The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 52 - Successful audition

Yang Zekai ’s words have n’t been much, but once he talked about Xia Yuan, it would become another word. Luo Lingxing listened patiently, envious of the friendship between them, because he has always been It’s all alone.

“I know.” Luo Lingxing responded. “If you don’t mind, let’s have dinner together.”

“it is good.”

At the dinner table, “Xiaokai, you try this, is it delicious?” Xia Yuan handed Yang Choi the meat with a chopstick and said excitedly.

“Xiaokai, you are trying this, it’s also very good.”

“There is also this, you have to try it.” Xia Yuan clipped this dish to Yang Zekai in a moment, and another dish in a while, and heard Xia Yuan’s voice reverberating throughout the dormitory.

Finally, Yang Zekai couldn’t bear it anymore. He gently tapped Xia Yuan’s hand with chopsticks and said, “To eat you honestly, you have to finish all these things, and you are not allowed to be picky.”

Yang Zekai put a lot of vegetables in Xia Yuan’s bowl and told him to eat cleanly.

“It’s not fair. All the meat I give you is meat, all you give me is vegetables, bad guys!” Xia Yuan murmured quietly. Although he was very dissatisfied, he also knew that Yang Zekai was very stubborn in this respect Can only be eaten silently.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Lingxing tried to shrink himself into a passerby and try to isolate himself from the other two. There was no way. The two were too flashy. If they were not full, he could not help but hide in the room. .

The results of the audition came out the next day, and Luo Lingxing was not surprised when he received the call. After all, this was what he expected.

However, he is calm, which does not mean that others are also calm, the first is his agent Chen Hongliang.

“Xiao Luo, your audition was successful! Your audition was successful! You are about to enter the film crew!” Chen Hongliang’s face in the video was ecstatic, and people who didn’t know thought he had won the lottery.

Luo Lingxing just nodded slightly and said with a smile: “This is just the beginning, you will be busy in the future.”

Chen Hongliang looked at the confident but unassuming young man in the video. After a moment of silence, he clearly said that the other party was arrogant, but gave him the feeling that it should be like this.

In his quiet year, he tasted the warmth and coldness of his life, and saw the evil face, thinking that there will be no hope in life, but the only entertainer suddenly gave him such a surprise, telling him “you will be in the future “Busy”, there is nothing more irritating than this.

From this moment, Chen Hongliang decided that no matter what difficulties he encountered in the future, he would do his utmost to find resources for Luo Lingxing, hold people up, and let those who are not optimistic about them look, they can do the same success!

“Relax, I’m not afraid of being busy, I’m not afraid of being busy, I will follow you into the crew in a few days, then you only need to make a good film, no matter what else, I will help you do something.” Chen Hongliang said.

Luo Lingxing nodded, and the two hung up the video after saying a few more words.

The second person who was not calm was Su Lingping. After learning that Luo Lingxing had a successful audition, he was so angry that he almost smashed everything around him.

“Why? Why can that person succeed in auditioning? Without a system, it’s like a waste.” Su Lingping said with a gritted teeth.

Usually Lin Hai and Liu Quan followed Su Lingping to make a lot of flattery. They all knew that Su Lingping’s most annoying person was definitely Luo Lingxing. Now that he looks like this, he doesn’t even know what to say for a while, lest Su Lingping is more angry.

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