The Little Spider I Summoned Evolved Into a Pope!

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Chapter 495 Met with two little guys! (Please subscribe, customize!)

Chapter 495 Met with two little guys! (Please subscribe, customize!)

If it is outside, then she can live very nourishing.

But in the ghost town, who knows if the next moment will be directly killed on the street!

It’s so rare!


But in the end, the woman stood up slowly.

Although she wanted to resist.

But how could she resist.

Incompetent, do what you can!

“Okay, talk about it, what 597 things did you find!

After all the dishes were ordered, Tang Mo, who was looking at the two girls in front of him, asked lightly!

Although he has some time now, he also does not plan to ink more here.

He’s going to have a good night’s rest tonight.

Then go to the Nether Forest tomorrow.

As for the things on the sheepskin scrolls, it was the tomb of the Great Emperor Nether.

If you can mix a kick, it is naturally the best.

If it doesn’t work, that’s fine.

Anyway, there are two pieces in his hand…

If he doesn’t want to drive, it’s useless for anyone to come!


(daee) And the ghost cat lying in Tang Mo’s arms at the moment also called out softly!

“Oh, that’s Mr. Mask!”

“We are looking for you now because we have something to ask for! 55

“I wonder if you can help us… 35

Looking at Tang Mo in front of him, the woman at the moment was also slightly nervous.

After all, before, huh, just did something so outrageous.

Now to buy another treasure!

To be honest….a little too much.

Also a bit cheeky.

But, no way!

For myself.

She also wanted to make herself better in the Lu family.

I also want to make my sister even better in the Lu family!

Because only in this way can they get better resources and have a broader tomorrow!

Instead of being arbitrarily arranged by the family…

Married with a stranger who didn’t know where he came from, and they were two maids and a husband, and the two married together.

That’s really, too exaggerated!

“Oh, what is…

Hearing his sister’s words, Tang Mo raised his brows slightly at the moment, and then said a little curiously.

He really seems to know that these two little guys have something to help with now! ,

After all….they have never met!

“Oh, it’s Mr. Mask, we know it might be a little abrupt to say that!35

“But we are really serious now, we will give you enough price!

“The main thing is that you are willing to give us that thing!”

“You mean, pure white chalcedony?”

“It’s impossible! 99

Hear that woman….

The first thought in Tang Mo’s mind at this moment was that they came for pure white chalcedony.

Tang Mo was also a little speechless immediately.

Alas, the auction will argue with him, he can ignore it.


It’s human nature to fight for things at auctions.

But aren’t you going a little too far now!

Didn’t win at auction….

Now I’m looking for it again offline, what do you mean?

Thought he was licking a dog, bought it at a high price inside, and sold it at a low price outside?

I beg everyone to subscribe and customize!

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