The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 60: Nest (5)

Jason's expression was intense as he stared at the metal door. 'It looks like it has just rusted too much for us to turn the wheel to unlock it. Which means it's probably held in place with a deadbolt on the other side.' Jason hummed as he considered their options.

"I can only think of one way we might be able to open this right now." Jason eventually replied with a solemn expression.

"That's great!" Harry exclaimed enthusiastically before frowning. "So why do you look like it's actually a problem?"

Jason sighed as he turned to look at his Gramps. "Because… I have to use a precious resource, and I'm not sure if it will be enough."

Harry's frown deepened when he heard that. It was one thing to take the risk if it would definitely open the place up. However, if they failed, then they would just be weakening the door for someone else to possibly exploit their hard work.

"How confident are you?" Harry asked as he gazed at the door as if it were his worst enemy. "I don't mind you attempting it. After all, it's unlikely someone else will discover this place soon."

Jason cursed in his mind at that statement! 'Back in Highrise, you were worried someone else would discover this place! Now you're saying it's unlikely?' Jason could only shake his head in annoyance before taking another look at the metal.

"I'd say we have a good chance to crack it open now. But if you let me try it, then you can't complain if we fail to open it." Jason gave his Gramps a look that said he would not be responsible if someone else really did manage to rob… Ahem… salvage this place before them.

Harry's expression became conflicted as he weighed the pros and cons in his mind. His expression became determined as he cast a confident look towards Jason. "Do it!"

Jason grinned at those words and started searching through his bag. His hand landed on the container that stored the compressed gas that he had made. 'I hope whatever is in here is worth it. We almost died to obtain this.'

"Light one of your cloth torches." Jason's tone made it clear that it was an order rather than a request.

Harry immediately understood that he would have to do whatever Jason said if he wanted to crack this treasure chest wide open! Harry let out a few grunts as he struggled to light his torch again. A spark suddenly caught on the material wrapped around the wooden pole and took hold.

Jason waited until the fire proved that it would not go out anytime soon before he began. "Ok, Gramps. Hold it close to where the door meets the frame on the right side. You just need to keep it in line with this container."

Harry nodded to show that he took this seriously as he lined the torch up with how Jason wanted it.

"Good, now mind your eyes and don't get startled." Jason grinned as he pressed down on the aerosol lid that he had fixed to the container.

As the gas shot out and was ignited by the fire, Harry yelped but kept his hand steady. Droplets of sweat appeared on his forehead as he stared at the now bright blue flame. He could only imagine what would happen if he came into contact with that incredible heat!

Jason paid him no mind as he held the flame steady. The metal slowly began to glow red, and sometime after, it began to melt. Harry wanted to cheer at that sight, but Jason's stern expression showed that this was not the time for such antics.

In truth, Jason was anxious. It had taken a lot more time than he thought just to melt that section. If he was right, he was sure that the gas would run out before they could completely melt the lock!

Time passed slowly for the duo as they began to sweat profusely with the rising ambient temperature. It was becoming uncomfortable to even continue standing there in front of that door. Liquid metal slowly dripped to the floor as the door continued to be defeated by that incredible heat.

Neither of them knew exactly how much time had passed when a sputtering noise came from the compressed gas's container and the bright flame disappeared. Jason swore as he tossed the container aside and rushed to inspect the damage that they had caused.

"It's no good!" Jason exclaimed as he let himself fall on his arse on the floor. "There's still a chunk of the bolt left."

Jason placed his head between his hands as he took a few deep breaths. He was feeling dizzy, but he could not explain why. When he glanced at Harry, he noticed that even he seemed a bit shaky on his feet.

"No! We were so close!" Harry wailed as he slammed his fists on the centre of the door. He yelped as he felt a slight heat coming from the metal. It was not enough to burn him. It just surprised him, was all.

Jason felt a headache coming on as he lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. Harry continued pounding on the door in frustration as Jason tried to decide what they should do next.

"Can you stop that already!" Jason's nerves had grown thin at the constant noise.

Harry glared at him before kicking at the door with all his strength near the now cooling slag. As his foot connected with that part of the door, there was the indescribable sound of something breaking.

Jason immediately sat up straight and stared at the door in disbelief! 'Don't tell me the heat weakened the rest of the bolt!' Jason was ecstatic to see that the door had come away from the frame ever so slightly.

Harry did not even wait for him and grabbed the wheel at the centre before pulling with all of his might! As he huffed and puffed, a loud metallic screeching noise rang out as the door was pried away from the room it guarded.

The torchlight illuminated the interior as it was revealed. The first thing that Jason saw was a sign.

"Welcome to Nest, Confidential testing site No. 22. Authorised personal only!"

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