The Monkey King

Chapter 814

Chapter 776: : Light Wall

“To accept my life—!”

With a roar, the **** soldier in the monkey’s hand suddenly stretched out and slammed into the six-eared macaque.

The fangs in   ’s mouth flashed coldly in the light and shadow. This may be the first time since the battle that the monkey is not calm.

At this moment, the six-eared macaque with his back to the monkey seemed to have nothing happened. He looked at Zhengfa Ming Tathagata and grinned slowly.

I saw all the Buddhas in the sky swishing their hands together, and a huge wall of light stood up behind the six-eared macaque, colliding with the **** soldiers!

In this scene, even the canopy, who knows the inside story the most, was completely unexpected. Everyone was stunned, they could only watch helplessly.

Everything between heaven and earth seems to have lost its sound. Everyone held their breath.

A white light flashed, and the violent airflow exploded at the collision point between the two. The ground beneath the feet of the six-eared macaque collapsed out of thin air. Everything around him vanished in an instant.

However, this is just the beginning.

That is an incredible force, so that the light and shadow between the heaven and the earth are distorted. The light ball swept out with the heat wave towards the surroundings, looking down from the sky, like a colorful giant egg growing out of thin air on the ground, spreading rapidly. It devoured the six-eared macaque, the Tathagata, the monkey, and even the Buddhas in the sky.

The next moment, a huge roar resounded through the Three Realms!

When the “big egg” spread in front of him, Yang Chan and others who were standing in the distance realized the terrifying power. The distance of several miles, the air flow it carried, and even the canopy whose cultivation base reached Taiyi Jinxian was barely able to stand firm. Those ordinary demon generals who were not high in cultivation were directly thrown out one by one.

If it wasn’t for the aura that Yang Jian exerted in time to wrap Yang Chan in it, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to escape the bad luck of being blown away.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden blow. However, the fierce battle in the middle of the dome had just begun.

Under the powerful force of   , the iron soldier in the monkey’s hand has already made a forty-five degree arc, however, the solid wall in front of him is motionless.

Behind the strong wall, the six-eared macaque still stood quietly, on a stone slab condensed with spiritual power. Zhengfa Ming Tathagata was still walking towards the six-eared macaque step by step.

Hearing a loud shout, the hard-core soldier in the monkey’s hand suddenly retracted, he flipped, and hit the hard wall with another blow!

The faces of the Buddhas in the sky changed, and they quickly closed their eyes and increased the sound of chanting. Suddenly, the wall of light became a little thicker.

The impact of the second wave came quietly.

The hillside has been leveled. The few people who were originally standing on the hillside have long since paid attention to it. They can only grit their teeth and deal with it one by one. They have no time to even think about what happened in the center of the dome.

is another blow, and the wall of light remains. The monkey’s mouth has already cracked, and the spiritual power on his body has been strengthened to a state that is slightly out of control. A fluff that fell off turned into fly ash and drifted away under the erosion of enormous force.

Behind the    light wall, the six-eared macaque slowly turned around and smiled at the monkey. The smile was full of sarcasm.

In an instant, the monkey roared again!

The flipped **** soldier smashed towards the light wall again.

In the   Tushita Palace, the corners of Tongtian Sect Master’s eyes twitched slightly: “Is he trying to destroy the Three Realms?”

“It won’t be ruined, but… in the middle of Xi Niu He Continent, I am afraid that no grass will grow within a few hundred years.” Lao Jun replied solemnly.

In the depths of    Nuna Temple, Subhuti quietly stared at the slightly trembling teacup on the table beside him. silent.

Aftermath of the fierce battle, even the daughter country can clearly feel it.

The third strike, the fourth strike, the fifth strike! One after another!

This time, not only Yang Jian, Yang Chan and the others on the periphery, but even the Buddhas floating in the sky were dumbfounded.

But what can they do?

From the moment they stepped out of Daleiyin Temple, they had no way back. They can only desperately support the wall of light and fight for spiritual power with a cultivator who is infinitely close to the way of heaven!

This is undoubtedly a very scary thing.

