The Kind Older Sister Is No More

Chapter 114: A Childhood Memory


“I read the memories of Snow.”

As soon as they returned to their room, Irene said. Noel’s eyes widened at her words.

“You mean memories of the Snow Tree?”

“Yes. The moment I touched it, it rushed into my head.”

“The entire recollection of a millennium?”

“Hm, no. I only read one memory.”

“What is it?”

“The catalyst of the monsters’ emergence.”


Noel, who was drying his wet hair with a towel, halted. Irene recalled the memory of the Snow Tree she had seen.

“First of all, the Snow Tree kept the Kreisen land warm through its roots, but its body weakened as this continued for a thousand years.”

“…It seems that the Snow Tree protecting Kreisen is not just a myth.”

“Yes. The Snow Tree is drying, and cracks form throughout its body, but as power leaks through those cracks, the Snow Tree becomes weaker over time. In addition, the leaked power had nowhere to go but to pile up around there, forming damp shady fog and other foreign residues.”

“Are you saying that a monster appeared in the form of its dregs?”

“It’s usually impossible, but the power of the Snow Tree is far greater than we can imagine.”

“Then, Irene, I have a question for you. How was the snow tree able to recover?”

At Noel’s question, Irene momentarily pressed her lips closed. After a while, she spoke quietly.

“Perhaps the moment I put my hand on it, Sir; Mulliman’s power in the ring helped restore the Snow Tree’s original state. The power will not leak out as long as the cracks are closed.”

“Sure, Mulliman is a wizard so powerful that he was once honoured as the head of the Tower. Even so, I have my doubts. Do you really think that is the true cause?”

“Now that the wounds on the sacred tree have been healed, I don’t think there will be any more monsters. When you return to the dukedom, you can report that.”

At Irene’s words, Noel nodded. Then he promptly asked again.

“Irene, can I ask you one more thing?”

“What is it?”

“If what you just said is half of what you wanted to find out, what is the other half”

At his question, Irene paused for a moment. But she quickly replied with a smile.

“The real identity of the voice that spoke to me.”

“Is its real identity...not the Snow Tree?”

“Well, I don’t really know. I just thought that there must be something more to it. I want to look into it more when I return to the Grand Duchy.”

“I will help you.”

Seeing Noel who seemed to be eager to help, Irene smiled in appreciation.

“Thank you. For now, let’s go to bed, we have to leave early tomorrow morning.”

Upon saying that, Irene got on the bed and laid down. Noel too, positioned himself next to her. At first, she was embarrassed to be sleeping next to him, but now that she was used to it, she felt rather calm at the weight of him sitting next to her.

Irene closed her eyes tightly.

Much time had passed, and Irene slowly opened her eyes amid the silence. She then turned her head to face Noel’s sleeping face. In the tranquillity, he was still as handsome as ever.


Her expression when looking at him was complicated.

I’m sorry.

She then expressed her apology to him secretly. Truth be told, she lied to Noel.

It wasn’t Mulliman’s power.

Sir Mulliman’s power planted into the ring had been used up by Irene when she built the shield. On that account, the power that was drawn into the withered tree the moment she touched it was undoubtedly her power.

The Snow Tree absorbed my power. That’s why I lost consciousness.

But she was neither a wizard nor anything similar. Ever since she was born until now, she had never manifested any special powers. Therefore, neither she could understand the phenomenon, nor was she able to explain it to Noel.

When I get back, I will make sure to figure it out.

With that in mind, Irene closed her eyes, hoping it would be morning soon.


“Duke, Duchess. I’m ashamed to let you return after having suffered such an unfortunate incident. This lowly servant has no excuse for this shameful behaviour.”

The front gate was bustling at dawn, in preparation for the Ducal couple’s departure. Several carriages were lined up, and the mercenaries and knights were vigilant to avoid being attacked again.

This morning, the head butler, and the servants, who were released from confinement, bowed their heads as they saw Noel and Irene off. They did not ask anything about the missing Lina. Because it seemed that they knew without receiving a clear answer. They never thought that the maid they had been with for many years would try to assassinate the young Duchess, so it was hard to handle the shock.

“Next time you come; I will do my best to serve you.”

The butler was convinced that this castle would be abandoned despite having said that. There were assassins among the servants. He was in a position where he could be fired at any moment for not managing his employees properly.

However, the words that came from Noel soon shattered the head butler’s negative thoughts.

“I will make sure to come in winter next wife likes the rooms here.”


The old butler raised his head at the completely unexpected words. His eyes rounded, so wide that he felt like they were about to pop out.

“...Your Grace…”

“Until then, please take good care of this place.”

“Yes, of course…! We look forward to your next visit and will do our best to manage the castle!”

“Let’s go, wife.”

Perhaps the head butler’s sparkling eyes were burdensome, Noel turned his head and walked. After looking at Noel’s back with a pleasant smile on her face, Irene spoke to the castle’s butler, who was still moved.

“Tell the chef that the food was delicious. I want to taste it again next time.”

“Absolutely! He will be delighted!”

“That’s a relief. Then I hope you all will be doing well until then.”

Smiling brightly as her last farewell, Irene followed Noel. After getting on the carriage, Irene looked at Noel and spoke.

“As expected, you are truly a kind person.”

“...What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“You said that because you were afraid the head butler would be upset.”

“...I was also serious. Didn’t you like the room? I thought it would be nice to open the fireplace in the winter.”


Irene’s eyes grew wide; she did not think he would remember it. Noel continued in a soft voice, looking at Irene, who was a little bewildered.

“If I’m a kind person, then only in front of you, am I kind.”


Irene’s eyes shook. The size of the carriage was too small to move around greatly, so her distance from him was close. When she looked up, there was Noel right in front of her. She cast her gaze around nervously. Then eventually, she gave a slight nod.

“I see…”

Noel smiled quietly at her reaction. For some reason, the situation seemed to have been reversed.

Soon the carriage departed. Irene raised her head and looked out the window. As she retraced the way she had come, Kreisen Castle grew further and further.

Irene kept the exceptionally towering snow tree in her view until the very end.

What on earth is its true nature?

The carriage headed back to the Grand Duke’s residence with those doubts in mind.

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