The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 194: Revelation

Millions of years ago... time is not specific... but this happened in the past.

Maggot Lord of Ethereus, Johgrub sat in a dusty room. Huge beautiful windows covered one side of the wall and the other consisted of shelves of beautifully covered books.

The chair that Johgrub sat on was a simple stool. On either side there were candlesticks and in front of him was a parchment, his bony fingers held a delicate quill of the most beautiful feather as he elegantly scribbled.

During this time, Johgrub looked very different. This was a different form that he had taken. Compared to his creepy appearance in the present time, in this era, Johgruh had emerald-colored skin and a humanoid figure that looked rather aesthetically attractive.

From his face, skin peeled and a maggot wriggled out of it and spoke while twisting its body in the direction of the vermillion eyes of Johgrub.

"Father, the vampires are being hunted across the celestial realm. Ancestral Blood Monarch of the Vespertine Tribe, Vladisernax begs for your help against the Great Celestial Alliance to save themselves from eternal death."

Johgrub paused for a moment and murmured to himself.

"Even if, Blood Devil is my disciple that doesn't mean I'll go around saving any random descendent of his. I have a lot of work, im busy writing this beautiful rhyme."

Shrugging, the maggot lord continued writing his poems, right then... another maggot wriggled off of his face and whispered into his ears.

"Father... it's the Sanguisangre Tribe, their Ancestral Blood Monarch, Umbraki is begging for your help."

Johgrub was confused, he paused once again and his poem smeared a little due to his palm slightly touching the piece of paper.

"Both great tribes are begging me to help at the same time?"

To his surprise, two more maggots simultaneously wriggled out of visage and looked at him with a gaze that only a face without eyes could give.



"It's the Nocturna Tribe... their ancestral blood monarch, Dantecula-

"It's the Theronisolde Tribe... their ancestral blood monarch, Viktorio-

Before Johgrub could process the information, another maggot wriggled out of his face. Four maggots stared at each other and finally, the new one broke the silence.

"Father... all the vampires from the great tribes have been exterminated."

Johgrub's quill fell onto the parchment and he stared into the nothingness. That was the state that had come upon the ancient entity. He was in shock, a deep shock that he had not felt in millions of years.

A whisper escaped his mouth, one filled with apprehension and curiosity.

"Who?~ Who dared to kill the savages of the celestial realm? And that too... with the night immortality of those cursed beings, how so fast? Who dared... despite knowing that "I" provide them protection?"

Johgrub answered his own question the next moment, as his gaze fell upon his poem that was now filled with ink, his parchment ruined by the black.

However, a word had formed from the accidental spilling of the liquid.

'Irakiel El Navah.'

Johgrub's eyes widened, his vermillion eyes blazed as his smiled widened and quivered, especially upon seeing the surname.

Heavy bloodlust permeated the entire room and the wriggling maggots on his face instantly died, falling on the ground, struggling as they desperately tried to clutch onto life but to naught.

Johgrub closed his eyes and his spiritual sense that pierced out from his shut vermillion eyes, hovered across dimensions, realms, and plains before finally falling onto a particular most handsome man to exist.

He had silver hair and noble beautiful violet amethyst eyes. The Fairy King sat on a mountain of corpses and drank wine from the skull of an ancestral monarch while the sole survivor, the vampire leader's wife massaged the silver-haired man's shoulders.

The Maggot Lord laughed loudly, his chuckles booming across the skies and soon the entire planet he was living on. Earthquakes took place along with volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.


"So it's someone who doesn't give a fuck. Someone who doesn't care who his actions offend. Someone who is the most free person to exist yet bound by imaginary chains. Someone who has yet to find someone who can ever understand him and probably never will. Someone who an honored one's enlightenment would be trash in front off."

"Someone who is an El Navah... or better words for this would be... someone who is Irakiel."

The walls around the maggot lord trembled and the ceiling was obliterated from existence.

Johgrub glanced at the stars, his gaze traveling across the skies and to a point where nothing could reach.

He could feel it. His skin tingled and quivered. His head hurt.

A blurred image of a woman or the embodiment of a law formed in his vision and her eyes that were blocked revealed themselves but before the maggot lord could register it into his memory, his entire face burst into bright pure golden flames.

Johgrub instantly released bouts of maniacal cackles despite the overwhelming pain that filled and hurt his soul directly before a whisper finally escaped his mouth, one filled with reverence.

"Heaven agrees with me. Heaven agrees with me. An abnormality, an abnormality. An abnormality of the highest... danger. No, an abnormality that is the DANGER."



The tortoise and the hare declare~

A cryptic warning in the midnight air~ kekekekekekekekekekeke~!!!"

Johgrub, the Maggot Lord had gone crazy that day and it took him boredom of the crazy to cure the crazy and it was hard... because it was him, Irakiel El Navah. The Fairy King.


Present Day

Johgruh laughed. He laughed loudly and he laughed with amusement.

"HAHAHAKEKEKEKEKEKEK~ Oh how foolish thy hath been."

He started at the hordes of undead that had risen from their graves, standing upright and sometimes hunched, missing a few bones.

His gaze flickered to the ancient Egyptian ship that had been carved from the most beautiful and rare materials, especially the papyrus reed which was the central element. It had a unique style that took the spot of one of the most beautiful ships to ever exist.

Nefertiti had an unusual hook that extended forward and not backward like typical boats and an alive beautiful scarlet-red eye was embedded in it and from below it chains of gold, inscribed jewels, jades, and ritualistic paintings covered the entire body.

Johgrub's gaze traveled and found the silver-haired man that stood on the rim of Nefertiti... as relaxed a man can be.

Alizejh that was behind him, massaged his shoulders, and Lucifer that was near his waist, hugged him. Aria that was near Alizejh, sucked on his ears and Mira was wrapped around his chest as an armor.

Johgrub shook his head as he felt Irakiel's gaze looking over him, lifting his head, their eyes met.

Instantly, an endless void covered Johgrub's vision but the experienced ancient entity easily thwarted it.

Now all that remained were the cold, noble violet amethyst eyes that stared down on him and a smirk that had formed upon his vsiage.

Johgrub replied with a disgusting and creepy smirk of his own. The more he stared at Irakiel, the more insecure and disdainful he felt.

'He is the same as the first time I ever laid my eyes upon him. Absolutely fucking handsome.'

He spoke slowly and each word that he spat from his mouth came out like venom.

"I should have known. Someone like you wouldn't... no, couldn't possibly be dead. I don't know how you did it... but color me impressed- Irakiel El Navah... or should I call you...? The King of Faries or the Demon Lord?"


A/N: Hey guys. I have decided to accept Web's contract since I am in dire need of money. This comes with two pieces of news, one that is bad and the other that is good.

Bad- Y'all will soon have to use fast passes to unlock chapters. So my content won't be completely free now.

Good- I will do my best to normalize updating every day soon. So this means, you guys won't have to wait weeks for a new chapter.

Thank you for everything, everyone. Sit back, relax, grab a milkshake, and have fun reading this from now on... every day(not in effect immediately).

All my chapters are still completely free so I recommend all of you to reread the once if you feel like it.



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