The Monkey King

Chapter 29

Chapter 28:

Ling Yunzi completely persuaded the monkey. For monkeys who are at the bottleneck of cultivation and eager to break through their cultivation, the attraction of Nashendan is extremely high.

But what he really needs to convince is the wind chimes, and the wind chimes are the people who will be living with Yang Chan, but it is inconvenient to speak out because of their feelings.

After    persuaded the monkey, Ling Yunzi drew the gourd out and talked about it, but the wind chime was not as persuasive as the monkey—at least for people other than the monkey.

In the end, Ling Yunzi didn’t know what promises made Feng Chi agree to live with Yang Chan, but it was only a few days, and Ling Yunzi promised to build an extra wooden house in Lingyan within a few days.

After solving the problem, Monkey and Ling Yunzi had a night of wine that night. Ling Yunzi said a lot, from the beginning of being a little novice, to worshipping in the Xieyue Sanxingdong and attending the peach feast with Subhuti, and then to the creation of his own creation. Lingyun Pavilion, all kinds of strange things in the sky and the ground, listen to monkeys and wind chimes with relish.

The world is so wonderful.

As for Yang Chan, she just sat on the side ignoring anyone and kept silent.

Early the next day, Ling Yunzi used the banner of returning to Lingyun Pavilion, and left after explaining the construction of a new wooden house in the Guannei Internal Affairs Treasury, leaving only Yang Chan.

This made the monkey even more feel that Ling Yunzi’s trip was purely to throw Yang Chan, a hot potato, to Xieyue Sanxingdong.

However, even when the sky falls, there is Subhuti on his back. It’s not the monkey’s turn to worry about it, he just needs to practice.

Since he touched the threshold of the divine realm, the monkey felt that it was very difficult to absorb the spiritual energy. That kind of feeling is like a balloon that has been blown to the extreme. If you blow it again, there will be a faint feeling of bursting, the whole body is in severe pain, and the blood is bursting.

According to the book stolen from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, this is actually the process of opening the channel for the release of spiritual power. Under the circumstance that the spiritual power has reached the limit and the tempering of the body has not yet had time to expand, how much spiritual power is absorbed means how much spiritual power must be released naturally.

The meridians through which the spiritual power can be released have not been opened yet, so there is that sharp pain.

If you change the way of enlightenment, it’s fine. After decades of practice, water drops and stones penetrate, and the pain is averaged to several decades. There is almost no feeling that this process is completed.

But it becomes a hurdle when it is placed on the pedestrian path. And the physique of the monkey is the best among the practitioners of the road, so this hurdle becomes particularly obvious.

After eating the Nashen Pill presented by Ling Yunzi, the monkey found that the so-called Nashen Pill was not fundamentally helpful to the practice at this stage. To put it bluntly, it was just a special anesthetic that could paralyze the Pain.

If Ling Yunzi had not just left, Subhuti would have summoned the wind chime to the monkey and said, “Cultivating the unorthodox Dharma with medicinal pills, do it with caution.” Maybe the monkey died in such a confused way.

After eating the Nashen Pill and practicing again, there is no longer any severe pain, but the damage to the body by the release of spiritual power still exists. After several times of cultivation to the extreme, the monkey felt dizzy, hot all over, and his consciousness became more and more blurred. to fall asleep at any time.

Fortunately, I paid more attention to the words of Subhuti, and nothing happened.

After doing this twice, the speed has increased, but it still has to be controlled. Every three or two hours of practice, you need to rest for three or five hours.

In the process of this repeated practice, the hidden pain accumulated day and night, like a snowball rolling bigger and bigger, tormenting the monkey’s body and mind all the time, as if closing his eyes at any time would kill his breath.

Fortunately, this kind of pain is latent and not as obvious as before, at least the wind chimes didn’t see it, and the monkey clenched his teeth and held on.

As for that Yang Chan, she still doesn’t talk to anyone. She goes out every day at dawn and doesn’t know where she went, and returns to the wooden house in the evening. At night, he shared a bed with the wind chimes, but he never said a word, as if he was a transparent person. This made the wind chimes very unpleasant, but fortunately the wooden house will be built in a few days, but they endured it.

On the third night after Ling Yunzi left, the monkey practiced as usual.

In the middle of the night, the limit of what the body can bear came again. I only felt hot and dizzy. I hurried out of the wooden house, took off my shirt and ran to the well in front of the kitchen.

Suddenly, the whole person woke up a lot.

wiped his face and sat by the well gasping for breath. At this moment, his body was cold outside and hot inside, and a steam of steam was poking out from the pores of his body.

The water that sticks to the skin dries up in an instant.

The spirit is a lot more awake, but the body still seems to be torn apart.

