The Monkey King

Chapter 6

Chapter 5:

Maybe he should roll over and run, but can a monkey outrun a tiger?



Suddenly, an apple hit the tiger’s face firmly.

Accompanied by a tiger roar, the tiger looked around angrily.

A monkey on the big tree shrank into the leaves in fright.

“Your Majesty… run.” A monkey screamed.

The stone monkey turned and ran away, and the tiger was not a vegetarian. He understood the monkey’s intention and immediately rushed in the direction of the stone monkey.

But the current situation is not so simple.

Another pear smashed at the tiger, followed by bananas, grapes…

The sky was raining fruit, and the monkeys smashed everything they could catch at the tiger. Although this majestic tiger will not be afraid of a few fruits, but the premise is not to hit the eyes.

In a short period of time, thanks to the help of the monkey group, the stone monkey has run away a distance of more than ten meters, and the tiger has also left the attack range of the monkey group in a frantic sprint.

Obviously, this is a smart tiger, it knows what is the key, as long as it kills this monkey who can’t climb trees, everything is over.

The stone monkey couldn’t take care of his own injuries. He desperately went to scream, run, jump, and dodge in the woods. But two legs can’t run on four legs.

The monkeys have been thrown far away, and without their help, the tigers have gradually shortened the distance from each other.

If I get caught again this time, I’m afraid it won’t be the shoulder, but the throat.

When the stone monkey was almost desperate again, the canary flew over his head: “This way, fool.”

“Huh?” Without thinking too much, the stone monkey hurriedly ran in the direction of the canary.

“Tree hole!?”

When the tiger jumped up behind him and was about to throw the stone monkey down, the monkey rolled over and rolled into a small tree hole!

Before the stone monkey could settle down, the sharp tiger claws had already swept towards his face!

The gust of wind hit his face, and at such a distance, the stone monkey could even see the fur on the tiger’s claws.

However, it cannot reach the stone monkey.

The stone monkey after reincarnation seems to be a little smaller than before because it seems to be still in its infancy. It looks no different from ordinary monkeys. Where he can enter, this adult tiger may not be able to enter.

The tiger, which had been catching for a long time and only caught a handful of dead leaves, quietly retracted its claws, and then it lowered its head and looked in through the hole.

This is a flat and long narrow cave formed by a giant tree root system. The roots are surrounded by fallen leaves, and the innermost place is a little more than a foot away from the place where the tiger can reach. At this moment, the stone monkey is all against the wall.

“come out!”

This is the sound of a tiger! It can also talk! All the animals in this place can talk!

It was already dark at this time, staring at the pair of terrifying eyes, the frightened stone monkey trembled and squeezed out two words from the gap between his teeth: “Don’t think about it!”

“Don’t be delusional, I won’t leave, you can’t run away.”

“Listen.” The trembling stone monkey split his mouth to reveal his fierce teeth and said, “If you don’t leave immediately, I will kill you!”

“Really? It’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. A monkey claims to kill a tiger?” The tiger’s face in the moonlight flashed that weird smile again.

“Tit—!” The stone monkey shouted loudly: “Tit—are you there?”

“I said I’m a canary! Canary! Don’t you monkey have a brain?”

“Any kind of bird is fine! Can you help me?”

“What help?”

“Go and bring me the monkeys and grandchildren.”

“Bring…” Suddenly, a canary’s cursing sound came from outside the tree hole: “I really can’t see it! You actually want to feed the tiger with other monkeys! You are more wicked than humans…”

“No! Damn, don’t make up your mind! You let them bring durians here! Do you know what durians are?”

Immediately, the snickering sound of the canary came back from outside.

If I remember correctly, Stone Monkey saw a monkey holding a durian during the day. It seems that there are all kinds of fruits in Huaguoshan.

Hearing the sound of the canary flapping its wings away, the stone monkey glared at the tiger and said slowly, “I will make you regret that you didn’t bite me to death!”

“Then I’ll see what tricks you can pull off!” said the tiger viciously.

Time passed by minute by minute, the tiger still stared at the stone monkey closely, and the stone monkey was not to be outdone.

