The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 38 - Filming food

“Hello everyone, I am Luoshen,” Luo Lingxing introduced herself according to the video I saw before, because everyone used the screen name, so if he couldn’t think of the name, Luo Lingxing remembered what everyone in the past life called him, so he directly Introduced in this way, “Today I will make a video for you to make dragon beard cake. The method is very simple and the taste is not bad. You can do it together.”

“First of all, you need to prepare some ingredients, 250 grams of glutinous rice noodles, 250 grams of flour, 250 grams of swallow root seedlings, 150 grams of sugar, 25 grams of cherries, 25 grams of plums, 25 grams of melon sticks, 25 grams of peach kernels, 25 grams of raisins, probably these Are common ingredients, and you may rarely use swallow root seedlings. They are also sold in this supermarket. “

Every time Luo Lingxing said the same ingredients, he would put the prepared ones close to the lens so that everyone could see them clearly. After introducing these ingredients, they would start making.

Although Luo Lingxing’s voice is not as clear and minty as Xia Yuan’s, it is also very nice. The small and large sounds make people sound very comfortable. There is a feeling like a spring breeze. The more you listen, the more you want to hear.

“It’s not difficult to make dragon beard cake. First, remove the old roots, cut them into 3.3 cm sections, and wash them with water. Chop the green plums, melon sticks, and peach kernels and set aside.”

Luo Lingxing skillfully and quickly processed all these ingredients and put them in a small plate on the side.

“Then steam the flour and let it cool, roll it down, and roll it over, mix it with glutinous rice noodles, swallow root seedlings, sugar and 200 g of water, etc. Here, we must pay attention to the proportion of various ingredients, more or less will affect The taste of the long beard cake. “

Luo Lingxing said while making it, that the dough after he mixed it would not be too dry or too soft.

“If there is too much water, the steamed dragon beard cake is too soft and sticky. If you put too much water, the steamed cake will be too dry, so you must be careful in this step. Try a few more times to find it. The right amount. “

“Then next, after mixing well, pour the mixed noodle root powder in a square wooden frame, press it flat, and sprinkle with cherries, raisins and minced green plum, melon sticks, peach kernels, steamed on the drawer It takes about 1 hour or so until it matures. “

Because steaming dragon beard cake takes some time, during this period, Luo Lingxing went to check the effect of his previous shooting, and nodded while looking at it. Obviously, he was quite satisfied with the effect of his shooting.

Because Luo Lingxing has always focused on the shooting, so he did not find Han Junzhan who did not know when to appear at the door of the restaurant, nor how long he stood there.

In fact, Han Junzhan started to go downstairs just to pour a cup of coffee. As a result, he heard the voice of talking in the restaurant and approached unconsciously. He found out that it was Luo Lingxing who was making pastry, and it was still soft during the shooting. The voice, the skillful and quick movements, and the long fingers holding the ingredients, did not consciously attract Han Junzhan, just stood there watching and watching, and came to the end unconsciously.

When Han Junzhan reacted, the first reaction was to return to the room while Luo Lingxing wasn’t found, just when nothing had happened just now, but the unique fragrance of the dragon beard cake constantly coming out of the steamer tempted him continuously His sense of taste made him unable to take steps at all.

Luo Lingxing opened the steamer to check the steaming degree of the Longxu cake, the taste was more intense, and Han Junzhan was no longer able to walk, so he stood there without expression and continued to appreciate.

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