The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 197: Per Capita Debt In The Magic World

"Dimension Mephista..."

Lu Chuang closed the magic tome in his hand and rubbed his swollen temples.

After several hours of uninterrupted reading, he had a basic understanding of magic.

how to say.....

The magic system in the Marvel world seems to be very different from what he imagined.

Borrow a sentence from a magic book to summarize:

The essence of magic is actually a means of utilizing specific cosmic energy and outer dimension power.

Whether it is a magician or a magician, originally they do not have the ability to store magical energy.

To cast magic, the caster must want to communicate with the higher-dimensional Mephistas, and borrow the special energy needed to release magic from them, in order to release specific magic, otherwise, no matter how profound the magic knowledge is, it is impossible Cast the simplest magic.

Also, those dimensions Mephista is no great benefactor.

Borrowing their power, the caster needs to pay the corresponding price!

Once the energy of another dimension is borrowed, the dimension Mephista whose power is borrowed, will take some established price from the caster.

For example, Doctor Strange in the comics. 13

Due to the abuse of magic, Doctor Strange has a large hole in his stomach corroded, so that he can only eat those disgusting magical creatures to maintain his body functions. An invincible nightmare attack, suffering from mental torture for a long time

It can be described as a double torture of body and spirit!

From this we can see how terrible the price of magic is!

"The action of force is reciprocal."

"When you swing your fist and hit something, the more force you use, the more force you put back into the fist.

"Magic empathy..."

"The more advanced the magic, the greater the price to pay!"

Lu Chuang gradually transformed the obscure and mysterious content in the classics into meanings he could understand.

Although it might seem strange to explain magic in terms of physics...

"It's no wonder that the magicians of Kamar-Taj like melee combat. The essence of co-authoring magic is to borrow and consume. The more times you use magic, the more debts you accumulate. When the time comes, the caster must repay all the debts owed to Dimension Mephista .

Lu Chuang was amazed.

Don't look at how beautiful Magician looks outside.

In fact, they all owe a lot of bad debts behind their backs, the difference is just how much.

The milder white magic is okay. As the source, Visandi allows payment in installments, and the interest charged is not so high. Compared with Mephista in other dimensions, it is definitely a representative of conscience, and it is also the main source of magical energy for many magicians in Kamar-Taj. .

As for other Mephistas, there are no such good conditions.

If it is said that Weishandi belongs to a big bank with regular loans...

Then, those chaotic and evil Mephistas are equivalent to folk usury.

The kind that goes out of nine and thirteen out!

Not to mention the high interest rate, but there are traps everywhere!

Take the notorious Faith, for example.

The lord of the hell dimension has always taken pleasure in torture, and likes to lure mortals with lies and contracts, so as to obtain their souls and store them in hell.

If you dare to borrow his strength, then prepare to be cheated to death first.

The other Mephistas are not as black-hearted as Faith, but they are not much better. The world is as black as crows, and the spellcasters who borrow their power will often not end well. Mental disorders are considered mild.

Originally, Lu Chuang wanted to try the power of magic.

But now, he no longer has such thoughts at all.

He doesn't want to sign a contract with Dimension Mephista, who knows if those non-human existences are reliable, in case the other party is unhappy and wants to take back his power, then he won't even be able to resist Ability, after all, he is not from the earth That bald-headed boss dared to head-to-head with Dimension Mephista.


Although there are many disadvantages in this magic system, it does not affect Lu Chuang's enthusiasm for learning.

After all, magic is just a special means of using some kind of energy.

But in Lu Chuang's body, there is mana similar to magic energy!

That is.

Lu Chuang can use his own magic power and use the magic framework of other dimensions as a reference to construct a magic system that suits him.

This way he can cast magic on his own!

Definitely, constructing a whole new magic system is obviously not something that can be done in a short period of time. First of all, he must have sufficient magic attainments and theoretical foundations. This prerequisite alone will take a lot of time.

But no matter how hard it is to start a business, it is better than working part-time!

Not in a hurry.

At worst, take your time.

Having figured this out, Lu Chuang picked up a magic tome and immersed himself in the ocean of knowledge again.

The entire secret pavilion seemed very quiet.

Only the soft sound of paper flipping can be heard from time to time.

that's all.

With the help of Thor, the future speaker of Asgard, Lu Chuang obtained the permission to freely enter and exit the secret cabinet as he wished.

the following days.

Apart from eating and sleeping, Lu Chuang basically spends most of his time in the secret pavilion learning magic.

Although Lu Chuang is not a genius with a high IQ like little Peter, he is also an asshole with several super high school-level talents.

You must know that the ability to improve at the super high school level is not limited to physical fitness, but also learning ability, thinking ability, logic ability, etc., which have also been greatly improved.

Under such conditions, Lu Chuang's learning progress can be said to be as fast as the extreme 270. He is like a sponge, constantly absorbing new knowledge. Even obscure magic theories are quickly digested by him at an astonishing speed. with.

Such a state of concentration on learning made Lu Chuang almost forget the concept of time.

It wasn't until one day that Lu Chuang saw the New York time displayed on the mobile phone he brought from Earth that he realized that he had been in Asgard for more than 20 days.

Lu Chuang was shocked immediately.

So many days have passed, I am afraid that he has already become disconnected on the earth.

If you stay like this, I'm afraid something will happen!

"No, I have to pack up and go back."

Just as Lu Chuang was packing his luggage, Thor happened to drop from the sky with a hammer and landed on the balcony of Lu Chuang's residence.

Lu Chuang thinks this guy is using his balcony as a landing pad.

"Hahaha, magician, I came to drink with you..."

Seeing Lu Chuang carrying large and small luggage, Thor asked in confusion: "Um, what are you doing?"

"It's too late to explain, I have to go home quickly." Lu Chuang said anxiously.

"go home?"

Thor was dumbfounded.

"I slipped away, I'll find you for a drink when I'm free, bye!"

Lu Chuang didn't explain, he waved his hand at Thor, and he disappeared in an instant.

Only Thor with a confused face was left in place. .

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