The Monkey King

Chapter 64

Chapter 63: (Ask For A Recommendation Ticket!)

The celestial soldiers holding the long Ge were about to move forward, but they heard Ling Yunzi shouting from behind: “Slow! Slow! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!”

Tian Jiang glanced at him, raised his head and looked down at Ling Yunzi and snorted: “You are…”

Ling Yunzi stood at a distance, adjusted his clothes, and cupped his hands: “This heavenly general, Ling Yunzi in Xiexieyue Sanxingdong Cave, is visiting Jinxia Cave in Kunlun Mountain. This is my old friend.”

is another “old friend”, and there is an unspeakable anger in the monkey’s heart.

“Oh?” Tian Jiang smiled faintly. That smile, coupled with the huge scar, looked uglier than crying.

Ling Yunzi slowly pushed the two heavenly soldiers away and walked into the encirclement, stretched out his hand and took out the waist card from the monkey’s waist and threw it to the heavenly general, saying, “He is also a guest of Jinxia Cave.”

That day, he glanced at his waist card and threw it back, saying, “It turned out to be Ling Yunzi. Why, it’s not enough to tame so many goblins in your Lingyun Peak, and you even went to Kunlun Mountain to raise monsters?”

The words    fell into the monkey’s ears, and his face became even more ugly.

Ling Yunzi hurriedly put his hand on the monkey’s shoulder, patted it lightly, signaling to him to calm down, and then said to Tian Jiang with a smile: “Admiral is joking, joking. Ling Yunzi likes to make friends, so those on Lingyun Peak are all joking. It’s my friend, how can it be called domestication?”

will sneer a few times that day and say: “Since it’s a misunderstanding, let’s go. It’s best not to come near here in the next few days. If you accidentally hurt, you can’t blame us. And you Ling Yunzi, just do it yourself.”

After saying that, he raised his head, spread his wings and flew towards the battleship, and the group of heavenly soldiers followed.

The wind that blew up for a while swept up the sand and dust, and in a blink of an eye, only Monkey and Ling Yun were left on the mountain road.

Ling Yunzi raised his head to look at the distant figure of the Heavenly Soldier, and muttered: “The Heavenly Army has arrived, and the Kunlun Mountains have even lifted the ban on flying. Haha, this face is really big enough. Junior Brother, let’s go back.”

As soon as he turned around, he saw the gloomy face of the monkey.

“Hey, Junior Brother, calm down, calm down.” Ling Yunzi walked over and hooked the monkey’s shoulders, and said with a soft laugh, “They are fighting everywhere on weekdays, and their opponents are all demons. How can you not be nervous when you see a demon?”

“Really? Then you don’t need to distinguish which monsters are bad for the common people and which ones don’t? You don’t even need to ask anyone’s name, so you have to do it? Is this what they shouted for justice?”

Ling Yunzi had no choice but to smile and sigh, “There are some things that I can’t explain clearly. I don’t know.”

The underworld.

This is a place where the sun never sees the light of day. In the darkness, dozens of cyan ghost fires are suspended, burning silently.

The    radiated light turned everything into an eerie cyan.

The library is so vast that you can’t see the edge, with layers of black bookshelves that are dozens of meters high, like towering buildings.

Taishang Laojun hovered in mid-air, swiping his ten fingers lightly, the thread-bound books on the bookshelf flew as if they had come to life, circling in the air like a flock of geese.

These thread-bound books were automatically untied in the air and spread out. Pages and pages quickly passed by Taishang’s eyes in order. From a distance, it looked like a snake coiled in the air.

was originally just a few words, just a name and a time, but in Taishang’s eyes, these words turned into complicated runes, and the phantoms displayed were dazzling.

Occasionally, a few pages were extracted and floated aside, but most of them were automatically re-bound and put back in their original places.

Seeing this scene, Yama, who was lying on the ground, was puzzled for a while.

It was a rare thing for the Taishang Laojun to suddenly arrive, and what was even more surprising was that the Taishang Laojun went straight to the Hall of Life and Death to check the book of life and death without saying a word.

This book of life and death is a treasure of heaven and earth, but it is not like the mortal narrative that only one copy is held in the hands of the judge, but even the Ten Temples Yama, who is checked every day, does not know how many copies there are.

