The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 53

Chapter 52: Fifty-Two Children

Luo Biying was obviously surprised by Yong Ze’s actions.

“…his zoo? All, the whole country??”

Not only Luo Biying, Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jingchuan knew that Yong Ze was not an ordinary family at first glance, but they did not expect that his family actually opened a zoo.

…the rich second generation who runs a zoo?

Sounds a little weird?

The old man behind Yong Ze smiled and explained:

“Accurately speaking, it can’t be said to be our own. The zoos in the country are partly funded by the state, and our focus is on the management of zoos.”

“Then you are…”

Old man: “I am Yong Ze’s grandfather, you can call me Yong Zhi.”

Yong Lao handed over the business card.

Luo Biying took a look and saw that the small pure black card was printed with bronzing small letters, which were two concise and clear lines.

China Wildlife Conservation Association


…a little bit of a snarky look.

Literally guessing, this association sounds like an organization that protects animals and manages zoos across the country…

It should be a position within the system.

Yong Lao still maintained an inscrutable and subtle smile.

Of course he is not a grandfather who is related to Yong Ze, but as a friend of his grandfather Yong Ze, he temporarily manages the affairs of the association for Yong Ze before he enters adulthood.

The general public is not aware of it, but in fact, the position of the president of the China Wildlife Conservation Association has been held by the forest owner over the years.

The zoos and aquariums under the control of the forest master have completely eliminated the cruelty of domesticating ordinary animals for animal performances, and will also give many endangered wild animals a suitable living environment.

Taking over the country’s zoos, in fact, shoulders the responsibility of protecting common animals and monsters across the country.

Luo Biying didn’t think much about it. After she put away the business card, the door of the zoo slowly opened.

Yong Lao explained that today was originally closed for renovations, but in order to thank them for helping to maintain the zoo today, it was specially opened for them.

Yo Yo asked happily:

“Wow—then are we called a private venue!?”

Yong Ze: “That’s right.”

Yo Yo eyes sparkling:


They were the only guests in the zoo all day.

Sounds cool!

In the early morning, on the spacious avenue with no one, the ginkgo trees on both sides are covered with golden yellow, wearing a red skirt and a little yellow hat, Yoyo walks two steps and jumps, like a little rabbit who can’t be idle.

While walking at the end, Silent Chuan looked at the backs of Yoyo and Yongze, and was still immersed in the farce at the door.

He remembered what Gu Youyou said in the previous life.

—Are you missing a leg? Really deformed.

—Can you be less in front of me? I’m afraid I’ll have nightmares at night.

—My roommate and my friend stay away from me, I don’t want people to know that my family has a disabled brother.

Every word was once in his heart, stabbing blood.

In the last life, he was fighting against these words every minute and every second, trying to prove that he would never be a useless cripple, he was not a person who would embarrass the Gu family.


He was reborn once, watching Yoyo holding Yong Ze’s hand, his heart could not help but shake.

She should be the pearl in everyone’s palms, she has a superior family background, prestigious parents, and a sister who is likely to become a violinist in the future.

Her life should be perfect like a template.

But she has become an indelible stain in her life.

He can endure the secret ridicule of his classmates at school, and he can also endure someone who takes advantage of his inconvenience to play pranks.

But he couldn’t stand it, and he became a way for others to attack Yoyo.

Shen Jingchuan’s eyes dimmed.

Yoyo walking in front didn’t know what Shen Jingchuan was thinking, she held Yongze, jumped all the way, and asked him twitter:

“Why is your zoo called Cubs Zoo?”

“Because the animals inside are all animal cubs.”

“Then why are they all cubs?”

“…because the cubs are cute?”

Yong Ze thought silently, in fact, it was because once the animals inside entered the growth stage, ordinary people would not be able to see their prototypes.

Yo Yo nodded in agreement after hearing this:

“That’s right, Mianmian is very cute! Brother Yongze, haven’t you seen Mianmian for a long time? My grandma said that winter is coming, and she wants to knit Mianmian small clothes, still pink of!”

Yong Ze: …?

You put a wool sweater on a sheep?

“Is pink not good-looking?” Yoyo asked suspiciously.

It’s not a question of whether pink looks good or not…

Yong Ze thought about it.

About the generation gap between humans and monsters?

“Pink looks good!” Yoyo tried her best to convince him, and turned back to call Shen Jingchuan, “Brother! Do you think pink looks good too?”

Yoyo originally wanted to seek the approval of another boy, but looking back, I don’t know when, Shen Jingchuan fell far behind the big army alone.


