The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 53: 53 - Another classic

He was not sure about it the first time but now, Matt confirmed that Derrick could freely control his heart rate.

Other than that, it was difficult to explain why his heartbeat had a musical symphony.

Even if Beethoven himself was resurrected, at least his heartbeat would not beat to the Ode to Joy and the Symphony of Destiny.

Thinking along this line of thought, the reason why Derrick controlled his heartbeat twice was very clear to Matt.

Derrick was obviously targeting Matt's abilities on purpose.

In other words, Derrick had long known that Matt has super-hearing and is able to hear heartbeats, so every time he would try to listen to Derrick's heartbeat, he would control it and play different rhythms.

'But the question is, when was I exposed?'

Matt's face was a little ugly. He and Derrick had only met once but Derrick seemed to know everything about him, even about his identity as Daredevil.

Matt has never revealed that he is Daredevil to anyone, not even to Fudge.

"Leave this place."

Matt yelled at the punks, he didn't want them to hear the rest of their conversation.

Seeing that the red demon helped them block the two big villains, the gangsters immediately felt relieved and nodded their heads to thank Matt.

They then tried to pick their comrade lying on the ground but were interrupted by Derrick.

"Leave his clothes here." Derrick said lightly.

Hearing his words, the gangsters trembled instinctively.

Being loyal but also wanting to live, they took off the clothes and pants of their good friend without saying a word, even the underwear in case Frank wished to change.

Throwing the clothes at Frank's feet, they dragged their fiend and ran away.


Looking at the yellowed briefs, Frank didn't say a word.

After the gangsters left, the atmosphere in the alley tensed.

Seeing Matt who was suddenly silent, Derrick smiled and broke the silence first, "What's wrong, Lawyer Matt, are you feeling unwell somewhere?"

After a moment of silence, Matt asked, "How do you know my identity?"

"It's a long story. Once long ago I saw a blind man walking into an alley with a cane. As a good young man living in the 21st century, I definitely wanted to go over to see if he needed help. In the end, can you guess what I saw?"

Matt didn't speak. He had already guessed that the blind man the other party was talking about was himself.

Derrick narrated vividly in a tone of feigning amazement, "I saw this blind man run suddenly, he ran faster than me with both eyes open and then he put away his crutches and jumped straight. When he got up, he jumped several meters high and, oh, by the way, he did a split with his legs in the air. He twisted his hips a few times at random and then climbed over a high wall. Finally, he pushed himself up with the help of his buttocks, he easily reached the roof…"

Hearing Derrick's description, Matt knew that he was probably witnessed by the other party when he ran to fight criminals without having time to change his clothes. This explains how Derrick knew about him.

'It's only that…Even though I can't see, I am very sure I never did a split in the air.'

Out of prudent considerations, Matt did not straight up believe Derrick's words, but switched back to his usual method of listening to the heartbeat of the other party to judge if he was lying.

'Oh alright, this time it's Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.'

Matt was silent for a few seconds, decisively blocking his perception ability.

Abandoning the plan to judge lies, Matt said in a deep voice, "Then how do you know about my Abilities?"

"It's so fresh. A blind person could swiftly climb over walls. Anyone can tell from this that he isn't normal. As for the hearing part, it was just a guess…" Derrick jumped up and down while talking.

Matt frowned, moving his head from side to side following Derrick's movements.

"What are you doing?"

"No way, can you really hear me so clearly even from the distance between us?"

Derrick looked at Matt in disbelief.

In some ways, Matt's perception ability was stronger than bullet time.

After all, bullet time requires the use of eyes to observe while Matt's perception ability did not need his eyes at all. He was like a radar, always working.

Matt was a little speechless and said in a serious tone, "You are right, my hearing is indeed better than ordinary people and I can sense all your movements, so I advise you not to... Please put down your middle finger, I said I can sense it."

Derrick put away his finger in embarrassment, "It's nothing, I was just… curious."


E/N: Happy reading, Have a Good Day/Night.

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