The Main Characters That Only I Know

Chapter 359:

Chapter 359:

The Sword Corps did not panic like the other legion soldiers, but quickly surrounded Yu-hyun. They did not care who he was. Their level 100 senses screamed only one thing in front of the transcendent.

Do not be careless. If you do not fight seriously against the man in front of you, you will all die.

The faces of the Sword Corps members, who were excited to kill the liberation army indiscriminately, sank coldly. It did not matter that they were level 100 and the elite soldiers of the Thunder Lord.


In an instant, a sword formation spread around Yu-hyun.

Ink Flower Infinite Bloom Formation (墨花無窮滿開陳)

The sword formation that 20 level 100 Sword Corps members made to face one person aimed for Yu-hyun’s life.

The first to move was the lowest-ranked 20th Sword. His figure blurred and appeared behind Yu-hyun, swinging his sword at his neck.


Before he could finish his words, Yu-hyun’s ferocious hand grabbed his neck and slammed him into the ground.

Boom! The ground cracked and the 20th Sword spat blood. He was dead on the spot. The 18th and 19th Swords moved when they saw the scene.

They each aimed at Yu-hyun from both sides. Yu-hyun let go of the hand holding the 20th Sword and raised both arms to block the sword strikes. The 17th Sword confirmed this and stabbed his sword at Yu-hyun’s forehead.

A thrust at supersonic speed that left no afterimage was sucked into the center of Aporia’s mask.

Clang! The face of the 17th Sword who stabbed his sword turned pale.

“You’re too slow.”

The sharp teeth of the mask bit his sword and did not let go. Yu-hyun gripped the sword blades he blocked with both arms. The three people felt the situation turn dire and let go of their swords and retreated hastily.

When they joined the sword formation after jumping back greatly.

There were no heads above their necks.

“That makes four.”

The severed heads rolled around Yu-hyun belatedly. Four Sword Corps members were killed in an instant. The remaining Sword Corps members did not hesitate to move in shock. The 11th to 16th Swords moved at the same time.

Slash! They ran around Yu-hyun chaotically and stabbed their swords filled with energy. The sword lights scattered like afterimages flew in the wind like flower petals.

“If it’s flowers, I have some skill too.”

Yu-hyun released the inner energy he had wrapped around his body.

Seven Demon Sky Divine Art, First Demon Disaster Flower (災花).

flowers bloomed and then exploded. The ink-colored energy that Yu-hyun unleashed tore apart all the energy of the Sword Corps, not to mention sweeping across the surrounding space.

A huge storm raged and the Sword Corps members retreated hastily. They switched from offense to defense and exposed their gaps. Yu-hyun moved.


Yu-hyun’s figure appeared in front of the closest 16th Sword. As he opened his eyes wide and tried to shout something, Yu-hyun’s fist burst his head. Yu-hyun did not stop. A red line was drawn in the air.

The source of this is freewebnøvel.coɱ.

And then, from the 15th to the 11th Swords, their heads flew one after another.

“Attack him all at once!”

“Give it your all!”

Half of their total power, 10 people, were killed in an instant. The remaining 10 people clenched their teeth and used their strongest techniques against Yu-hyun.

Sword lights flew from all directions and aimed for Yu-hyun’s life. Yu-hyun gathered back the Disaster Flower he had spread.

The black petals clustered together and soon formed a large mirror.

Seven Demon Sky Divine Skill Second Demon Mirror Reflection Technique.

Ink Mirror Prison (墨鏡獄).

The mirrors collided with the energy and bounced it back in all directions. The Sword Corps members saw their own energy coming back at them and scattered in panic.

The Ink Flower Infinite Bloom Formation that required 20 people to spread was completely destroyed. It was already a desperate situation when they had to pressure him with a gear-like rotation of 20 people, but their numbers were halved, and even the sword formation was gone. It was fatal.

Yu-hyun chased after the scattered Sword Corps members. It was hunting time.

“S-spare me…!”


The head of a member who begged pitifully sensing death flew off. Yu-hyun did not spare them.

Blood smell.

An old blood stench vibrated from the Sword Corps members. He could not even count how many murders they had committed before they came to this place, and after they came.

