The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 45: 45 - Express Delivery

Above the pitch-black sky, gloomy black clouds blocked the moonlight, casting an eerie shadow over the desolate landscape below. The darkness seemed to be alive, creeping slowly and enveloping everything in its path.

The dazzling lights of the city in the distance shone like a beacon in the pitch-black night sky, casting an otherworldly glow over the lifeless West Midtown. The stark contrast between the two was like a boundary line between the living and the dead, separated only by the Hudson River.

This was the cradle of criminals, the infamous Hell's Kitchen.

On a quiet street, several black vehicles parked at the corner.

A group of Russian men led by Vladimir stepped out of the sleek black vehicles, their polished shoes clicking against the pavement, as they walked towards Wesley standing in front of the iron gate. The sound of steps echoed through the silent street, making the atmosphere tense.

Vladimir's eyes were sharp as he scanned his surroundings.

"Where's the damn attacker!?"

"Please don't worry. Since you agreed to our future assistance, what my employer promised to you would naturally be completed." Wesley smiled.

Immediately afterwards, he nodded to the black-clothed bodyguards standing behind him. The bodyguards turned around and quickly opened the large iron gate behind them.

The heavy iron gate was pushed open with a light thud in the end as a faint smell of blood rushed over.

The space inside the establishment was very small. It was surrounded by iron walls and in the center was a burly man.

Vladimir saw that the man's hands and feet were tied with iron chains. His body and clothes were covered in red blood, as if he had just been fished out of a vampire's lunch bowl.

'Judging from his wounds, these bloodstains should not all belong to him.' Vladimir said to himself as he finished observing the man.

Seeing this man, Wesley couldn't help sighing, "This is the famous Punisher. We spent a lot of effort to lure him out and catch him. Even so, we have lost a lot here."

"But please rest assured. According to our agreement, he is yours, so, we didn't torture him at all."

Vladimir did not reply, but stared hard at Frank sitting in front of him.

Previously, the Russian Ross gang also sent out a large number of men to catch him.

The result? They encountered various obstacles every time they acted, and Frank always managed to slip away in the end.

Vladimir, being not a fool, knew that someone was trying to stop him from catching Frank.

Under pressure, Vladimir had finally agreed to Wesley's suggestion, giving up Anatoly's former territory and handing it over to them while they assisted in the operation.

It wasn't long after his agreement that Vladimir received a call saying that Frank had been caught.

Vladimir walked up to Frank, pulled his face up with his hair and asked coldly, "You killed Anatoly?"

Frank looked up at Vladimir calmly.

He recognized Vladimir, the leader of the Russian Ross Gang.

Curling his lips in disdain, Frank definitely knew who the murderer of Anatoly was, but he didn't care about it. Now, he didn't bother if the blame fell on him or not, he just mocked Vladimir, "I killed a lot of cunts and they were all guilty. Which one are you talking about? Anatoly? Might've met him…"

Enraged, Vladimir punched through.

The veins in Vladimir's neck bulged as he grabbed Frank's collar, "I know you have a companion. Tell me where he is."

Frank spat saliva and put on a mocking expression.

The result was that Vladimir beat up Frank violently, and Frank didn't even squeak during the whole process.

After beating Frank to a mess, Vladimir snarled, "Tell me who that damned companion is and what his name is. If you don't, I swear on my life that you will die a terrible death!"

Frank opened his swollen blue eyes, calmly watching Vladimir roaring at him helplessly.

Frank was a trained soldier, he was not afraid of any kind of cruel torture. Since he and Derrick had only met once, this was not to protect him but, Frank just wanted to see the anger of these gangsters, so, to enjoy it more, he did not reveal the slightest bit of information about Derrick.

Frank said in a hoarse voice, "You're not going to find him… Ever, I think."

Vladimir punched him again. Seeing that Frank was so stubborn, Vladimir turned to Wesley angrily, "Tell me! Where is the other bastard who was with him?"

"We're currently investigating that." Wesley said as he pushed back his glasses.

However, according to their plan, once they find the second attacker, they will find someone to silence him directly, rather than leaving this to Vladimir.

It's just that Vladimir also lost a big part of his territory, how could he listen to such nonsense?

Vladimir raised his blood-stained palm and grabbed Wesley's collar unceremoniously.

"If you take my territory, you have to send the assailant overtoo, AND, I want them both to die at my hands!"

Wesley frowned, "You also know that it will take time, after all, it's not like the other attacker would just be delivered to the gate right now–."

Just then, a member of the Russian Ross gang came running over.

"The assailant was found, boss. Someone came and said that he caught the person who's head had the large reward. They say that they saw him when they were going to relieve themselves in the toilet. They have come here to deliver him and receive the reward."

Wesley: "WHAT THE–"

Frank: "..."


E/N: SO heya, your favorite editor is back (I think). There might be some errors here and there (As usual, nothing new). Forgive me for those and maybe make a para comment so that I can correct it.

Have a good Day/Night.

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