The Monkey King

Chapter 817

Chapter 779: : Red Line

“I can’t help it?” Monkey grabbed the **** soldier in his hand and laughed slowly. He took a deep breath and looked up at the rolling clouds above his head: “You mean, I can’t help it, right?”

“Are you deaf?” The six-eared macaque raised his brows slightly.

bowed his head, the monkey stared at the six-eared macaque and said word by word: “Then try it. If I can’t take care of the Tathagata, can’t I take care of you?”

Half-squinting, the six-eared macaque stepped back, distanced himself from the monkey, and assumed a fighting stance.

At this moment, the people who were staring blankly all around couldn’t help swallowing dry saliva.

Zhengfa Ming Tathagata, who was standing behind the six-eared macaque, staggered a step and almost fell to the ground, but King Ksitigarbha helped him from the side.

Manjushri walked slowly to the two of them, stood quietly, and watched the six-eared macaques and monkeys in front of them with them.

For them, everything that needs to be done has already been done. Next, is to quietly wait for the result of the westbound.

In the distance, Xuanzang couldn’t help staring blankly with wide eyes. His lips parted slightly, but he couldn’t say a word for a while.

He is the protagonist of the westward journey, but what can he do? These two monkeys, will anyone listen to him?

For the current situation, he, the protagonist, has long been helpless.

In Daleiyin Temple, Tathagata slowly opened his eyes, and his gaze swept aside.

Suddenly, the Buddha whom he saw at a glance hurriedly bowed and walked down the steps, came to the center, bowed his body and put his hands together and said, “What is your order?”

“Go, bring a word for this seat, to Venerable Zhengfa Ming.”

“Disciple obeys.” Having said that, the Buddha bowed and saluted, walking forward with small steps.

After a while, the Buddha rushed out of the temple, jumped up, and rose into the sky. He rushed in the direction of the Lion and Camel Country.

Inside the Nuwa Shrine, Subhuti looked at the figure of Nuwa in the emerald wall, who had long been silent, and sighed deeply.

In the Tushita Palace, Lao Jun frowned slightly. The hand holding the tea cup was loose and tight, tight and loose.

“Kill—!” With a loud shout, the monkey was already waving a **** soldier, and the figure turned into a golden light and charged towards the six-eared macaque.

I saw the six-eared macaque suddenly raise its hand and hold the golden cudgel horizontally.

The next moment, the crazy airflow exploded again, spreading wildly along the surface. Under the strong wind, the people around them all slammed their eyes closed to resist the wind and sand.

followed by a violent roar. The two golden lights alternated repeatedly within a range of less than ten feet, like a drill, pressing down frantically. The rocks on the ground were instantly torn to shreds like tofu and turned into ashes.

In just a moment, a pit with a depth of five feet appeared where they were fighting, growing at a frantic speed.

The earth trembled.

Under the influence of   , the cracks continued to spread around like vines growing wildly. In the blink of an eye, the ground that had just been completely flattened in the fierce battle had become thousands of ravines. The only remaining mountain body quickly collapsed in the roar.

This moment is different from the past. These two monkeys are no longer the same as before. They are really fighting with all their strength, just to fight for the place that should belong to them.

“You can’t win against me! I’m already a Buddha, and I already have a complete body! And you are just lingering!” The six-eared macaque’s voice resounded like thunder.

“Hahahaha! You only know after trying it! The big deal is a dead word! I’m really not afraid of death!” The monkey laughed frantically.

In the deep pit, the iron soldiers suddenly stood up like a giant pillar, and went straight to the third heaven. Holding the golden hoop, the six-eared macaque slid away deftly, and landed on the flat ground in the distance.

A brief calm.

The next moment, the **** soldier only shrank slightly, and the six-eared macaque turned around and rushed over again, hitting the rock on the side of the deep pit—hole!

Yes, it went straight through! He did not use any techniques related to escaping, but directly relied on his own powerful strength to rush into the rock and went straight to the depths of the ground.

Suddenly, the dust that was lifted up spread out around like a gushing spring.

A muffled sound came.

Everyone is looking down, looking at the trembling ground under their feet, and the sand and stones that are constantly jumping on the ground.