However, his condition is obviously not as good as that of a tiger. The blood from the wound on his shoulder has solidified and no longer flows, but the severe pain from the deep wound makes him miserable. The fierce expression on his face was partly due to the pain of the wound.

Even he found that his left hand was completely useless.

“It won’t be broken, will it?” he thought.

Being bitten by a tiger is not surprising even if he breaks a bone, but now he makes a slight movement and the wound is stinging as if it is about to split, so it is impossible to verify.

Soon, a durian smashed down!

Although it didn’t hit the tiger, it left deep marks on the roots of the tree!

This scene shocked the tiger, it finally knew what the stone monkey was waiting for. Not all fruits are useless!

The tiger looked up suddenly, but saw three durians approaching.

One of them accurately hit its waist, and suddenly, a wailing sounded, accompanied by the cheers of the monkeys.

“Isn’t it not going? Don’t go.” The stone monkey cracked his mouth and laughed savagely, reaching out and dragging a durian in to prepare to eat durian while watching the show, but it is not so easy to open durian with one hand without the tools at hand. .

“Alright, let’s keep it as a weapon.” Throwing the durian aside, he raised his head and shouted, “Little ones, smash me to death!”

The cheers outside the    cave became even more exciting.

“Aren’t you going to eat me? I want to see who eats whom. Forgot to tell you, monkeys don’t necessarily all eat vegetarian food!”

answered him with a hysterical tiger howl, and the stone monkey, not to be outdone, responded with a hysterical ape howl.

For a while, the howls of tigers and apes came one after another.

That night, the whole forest was extremely lively. The tigers kept dodging the durians that fell from the sky. In the second half of the night, there were not many durians left and coconuts were mixed. If the tigers were accidentally hit, the audience would cheer. This kind of cheers made the monkeys cheer. They were so full of passion that they even forgot to sleep.

For the tiger, this kind of cheering is a nightmare. Behind every burst of cheers, it means more coconuts, durians, and more monkeys. It even saw a squirrel throwing walnuts at it!

His reputation as the king of the jungle was completely wiped out.

What’s more hateful is that the **** stone monkey is snickering at himself in the tree hole.

As for the stone monkey, his condition is not much better.

The stone monkey during the day was already exhausted, and after the escape from life and death just now, he had severely exhausted his physical strength. In addition to the injuries on his body, he felt as if his eyelids were fighting all night.

But he didn’t dare to relax for a moment. If he fell asleep and accidentally turned over, he might have fulfilled the tiger’s wish.

Helpless, he can only fight with the tiger to see who can’t stand it first.

When the first ray of sunlight shined through the clouds to illuminate the woods, the tiger, who had no good flesh all over his body, finally chose to give up and drag his tired body away. But the stone monkey just slipped out of the tree hole, grabbed two coconuts and a stone, and then got back.

The   canary flew quietly to the entrance of the cave, stuck its head out and asked, “What are you doing? Haven’t come out yet? It’s already gone.”

He smashed the coconut with his milk strength, drank the coconut shell, wiped his mouth, and breathed a sigh of relief before the stone monkey said feebly: “Do you think I’m stupid? What could be more important than this? Safe? I’m injured and I don’t know how to climb trees. If I encounter it again without this tree hole, I’ll die. Then again, thank you, tit.”

“Mom, Shan! How many times have I said that I’m a canary! I’ll ignore you if you keep doing this!”

“And… help me keep an eye on that tiger, I really need to squint…”


Before Canary could speak, she had already seen the stone monkey faint.

Maybe it’s because of excessive mental stress. It doesn’t feel good to be on the line of life and death all night.

“If you dare to call me **** again in the future, I swear I’ll ignore you again.”

Angrily pecked the tree trunk beside him, and the canary turned and chased in the direction the tiger fled.

For the rest of the day, the monkeys and the canaries alternated to watch the tigers. If the canary is on duty, it’s fine, at most she will follow the tiger to report her whereabouts. If the monkeys are on duty…they will take the trouble to smash things at the tiger.

The former king of the forest has now become as degenerate as a rat crossing the street.

Helpless, the tiger had to run to the open space to have a moment of peace.

However, this war between monkeys and tigers has only just begun.

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