The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 69 - Confused Lolo

The viewers of “Witches Allure” cooperated very well and said the name of this TV series aloud.

“Yes, he is a large-scale costume TV series” Witch’s Allure “directed by famous director Yang Chuanzhi. I believe everyone is very interested in the members of this crew, are you looking forward to seeing them? The behind-the-scenes filming is curious? Today we invited some of the leading roles in the cast of Witch Allure to listen to the anecdotes they had about filming, everyone applauded. ” The mode of hosting mobilized everyone’s emotions.

“Where is everyone’s applause?” The beautiful host Mingli echoed Wu Haoxue and said playfully.

There was a warm applause, and some fans called their idol names.

In such an atmosphere, Yang Chuanzhi led his crew to the stage, and the fans below saw their idols, and the screaming became louder.

“Great God Meng, Great God Meng, look here, here!”

“Dameng Meng, I love you!”

“Goddess, goddess, goddess Yao!”

Meng Lianggu and Yao Qingqing are the leading actors and actresses in the play respectively. I am also a first-line star. I have many fans. Most of the fans on the scene are these two. Except for the two of them, most of the others are newcomers. There are very few fans, but there are also those who are present, but compared with the fans of the first-line stars, they can be ignored.

Meng Lianggu and Yao Qingqing waved gracefully with enthusiastic fans on the scene, and then came to the stage with Yang Chuanzhi’s side.

On such occasions, the position of the actors is also particular, and the number of plays in the play is generally arranged, but if there are stars with relatively high status, there may be corresponding adjustments.

It stands to reason, whether it is according to the star’s coffee or according to the number of plays, Luo Lingxing’s position should be at the end, but because of Yang Chuanzhi and Meng Lianggu’s special care, his position is arranged next to the male second , That’s closer to the middle than Su Lingping’s position.

“I feel so much pressure when there are so many handsome guys and beauties at once.” Mingli put her face on one hand while pretending to be tangled.

“Our beauty host is not fictitious. Among so many handsome men and women, it is not inferior. Then let these handsome men and women introduce themselves to everyone.” Wu Haoxue continued.

“Hello everyone, I’m Yang Chuanzhi, the director of” Witch’s Allure “.” Yang Chuanzhi’s introduction is very simple, without any extra words, and then the right to speak went to Meng Lianggu.

“Hello everyone, I am Meng Lianggu, playing Yang Fan in” Witch Allure “.”

“Good evening everyone, I’m Yao Qingqing, and I played Mo Qingcheng in” Witch Allure “.”

“…” After everyone introduced, it would arouse cheers from the field.

“Hello everyone, I’m Luo Lingxing, and I played Luo Xiaoqi in” Witch’s Allure. “Luo Lingxing’s clear voice rang, and the audience below turned his eyes to him as he spoke. I was surprised to see a lot of people.

“It’s so handsome. It turns out that he is the actor of Lord Luo Xiao. He turned out to be Luo Lingxing.”

“This time I didn’t come in vain. Not only did I see Meng Meng, the great natal man, but also the role of the little prince, I was really handsome and handsome. I now look forward to this TV series even more.”

“In the novel, there is a lot of rival play between the leader and the little prince, and the leader is really good to the little prince. When I watched, I couldn’t help but want to match the lord and the little prince.”

“I am also me, I am Yang Luofan, and now that I see their actors, I think they are more suitable, so I look forward to the drama starting soon.”

After the introduction of Luo Lingxing, the audience below seemed to be a frying pan. Many people did not notice what the introduction of the stars was behind. They were all discussing the matter of Lord Luo Xiao and Yang Fan, causing others to have some awkward.

However, Wu Haoxue deserved to be a well-known host in the prestigious world. The response was particularly quick, and the atmosphere was brought to another climax in a few words.

“Emperor Star Entertainment” is an interview program, but it is not a pure interview. There will also be some games in between, so that the whole program will not look dull and boring. The recording room has two couches and a two-seater. On the sofa, the two-seater in the middle is naturally prepared for the host, and the other two are prepared for the director and the actor. From this, I know that the interview is about to start, and the audience on the scene also quieted down. , Are listening quietly … gossip.

“I heard a lot of fun happened during your filming. I wonder if you can share one or two with you?” Wu Haoxue asked first.

“Haha, there are quite a lot of interesting things. I will let the later stage cut the tidbits. When the drama is broadcast, I will share the tidbits with everyone.” Yang Chuanzhi first replied and did not forget to promote his TV series. Put.

Wu Hao looked at this old friend with dissatisfaction and said without giving face: “You really don’t miss any opportunity for publicity. If you put it in the tidbits, who else will watch my show?”