Yo Yo, who was walking at the front, couldn’t find Shen Jingchuan’s figure, so she stopped and looked up for a long time before finding him.

“…Brother, are you running away?”

Yoyo ran from the front to the back, talking about him like a little adult.

“This zoo is very big, you have to follow closely, or you will get lost.”

Shen Jingchuan covered the indifferent chill in his eyes, and hummed softly.

However, Yoyo continued to whisper in his ear:

“…It’s very troublesome to get lost, everyone will worry about you, brother, you are already a mature child, you can’t get lost and let everyone worry…”

Gu Miaomiao, who was in front of her, couldn’t hear it anymore, and turned back:

“It’s you who always worries everyone. You were almost taken by the traffickers.”

Yoyo, who was learning from the teachings of adults, was ruthlessly dismantled, and his big eyes rolled around:

“Oops, do you have any? I don’t remember? Yoyo is a little smart and won’t be deceived…”

Hearing Yoyo’s quirky sophistry, Shen Jingchuan’s dark eyes finally burst into a smile.

But there was a deeper gloom in his eyes, and the flash of laughter did not completely lighten his mood.

“I know, go and play with your brother Yongze.”

I noticed that Shen Jingchuan seemed to be in a bad mood, Yoyo was more like a piece of calfskin candy, sticking beside him.

“I just played with Brother Yongze!” She thought about it for a long time and picked up a word from the TV series she had watched, “My name is rain and dew!”

Silent River: ? How is the word used? ?

Being mixed up by Yoyo’s gags for a while, when Shen Jingchuan came back to his senses, the hostility that had just weighed heavily in his heart seemed to dissipate.

The carefree little girl seems to have a kind of magical magic, as long as she is close to anyone, she seems to be able to take away the troubles of anyone.

This ability is actually quite enviable.

Following the tour route of the zoo, the group crossed the artificial lake to the first orangutan house.

Sure enough, as Yong Ze said, the animals here are not the adult animals in other zoos, most of them are cubs that are not yet adults at first glance, and some introduction between pups and adulthood.

Yoyo pressed against the glass, excitedly looking at the gorilla sitting on the branch eating bananas and asked:

“The gorilla hasn’t grown up yet, is it called the little gorilla?”

Gorilla: ?

Yong Ze said helplessly: “…No, he doesn’t call him that name.”

In addition to the one sitting on a branch while nibbling bananas and watching them curiously, there was a chimpanzee sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Gu Miaomiao just looked at the chimpanzee.

“It’s picking teeth?”

She looked at the orangutan with the temperament of an uncle who was stingy feet, the key was that after she finished saying this, he still seemed to understand it. The thing that looked like a toothpick in Li ran away like a fool.

? ? ?

Gu Miaomiao pointed at the gorilla who was running away: “Does it understand me?”

Yong Ze coughed lightly and explained:

“It could be… shy.”

“How does it look like a mobile phone under the branches over there?”

“…the staff’s, I’ll have someone take it out later.”

Gu Miaomiao stared suspiciously at Yong Ze with an unnatural expression, and asked:

“Staff? I didn’t see anyone along the way.”

Yong Ze: “…”

They were also born from a father. Will the IQ of the two sisters be too different?

At this time, Yoyo has been attracted by the little monkey in the adjacent area.

The little monkey is about the same size as her. There are many vines in the monkey living area. They flexibly climb over the vines, which is more dazzling than acrobatics.

Yo Yo looked attentively, but she was too short, so she was tired after watching for a while with her head held high.

Shen Jingchuan noticed the movement over Yoyo, and just as he was about to go over, he saw that Yong Ze was already one step ahead of him and asked:

“Can’t see?”

Yoyo nodded.

Yong Ze, who is 1.75 meters tall, stretched out his hand through her arm, lifted Yoyo above his head with a light touch, and placed it on his shoulder.

“What about now?”

The height that was originally less than one meter suddenly increased, and Yoyo, who was sitting on Yongze’s shoulder, instantly opened up her vision.

She feels it! The air above 1.8 meters seems to be extra fresh!

“You can see clearly!” Yoyo’s little feet swayed happily, “You can see clearly!”

The little girl giggled happily.

Behind her, the wheelchair stopped abruptly, and Shen Jingchuan watched quietly, not approaching.

Since she was sitting, although her vision was clear, it also attracted the attention of all the little monkeys.

—She is sitting on the shoulders of brother Yongze?

