The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 73: Sealing the Demon King; Yao Ming.

Then his mental sense erupted and rippled out like huge tidal waves caused by an angry tsunami. Min Hong was stunned by the massive, torrential and potent nature of his mental strength.

He wondered how strong this guy truly was from the side-line as more and more mental power began to ripple out of him.

Then shortly afterwards, Min Hong began to hear a droning sound echo from deep within this dimension. Whatever this 'baby' was, was approaching at a breakneck speed that would be at least a hundred times faster than Elder Yun at her peak.

In less than five breaths, Min Hong saw a golden streak whistle over. He was shocked when he found out what it was.

It was a slender but thick golden staff of about six foot in length, it looked intricately handcrafted from the way it was shaped and designed, there were also several ancient runes etched all over it.

It was currently spinning around Little Wu who was currently caressing it and calling out various sweet names that would put a professional sweet talker to shame.

The staff also made some homing sounds in response to these flirtations.

Then Little Wu abruptly jumped upwards and flipped twice on air, then descended butt-first. But just as he reached about a few feet off the ground, the staff slanted itself horizontally as he perfectly sat on it.

Then he flipped his wrist and a fruit appeared in his hands which he began to munch seemingly out of habit.

Min Hong saw this fruit and couldn't help but instinctively gulp a mouthful of saliva. Something within him kept telling him that, should he take a bite of that fruit, he might directly advance into the Qi Sea stage of cultivation.

The fruit was about the size of a full-grown adult's fist, it was sky blue in color with about five silver lines snaking across its body in a spiral pattern.

The sheer amount of potent ancient aura radiating from the fruit was not something he could turn a blind eye to.

Seeing this, Little Wu bit off one part of the fruit and spat it on the floor nearby as he turned his back towards Min Hong and spoke. "It is time to get that despicable thing out of your main Mind Palace and put it somewhere less dangerous."

The hovering staff carried the carefree Sun Wukong forward as Min Hong followed him from behind, before quickly picking up the little portion of the fruit Little Wu spat out earlier.

Just as he was about to throw it into his mouth, Little Wu's voice drifted from his front. "if you don't have anything you care about anymore in this world, and you want a quick death then you can eat it."

"What do you mean, is it that scary to eat it?" Min Hong asked.

"For someone of your current soul power, you will surely never awaken from eating the 'Soul Churning Fruit'. Even I dare not eat more than three in a month. That little shard would be more beneficial to that owl of yours for now." Little Wu warned.

"Then rather than feeding me scraps, using terms of unknown origins and calling my world 'Mundane' why don't you give me something to help me recover and advance my strength." Min Hong refuted, somewhat displeased and frustrated at the same time.

Since he had started cultivation, this short period of about five days has been the longest he had ever felt powerless and helpless. He had also felt hope when he heard about the inheritance within this dimension and the only person who had any information about it wasn't taking him seriously.

"What do you think I am? A fool?" Little Wu turned and faced Min Hong with a somewhat angry expression.

"No matter how strong I am, within in this place, if you don't grow strong enough to forge me a physical body, I can only dream of achieving true freedom from this shitty place."

"Moreover, if you were to die, this damn dimension would have to seal me up once again till another person who shows compatibility with the 'Eye of Myriad Universe' appears. Do you know how long that took before you came around? 7000 years!"

"I have been sealed in this place for 7000 years! I also have a family you know, and even if I am an immortal, I still have family you know. My brothers, sisters and friends don't even know where I currently am!"

Little Wu blurted out a few grievances, but when he saw the unapprehensive expression on Min Hong's face, he gave up.

"Never mind. I wanted you to have a very stable foundation before allowing you to go take the inheritance test, or else you will just end up like your unlucky predecessors."

"Furthermore, there are so many things about true cultivation that your mundane world knows little to nothing about. But I will explain everything to you, so you can know the difference between your goals before and after you understand the ancient path of cultivation."

"Your previous cultivation and its foundation were pretty mediocre and the so-called tragic event that happened to you recently might not be as tragic as you thought it to be…" Little Wu spoke softly.

"Do you speak this way because you have been locked out of civilization for a long time or because you just want me to adapt to your ancient accent? Moreover, what do you mean by the deaths of my family not being as tragic as I thought it to be?" Min Hong fumed.

"Oi! Little Punk! If I told you everything at once your brain might dry up and then you become redundant. A little at a time, but I will surely explain everything I know to you. In fact, you might end up catching up with the rest on your own." Little Wu responded.

"But firstly, that thing is a ticking timebomb. Though it would be useful to your cultivation in the future, you are not strong enough to resist or control it yet. And since I can't do that for you, the best option would be to seal it up until further notice." He added.

"What do I need to do?" Min Hong became serious at this point. He takes anything that has to do with his wellbeing solemnly, and this situation was one of them.

"I will handle the majority of everything that needs to be done. But since you're in absolute control of your sea of consciousness, you will need to open the part of your Mind Palace where it would be sealed from now henceforth." Little Wu replied.

After finalizing their plans, Little Wu shut the Ancient door as they both approached the scarlet seed. Then Little Wu bellowed at it.

"Oi, stop pretending to be dormant. We both know you're just as aware as everyone in here. This is my lair and it is time for you to move over to your permanent residence. If you calmly oblige then all of it would be over in a bat of an eyelid."

"But, if you choose to go down the other path, it will not only end in the same outcome, but you might be needing a way longer recovery time. So, how do you want this go down?" as he spoke a golden light began to radiate out of Little Wu's body.

