The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 136: ANT-V

Sentinel flashed a look of disbelief at Jason when he uttered those words. Then a frown appeared on his face as he glanced at Jason's bulging legs. 'Hm... It might just be possible.' An ugly look appeared on his face as he thought about what Rust might say about it, if she ever found out. Sentinel shook his head and let out a long sigh. 

"Ok, let's try it..." Sentinel tried to keep a straight face as he voiced his agreement with Jason's suggestion.

A slight smirk appeared on Jason's face as he saw the uncomfortable expression his mentor was making. Sentinel's floating weaponry began to fire rapidly. Causing the weapons to overheat while Sentinel clung to Jason's shoulders. However, the height difference meant that Jason could not feel the weight of Sentinel until he hopped onto his back and wrapped his legs around Jason's waist.

Jason immediately began to topple backwards. The only reason they did not fall to the ground was that Sentinel adjusted his weight to lean forward. But this became a problem of its own. Jason's balance was thrown off, forcing him to crouch with his hands on the ground to support Sentinel's weight!

"Don't say it!" Jason growled when he heard Sentinel chuckle.

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"You look like a Fog Crawler..." Sentinel grinned, as he now had something he could divulge that would embarrass Jason. Therefore, preventing him from exposing the fact he had to carry Sentinel piggyback style to save his life.

Syssie could not help but laugh on the sidelines as well. The embarrassment was too much for Jason, as his face turned beet red. He glanced around to determine a path as he was unsure how much Sentinel's weight would affect his jumping power. 'I should keep low for now...'

Jason set his sights on a clear area just beyond the encirclement. The idea was that Sentinel's weapons would prevent them from being snatched in mid-air. But he had warned Jason that they would not hold up for much longer. Jason leapt with all of his strength while aiming to keep a safe distance from the Fog Crawlers. This was to give the weapons a chance to react to their attacks. 

The beasts in the front line let out angry croaks when they realised that their prey was escaping! Jason soared overhead with his body in a straight arrow shape. He had decided to mimic the Fog Crawlers' way of leaping around in the hopes that he could make the most of the situation. It was not like Sentinel could embarrass him any further, anyway.

Jason was amazed at how fast he travelled, despite the small arc that he traced. None of the Fog Crawlers in the first half of the crowd were able to react in time! However, he began to feel sweaty when he saw the look in the eyes of the ones who had realised what was going on. 'Please let Sentinel's weapons hold up!' 

The Fog Crawlers were looking at him like he was a tasty snack. Catching things that were flying was a speciality of theirs, so they saw the pair as an easy target now! Jason gulped as a wall of bulbous tongues reached out towards them! However, Sentinel was ready. His weaponry fired non-stop as it circled them like satellites. 

A fleshy rain fell down on the beasts as they continued unobstructed. Jason heaved a sigh of relief as their descent brought them further beyond the crowd than what he had initially aimed for. 'But it's not enough to reach the rooftops in one go...' Jason shook his head as a stinging pain appeared in the palms of his hands. 

The momentum had caused them to slide across the cracked tarmac. Needless to say, Jason's hands got cut up pretty badly from the experience. His skin on the palms of his hands had turned into a bloody mess. He grunted in pain as he tried to hold it back. There was too much at stake to pay much attention to it.

'I need to aim to allow my legs to absorb the landing... I can't keep using my hands for balance as we come back down.' Jason frowned as he quickly adjusted his strategy. He turned to face one of the side streets and bounded off before the Fog Crawlers could reorganise themselves. This time, he reduced the strength to have more control over their brief flights. 

"What are you doing?" Sentinel growled as his weapons reached their critical limit. They would soon be reduced to useless scrap because of their firing rate. "Don't hop along in a straight line! Zig-zag, damn it! Running in a straight line makes it too easy to predict where you are going!"

Jason immediately responded to Sentinel's advice. The moment he began to constantly change direction and how far he would jump, the noise from Sentinel's weapons reduced. This indicated that they were under less pressure. Meaning that fewer of the pursuing Fog Crawlers' attacks had to be intercepted by them. 'I'll need to keep that in mind. I can't afford to lose my cool like that. It'll be helpful when fighting others with ranged Powers as well.'

Jason hummed as he began to consider what changes he could make to the Infinity to implement this lesson. If he could rapidly change direction, it would help to reduce the damage that it would receive during battles. Which, in turn, would save him plenty of junk to use in other projects. After all, he was certain that the military would not just keep supplying him with parts while gaining nothing in return.

'Maybe I should try making something similar to the Roller Bikes or Beast Carriages?' Jason's mind wandered to the few times he had seen such things. They were generally owned by wealthy merchants, which meant that nobody in Highrise could afford either of them. They only appeared when these merchants wanted to offload their goods from other towns at extortionate prices. That was the only time that Highrise was worth their interest.

"Pay attention!" Sentinel screamed in Jason's ear as he almost crashed into a building!

Jason hissed through his teeth when he saw how close they had come to the wall because of his distraction. When he glanced over his shoulder, he noticed that Sentinel's weaponry was gone. Despite his zig tagging reducing their stress that only bought them a little more time. 

Jason cursed as he understood that they had to put more distance between them and the Fog Crawlers. Some of the more intelligent ones were managing to keep up with them. Which only made Jason feel the pressure.

His muscles in his legs suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain occur every few seconds. Jason's eyes went wide as he wondered if it were a warning that the effects of the serum were about to wear off! 'If I inject more will they hold up? Or will it cause more pain?'

He realised he had to make a fast decision. Try to escape before the serum wore off. Or hide and hope that the effects would hold up if injected more. Which was a risk in itself as it could potentially cripple him long enough for the beasts to catch them.

"Keep going!" Sentinel shouted as he realised that something was wrong. He did not want to take the risk of trying to inject Jason again so soon. "If you can get us some distance I can outrun them while carrying you!"

Jason nodded to show that he understood. He grit his teeth as he willed his legs to hold on just a while longer! The Fog Crawlers split up as they tried to use different streets to cut them off. Jason could feel himself becoming slower as pain wracked his body. 'Damn, its going to wear off soon!'

He decided to trust what his body was telling him. So he was forced to reduce the power he used per leap to prevent a catastrophic accident if it gave up halfway through a jump! Sentinel cast a worried glance over Jason's condition. His legs were beginning to thin out. Patches of blood were visible through his trousers and he was soaked in sweat.

His pale complexion just made it even more obvious that the side effects would be severe once the serum gully ran out. 'The kid's not going to make it! Shit!' Sentinel cursed as he glanced behind them. Jason's slowing pace was giving them a chance to catch up!

"Fuck it!" Sentinel cursed as he slipped from Jason's back as they were about to land!

Jason gasped as Sentinel wrapped his hands around Jason's waist before throwing him over his shoulder. Sentinel took a deep breath before the mechanical components kicked into overdrive to give him a sharp burst of speed!

"What the...." Jason cursed as he wondered why he had struggled so much. Sentinel was much faster than him leaping! 'Damn you! You could have told me sooner!'

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