The Messenger of Death

Chapter 81: the shrine

"System, can electricity treat paralysis?

*Affirmative. Electricity is used to treat SCI (Spinal Cord Injuries).

"Good." Xander smiled and stood up.


He rushed out of the hut from the same broken window that he came in from.

['Now that we are a rank-5 nascent realm cultivator, when we activate our bloodline power and skip 7 ranks we would be as strong as a rank-3 disaster realm cultivator, if I include my weapon Dao then we'll be as strong as a rank-4 disaster realm cultivator.'] Xander reasoned

['If I remember clearly, the berserker that we set on fire was on par with Sara the last time we saw them battle and now it might even be stronger than it was previously – and Sara is a late-stage disaster realm cultivator'] Alex pointed out.

['If it is stronger than it previously is, then the lightning might not restrain it for long. But that's okay, at full speed I can cover 5km within a minute. The berserker just needs to be restrained for a minute.'] Xander reassured.


Xander reached the berserker that captured Camron and Sara, within 3 seconds, and drop kicked it. The voltage of electricity that came with the dropkick was enough to fry an elephant to burnt meat in just seconds.


The berserker flew meters away into the bush, away from the sight of everyone.


He landed softly on the ground.

'Alex!' Camron was happy to see his friend.


Xander opened his palm and spread his fingers wide, obscure streaks of lightning shot out of his fingers and hit everyone around him, including the Camron and the rest.

['What are you doing!?'] Alex shouted.

['Don't worry, they'll be alright… I hope.'] Xander replied.

Everyone was happy that Alex was there to save them but when they saw that his lightning wasn't differentiating between allies and enemies, they all panicked.


When the rose-gold lightning came in contact with them they started to convulse, and while they were convulsing they could finally start to feel their limbs and were able to move their muscles...

"Arrghh, f*ck that was painful!!" The first thing Drake did was to shout and then curse.

His lightning had darkened their skins and burnt them a bit.

"Alex!" Camron Exclaimed as he jumped to hug his friend but was repelled by the streaks of lightning that had been circling Xander.


Camron shouted in pain.

Xander chuckled at his friend's reaction.

"You never learn do you?" Some of the berserkers that were close by had started to move a little bit.

['Don't even think about it, the first shot lacked a lot of voltage.'] Xander smirked.

He opened his palms and stretched his fingers wide again. This time the streaks of lightning that shot out of his fingers were much more terrifying than the first one he shot, and they only hit the berserkers.


They all screamed out in agony.

"You guys stay here and restrain these ones on the ground. Don't kill them, retrain them." Xander looked at Lenny as he said that last part.

With the lightning bloodline ability activated and streaks of lightning randomly appearing on Alex's body, he looked very different to others… to the females, he looked a lot more attractive than he was before, and to the males, he ignited reverence in their hearts.

"Don't worry, I've learned my lesson… your cultivation realm, you are rank-5 nascent cultivator now, I thought…" Lenny paused and started at Xander with a shocked expression on his face.

When Lenny pointed that out, the rest of them also noticed it.

Xander smiled and flashed away.



Camron watched his friend head towards the village.

'What is he going to do there?' He was about to chase after Xander, worried about his safety but decided against it. 'He's a rank-5 nascent realm cultivator like me now, and he has his bloodline ability. He's stronger than me now." He sighed.


The berserker that Xander dropped kicked when he revealed himself, had recovered completely. It came back not long after Xander had left for the shrine.



It screamed at Xander as it watched him head towards the shrine. Its arrival put the rest in a state of panic.

The berserker ignored them like they were nothing and picked two other berserkers by their necks then chased after Xander with them in his hands.

Due to the state of panic that they all entered and how fast the berserker was, they all didn't have the chance to react.


Xander heard the cry of the berserker from behind.

"Damn I thought that was enough voltage to knock it out for at least 2 minutes. Is it even a minute yet?" He reasoned.

He turned his head and took a quick look at the Berserker.

['What's it doing with those on its hand?'] Al wondered.

"That I would also like to know but there's no time for that."


Xander's body started to vibrate, he had forcefully increased his speed.


A light boom sound came out as he shot out and left a little crater where his foot had touched.


The berserker threw the companion it had in its left hand at Xander.

When the body thrown at Xander was just a few centimeters away from him, he backflipped and dodged the body, at high speed. Before his legs could touch the ground, another berserker was thrown at him.

Xander withdrew his legs before they touched the ground and fell to the floor, just so he could safely dodge the second body thrown at him. He landed on his hands, in the position of a declined push-up. He pushed himself off the floor immediately.


The berserker that threw its companions at Xander Crashed on the place Xander was a second ago.

"Pest!!" It screamed.

['Damn, it killed those two. They are going to wake up stronger. Lose this berserker quickly, we are almost there.'] Alex urged.

['On it.'] Xander brought one of the twilight twin swords. With his weapon Dao, his cultivation increased by a single rank, now he was rank-4 disaster realm cultivator.

He used the boost from his weapon Dao to increase his speed and continued to head for the shrine.

"There it is."

The shrine was just an open place with tiled floors and pillar that stood at the end of each of its corners. There were 137 stone hearts lined up and floating mid-air.

"Almost there."


A berserker appeared out of nowhere and kicked Xander's head heavily.


He flew and crashed into the nearest wooden hut. Xander passed out upon impact and Alex unintentionally took control over his actions…

"Argh!!" A sharp pain assaulted his brain, it was excruciating enough to make Alex pass out, and he was barely holding on to his consciousness.

"Xander," Alex called out in a hoarse voice. He waited and received no reply.

['Xander.'] Lex and Al called out and they received silence as a response. Xander was hit so hard that he passed out.

Alex forced himself to get up, the mark of the berserker's feet was on the side of his head and he was bleeding from that same spot the mark was too.

The blood from his injury had started to color one of his eyes red. He made his way out of the hut he crashed into. Standing not too far from him were 3 berserkers with their necks bent like they had broken their necks.

They had killed themselves and have become stronger than they were previously. Their necks healed rapidly.


They screamed at the same time and disappeared from Alex's sight.


He received a punch on his stomach that sent him flying high up into the air and leaving a trail of vomited blood as he flew up.


There was already another berserker up in the air waiting for Alex to reach where it was. It kicked Alex back to the ground…


The berserker that Xander drop kicked, did the same thing to him. It drop kicked Alex on his chest and sent him flying further away from the shrine. The pain from the first punch was enough to make Alex pass out, but he was stopped from passing out by the pain from the kick he received when he was in the air.

And that drop kick broke a few of Alex's ribs.


He vomited a considerable amount of blood. Alex got up again and looked at the berserkers that were a distance away from him. His sight had started to blur…


Alex shouted in rage. "Bastards!!"


Alex released his bloodline suppressing prowess and the pressure of the air within 2km increased. It pressed the berserkers to the ground.

They laid on their stomachs due to the pressure from Alex's bloodline suppression.

Alex started to slowly make his way towards the shrine. He staggered with every step he took. His breathing was uneven.

The berserkers found it very difficult to move. They placed their hands on their necks and proceeded to break it, very slowly. They plan on killing their selves till they were strong enough to resist the suppression. And it was working, every time they woke up their resistance towards the suppression increased; their movements weren't as slow as it was in the beginning.

Nonetheless, Alex dragged himself to the front of the shrine. He took in deep breaths, in and then out. He was trying to stabilize himself.


He set himself on fire and said; "Let me warm your hearts for you a bit." In a hoarse voice.

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