The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 611-612: The Seal is Released; War is Coming

611: The Seal is Released

The sisters exchanged glances before carrying the freshly picked fresh vegetables to the kitchen to cook.

Once they were done cooking, they left the prepared dishes in front of their mother’s room like they always did.

The old widow had no idea her daughters already knew her secret. Not suspecting anything, she fed the food to the babies she was raising.

“Men are bad things and daughters are unreliable. The moment they meet a man, they stop working hard and supporting their mother, and want to run off. Fortunately, I still have you. You are my babies, and you’ll never betray “me. . . ” The old widow smiled in satisfaction before letting out a sinister laugh.

Jier and the others divided into two teams; one team went to keep surveillance on Leiya’s house while the other went to keep surveillance on the old widow’s house. They had to use whatever opportunities they could get to search for the artifact.

Being afraid of bugs, Han Xia chose to go Laiya’s house. Of course, Han Jiang couldn’t leave her in a potentially dangerous situation alone, so he also chose to go to Laiya’s house with her.

That left Feng Wu and Jier with the old widow’s house. Finally, after several days of careful watch, they managed to sneak in under another full moon when the old widow left. They found a mirror emitting magic aura. It had to be the holy dimensional space artifact used to seal the village.

Jier didn’t waste time and immediately tried using magic to break the seal.

Unfortunately, the old widow returned with Laiya at this time. “You lot! You’re trying to break the seal!”

Who knew how Laiya managed to refine two copper corpses, but she brought out two. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed such a gentle and virtuous woman was a corpse controller.

Judging from her appearance, it was obvious Laiya had been practicing the technique for a long time, otherwise there was no way she could control the copper corpses. Copper corpses were higher level than reanimated corpses.

To Feng Wu, two copper corpses were nothing to worry about. With Xiaochun in her hand, she easily sliced the seemingly invincible copper corpses into pieces with a few strikes.

Laiya stared at Fengwu with a ferocious expression. These copper corpses took her several years to craft using the bodies of the outsiders who had accidentally stumbled into the village. Most who came were adventurers seeking to unravel the mystery of the village's disappearance. Adventurers' bodies were powerful, making them the perfect material for crafting copper corpses.

She never expected that her highly anticipated copper corpses would be easily destroyed by this girl. Laiya was furious and on the verge of madness. Anyone would go crazy when their cherished creation, which took years of hard work to complete, was destroyed so easily.

The old widow extended her ghastly claws and lunged at Feng Wu, but Feng Wu pierced her heart using Xiao Chun. However, the widow had been a dead thing for so long already. For the living, the heart was a weakness, but for the dead, it meant nothing. The old widow kept attacking in a frenzy.

Despite having her heart pierced, the widow continued attacking Feng Wu like a madwoman. Feng Wu calmly defended herself with her sword and activated Xiao Chun's purification power before stabbing the old widow again. The old widow let out a scream and was forcibly purified.

Watching the old widow be eliminated by Feng Wu was the last straw for Laiya; she collapsed to her knees on the ground.

"Why? Why did you come and disturb our peaceful lives? We’re just a family living ordinary and happy days. Why do you adventurers have to come and destroy it!"

“Oh, you mean the happiness you got by isolating the village and keeping everyone trapped here against their will? That happiness? That was only your happiness. Have you stopped and asked if this was what everyone else wanted? What did the villagers do wrong? They sacrificed twenty years of their lives, imprisoned here. Twenty years squandered away!” Han Jiang yelled out in disgust.

The two sisters cried in each other’s arms, not knowing whether they were crying for their dead mother or for their lost youth.

Meanwhile, outside where the original village once stood, many people from Star Marshall hall were trying to break the space created by the rare dimensional space artifact. After days of contemplation and discussions with other experts in spatial magic, the high-level dimensional space magician finally came up with a feasible plan. Just as they were about to proceed with breaking the seal, a dazzling light appeared at the original location of Hong village. After the light faded, rows of cottages and fields suddenly appeared in the once empty village site.

