. Abcc was so happy that she screamed in her voice and brushed her horn.

[Speaker] Beauty is bursting: Thank you Boss Han and big officials for taking us to climb the 100-story tower! Moving! !! thanksgiving! !! I finally have this [Weapon Appearance: Qingyin Changfeng]!

There is a voice of envy in the world, but there are also comments like this:

[World] Refreshing Sweetheart: I seem to have discovered something extraordinary …

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: Boss Han, how much do I transfer to you?

[Private chat] Yichuan Hanxing: Let’s talk about it at that time, and move on.

The battle of the five gods is about to begin. I drove my, Lengyue and Yulinglong numbers. I originally wanted to use my own group to cold the moon, and use the rainy numbers to remember. There are many people on the pvp map, and various golden purple enhanced special effects are dazzling. During the preparation time, I received a private letter.

[Private chat] Don’t forget: Pina, you tell Yichuan Han Xing who your queen is?

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: I haven’t said a few words to him and him.

[Private chat] Don’t forget: Then why did he take you to the tower?

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: That’s paid.

[Private chat] Don’t forget: Very strange, I have never heard that Yichuan Hanxing will take people to climb the tower for a fee.

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: Rain brother, why do you always say that I have a large size?

[Private chat] Don’t forget: Isn’t it easy for you to have a large size? You are obviously not playing alone. You, the former host, used to show affection and photos every day in the world. After taking photos in three days, you will send a space. When you are done, go to the world and ask everyone to help her. Everyone would like to admire her in Mu Yan’s face, without commenting, and no one cares about her, which is pitiful. And she does n’t recharge, even if she spends money on fashion, buying a fashion at a low price also requires a space show. Although she and I haven’t talked to each other, she and the beauties exploded, and Yunbi tires waved the world every day. After a year of waves, the names are still familiar. The first two days you were here, I thought she was only hit, so she didn’t speak until you turned to ghost training, I knew that the beauty was subtly replaced, and Feng Wuran bought her number.

[Private chat] The beauty is fluttering: Hey, can I see that it is me just by looking at the ghost …

[Private chat] Don’t forget: Of course not, I think your playing style is very familiar on the battlefield day, because you like to play your large favorite standing on the left and right sides of the enemy camp, squatting heads, as soon as someone comes out, you will jump, The way to move is exactly the same. But at the time I just felt that you were imitating Feng Wuran. After you turned to Ghost Alchemy, I thought that the day you came to apply for the anger dynasty-just that day is the 2nd, also the second day of Feng Wu Pingran selling numbers, I think there are too many abnormal things, so go to the transaction online Searched for the fluttering id of Fengwu. I took your number once before and didn’t buy it. But when you take the picture, you can see the first letter, the last letter and the link of your id. I clicked the link to see that there is a record of your purchase of Tiandi Taoyuan Nursery. You did not hide.

[Private chat] The beauties: … Conan, the big brother is the big brother.

I quickly went to the trading network to check my account, and it turned out that the ** setting was not checked, and then changed it to the transaction record only visible to myself.

[Private Talk] Don’t forget: Piao Pian, you’re goodbye, and if you still say this to me, you’re sarcastic.

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: Yuge is also lifting me, and my number has been sold. Now it is a small war. I will rely on Yuge to take care of it in the future.

[Private chat] Don’t forget: That’s natural, I still have the dream to marry you, haha.

The battle of the five gods is about to begin. Suddenly, the number of Lengyue is capped. I quickly sent a message to him: “Warm Moon, are you on?”

[Private chat] Lengyue: Yes.

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: What are you going to do? Today, you will not be here all day …

[Private chat] Leng Yue: Did you miss me?

[Private chat] The beauty is beautiful: Think. > _2k novel reading network

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