The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 72: 72 - Soulless...

After walking out of the church, Derrick turned around and saw that Matt wasn't chasing after him.

Thinking of Matt's expression of wanting to talk but holding back, Derrick chuckled.

"However, Matt's soul was quite pure and strong."

Derrick could see the souls of everyone, including Matt's.

While he was still in the church, he observed that Matt's soul was different from everyone in the church, even the priest's soul was like an ordinary one.

From what he knew now, a soul had nothing to do with faith, and was probably related to your energy.

Thinking of this, Derrick suddenly wondered how pure his own soul was.

So, he took a look at the clean glass as he passed by a restaurant.

To Derrick's disappointment, he saw nothing.

"Am I soulless or I cannot see my own soul?"

Unwilling to give up, Derrick leaned close to the glass and stared at it for a long time. He even made several different poses. In the end, he was very disappointed to find that he couldn't see anything, which completely killed his curiosity.

Derrick sighed, and when he turned to leave, a girl suddenly ran out of the restaurant.

"Ok you creep! I have endured you for a long time!"



-A few minutes earlier-

The door of the restaurant was pushed open and a tall girl with dark green hair hanging down till her chest wearing thick metal bracelets on her wrists walked inside the restaurant. Her special outfit instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Ignoring the gazes around her, her dark green eyes, which were the same color as the hair, looked around the restaurant, and soon found her target.

As if aware of her arrival, a young man with long hair sitting in the corner of the restaurant suddenly turned his head and smiled at her in a friendly manner.

After she sat down, the long-haired young man took the lead, "I'm glad you came here. I believe this is our first meeting. I'm John, and this is my companion, Sonya."

The red-haired woman sitting next to the long-haired young man nodded.

"Lorna Dane."

The girl with green hair replied coldly.

John was not angry with Lorna's tone, and said in a polite voice, "Dane, we were sent by Ivan, and I invite you here this time to discuss an important matter with you. Would you like to join the Mutant Underground? "

"Is that Ivan person a woman?"

Hearing this name, Lorna's attitude improved slightly, but her face still had indifference. She then said calmly, "Sorry, I'm not interested in the organization you mentioned. I don't want to join your plan, you should find someone else."

Seeing Lorna's resolute refusal, Sonya tried to persuade her, "I think you should understand that the ultimate purpose of our organization is to save our oppressed comrades, provide them with a safe place to avoid unfair treatment. Joining us with your Ability will definitely help these people."

Lorna didn't speak. As a mutant, she understood what Sonya meant.

It's like racism based on colour.

There is discrimination between humans and Mutants, it is just more serious and extreme than that.

Normal mutants who do not have obvious features on the surface are fine. As long as their abilities are not found out, they will be treated as ordinary humans.

But, if it is those Mutants whose appearance is completely different from that of an ordinary person, their experience can be described as miserable.

America even had a bill specifically targeting Mutants. As long as Mutants use their Ability in public, whether it is an accident or for self-defense, the law will consider it a felony and they can be arrested on the spot.

It is precisely because of the emergence of this bill that many innocent Mutants were directly arrested and put in prison, and the reasons for arresting them were also strange. The most bizarre thing is that there is a Mutant whose appearance was too ugly, and it scared passers-by, so he was put in prison. [E/N: So that is why Wade wore a mask]

'These days, it is illegal to be ugly…hah… Mah Hart Mah Sol' : Me

Since that time, Mutants who even had a speck of doubt regarding their appearance did not go out of their houses. Even the photos uploaded on their social accounts were carefully reviewed so as not to be charged with felonies.

John and Sonya's Mutant underground organization was created to save these innocent Mutants. Simply put, it was against the law, and every member of the organization could be called a criminal.

Lorna was also very angry about the law against mutants, but she really didn't show any interest about joining a rescue organization and running around as an outlaw.

Sonya continued trying to persuade Lorna and failed miserably.

As a veteran, John couldn't see what Lorna was thinking. He finally sighed and stopped Sonya.

"Dane, if you change your mind at any time, you can contact us, but I want to remind you that the situation for us Mutants is no longer optimistic, we must prepare for a huge battle in advance."

John left a card with his number on the table, and walked out of the restaurant with Sonya.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving through the glass window, Lorna was a little dazed.

At this moment, Lorna suddenly noticed a man in a priest's robe stop outside the window, just blocking her sight.

She thought the priest was just a passerby, so Lorna didn't care about it at first.

However, after more than a minute passed, Lorna found that the man was still standing there and showed no intention of leaving. He just stood there, blocking her view of the street outside.

Lorna clenched her fists and turned her eyes away as if she didn't see the priest.

She turned her head away and ignored him.

But driven by curiosity, Lorna couldn't help but glance out of the window after a short while, only to find that the man still didn't leave, and even started to put on strange poses.

When Lorna saw the man making funny faces at her, she couldn't help but burst out, completely forgetting about the cold image of herself just now and rushed out of the restaurant.

"Ok you creep! I have endured you for a long time!"


E/N: Ok, no excuses, truth time. I'm late cuz I forgot how to speak English after this…I had to raise my level again so that people can at least understand shit…

Happy Reading, Have a Good Day/Night.

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