The Monkey King

Chapter 843

: Done.

It’s over, it’s over.

From April 1, 2014 to today, January 7, 2017, 1013 days and nights.

“Big Splash Monkey” is over.

Thank you for your company, this is our common child. She has grown up and is about to embark on a new journey, and there is still a long way to go.

But, no matter how far she goes, she is our child after all. We watched her grow up, watched her fall, watched her cry, and watched her get up, wipe away her tears, defeat her opponent step by step, and grow to a level of excellence that we could not have imagined at the beginning.

330,000 words before signing the contract? It’s okay, we got through it!

Sit on a cold bench? It’s okay, we got through it too!

Film and television cooperation has been put on hold? It’s okay, we still got through it!

We encountered almost all the bad luck that a book could, however, nothing could stop us.

In the face of the full minefield, we did not choose to escape, let alone mine sweeping. We choose to… wade over.

We touched almost all the taboos in the net text routine, but we survived.

To paraphrase a sentence in the book, that is: “We have already gone through such a road, what else can be difficult for us?”

Like the monkey, we challenged the so-called dogma of online texts and slapped countless people in the face.

We, like Xuanzang, traveled westward all the way to prove the Way.

We are stubborn like a canopy.

At the same time, we are just like the old white ape, holding unrealistic fantasies and being so stupid.

In 1013 days and nights, we accomplished two impossible tasks. We reinvented the first half of Journey to the West, and we challenged a topic that no one dared to write about—Proving Dao Purdue.

In the last thorough investigation, what do you think is the biggest characteristic of the readers of “The Great Throwing Monkey”?

The answer is: kindness.

Thank you for your kindness, and thank you for indulging the turtle’s willfulness.

sincere thanks.

In the original plan, there was no second half. But Turtle promised everyone a happy ending. Now, turtle, did it.

Finally, allow the turtle to be numb once, love you! (~^~)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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