The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 33: 33 - Symphony of Destiny

Derrick went to the empty field again to test the power of his newly modified ammunition and the results made him very satisfied.

He walked by the abandoned construction site again but did not see the father and daughter duo. Anyways, Derrick knew that the reason was not him, after all, he looked so kind.

'By the way, why do I always meet anti-heroes?'

Be it Wade, Frank, Mindy or Big Daddy, none of them was a kind-hearted and friendly person.

Derrick had a feeling that he, a cute and innocent sheep, had fallen into a pack of wolves. If this continued, it would be difficult to ensure that his sane mind would not be affected by these 'wolves'.

Back in Brooklyn, Derrick happened to see a restaurant and walked in since he hadn't had proper dinner till today.

During his period of stay in America, Derrick was busy with various things, so he mostly ate fast food.

To be honest, fast food in America was really cheap according to him. Not only was the portion large but also the price was also cheap. This was also the reason why many poor people were keen to eat fast food, which led to the emergence of so many obese people.

Although Derrick was not afraid of gaining weight by consuming fast food, he was afraid that he would throw up soon if he continued eating only that. Moreover, now that he has time, he plans to change his taste.

Walking into the restaurant, Derrick found that the restaurant was almost full.

A waiter came over to Derrick and asked him with a smile, "A table for how many people, sir?"

"One person."

"We're sorry, sir, we don't have a vacant table for one person at the moment." The waiter apologized professionally, "However, if you don't mind, you can share a table with another customer."

"Yeah sure." Derrick didn't care, it didn't matter to him where he ate, all that mattered was food. Food is love.

The waiter walked away and came back quickly.

"There are two guests who have agreed to share the table, sir. Please follow me."

Derrick nodded and followed the waiter into the restaurant and stopped near a corner.

Derrick looked at the seat and found that there were two young men, one was a fat man with slightly curly hair and beside him was a blind man with a guide stick.

Seeing them, Derrick suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't care, thinking he was just affected by the environment of the restaurant. Derrick then sat beside them.

He took the menu from the waiter and ordered two main dishes that sounded good.

At this time, the curly-haired fat man said enthusiastically, "It seems that we are not lonely tonight."

Derrick laughed and said, "There are two of you, you were not lonely before anyways."

The curly-haired fat man smiled and did not respond, he took out a business card and handed it to Derrick.

"My name is Fudge Nelson and this is my colleague Matt Murdock. We are the lawyers and founders of the 'Nelson-Murdock' law firm. We have been in the industry for a short time and are actively looking for new clients. If you need the help or guidance of a lawyer, we would be happy to help you."

Fudge introduced both of them with a smile, looked at his silent companion beside him and asked in a puzzled tone, "Hey, Matt, why aren't you talking all of a sudden?"

Derrick took the business card and looked at it, and couldn't help looking up at Matt.

'Is this a coincidence? I was worried that I would be influenced by some 'great people' and here appears another.'

Although Matt was blind, he was actually a hero too. In the future, they will join Defenders. Although he cannot see, he has super sensory abilities and superb fighting skills.

He is the famous blind hero, Daredevil.

No wonder Derrick felt a little strange when he just sat down.

Judging from Matt's reaction, Derrick guessed that his keen sense of smell recognized the residual gunpowder smoke on Derrick's body, which aroused his vigilance, and Matt was now observing Derrick.

Derrick felt a sudden chill run down his spine.

'Wait, isn't he observing me…without my consent? That's an invasion of my privacy. Let's just…Bullet time!'

Matt Murdock, code name, Daredevil.

This evening, Matt and Fudge came to this restaurant on Fudge's recommendation to celebrate the establishment of their new law firm.

As a result, when they were halfway through eating, the waiter suddenly came over and asked if they could share the table with a customer.

As a superhero, Matt was naturally kind-hearted and was happy to help strangers with this little favour.

However, when the customer approached them, Matt smelled gunpowder remaining on their body, as if they had experienced a gun battle not long ago.

Fortunately, there was no smell of blood so Matt's vigilance dropped a little.

Matt knew that this customer's identity was not simple.

With a sceptical attitude, he began to observe the stranger in front of him. Definitely, he did not use his eyes to observe but relied on his super-sensory ability to collect information.

Through super hearing, Matt can hear the heartbeat of the other party getting very fast.

As Matt continued to listen, he felt that something was wrong.

'His heartbeat seems to be faster…It's getting faster and faster!'

After a while, Matt's eyes widened. Derrick's heart rate exceeded three hundred beats per minute.

This was certainly a major heart problem.

Just when Matt was frightened, he heard the heart rate suddenly slow down.

Matt froze up. 'What's going on?'

Matt was not an expert in medical matters, so he couldn't figure out what was going on with his heart rate but he knew that something was weird.

Suddenly, the heart rate increased again and reached 400 beats per minute within moments.

Matt almost stood up!

In less than a second, the heart rate suddenly dropped again.

Matt's face turned pale, as Derrick's heartbeat made his heartbeat dance along with it.

Before Matt's heart eased up, the weird heartbeat rate increased again...

For the next half minute, Matt listened to the heart rate rise and fall, until it settled into a rough rhythm.

Matt clutched his heart. He felt as if he was sitting in an exciting music fest.

His expression was dull, and he murmured in disbelief, "Is this...Symphony of Destiny?"


E/N: Happy reading, Have a good day/night. Also, I'm sorry for the rough editing of the chapter. I was sick today so this is the best I can give at the moment.

Also, a marvel joke down below-

If Captain America's shield is vibranium, what is Hawkeye's shield?



Answer - Quicksilver.

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