“They play like this… will they go directly to the underworld?” Little White Dragon asked cautiously.

Yang Jian twitched his lower lip slightly, and said, “If it hits the underworld, I’m afraid it will be a repeat of the disaster that happened more than 600 years ago. The lives of the common people are in danger, the great masters, but they are just watching.”

said, he couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

In this battle between heaven and earth, whether it be a Buddha, a Tao, a demon, or a fairy, no matter what is right or wrong, in the end, which time is it not suffering for the common people?

Xuanzang lowered his eyes and said nothing.

After a long time, he whispered, “How far is it from here to Lingshan?”

“This, it’s far, far away, not far… Actually, it’s not far.” Xiao Bailong said in a low voice.

turned around, Xuanzang faced the west sky, put his hands together, and slowly stepped away.

“Poor monk, you don’t need any protection. Poor monk, you can walk to Lingshan by yourself and end all this!”

The people around couldn’t help but stay for a while.

In the distance, everyone saw a ray of golden light hurriedly coming from the west and landed in front of the Tathagata of Faming.

The Buddha who came to deliver the message bowed slightly and saluted, saying, “Venerable Dharma Ming, there is a decree from the Buddha.”

“Buddha’s decree?” Hearing this, all the Buddhas were stunned for a moment.

Unlike Heavenly Court, Lingshan is not an extremely strict institution, and in most cases, it is not even an institution. It’s just a gathering place. Therefore, when the Buddhas came from Lingshan to support the Tathagata of Fa-rectification, in principle there is no need for the Tathagata’s consent. Of course, even so, there is something like “Buddha’s decree” in Lingshan. It’s just that any Buddha can decide for himself whether to obey or not.

It is precisely because of this that “Buddha’s decree” has not been issued for tens of thousands of years. Now that it suddenly appeared, how could it not be surprising?

Gently pulled away the hand that King Ksitigarbha was supporting, Zhengfa Ming Tathagata shook his head, bowed and knelt down, and said, “Zhengfa Ming accepts the decree!”

Seeing this, the surrounding Buddhas all knelt down.

I saw that the Buddha who came to preach took out a golden scroll from his sleeve, opened it, and said loudly: “The way of heaven is infinite, and the calamity is very great. What happened 600 years ago can be regarded as a lesson from the past, and it must be observed.”

After saying that, the people around were still pricking up their ears to listen, but they saw that the Buddha who came to preach had slowly rolled up the scroll.

“That’s it? Nothing else?” A simple sentence, not even the letterhead. All the Buddhas looked at each other for a while. Even Ksitigarbha and Manjusri had doubts on their faces.

Only Zhengfa Ming Tathagata slowly smiled bitterly.

Someone asked softly: “What does this… mean?”

“It means a lot.” Zhengfa Ming Tathagata stood up slowly and sighed softly: “The way of heaven is infinite, not only Sun Wukong, but also… six-eared macaques.”

Suddenly, all the Buddhas present were stunned.

In the palace of Tusita, Lao Jun laughed humbly. The tea in his hand was already cold, but he didn’t drink a single sip.

“What does it mean?”

“Isn’t it already said?” Lao Jun raised his head slightly and sighed: “All Buddhas are one faction, and the Tathagata sitting high on the lotus pedestal is also one faction. Now, he is just speaking for all opponents except him. It’s just a red line. Once anyone crosses this red line, then, regardless of the debate, he will definitely take action to clean up the mess!”

Tongtian Sect Master couldn’t help but scolded: “Does he want to watch two monkeys fight between heaven and earth until the end of the world?”

“Isn’t it better to fight to the end of the world, than to give Xuanzang a helper from the Heavenly Dao ‘Wuji’?”

Hearing the words, Tongtian Sect Master couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

Glancing at the dazed Buddhas from a distance, the black bear spirit gritted his teeth and hurried towards Xuanzang.

“Master Xuanzang, we were only a thousand miles away from Lingshan, but here is a thousand miles away! Even if you want to go, you should start from there!”

said, he carried Xuanzang on his back involuntarily and rushed into the sky.

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