Although it has the anaesthetic effect of Shendan, the monkey knows how much damage it can do. No pain, but even more panic. But he had to do it. Without the help of Na Shendan, under that level of practice, he could not even maintain a clear consciousness.

Looking at the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion from a distance, the monkey looked at the tall grass next to him.

“I haven’t been there for a long time. The people in the grass are almost gone, but there are still a few stubborn ones who have to stay.” The monkey thought and smiled helplessly: “These people are thinking What? Cultivation is just to squat outside other people’s doors to ambush? Hehehehe.”

was laughing when the monkey suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and quickly looked towards the roof of the wind chimes!

Under the moonlight, Yang Chan, dressed in white clothes, looked like a fairy in the breeze. She was sitting on the roof with her hands tucked and her head tilted, staring at the monkey.

A hint of surprise slowly appeared on the charming face staring at the monkey.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Yang Chan pointed to her shoulder and asked, “Monkey, where’s your canary?”

The   monkey suddenly understood, stretched out his hand to cover the scar on his shoulder left by the tiger many years ago, and asked back, “Are you that golden carp?!”

“It’s been more than ten years. At that time, you were not so tall. If it wasn’t for the strange scar, I really wouldn’t recognize it. A monkey and a canary go out to sea together, it’s really interesting.” Pointing his finger on his lips, he smiled, and a faint white mist appeared in the icy night.

took a deep breath, then she turned her head to look at the moon again, and sighed: “I didn’t expect to meet here, maybe it’s fate.”

This is the first time the monkey sees Yang Chan laughing, it is a kind of warmth like a ray of sunshine in the afternoon in winter, but it is somewhat saddened.

After calming down, the monkey bowed to Yang Chan and said, “Thank you for saving me and Queer that day.”

“Queer? Is that the name of the canary?” Yang Chan didn’t look back, just stared at the moon intently.

“Hmm.” The monkey didn’t say anything more, he reached out and put the bucket into the well, and poured another bucket of water down his head.

After two buckets of water were poured down, the heat on the surface of the body was immediately relieved a lot, but the heat in the body was still the same, and there was a very depressing feeling.

shook off the water on his hair, the monkey reached out and picked up his shirt and put it on, dragged his wet trouser legs and prepared to return to the wooden house.

“You’re cultivating the Way of the Practitioner, right? My brother is also doing the Way of the Practitioner. If you want to achieve the Way of the Practitioner quickly, you need to endure extraordinary pains. The better your aptitude, the greater the pain. There will be more.”

Monkey stopped and looked up at Yang Chan. She still didn’t look back, just looked at Mingyue and said to herself.

“At that time, he said that as long as he has high skills, he can save his mother, so he worked hard. He really became, heaven and earth, no one knows the name of Erlang Shen Yang Jian. But mother…”

The monkey couldn’t see her expression clearly, but when he mentioned the word “mother”, Yang Chan’s tone was a little choked up, and after a pause, she seemed to recover a little, and then said, “I can’t figure out why you have to accept the recruitment. What? Heavenly Court clearly can’t do anything about him.”

“It doesn’t mean that the heavens are also set by the gods. All the gods in the sky are cultivated from mortals. As long as they work harder than them, they will one day become the masters of the heavens and the earth, and hold their own destiny from now on?”

“In this world, I have never seen a person with better aptitude than him, but why does he… give in…”

“The Way of the Walker is so difficult, and it has survived so many years. If you want to give up, why start…”

“If I hadn’t cultivated immortals, maybe I would have died of old age and couldn’t remember anything… If I don’t remember my mother, I don’t remember my father, I don’t remember my elder brother, I won’t remember hatred…”

Yang Chan muttered to herself, and gradually the words became intermittent, until they were fragmented. At the end, she couldn’t speak, she just buried her head in her knees, and the monkey heard sobbing faintly.

“Maybe, your brother has other reasons.” The monkey said softly.

Yang Chan didn’t answer, just lowered her head.

sighed softly, and the monkey lowered his head and walked into his wooden house.

The matter of the two brothers and sisters of the Yang family is not something he can manage now.

Even if you can manage it, you shouldn’t manage it.

Yang Jian Jade Emperor is also making troubles with his uncle and nephew. Tathagata Buddha would not make a move. It would be different if he changed monkeys.

Yang Jian is fine against the sky, but the monkeys against the sky will be pressed down by the bottom of the mountain for five hundred years. Can’t play this.

That night, the monkey tossed and turned on the bed while dragging his tired and scarred body.

The moonlight slanted in from the window, and the lonely figure of Yang Chan on the roof was printed on the head of the monkey’s bed, which was a bit sad.

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