"That’s Hong village! Hong village is back! Mom. . . Mom, where are you?" A soldier from Star Marshall hall’s orange team suddenly shouted and rushed into Hong village, despite the efforts of those around him to hold him back.

This man, around thirty years old, was originally a villager of Hong village. Twenty years ago, he was admitted to the Xingguang Holy academy because of his good aptitude, and had lived at the school thereafter, only returning home for holiday breaks.

Little did he know that when he finally had a break and could return to see his mother, she, along with the entire village and the fields where they used to farm, would vanish without a trace. He searched everywhere like a madman but couldn't find anything.

In order to uncover the secret behind Hong village's disappearance, he joined Star Marshall hall and worked hard for several years to eventually become a member of the orange team.

When he heard an incident occurred at the original location of Hong village, he immediately applied to join the team investigating. Unexpectedly, twenty years later, he could finally return home and reunite with his loved ones.

The man rushed back to his old house, where he embraced his family and wept with everyone. The rest of the village was also shocked by this sudden surprise; they never expected they’d be able to rejoin the rest of the world.

While the villagers were overwhelmed with joy, Laiya's husband and his children searched for his wife.

The villagers were astonished when they learned Laiya and the old widow were the ones who sealed the village. They never considered one of their own would be responsible. After all, everyone knew everyone’s background. Who could have imagined that someone close to them possessed the power to do something like seal the village?

It was impossible for the villagers to not harbor any resentment towards Laiya. However, the village chief, his wife, and Laiya's husband all knelt down and pleaded, hoping the villagers could forgive Laiya. They explained that if it hadn't been for the bully who coerced her, Laiya, with her inherently kind nature, would never have agreed to the crazy plan proposed by the old widow as a means to securing her own happiness.

Indeed, it was the old widow who suggested sealing the village, and even the sacred artifact was brought by her. The old widow's maternal family was once a prominent clan, but none of the children in her generation had a talent for cultivation.

So, the old widow married a man and had two daughters. It was unfortunate that she chose the wrong person. Her husband didn’t marry her in honest sincerity but had only married her to get his hands on her family assets. He was, in fact, already married to someone else.

He suspected the old widow’s family possessed valuable artifacts. She was a cautious however, and kept the location of her treasures secret. He didn’t have any way of forcing the information out of her.

When the old widow accidentally discovered he had another wife and that he married her in order to secure his son's share of the family's wealth, she vowed to take revenge on him for using her.

She watched as he coaxed the other woman with a sweet voice filled with a tenderness he had never showed her. Bitterness filled her as she stared at the family of three sitting together happily.

That night she prepared a sumptuous feast with a Gu laced parasitic drink and acted like she intended to hand the artifacts over to him.

After that, she turned her attentions to the other woman and her two sons. As the woman was out buying flowers one day, the old widow deliberately poisoned one of the purchased flower pots. Exposed to the poison, the mother and her two sons suffered in a state worse than death.

Finally, in front of the man she had thought of as her husband, the old widow sliced pieces of flesh off the mother and two sons and roasted it over an open fire. Then she stuffed it sliver by sliver into his mouth, forcing him to eat everything.

He begged and pleaded for forgiveness, but the old widow showed no mercy and killed him anyway. From then on, the old widow stopped trusting men. She fled to Hong village and gave birth to her twin daughters there.

Ordinary people couldn't activate the sacred artifact, but the old widow had a secret method that allowed her to activate it at the cost of her own lifespan.

Before activating the artifact, she used a special method to bind her soul within her body. After her death, if Laiya willingly used blood to awaken, she would come back to life in a different form.

Laiya agreed to the plan and faithfully kept her promise to resurrect the old widow in order to escape a forced marriage to someone she didn’t love.

Ever since then, when the full moon rose, she would meet with the old widow to give the old widow her blood. Her blood was the only thing that could keep the old widow’s body from decaying.

These were the experiences of the old widow as told to Laiya.

612: War is Coming

The two women kept the shared secret between them for twenty years without anyone finding out.

Later, as she spent more time with the old widow, the old widow taught her the art of corpse manipulation and mentioned that she possessed a rare talent to be a corpse controller.