So he did not show mercy. He hunted them down and killed them thoroughly.

“That’s what you get for giving up your humanity and becoming beasts.”


Another head of a Sword member exploded in Yu-hyun’s hand. Except for Ilgeom, who could be called the leader, the rest were all corpses scattered around.

Ilgeom couldn’t believe the sight. Just a while ago, they were joking around and talking about how many people they would kill today.

They couldn’t say it was just a joke. They cried and begged for mercy until they died. They didn’t lose in a fair fight. They were hunted. All the evil deeds they had done so far came back to them like a boomerang.

“Mo, monster…”

Ilgeom muttered as he looked at Yu-hyun standing in the center of the ruins.

Whisk. Yu-hyun’s head turned toward Ilgeom. Ilgeom spat out a fearful sound and thrust out his sword at Yu-hyun.

‘What? Where did my sword go?’

Not just the sword. His hands holding the sword were gone below the wrists.

The pain came belatedly.


Yu-hyun threw away Ilgeom’s hands holding the sword. Ilgeom’s eyes shook as if an earthquake had occurred. He didn’t see Yu-hyun’s movement properly.

He had missed the movement even though he had reached level 100 a while ago and had transcenders in front of him.

That masked devil was not just a transcender. He was much stronger, maybe beyond the realm of superior transcenders…


That was his last word.

The last thing Ilgeom saw was Yu-hyun swinging his hand at him, and then his vision went black.

The liberation army, who were watching the fight from afar, couldn’t close their mouths at the awe-inspiring feat that Yu-hyun showed.

They were not weak either, but the level that Yu-hyun showed was too hard to follow with their eyes.

They couldn’t see how he fought because his movement was too fast. They only saw Yu-hyun’s new form and the Sword crossing each other complexly, and the black energy exploding and sweeping the surrounding area.

The deafening explosion, the dusty cloud that rose up, and the exploding ground.

When it was all over, Yu-hyun was the only one who walked out.

“He, he took down all 20 of the Sword by himself?”

“The Sword is composed of elites who are all level 100. And they even used sword formations…”

“He’s not an ordinary transcender. Maybe he’s the one who will free us from Machunhu’s tyranny…”

The liberation army talked among themselves, but Yu-hyun went straight to Kate.

“Are you okay?”

“It was nothing.”

Yu-hyun took off Aporia’s mask and wiped off the sweat that ran down his forehead lightly. It was a bit tiring for him to finish the fight quickly against the Sword even though he won one-sidedly.

Fortunately, Darwin’s body helped him recover his stamina quickly.

“By the way, you said you were going through Rashomon, but did you intend to open it so splendidly from the beginning?”

“Of course not. The reason why he opened Rashomon so big on purpose was because Yeongju wanted to feed us water. If we get permission, we can just go through the side gate below.”

“It made us stand out too much. I shouldn’t have asked him to open it.”

“Yes. That’s why it’s a big deal. I didn’t know that the Sword would be guarding from the entrance, but they must have heard that Rashomon opened, so the main force of the army will move. We can’t avoid a clash like this.”

Kate bit her lip. She agreed to guide him, but she couldn’t ask for Yu-hyun’s help in this situation. He couldn’t protect her and her brother while heading to Heukraegung.

Besides, the reaction of the other compatriots was not very good.

“…The compatriots have high expectations of you, Mr. Yu-hyun.”


“You opened Rashomon, liberated the city, and defeated the Sword.”

“I didn’t do it for you guys.”

“People only see and hear what they want to see and hear. Even if you say you’re not, they think you’ve done them a favor. Maybe they want more than that.”

“That’s how it looks.”

Yu-hyun couldn’t hide his contempt as he looked at the liberation army people who looked at him with hopeful eyes.

“Then our journey together ends here.”

“Yes, yes?”

Kate asked back in surprise.

“What are you reacting like that for?”

“But I agreed to guide you to Thunder Palace…”

“You’ll see it if you just go straight. It’s only hard to get past Rashomon, but it’s easy after that. It won’t be hard to find the way to Thunder Palace.”

“That’s… but…”

Kate couldn’t easily say goodbye because of her regret.

She never had such a petty thought of holding onto this man and getting help from the rebels.