—I think so too!

—just a human cub! I’m **** off! I’m **** off!

The average age of this group of little monkeys is about ten years old. For little monsters of this age, the cubs zoo is equivalent to a kindergarten, which can relieve their parents of social animal monsters who are busy with work. .

Perhaps because of Yong Ze’s unique aura, these little monsters are particularly willing to get close to him.

Yoyo didn’t know that she was full of the hatred of the little monkeys, and she asked with a sweet smile:

“What are they eating? I want to feed them!”

“If you don’t eat…”

In fact, what these little monkeys like to eat is no different from Yoyo. Yong Ze was thinking about getting some bananas from the gorilla next door, when he suddenly heard Yoyo.

“What’s wrong?”

Yo Yo looked down, and it seemed like a peach pit just hit her head.

Yong Ze also saw it, he turned his head to look at the little monkeys in disapproval:

“No nonsense.”

The little monkeys looked at each other when they saw him speak, and seemed a little hesitant.


Apparently they weren’t so obedient either.

bang bang bang —

The peach pits accumulated in the spring became their bullets, and they threw them at Yoyo. How could Yoyo beat so many little monkeys, and immediately protected the little head pitifully.

Then she found that the peach pit did not hit her this time.

Yong Ze avoided her for her.

“I’ll be mad if I throw it again.”

Yong Ze frowned slightly.

The naughty little monkey vaguely felt that he was indeed a little angry, and shrank his neck cowardly, not planning to throw it again.

Gu Miaomiao found that Yoyo was attacked by a group of little monkeys, her teeth were itchy, but the glass in front of her was at least 1.8 meters, she couldn’t help Yoyo to throw it back, so she had to pick it up and dropped it on the ground handed her the peach core.

“Yoyo then, throw it back at me!” She shoved her head into Yong Ze’s hand and asked him to hand it to you, and deliberately provoked, “If you don’t throw it, you’re a little fool!”

Yo Yo was fooled: “I’m not a fool!”

“You’re not when you throw it back!”

“You’re not a fool! You’re a smart one!”

“I don’t care what you are, throw it to me! Hurry up!”

Yoyo squeezed the peach pit angrily, stared at the little monkeys who had just thrown her, and threw angrily—

Not even half the distance.

Gu Miaomiao: “…”

The whole paragraph breaks down.

Yoyo also felt a little embarrassed, and said fiercely:

“I, I throw it again!”

This time, she used all her strength, waving her small arm and throwing it hard, the distance was enough, but the speed was not enough, and she didn’t hit anything.

A row of little monkeys sitting on the branches: “Squeaky-”

Laughs very loudly.


Yong Ze silently took a peach pit given by Gu Miaomiao, and squeezed the peach pit with his fingers lightly—


It hit the little monkey who laughed the loudest.

The little monkey sitting on the branch screamed and fell to the ground.

“You throw it away.” Yong Ze handed Yoyo a peach pit, “They won’t move.”

Yoyo couldn’t believe it: “Really? Why?”

Yong Ze: “They dare not.”

Gu Miaomiao:? ? ? ? ?

Even a naive and honest person like Yoyo is a little dubious.

—Brother Yongze said we dare not.

—Then we move?

—Is he going to get angry?

—You move first, and we move if you move.

But upholding her trust in Yongze, Yo Yo cautiously threw a peach core out.

Her strength is very light, and the row of little monkeys who can’t move against me is as honest as a bowling ball, and the little unlucky guy on the far side is smashed straight.

—Liar! Why don’t you move! !

“Yeah – I hit it!” Yoyo happily said, “Yoyo is not a little fool! Yay!”

Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jingchuan were surprised by the obedience of these monkeys.

Gu Miaomiao even doubted that this Yongze should not be a rich second generation in his main business and a monkey in his side business?

After seeing the obedience of these little monkeys, Shen Jingchuan thought about it and moved to the small flower bed next to him.

Yong Ze asked Yoyo: “I was smashed a few times? Do you still want to smash?”

Gu Miaomiao of course shouted firmly beside her, “Smash! Why not smash! Yo Yo, smash me back with the strength of sucking milk”.

But Yoyo is a soft temper without aggression, hesitant:

“Ah? Why are you still smashing…”

“It must be smashed.” Shen Jingchuan silently handed a stone beside him, “Use this to smash.”

Yo Yo, who was sitting on Yong Ze’s shoulder, looked down.

—You can, but you don’t have to do it with a big rock! !

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