The golden glow covered his entire body and his staff as a unique, mysterious and ancient aura descended and weighed down within the dimension.

This aura wasn't like the one Min Hong's body was constantly absorbing. This one seemed to originate from within Little Wu's bloodline.

It exuded valiance, strength, righteousness and justice. In fact, all the properties Min Hong was sensing from this aura were a stark contrast to its behavior and attitude.

"So, the little kid has chosen you for now, unh?" a voice drifted out of the scarlet seed as it also swelled in size and morphed into a human form.

The form this Demon King took was that of a human male, about the same age as Little Wu, just as handsome as he is.

But, while little Wu's handsomeness radiated a feeling of playfulness and naivety, that of the Demon King was devilish and cunning.

They both currently look like two extremely handsome teenagers where one had a playful, unrestrained and extrovert kind of aura around him and the other had a solitary, calm and introvert kind of aura about him.

They both had vibes that were stark opposite in nature.

"You both will still need me and eventually come to me. So, there's no point in making this matter any difficult. Little kid, we will be meeting soon!" The Demon King's handsome figure smiled faintly before he returned to his scarlet seed shape and lied dormant once again.

"What did he mean by that, and why can't he just stay in his human form?" Min Hong furrowed his brows as he asked.

He had been feeling increasingly uncertain about these two unreliable fellows within his sea of consciousness.

One was a demon he knows nothing about and the other was a monkey he knew very little about.

But, after recalling his plan of pitting them both against each other, he suppressed his helpless situation.

After all, the only reason why he was feeling this way was because he was weak and had no power to control them both.

But, soon he would have just what he needed to do just that, and by that time, this current feeling he had would naturally melt away.

Little Wu approached the scarlet seed and created a golden ball of light on his palms which the scarlet seed willingly darted into. He then turned to Min Hong and spoke. "Now!"

The moment Min Hong heard that, he grabbed Little Wu by the shoulder and they both vanished. By the time they reappeared, they were already in front of the carbon-copy version of Min Tian's residence within his Mind Palace.

They vanished once again and reappeared within the residence. It was just like the real one, from the furniture to the number and locations of the different rooms.

After arriving within a place which seemed like a study, Little Wu then retracted the golden ball of light as the scarlet seed moved to a dark corner within the room and merged into the darkness.

"For beings who have yet to form their saint soul, taking a human form would require using their bloodline abilities or high-level techniques, which in both cases uses a large amount of Qi. So, most would rather appear in their true form or take the simplest and crudest form they know, which consumes next to zero amount of energy."

"As for the reason behind the last part of his statement, I will naturally tell you when the time is right." Little Wu answered Min Hong's earlier questions before adding. "Enough questions, it is time to get down to your part of the situation."

They once again vanished, but this time they reappeared within Min Rou's residence which was where Min Hong's futon hovered. There were bookshelves all over the entire wall of this room, with a hovering futon at the center and table that looks very similar to that of 'King Yama' in front of it. (see chapter 3)

Within these shelves were seven books aligned next to each other, and when one moves closer to look at their titles, one would be shocked to notice that, they were the same seven techniques that Min Hong had previously trained in.

Apparently, the one that were destroyed were their imperfect versions, whilst the mental copies of the perfect versions were all here.

Maybe they were preserved within the 'Eye of Myriad Universe' or they were just the mental manifestation of the ones he had read.

They were the; [Rain Dragon Meridians], [Jade Primal Dragon Body], [Chaotic Shadow Steps], [Song of the Wind Spirit], [Eight Vengeful Palms], [Art of Myriad Seals] and [Imperial Willow Fist] (which was the coinage of the 'Willow Leaf Palm' and 'Imperial Descent'… See chapter 38).

Seeing this, Little Wu couldn't help but feel utterly impressed by the sheer attention to details Min Hong exhibited when constructing the entire Mind Palace. In fact, he had never seen a Mind Palace this intricate and very hard to navigate without the help of its owner.

Furthermore, the harder it is to navigate one's Mind Palace, the harder it is to damage such one's mind and soul.

Moreover, Min Hong's Mind Palace was heavily fortified and if one should include the additional protection of the energy barrier that guarding it, it would be a huge feat for experts under the Saint stage to affect his mind and soul.

"Your mental strength is already in the Beginner level of the Earthly Stage. If your soul could also get to this level, you should have a tiny increase in percentage of accepting the inheritance." Little Wu spoke.

"You need to absorb more of the residual aura of the ancient seal so as to strengthen the foundation of your body, mind and soul. Then after all these had been achieved, I will explain the path of the Ancient Worlds, their Cultivation System and other rules that guide one towards the top of the food chain of the Ancient Worlds."

"When I am done explaining all these to you, then you can decide to tell me if this dimension is even worth mentioning or if I was wrong to label it 'Mundane'." He added.

"After that, I will explain the abilities of the 'Eye of Myriad Universe' or the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' like experts within the Ancient World like to call it and the process of acquiring it."

"Then when you have the key, I would then explain how to go about the inheritance test. Since every successful candidate were made to swear an oath not to divulge anything about the inheritance test, I would have to prepare you for the possible worst-case scenario."

"Putting aside your strong soul compatibility and power, which was the main factor for fusing with the clone of the 'Eye of Myriad Universe' in the first place. You must also possess strong mental power, which was one of the reasons why creating a Mind Palace was very important step for you."

"Lastly, when you finally acquire your inheritance, I will teach you the effective order of which you are to comprehend all the Universal Laws, so you won't need to wander around aimlessly and waste valuable time." Little Wu gave Min Hong an overview on how his cultivation journey would look like.

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