She only felt sorry because she had only received and never given anything back.

She hadn’t done anything worthwhile.

“You don’t need to feel sorry.”

“Huh? No, that’s not it…”

“Your expression says it all. You think you didn’t do anything as a guide, right?”

Kate reflexively covered her face as he pierced through her inner thoughts with his words. Yuhyun smiled faintly at her reaction.

“I received enough help. From you and from Jimmy.”

“…I didn’t do anything properly.”

“That’s because you’re looking at the situation from an absolute perspective. All I ever wanted from you was to show me the way and how to cross the barrier. I didn’t expect anything more.”

His words of consolation couldn’t completely convince Kate.

Yu-hyun knew that too.

“Everyone has their own limits. In this unequal world, everyone has their own boundaries.”

There was a difference between what a child could do and what an adult could do.

The same was true for what Yuhyun could do and what Kate could do.

He didn’t think it was bad to not accept that difference. Recognizing one’s shortcomings was a motivation to improve.

“But don’t dwell on it. Don’t spit out indiscriminate complaints at this unfair world just because you can’t do something and others can. You did your best at your level. That’s enough.”

Surely, what Kate did was a very small help.

From Yu-hyun’s point of view, it might not matter if he didn’t have it… It was just a help that shortened his schedule by a few days.

But would anyone else in her position have acted like her?

Some might say that such a trivial help was nothing and meaningless, but they didn’t know.

This kind of small act of kindness was the hardest thing to do.

“Think not of what you want to do, but of what you can do first. And then gradually increase it. A small deed, a simple kindness, anything is fine.”

Yu-hyun turned his back. He didn’t need to stay in this city any longer.

“Ah, Yu-hyun…”

“I’ll look forward to seeing how much you’ve changed when we meet again.”

With that, he disappeared from his seat without a trace.

“Wha, what?! He’s gone!”

“Find him! He’s the one who can fulfill our wish!”

The desperate voices of his compatriots echoed behind him, but Kate had no time to pay attention to them.

She felt a warm touch on her fingertips and looked down to see her younger brother Jimmy holding her hand.

“It’s okay, sis.”

“Jimmy, I…”

“You did your best, sis. Let’s leave the rest to the savior.”

Kate swallowed her tears that threatened to spill out. Jimmy knew too. Their parents had passed away because of Kang Hye-rim’s tyranny.

Kate wanted revenge. She didn’t want to live under oppression any longer.

She had to change. She had to find freedom. And she had to seize it with her own hands.

She couldn’t entrust her fate to someone else. She had no face to see her parents who had passed away.

But she couldn’t argue with Yuhyun’s words. He was right. She had to distinguish between what she could and couldn’t do. She couldn’t be obsessed with it.

She knew that, but she couldn’t set her compass right. But her much younger brother Jimmy did it.

Kate bit her lip and then relaxed the grip on her hand and smiled softly.

“Yeah. Let’s do that, Jimmy. Let’s wait. And hope for good news.”

“Yeah. Sis.”

Even if they were relying on a very slim hope, they had no choice but to pray like this for now.

Please, let him succeed.

Yu-hyun ran at a fast speed along the road.

The world beyond the barrier was a barren land where it was hard to find a single blade of grass. There was no proper road, but Yuhyun finally found the direction he had to go.

‘I can feel it.’

Far away, he could faintly sense the energy he had seen so familiarly.

There was no doubt that Kang Hye-rim, whom he had been looking for so long, was at the end of it.

So he put more strength into his legs to get there as soon as possible.

At that moment, two black beams flashed in the sky. Immediately after, a huge explosion occurred in front of him.


Yuhyun stopped reflexively. If he hadn’t done that, he might have fallen victim to the surprise attack of those two unwelcome guests.

“You’re quick on your feet.” freewebnøvel.coɱ

“I didn’t expect you to dodge even a greeting attack.”

The black-skinned giant with horns on his head and the red-skinned man appeared through the dust.

Yu-hyun realized their strength as soon as he saw them.

‘They’re both strong.’

They had surpassed the level 100 and the potential of their own race.

The two who blocked Yu-hyun’s way were transcendent-class strongmen.

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