At the beginning, the Buddhas tried their best to support the wall of light, but gradually, the taste seemed to change. It turned into a wall of light that was desperately extracting power from them, like a bottomless pit!

By the time    reached the twelfth blow, the faces of those Buddhas were already a little ugly. The monkey’s palm was already dripping with blood. However, he did not have any plans to back down, instead he became more and more fierce!

At this moment, Zhengfa Ming Tathagata has come to the six-eared macaque holding the golden hoop.

“When you wear this gold hoop on your head, it will go into your heart at the same time. As long as you violate your promise a little bit, it will hurt to the bone. There is no way back. Can you think about it?”

“I figured it out!” Throwing off the front swing, the six-eared macaque knelt down on one knee in front of the monkey, bowed his head and said, “Come on!”

raised his head, Zhengfa Ming Tathagata saw that the monkey’s whole body was already immersed in lightning, flipping frantically, but still smashing at the wall of light one after another.

Suddenly, a Buddha swayed and fell down from the air.

The expression of Manjushri, who was presiding over the array in the sky, could not help but change slightly. He suddenly looked at the companions around him, and found that under their golden skins, one by one had already looked awkward.

Seeing that the monkey was about to swing a stick towards the light wall again, Manjushri suddenly shouted: “Solution!”

Suddenly, the wall of light disappeared!

“Lotus Buddha Light!”

He only heard a loud shout, and behind the six-eared macaque, a huge lotus platform appeared out of thin air!

Golden brilliance descended from the sky and shone on the lotus pedestal.

The figure of    Manjushri also appeared on the lotus pedestal. He steadied his horse and spread his hands against the oncoming **** soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, one Buddha after another landed on the lotus pedestal, and stretched out their hands against the iron soldiers in unison!

“Thousand Buddha Array! Set!”

That **** soldier was so abruptly fixed in the air! No matter how the monkey moves, it doesn’t move at all!

At this moment, the Buddhas on the lotus pedestal breathed a sigh of relief.

The six-eared macaque slowly took the golden hoop from Zhengfa Ming Tathagata’s hand and put it on the top of his head.

Monkey opened his eyes slightly and stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

A voice sounded in his mind.

“In the Three Realms, no one can do whatever they want. Even the old man is the same. There are always some things that must be sacrificed. For example, freedom. Only by sacrificing the few things can you hold on to more things.”

In the   Tushita Palace, Lao Jun sighed slowly.

“Do you want me to kill Xuanzang?”

“Killing him is the most straightforward way. If he goes west smoothly, no matter whether the proving is successful or not, it will cause a new deviation in the way of heaven. This should never happen. If you really don’t want to, or you let Open, the old man will make someone do it. Of course, in addition, you have to do some other things. After all…you are the original crack of heaven, and only you can restore everything to its original state.”

“Hey hey hey.” The monkey tugged at the **** soldier and laughed: “If the way of heaven requires it, it must be done. If it is allowed by the way of heaven, it can be done. If it is not allowed by the way of heaven, it must not be done, right?”

“Yes. It’s not right or wrong, the key is just the trajectory of heaven.”

“So, what’s the difference with the six-eared macaque kneeling at the foot of Buddhism? Lao Tzu endured all the way to the west, for the sake of eternal well-being. But you told Lao Tzu to endure forever?”

Laojun was silent.

Everything seems to be frozen at this moment.

The old gentleman in the Tusita Palace was silent.

Subhuti in the shrine of the female snail was silent.

The monkeys on the battlefield were silent.

Everyone is staring blankly, waiting. Only the hand of the six-eared macaque was holding the golden hoop and moving slowly. Put it on the top of the head little by little.

“You think about it.”

“Don’t think about it!” The monkey shouted suddenly, the muscles on the arm swelled to the extreme at this moment, and it burst apart suddenly! It is as terrifying as countless entangled earthworms.

The blood was scattered in the air, and under the erosion of the surging spiritual power, it instantly lost its bright red color.

Just when the golden hoop in the hands of the six-eared macaque was only an inch away from the top of his head, the **** soldier trembled slightly and moved! The arc drawn into a forty-five degree swept toward the six-eared macaque!

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