The Kind Older Sister Is No More

Chapter 112: I Will Protect You

“’s quiet.”

Irene muttered as she ate the food prepared by the butler.

It’s normally not this quiet.

It had been two days since she first opened her eyes. There were still absences in the castle’s labour force. The only presence was the head butler, the minimum number of workers, mercenaries, and soldiers from the dukedom.

“We shall return to the Grand Duke’s residence early in the morning tomorrow. I have also subjugated the monster.”

“However, the cause of the appearance of the monster in the area of the snow tree has yet to be found.”

“...That’s fine.”

Noel answered hesitantly after silence at Irene’s incisive words. Still, Irene knew better than anyone that it was not as fine as it sounded. This was because the conditions for succession to the Grand Duchy included subjugating the monsters and revealing the cause of the monsters’ appearance.

There’s something on my mind.

She had not told Noel yet, but Irene had a strange experience in the snow forest that day.

Just like at the 700th-anniversary banquet.

Just like how the blue energy from Ascardo returned to his sapphire necklace, the moment Irene touched it, the mist of the forest was sucked into the snow tree. And at the same time, it felt as if strength was drained from every single cell of her body, along with a mysterious voice echoing in her head.

We have made a contract, Irene Kristen, remember my name, it’s Snow.

It was exactly what it said: its name was Snow.

Is the name derived from the term ‘snow tree’? What on earth is its identity?


Irene muttered the name, but nothing happened.

I feel like I’m going to find out something when I go to the Snow Tree.

She did not know why, but that abstract idea strangely convinced her.

“By any chance, can I visit the snow tree one more time?”

“Not possible. It’s too dangerous.”

Irene asked carefully, but the answer came back as a firm rejection.

“There may still be remnants left, and new monsters may have appeared. I can’t send you to a place like that. Above all, you have just regained consciousness recently. If you overdo it while you have yet to recover completely, your physical condition may worsen.”

Noel did have a point. There may still be some danger in hiding out there as he said. Moreover, it had gotten late, and it was already dark outside.

But I have to leave tomorrow.

If she left tomorrow, she did not know when she would be able to come here again. Since there was no promising date for returning, Irene wanted to see the Snow Tree before leaving.

“Actually Noel, I heard a voice.”

“...Is that the voice you mentioned last time?”

At Irene’s words, Noel asked with a look of surprise. As she nodded, Irene felt like a child making up excuses to get what she wanted.

I didn’t want to tell him until I was sure.

It was at the point when she was on the verge of collapsing. Her vision was spinning, and her mind was hazy so she could not tell if the voice was really someone’s voice or just an auditory hallucination. That was why she did not want to tell him until she made it clear, she did not want to confuse him over nothing.

But I can’t help it.

If she did not give a reason, Noel would never agree to her going to the Snow Tree.

“It asked for my name because it was terribly sick. The moment I told it my name; my body lost its strength. As my mind wandered, the voice rang in my ears again. It mentioned something about a contract being established, and its name was Snow.”

“ you suspect that voice is the Snow Tree’s voice?”

“Of course I think it’s absurd that a tree can speak. But still, I want to go back to confirm whether that voice was really the Snow Tree’s voice or was it simply just an illusion? Besides…if we go back, there is a chance we might figure out the source of the monsters’ emergence.”


Noel’s expression grew serious.

“I will make sure to stay close to the mercenaries, so you don’t have to worry…” Irene added cautiously, seeing his worried look.

“Let’s go.”


As she was trying to reassure him, he suddenly rose from his seat. As Irene was staring at him, stunned with disbelief, Noel reached out his hand towards her.

“I will protect you, so stay close to me.”

Irene’s eyes widened for a moment at his unexpected words. She then carefully grabbed his hand with a slight nod.


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