The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 41 - Visit dormitory

Although He Yi vomited in his heart, but he gave him a hundred guts, he did not dare to say it.

Luo Lingxing didn’t understand this, thinking that he just wanted to see it and said nothing.

Han Junzhan just walked into the dormitory building behind Luo Lingxing, and walked into Luo Lingxing’s dormitory.

“Lolo, you are back.” Xia Yuan is sitting in the living room eating snacks, and seeing Luo Lingxing greets cheerfully.

“Yeah.” Luo Lingxing responded, and then saw Yang Zekai coming out of Xia Yuan’s room, apparently just helping someone to sort out the room. Luo Lingxing was already surprised, if not seen one day Yang Zekai, that is strange.

“Lolo, are they your friends?” Xia Yuan looked at Han Junzhan and He Yi who followed Luo Lingxing curiously. Of course, more of his eyes fell on Han Junzhan. After all, this person’s momentum was too strong. , At a glance you know that it is not an ordinary person.

“Well,” Luo Lingxing replied. Xia Yuan said he didn’t care about his coldness.

Yang Zekai’s eyes flickered when he saw Han Junzhan. When he looked at Luo Lingxing, he had a deep meaning in his eyes.

He was not Xia Yuan’s single cell that he never paid attention to except eating and music. He still heard about Han Junzhan and had seen his photos, but he didn’t expect to meet him here.

“Hello, I am Xia Yuan, Lolo’s roommate. Come and sit down.” Xia Yuan greeted enthusiastically.

“Thank you, no need, we …” He Yigang wanted to say that we would leave in a moment, and then found that the young master who had always had a slight cleanliness even sat on the sofa without hesitation. His surprised eyes almost fell out.

Luo Lingxing originally thought that Han Junzhan would leave soon, and it is estimated that he would not come again, so he did not intend to introduce them. As a result, it seems that the other party really intends to sit for a while. Said: “This is Han Junzhan, this is He Yi.”

“Hello.” Xia Yuan greeted with a sweet smile.

Luo Lingxing went to the room and put things away. When he came out, he found that the atmosphere in the living room was not bad. Although only Xia Yuan and He Yi were talking, it was rare that Han Junzhan didn’t keep his face cold.

I don’t know if I saw Luo Lingxing coming out, or Han Dashao finished looking at the dormitory, and even said voluntarily: “It’s not too early, we are gone.”

“Okay.” Luo Lingxing still replied in one word, because otherwise, he didn’t think there was anything more to say.

Han Junzhan finally took another look at Luo Lingxing and turned to take He Yi away, leaving Luo Lingxing a little unknown.

“Lolo, your friend is so powerful, so imposing, I don’t dare to stare at him.” Xia Yuan kept pulling Lingling Xingli and said non-stop, finally Yang Zekai couldn’t see it before giving him away. Pull away.

“If you don’t go to the cafeteria, the cafeteria will have no food.” To deal with food, eating is always his life.

Sure enough, the next moment, Luo Lingxing found out that he was the only one in the dormitory.

“It’s you, it’s you, it must be you, it’s you, it’s you, it’s really you …” The nice mint sounds up. This is the ringtone that Luo Lingxing changed for the communication. Xia Yuan sang it. Nice, just changed to the communication ringtone.

Opening the video, Chen Hongliang’s villain appears on the screen.

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