The Book of Life and Death and the Hall of Life and Death are one treasure. Since Pangu opened the world, it has existed in the underworld, and it was conceived by the way of heaven, which is many years earlier than the ten temples of Yama.

The Hall of Life and Death is vast and boundless, and there are many bookshelves. As time goes by, new bookshelves will automatically grow. And the book of life and death on the bookshelf is also generated naturally. Every time there is an additional bookshelf, there are thousands of books of life and death, and there have been no shortages for thousands of years.

And the records in the book of life and death are all about the reincarnation of life and death in the six realms, and the gods, demons, human beings and beasts are inextricable. Even the old gentleman in front of him also left his name on the book of life and death, but did not mention the geometry of Yangshou.

The books written in the book are not like the mortal rumors that Yama can change at will, but it is naturally generated, and no one can change it. If there is an abnormality, it will be corrected naturally.

In the six realms, all life and death are recorded on it, that is, when Nezha’s yang life was exhausted at that time, but the real person Taiyi helped to reshape the golden body, and the yang life on this book of life and death was naturally extended.

In general, although the Ten Temple Yamas acted according to the records in the book of life and death, the records of the future in this book of life and death were not all correct. Only because it will be repaired naturally according to the number of days, the records of the past are absolutely accurate.

As for the book in the so-called judge’s hand, it’s just his own notebook.

If the truth is discussed, the one who really controls the Netherworld is not the Ten Temple Yama, as rumored among the extraordinary, but the treasure in front of him. The six realms of reincarnation all evolve on it, and Yama is just executing it on its behalf.

But there are so many books of life and death, could it be that Taishang Laojun really intends to read them one by one? This made the Tenth Palace Yama unable to figure it out.

Even they have never done such a huge project.

At this moment, that Taishang was flying in the air, his eyes kept going back and forth on the pages of paper that passed in front of him, and his heart was full of doubts.

“Who is it? Who silenced the land, and who led away the soul of the canary earlier?”

The solitary tomb had obviously just been renovated, but who could it be?

Is that the stone monkey? If it is, then the Xieyue Sanxingdong is under his own monitoring at this moment, and the stone monkey can’t return. If not? That is, Subhuti deliberately sent someone to repair the solitary tomb, and then killed the land to make the illusion that the stone monkey was not in the Xieyue Sanxingdong Cave.

But Taishang’s real doubts are not here yet.

Who is behind the control and wants to shatter the heavens?

Previously, he had identified Subhuti, but now it seems that this point needs to be considered.

The canary died because the stone monkey’s yang life was not yet exhausted, and the soul is not a resentful spirit. If it does not report to the underworld within seventy-seven forty-nine days, it will naturally disappear and turn into a wandering spirit. How useful.

What is certain is that the wandering spirit must have been taken away before he found the hunter’s wandering spirit. If not, the two are not far away, how could he not find it? That’s why, after finding the hunter’s wandering spirit that day, he didn’t inquire about the land in detail. Unexpectedly… I missed the opportunity to solve the mystery.

If the soul of the canary was really led away by Subhuti, then it took the stone monkey ten years to reach Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai. Could it be that Subhuti knew that the way of heaven was different before the stone monkey arrived at Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai?

If this is the case, why didn’t he kill all the land along the way early, so that the traces were not covered up more thoroughly? To take a step back, if it was Subhuti’s fading smoke, after encountering the stone monkey, he searched back along the way to find the canary who had been transformed into a wandering spirit, and deliberately led her away to confuse himself.

Why the cracks on the Heavenly Dao Stone have expanded again, doesn’t this just mean that the soul has not been transformed into a wandering spirit?

Heavy clues are intertwined, like a mess, and the conclusions drawn are diametrically opposite, which are true and which are false?

Taishang Laojun, who has held the evolution of the entire world in his hands for tens of thousands of years, could not help but have a headache at this moment.

“Could it be… There is a second person behind this? A mid-game?”

What    can do now is to thoroughly examine the book of life and death. As long as the canary is not transformed into a wandering spirit, then there will definitely be traces left in this book of life and death!

As long as you find the canary, all the puzzles will be solved!

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