She never wanted to feel that kind of helplessness again, where the only thing she could do was cry in her room. She knew she wanted to protect herself and not be bullied by those stronger than her ever again.

This desire drove her to learn the art of corpse control. Even if she had to be surrounded by corpses in the future, she didn't mind. Nothing mattered as long as she could become stronger.

Everyone knew what happened after that.

The sisters finally understood the reason for their mother’s deep hatred toward men. They had believed it was their father’s abandonment of them that caused their mother to be the way she was. Little did they know, he hadn’t abandoned them, but had been killed by their mother.

They had no right to judge the grudges of the previous generation; they only hoped their mother would meet a good man in her next life and not suffer as she did in this life.

The two sisters decided to build a grave for their mother, because no matter how she was in life, she deserved a proper burial after death.

The old widow had sealed the entire village, but she was dead now and the past was the past. There was no need to keep grudges with the dead.

The kind-hearted villagers didn't blame the two sisters for the ordeal everyone suffered. If they were to add up who suffered the most in the past twenty years, it was undoubtedly the sisters. Having already endured twenty years of hardship, the villagers had no heart to blame the women more.

With the conclusion of the village case, Feng Wu and Jier reported back to Star Marshall hall together. After which, they returned to school for a rest.

Feng Wu's disappearance had driven Ming Xi almost crazy with worry. Only after the high priest's divination assured him that Feng Wu was not in danger did Ming Xi feel a slight sense of relief. But despite this, he couldn’t feel completely at ease until he could see her.

Fortunately, Feng Wu contacted him today, finally giving his worried heart relief. After listening to her recount her experiences from the past few days, Ming Xi realized that administrative work could also be dangerous. They chatted for awhile before calling it a night.

Feng Wu rested and the next day went to the document processing department in Star Marshall hall.

As soon as she walked into the office, Han Xia rushed over, grabbed her hand and started gossiping.

“Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu! Let me tell you! The men the sisters loved and originally wanted to elope with are also still single! They waited for the sisters for twenty years! I'm so moved. I would be willing to give up some of my life if I could find a man who was willing to wait twenty years for me.” Han Xia said enviously.

“How do you know this?” Feng Wu blinked curiously.

“I went to the village this morning and heard from the villagers! They said the two men showed up and rushed to aid the sisters as soon as they heard the news. The scene was so touching!

And the sisters also decided to donate their cherished family heirloom, the dimensional space artifact, to Star Marshall hall. The artifact is already exposed, so there’s no real advantage in them keeping it. Donating it was a practical decision on their part.

In return, Star Marshall hall rewarded each sister with a bonus of 100,000 gold coins. With that money, they can start a whole new life!”

Han Xia was thrilled for the sisters. Despite having their youth stripped away, both of them had men who genuinely loved them and were willing to wait patiently for so many years. What appeared to be misfortune turned out to be stroke of fortune.

Everything was settled and closed. Feng Wu and the others resumed their regular lives, enjoying their fulfilling and joyful days.

Unbeknownst to Feng Wu, Zi Cheng successfully completed the restoration of the Demon Ancestor's physical body. The Demon Ancestor was now poised to descend upon Tianfeng continent, and bring the greatest calamity the world would ever know.

Ai Lin was the only one who could have guessed this would happen.

Originally, she wanted to stop Zi Cheng, but now that the Demon Ancestor was nearly fully recovered, she didn’t want to die by appearing in front of him.

Once recovered, the Demon Ancestor announced his presence to the world by hitting many smaller islands with his magic and sinking them into the sea.

The large-scale slaughter opened Zi Cheng’s eyes. It was only then, after watching him brutally massacre so many people, did she realize he’d been deceiving her the entire time. He never had any intentions of returning to the Demon realm to live, but had planned on turning the Human realm into another Demon realm from the start.

How could a king live as a commoner? She could have laughed at her own gullibility. The problem now was that he was free and with a complete body. She would be public enemy number one if people knew her role in the matter. But if she killed the Demon Ancestor, no one would know. . . 

Zi Cheng made up her mind to kill him again in this life just as her previous self did in the original novel.

