The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 192: Hecate's Realization

Rael was confused, all of his wives along with him ran at their fastest speed possible. None of them dared to look behind, except, of course, the silver-haired man whose guts heaven herself hated.

"RUN FASTER! The balloon guy is right behind us!"

Hecate's eyes widened as she nodded, she had not expected much from Jalear. There was no way he could hold back against Johgrub the Maggot Lord despite being one of the most famous figures across the omniverse.

Aria was confused as everyone ran, "I'm sorry I do not understand. Why are we running? And why is this maggoty smelly entity after us?"

Alizejh nodded in understanding, "You need to explain Miss Hecate, the person was after you."

Hecate simply ignored the two, her face like usual, blank and monotone without much emotion. Lucifer shook her head as she interrupted,

"I believe I know the reason. Bounty Hunting. Hecate is in the top 10 List of Most Wanted Across the Omniverses."

Lucifer paused, a hint of disbelief creeping into it, "...though it's unknown of anyone ever trying to attempt hunting any of them."

Hecate sighed hearing Lucifer, everyone caught her slight shakiness. The Esther Queen looked into the distance as the group zapped their way into a gothic wasteland that had been almost been razed to the ground.

The skies were absolute grey and they reflected the myriad of dullness that reflected below. The clouds joined the ground, floating below, far below for one to eat them like cotton candy.

Hecate spoke, her voice low and without emotion.

"It was a normal day, like any other. I broke into a castle, stole an item from the treasury, and ran but... I did not account that the bodyguard for it would be, Johgrub the Maggot Lord. Any other, I could have handled."

The girls and Rael paid attention to her as she continued, "He crippled my body to its deepest core. I had no other choice but to escape to a world or dimension where "He" would not be able to find me... but "he" did... so I ran again... and again... and again... until my body couldn't handle any more of my heterochromial powers due to which I hoped to enter a medicinal garden dimension or world where maybe by chance I could heal but my body... my body could not handle the output of my infinite mana and it glitched...which is how I found myself here... amid a zombie apocalypse and completely given up on life..."

She paused, her eyes suddenly widened, as a healthy tint formed on her pale face, turning a little pink and her ears pink.

Hecate directed her gaze at Rael as she dazedly spoke, her eyes wide open yet the orbs in them doing their best to look away, as if the one in front of her was the Sun itself with a brilliance, eternally blazing.

"...until I met master. Until I met Irakiel El Navah, former Fairy King who healed me to a point I could at least control myself."

Rael almost froze in his steps, his eyebrow raised as he almost looked offended.

"What do you mean by former? I am still the Fairy King. Hell, I am even a pseudo-Fairy-God. First and last of my name."

Hecate looked away, almost not making eye contact. Lucifer did the same while Mira smiled carefreely, whistling despite the gravity of their current situation.

While Alizejh and Aria urged Hecate and Lucifer to continue speaking. The former general of the angel army shrugged as she spoke casually.

"The current king is Joséron."

This time, Rael really did freeze in his steps as he yelled aloud.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Why did no one ever tell me????"

Hecate rolled her eyes, she grabbed Rael who was slowly sinking into a state of shock by his hand, pulling him into the air to resume the run and not get left behind.

"You never asked. M-A-S-T-E-R."

Rael was left speechless. He revealed a wry smile and shook his head. It reminded him of a different important matter.

'So Joséron... he must have been the one... to put his dirty hands on my Crisez-Vilzi.'

The silver-haired man that looked like the most beautiful star in the sky had an apathetic expression but in his eyes, a darkness glinted and the temperature around him dropped by a few degrees.

Someone had desecrated his piano. Rael knew that but now he finally knew who it was. Friend or foe, that did not matter.

'I thought Joséron would have known better than to touch what's mine. Dead or alive.'

Rael shook his head in disappointment, suddenly the balloon overhead them zoomed past, faster than the entire group, leaving behind a small invisible trail of fog and disappearing into the unknown horizon.

"What the..."

Hecate's eyes widened. She froze in place. The others went past her and stopped in their tracks, some tumbled. Rael immediately grabbed her by her arm, a bit of panic escaping into his face.

"Why are you doing this?! We need to run!"

A short look of melancholy crept onto her face as she pointed straight, in the distance, a small figure was constantly expanding. An extremely tall, pale, sickly, and bony man walked leisurely but his pace was nothing short of fast.

His vermilion sunglasses glowed despite the darkness in the wasteland. A creepy smile stretched from one corner of his lip to another as he stared at them from that day away.

Behind him, a weird four-faced creature followed, however this time with the addition of an artificial mouth, surprisingly.

Hecate stared at Rael's face, his expression filled with worry. His grip almost forced her but did not pull her away completely, the genuineness in his actions. It had her mesmerized. She always believed, Rael was a kind individual, messed up on too many levels but nevertheless a kind person at heart.

"I'm done running."

She smiled wryly, she glanced at Rael and then away from him. Her normally dull and monotone face, showed a tapestry of emotions almost as if one was glancing at numerous paintings, each unique in an art showroom.

She whispered softly, it was very low but Rael could hear it clearer than a drop of dew on a morning after a harsh rain.

"I wish we met before, Rael."

Rael's eyes widened, he stared at her in a daze. At that moment, the gothic beauty looked more beautiful than any other woman he had seen before, it did not help that sunlight broke through the grey skies to land on her directly.

He gulped his saliva and muttered.

"What do you mean...? I am here. We... have time."

Hecate smiled, her eyes formed crescents and her teeth glistened under the sunlight. She looked away and a nostalgic expression began to creep onto her visage.

"My sisters always gossiped with me. From erotic s to who's dating whom. Some had fallen in love only to have their hearts broken... some of them when they would recover would become more beautiful in person and the others would join the Cock Cutting Cult."

She paused, her gaze fixed on the figure of Johgrub that was approaching dangerously close to them.

"I always wondered what is love. Was what I felt for my sisters, love? Was what I felt toward drinking tea, love? I never understood. Even now... I do not know but in the s I have read, the heroines always describe their first kiss as something more beautiful than the heavens. Sometimes, a direct ticket to whats called- Love... but in my opinion, it's not the kiss that makes one fall but it's a means of confirming that 'yes, I really did fall in love with this person to be comfortable enough to kiss him'."

Hecate grabbed Rael's hand that was holding her and took it by her palm. Tilting her head, she looked up, looking into the eyes of the taller man... and god they were beautiful, it was as if the universe itself had trapped itself inside it. Endless beauty to it's infinite opulence.

Rael subconsciously caressed her hair, lifting it from her forehead and tucking it behind her ear. Hecate smiled at the gesture and closed her eyes, pluckering her lips as she whispered.

"Could you kiss me, master?"

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