The Monkey King

Chapter 51

Chapter 50: (Ask For A Recommendation Ticket)

The bright sunshine warms the earth, just like the mood of the wind chimes at the moment.

Stepping on the fallen leaves that covered the ancient road, and falling on her body through the gorgeous branches, the wind chimes walked all the way, wiping tears all the way, but smiling all the way.

The Taoists on the road all stared at her without knowing why, the doubtful eyes made her a little shy, her face was red, she couldn’t help but quicken her steps, but she laughed even more.

At this time, the haze in my heart has been swept away, and there is nothing to worry about anymore.

The monkeys and their uncles will never make trouble again, and the matter of eating the Kuo Lingdan by themselves will be over.

This world seems to suddenly become better.

Her heart was filled with joy.

pushed open the door of the monkey’s room, she stared at the monkey sweetly, with that expression, the monkey couldn’t help thinking that she had picked up some treasure while walking, and when she looked closely, she found the tears on her face.

“Did Yu Yi come to see you this morning?” the monkey asked.

“Yeah.” The wind chimes nodded heavily: “Master let me go.”

“Old man…” The monkey narrowed his eyes slightly and asked suspiciously, “Have you been trained?”

Wind Chime shook his head: “Hehehe, no, Master didn’t train me.”

“Then why are you crying? Oh, no, what should I ask you to laugh at?” The monkey slipped in front of the wind chimes, and stared at her for a long time: “Why are you crying and laughing?”

The wind chimes reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, pursed his lips, and just kept shaking his head: “It’s nothing.”

“No? It’s weird.” The monkey frowned, reached out and pinched Xiao Nizi’s face, turned his head and leaned against the table to read again.

Practice is definitely necessary, but it cannot be practiced alone.

After going through so many things, the monkeys feel the importance of learning more and more.

These fellows who are enlightened are all masters of calculation. No matter how tyrannical your strength is, a single trick can make you die inexplicably.

Therefore, what he is reading now is actually the book of the Tao of the Enlightened One.

“I’m going to cook for you~”

“Cut the fruit, just cut the fruit, what do you say to cook?”

“I’m going to say cooking! I’m going to say cooking! Hehehe.” Wind Chime hummed a little tune and turned away.

Put down the bamboo slip in his hand, the monkey looked at the back of the wind chimes running and jumping, and rolled his eyes suspiciously: “It’s really nothing? Nothing can make you happy like this?”

In the afternoon, Subhuti sent someone over to let the monkey go over.

This is a rare thing, the monkey has no memory of how long it has been since he entered Subhuti’s Hall of Concentration. It should be a few months.

This old man taught his disciples like cattle, and let him fend for himself.

Jokes aside, the master is still the master, and this Xieyue Sanxingdong is his biggest, stronger than Dantongzi and Qingyunzi.

Monkey obediently came to the entrance of Qianxin Temple and bowed: “Disciple Sun Wukong asks to see you.”

“Come in.”

The open door, Subhuti sat alone in the depths of the main hall, still the black piece of wood in his hand, which was carefully carved.

The monkey stepped into the door, and seeing that Subhuti did not give further instructions, he simply found a futon and sat down.

I don’t know if Subhuti forgot or did it on purpose.

Since it’s all right, what should I do? The monkey couldn’t help but think.

Monkeys have long been accustomed to all kinds of strange actions of Subhuti. If you don’t mention them, I won’t mention them either.

Simply, the monkey meditated on the futon.

The two of them stayed in the silent hall for over an hour before Subhuti said, “Wukong, come here.”

“Huh?” The monkey opened his eyes.

“Come here.” Subhuti smiled, raised his head and waved at the monkey.

“Oh.” The monkey walked up to Subhuti and sat down, only to see Subhuti beckoning.

“What is this for?” The monkey simply sat across from the low table and stretched his neck.

“That’s it, don’t move.”

“Ow!” The monkey covered his cheeks with reluctance.

“I can endure being beaten like that, but I’m going to scream when my master pulls my hair out?” Holding the handful of monkey hair, Subhuti muttered something in his mouth, rubbed it in his hand, and when he exerted force, a trace of fluorescent light radiated. come out.

“This is…” The monkey opened his mouth wide and stunned.

Subhuti smiled and looked at the monkey, and smeared the fluorescent light on the black wooden block that had already carved the Tengyun figure.

In the blink of an eye, the fluorescent light condensed three words on the dark wooden block – “Sun Wukong”!

