The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 47: 47 - "He Is My Man": Wade

"Call them all here." Vladimir ordered.

One by one, all the survivors of that night, especially the ones that Derrick saved Frank from with his riding skills, came ahead and identified Derrick.

Seeing that Derrick was more and more being accused of being the attacker, Wesley realized that if he didn't do anything, their plan would go wrong.

So, Wesley said, "With all due respect, I don't think these statements can provide us with anything concrete against him."

"Oh, really now? Are you saying that my men are telling lies?" Vladimir stared at Wesley closely. Wesley's attitude and approach to this situation made him a little suspicious, "Or, could it be that you don't want me to find out who killed my brother?"

"That's definitely not it, you may have misunderstood me. Regarding the situation that night, I just don't want to rule out the possibility that your men might recognize wrong. I just want it all to be 100% confirmed. After all, my employer also has to pay a fat bounty." Wesley explained calmly.

"I'm not mistaken. He's the Asian guy, I remember that black beard!" The Russian men tried to explain that there was nothing wrong with his eyes and memories.

Frank, meanwhile, was silent all this while. He didn't know what to say. He was in the same situation as Matt a few days ago. Being a smart man was trouble when sitting where he was.

'I won't claim that my memory is the best but…Beard? Are you for real?'

Vladimir said coldly, "Then how do you want his identity to be proved?"

"I heard that you lost a lot of people that night, and most of them were taken care of by the Asian attacker. From that we know that the Asian guy is for sure very skilled."

Wesley smiled confidently, and turned to look at Derrick, "But look at this man. His figure doesn't look like he has received professional training, I don't think he has the strength to do any killing. He might just die from if he sees a real gun."

Hearing that his own strength was questioned, Derrick was not at all happy, "Oi bitch, what do you mean? You little red four-eyed riding hood motherfu***ng cu*t, are you doubting my strength by saying that– Punisher, tell them quickly. What happened that night?"


Wesley took a deep breath to keep himself calm. He didn't ask anything wrong and did not insult him, but this guy exploded with rage suddenly. He wondered if this guy was short-tempered?

"Why did you appear here?" Frank asked. He had seen Derrick's strength and knew about it. With his weird Self-healing Ability and unpredictable marksmanship, he couldn't have gotten caught.

Derrick said seriously, "Ah fuck, why is everyone so dumb? Can't you tell that I'm here to save you."

Looking at Derrick who was tied up with a rope and had to jump dozens of times to move, Frank was expressionless.

'Sorry, I really can't see it.'

Seeing Derrick's stand on the situation that night and the expression of familiarity on Frank's face, Vladimir knew that the person in front of him was the other attacker, and suddenly, he was about to punch Derrick's face in rage.

But right before his fist could make contact with Derrick's face, a cold light flashed, and a sharp long blade stopped in front of Vladimir's neck.

Ignoring all the gangsters who panicked and raised their guns, Wade held the Katana in his hand confidently and said in a dissatisfied tone, "This is against the rules. Before you pay the money, he is still my man. You have to get my consent to do it in front of so many people."

"That's right."

Derrick hid behind Wade and shouted, as if he had found a defender.

Feeling the coldness on his neck, Vladimir's body froze for an instant and his intuition told him that the person in front of him was definitely not a normal mob. The threat of death made him forcefully suppress the anger in his heart.

"Wire him the money!" Vladimir ordered a subordinate beside him with a gloomy face.

In less than half a minute, Wade's cell phone vibrated.

It was a message from Weasel saying that the bounty money had been transferred.

However, he looked at the phone screen, and suddenly exclaimed angrily, "This amount is very wrong. Why is there only 2.5 million USD, where did the other 1.5 go!?"

Noticing that Katana was still on his neck, Vladimir sullenly looked at Wesley.

Wesley frowned slightly. The development of this matter was completely out of his control now.

"I need to report this to my employer..."

Wade was too lazy to listen to the nonsense, he waved another Katana and pointed it at Wesley, chattering endlessly, "Four Eyes, you should learn to be independent now that you're a grown up. Now is the best opportunity to practice being independent for the first time. Transfer the money that is rightfully mine and, don't forget to transfer the tuition fees for helping you become independent."

"...I see."

After a brief silence, Wesley transferred the remaining money.

As he spoke, his eyes gradually turned cold.

It is not so easy to take money from their gangsters. Looking at Vladimir's gloomy face, it was obvious that he did not intend to let Wade go. After he heard so many things here that should not have been heard, how could they let him be?

However, the bounty that should have been paid still needs to get paid. After all, it is a bounty issued by them publicly. Swallowing the bounty would only affect their reputation. No one would be willing to cooperate with them in the future.

"This is good, boy. Well, you are now his person." The mobile phone received another money transfer notification as Wade put away his Katanas in satisfaction while letting go of the rope and pushed Derrick over.

Vladimir frowned.

Wesley immediately sensed something was wrong. He stepped back a few steps and said in surprise, "Shoot them right now!"

However, Derrick moved faster than them.

Two pistols suddenly appeared in his lowered hands and his pupils suddenly contracted.


The sound of the gunshots were not loud.

All the gangsters and bodyguards in the house fell to the ground, blood flowed from the holes on their foreheads and the other remnants who were waiting outside the door rushed into the house when they heard the gunshots but were wiped out by Wade.

Within a few seconds, all the gangsters were wiped out, only Vladimir and Wesley remained alive in the large room.

Oh, Frank too.


E/N: So yeah, why the late chapter? Well, this took 2 days to be finished…

Happy reading, Have a good day/night.

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