“Angkor’s show is so hot, if no one likes it, there won’t be so many fans on the scene.” Meng Liang took the topic with a smile, and the following fans naturally supported their idols and yelled in conjunction.

“Since Angkor likes to listen so much, then I say one is better, but this should not be regarded as a filming time. The hotel we live in is a revolving door. In just three days, someone hit the door and hit ten. Here again. “Meng Liang thought of the scene and couldn’t help laughing.

Wu Haoxue and Ming Li opened their eyes in astonishment and asked, “Is it true? Is there such a thing? Who is it?”

The audience at the scene was also as curious as the two presenters waiting for the answer. They wanted to know who was so confused that they even hit the revolving door.

Colleagues who filmed together immediately knew who was talking after Meng Lianggu said, and looked at the confused protagonist involuntarily. Luo Lingxing sat there and felt the nose embarrassedly, flushing slightly, making the original The outstanding looks have become more attractive.

“No, Xiao Luo doesn’t look like a confused person.”

“Xiao Luo looked really smart, and of course he was also smart in many ways, but in life, he was a little confused.” Yang Chuanzhi said, with a deep pride in his tone, just like treating a junior.

“I rarely touched this revolving door before, and I didn’t know his movements, so sometimes I didn’t pay attention. When it stopped, I hit it straight.” Luo Lingxing explained with a blushing face, what did it look like? See how cute it is.

As soon as the topic started, everyone was scrambling to talk about the anecdote of the filming, probably Meng Lianggu pulled Luo Lingxing in at the beginning, so when everyone said later, most of them were talking about Luo Lingxing of.

In fact, the colleagues of the crew were completely unexpected at the beginning. Luo Lingxing turned out to be such a confused person. He usually seems to be a very smart person, but it is always a joke in some common sense, making people I couldn’t help but cry and laugh, and I was impressed unconsciously.

These things can make people laugh, without leaving a bad impression, so Luo Lingxing did not prevent everyone from continuing to break the news, and he also knew that this is the presence of Mengge and the director to give him a sense of presence. The exposure rate.

Su Lingping sat back and looked at Luo Lingxing, who was at the center of the conversation. His jealousy and resentment grew deeper. If he wasn’t at the recording site, he might be ridiculed again.

Beauty host Ming Li has been observing the expressions of various stars so that she can respond at any time. When she saw Su Lingping, Su Lingping nodded slightly to her. “So many interesting things happened when filming the movie. Everyone’s feelings It’s so enviable, “Mingli said, touching Wu Haoxue secretly, which was the tacit understanding of their partner.

“Talking so much, today’s harvest is really rich. Are you very satisfied with the following?” Wu Haoxue interacted with the audience below. “However, if you just chat, will everyone feel very boring, as we are? Let ’s play a little game. “

“I heard that Su Lingping’s history is very good, and the knowledge reserve is quite rich, then it will take a lot of cheap in the next small game.” Mingli said playfully, drawing everyone’s attention to Su Lingping Body.

Su Lingping made a humble and shy expression and said, “Sister Ming has won the prize. Everyone is very powerful. I still have a lot to learn.”

“Then let’s look at the rules of the game first.” Wu Haoxue pointed to the big screen.

In fact, it is a small game, it is better to say it is a knowledge quiz. The program group has prepared a total of 40 questions, divided into two groups, each group of four people, each person has a responder in front of them, plus one point for each correct answer No points will be given for wrong answers, and the two winners will receive a small reward.

Most of these topics are about history. No wonder Mingli said that before.

In fact, Mingli’s words were actually intended to give Su Lingping a good impression. For stars, good acting should be done, but if they have other skills in addition to acting, it is very good for the audience fans.

Mingli first gave everyone an expectation. If Su Lingping can achieve excellent results in this game, it will naturally get a lot of favorability values, but if he loses, the difference in the hearts of fans may be greater than not to mention, but instead It will be self-defeating. The first group is the protagonist group. The members include Meng Lianggu, Yao Qingqing, and the second male and female second. In the end, Meng Lianggu won by one point more than Yao Qingqing.

The second group is the supporting role group, with Su Lingping, Luo Lingxing and two other members.

“Who will be better in this group, looking forward to it.” Mingli said with a wink, but her vision clearly passed Su Lingping, paused for a while and then looked at other people, if anyone who was more careful looked at it It is concluded that she is more optimistic about Su Lingping.

Su Lingping showed a provocative expression at Luo Lingxing in a dead angle that was not captured by the camera, and looked proud as if he had won.

“Well, don’t think that sister Meng Yao just helped you, now I think who can help you.” Su Lingping lowered his voice and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

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