Ai Lin knew about Zi Cheng’s intentions as soon as the Demon Ancestor was released. She wasn’t going to let Zi Cheng get the chance to become the world’s savior though.

She secretly wrote a letter detailing every thing she knew about Zi Cheng’s culpability regarding the Demon Ancestor’s release; how Zi Cheng spent the last two years helping the Demon Ancestor gather all his body parts.

Star Marshall hall initiated an investigation.

A wanted order was immediately issued for Zi Cheng after the findings from the investigation from Star Marshall hall were shown to be consistent with the contents in the anonymous letter.

Now the entire continent knew she was guilty of a grave offense against humanity.

Zi Cheng never expected to be exposed in such a manner. She had hoped to bury the truth by eliminating the Demon Ancestor, but now the entire continent knew about how she betrayed humanity. With her opportunity to rectify the situation lost, she wondered why she shouldn’t align herself with the Demon Ancestor instead. After all, it didn’t matter how she got to the top, it only mattered she stand at the top. Once at the top, who would dare speak against her?!

She did exactly as planned and contacted the Demon Ancestor and about an alliance. The two reached one easily.

Next, Zi Cheng sent Caesar a message requesting a sacred artifact that she claimed was needed to save her life.

It was a rare artifact that even Caesar, who was slated to be the next head of house, could not take out at will.

Desperate to fulfill Zi Cheng’s request, Caesar decided to secretly steal the artifact in the middle of the night.

But from the time his brother fell in love with Zi Cheng, Zo knew his brother would walk the same path as before.

Zo notified the patriarch of Caesar’s intentions, of how Caesar was willing to act to the detriment of the family’s welfare for a woman.

According to family law, for such an offense, Caesar should have been executed, but the patriarch couldn’t bear to do it, so he abolished Caesar’s cultivation and expelled him from the family instead.

Caesar looked at Zo with hate filled eyes. He knew it was all because of Zo that the family knew he was going go steal the family’s sacred artifact.

“Brother Caesar, here is some money and property deeds. Please take them with you. Don’t go to see Zi Cheng anymore. It is inevitable that she will kill you.” Zo couldn’t bear to think of his brother not having anything, so he prepared some money and real estate for Caesar in the hopes his brother could live a good life.

A pity Caesar did not see the good will in the gesture.

“You don’t need to pretend to be kind. I know you’ve spent your entire life trying to get rid of me so you can be the next patriarch. Congratulations, you finally achieved your goal!” Caesar waved his hand rudely and slapped away the crystal card Zo held out. He would rather die than accept donations. As far as he was concerned, they were now enemies, so it was only natural he wouldn’t take any of Zo’s advice about Zi Cheng to heart.

Caesar left the place he called home after rejecting Zo’s offerings.

Zo knew his brother would meet up with Zi Cheng and suffer because of her.

Zi Cheng would always have a stream of points in her bank as long as she had good things in her possession. And with the Demon Ancestor as an ally, she was never short of good things.

Even Ai Lin could never have guessed Zi Cheng would ally with the Demon Ancestor to destroy the world after being wanted by the entire continent.

The events of the world were happening far away from Feng Wu, who did clerical work at Star Marshall hall diligently every day.

She would occasionally go to eat with friends, and for the most part, her life was free and easy.

Meanwhile, Ming Xi and the other four divine emperors, were preparing for war. Combined, their strength was capable of defeating the Demon Ancestor and they were the strongest defense the Human realm had.

Feng Wu’s nightly chats with Ming Xi went from daily hour-long chats to ten-minute chats once a day and sometimes every few days because Ming Xi was so busy preparing.

Jier explained that Ming Xi was about to go and fight and that neither the school nor the hall could intervene in the upcoming battle. The fight against the Demon Ancestor was entrusted to the four divine emperors. With the unleashed powers of the gods coursing through their blood, it was possible they could defeat him.

The envoys also began taking action in preparation for the war. The Demon Ancestor created a group of powerful demons through his supreme magic, and it was the task of the envoys to eliminate these enemies.

Signs of war preparations appeared every where as the horn of battle sounded across the continent. Even civilians had to go to the front lines to record the war.

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