“This is… Master, why are you making a spirit position for me?” The monkey blurted out.

Subhuti frowned, picked up the whisk and smashed it on the monkey’s head, saying: “You monkey head knows nonsense, where is this spiritual seat? This is the life card. The sixth time you go to Tibetan scriptures It was mentioned in one of the books that the pavilion ‘borrowed’ that it was carved from Qiankun Qiyin wood, with hair and skin as the medium. The teacher can also find you. And if you accidentally lose your life, this life card will also take back your soul. Each of your nine senior brothers has one piece, and this piece is yours.”

The monkey rubbed his head, frowned and said, “I read the book, but I didn’t understand it. The magic circles in it are like a book from heaven, but I just memorized it. Maybe, give me some time to understand it. ”

“Oh?” Subhuti looked at the monkey with some surprise and asked, “Can you understand it if you give it a little more time?”

The monkey nodded, stretched out his hand to take his life card and put it on the table. He lay down on the table and stared at it for a while. He pointed to one of the lines and said, “This is ‘Jinji’, and the one next to it is ‘ “No Festival”, the top is “branch”, and these three lines are carved together to form a separate “week”. Having a “week” means that there is a presence in this great circle…”

The monkey explained it bit by bit, and Subhuti listened carefully.

Gradually, Subhuti stopped looking at what he was pointing at, stopped listening to what he said, and just stared intently at the monkey.

Watching the monkey explain attentively, watching the monkey carefully staring at the lines on the life card, watching the monkey scratching his head a little puzzled, watching the monkey lift his legs and pull the life card to shine in the afterglow of the sunset so that he can see it More clearly, watching the monkey bit his fingers and think in anguish.

There was a hint of relief in those old eyes.

Today’s monkeys are no longer the stunned young man who just arrived at the mountain gate two years ago, kneeling and not walking.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he smiled lightly.

I don’t know how long it took, the monkey finally finished talking about everything he knew, and pushed the life card in his hand back to Subhuti, and said helplessly: “I can only understand so much now, and the rest really can’t be understood. These things are more difficult than high numbers. Eh? Master? Master, are you all right?”

Heaving a long sigh of relief, Subhuti smiled gratified, and sighed: “It is not worth the expectations of your teacher. Are you practicing the Way of the Practitioner, or the Way of the Enlightened One?”

“Double cultivation, okay?”

Subhuti pursed his lips, shook his head slowly, and said, “No. The way of the practitioner is tyrannical, even if he knows the law of the enlightened person, he cannot practice the reality of the enlightened person.”

The monkey stretched his back and replied, “Then those who are practitioners are also those who are enlightened. The enlightened person is very cunning. If he doesn’t understand the way, he will suffer a big loss one day. Master, aren’t you good at reading minds? Look, You read me a bit, say what should be said, what should be said, it’s getting late, apprentice, I have to go back to eat.”

Hearing this sentence, Subhuti suddenly burst into laughter, pointed at the monkey and said, “You are becoming more and more like a monkey head.”

“The apprentice is a monkey head.”

“Yes or no?”

“No way.”

Having said that, the two of them looked at each other and both laughed heartily.

Since the day the monkey started to learn, he had never seen Subhuti laugh so cheerfully, that the monkey had a little doubt in his heart.

After laughing, Subhuti shook his head helplessly, and said, “You are very obsessed, and even when you first arrived in the sanctuary and had no cultivation, you could only read one or two readings. Now that your cultivation has reached the divine realm, What I can read for my teacher is very little. I am looking for you this time to tell you that tomorrow, you will go to Kunlun Mountain with your eighth senior brother Ling Yunzi. Tonight, you have to prepare for a good life. Fan.”

“Huh?” The monkey opened his mouth wide.

“What’s wrong?”

Monkey hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: “Master, this disciple just wants to stay in the temple and cultivate immortality as soon as possible.”

Subhuti smiled lightly, and said, “It doesn’t matter how high your aptitude is and how good your understanding is. It has been thousands of years since the beginning of Taoism, and it is the book in my pavilion. Moti has completed it. It’s impossible to talk about it in two or three hundred years. That Kunlun Mountain is a Taoist holy place. I sent you there to let you see with your own eyes what cultivation is. As for cultivation…”

Subhuti paused, and the monkey quickly stretched out his ears.

“When you come back this time, what kind of immortal art do you want to learn, as a teacher, you will fulfill your wish and grant it in person.”

“The disciple wants to learn the seventy-two transformations, somersaults!” The monkey blurted out.

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