The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 42

Chapter 41: Forty-One Children

& nbsp; time in the top three.

    …I treat you as a friend and you want to eat me! ? ? ?

     Yo Yo was frightened and sluggish, full of thoughts:

    It’s over.

    Will a head eaten by a goose be less intelligent?

    Fortunately, the security guard was very close, the pelican held her for at most three seconds, and the quick-eyed security guard immediately broke the mouth of the pelican who was madly eating children opened.

    After breaking it open and carrying it away, Yoyo felt her eyes light up again.

    “Are you okay??”

    Gu Qizhou, Gu Miaomiao and Ding Yao did not see the scene of the pelican eating the child, they only saw the underage pelican being followed by the security guards Carry it like a chicken.

    Yo Yo was still sluggish, she reached out and touched her little head, as if to confirm whether it was eaten by the pelicans.

    After a while, she slowly regained her senses, pointed to the pelican who had been lifted aside, and then pointed to her own head, aggrieved The small mouth opened and closed silently, and the late cry sounded earth-shatteringly—


    “My head! Bitten! Not smart woohoo!”

    The audience who watched the whole process, rather than worrying, laughed heartlessly:

    【Hahahahahaha sorry yoyo baby, it’s not me being cruel, it’s you who is so funny hahaha! 】


    【Goose is too much! Knowing that we yo yo baby are not smart and bite your head! Can you afford to be stupid? hahh]

    [Pelican: The little ones are so cute, I will dare next time! 】

    Don’t mention other people, even Gu Miaomiao, who has always preferred her sister, couldn’t help but laugh in her heart.

& nbsp;

    Although the pelican held the child’s head in one bite, after all, this whole mountain is a precious wild animal. Before they came, the person in charge of Nagasawa Mountain It is specially emphasized that no harm to animals is allowed during the shooting.

    So the security guards can only put the pelican aside as an ancestor and dare not hurt it.

    The little pelican tilted her head in confusion as she looked at the crying child.

    Children have the milky scent of human cubs, and also a little bit of enchantment belonging to monster cubs. Fewer humans, but the first of its kind.

    It was so curious that it refused to go, and looked away from afar.

    After all, I was simply frightened, not really sad, the program team supported a small candy ball, Yoyo soon forgot to be eaten by one bite The fear of the melon head, let her father wipe her face with a wet towel.

    “…I-I don’t like you anymore.”

    Yoyo said to the little pelican who was looking at her not far away.

    “You scared me, small animals can’t eat people!”

    The little pelican did not respond, and the little black bean eye still looked at her curiously.

    This strange and spiritual look made Yoyo feel very familiar, and it seemed to be somewhat similar to Mianmian looking at her.

    “…Don’t look at me like this, you, you have to apologize to me, so that I can think about it again, whether to be friends with you.”

    The little pelican fluttered its wings and ran to the lake beside her, as if she understood what she was saying, and brought her a fish.

    A mouth, a small fish is still swimming around in its big mouth like a net pocket.

    Yoyo widened her eyes in surprise: “Wow—you are amazing!”

    Gu Miaomiao:?

    It scared you to tears just a few minutes ago, but in a blink of an eye it’s amazing again.

    You really don’t remember what to eat.

    Wait until Yoyo’s situation is settled, the house selection competition will start again.

    To everyone’s surprise, probably learned from Gu Miaomiao’s trial, Xiaosuo also made a big ball of mud, put it in.

    Xiaosuo’s father was not happy when he saw it:

    “Little Lock, did you come up with this method! How can you steal other people’s ideas!”

    Xiao Suo’s father’s voice is not small, in front of so many people, he was murdered by his father, Xiao Suo was stunned for a few seconds.

    He is the eccentric among these children. Director Zhou is worried that the children’s fragile self-esteem will be hurt, so he quickly smooths things out:

    “Little Lock, the game must be fair, let’s think of other ways, okay?”

    Perhaps he was frightened by his father’s too strict tone just now, and Xiao Suo suddenly became a bit of a bullshit. He had to do what others didn’t let him do, and hugged his Mud ball, insisted on using Gu Miaomiao’s method.

    Gu Miaomiao weighed it and found that Xiaosuo’s strength was stronger than hers. If she really could throw him farther than anyone else, she might not be able to throw him.

    Director Zhou also made troubles. It is very difficult when a child is stubborn. Forcibly scolding him will only be counterproductive.

    But this time, Ding Yao, who always pleases children, doesn’t work. Fight him silently.

    Yoyo also vaguely sensed from her sister’s expression that they seemed to be giving up the first place.

    …Yes, but! Although Xiao Suo looks like she doesn’t want to lose, Yoyo also doesn’t want to see her sister lose!

    Gu Miaomiao looked anxious, thinking she really wanted to live in a good house, so she touched her head and comforted:

    “The second best house is also very good, don’t be sad.”

    She is so sad!

    Her sister was supposed to be number one!

    Yoyo, stomping her feet in a hurry, turned around in place until she met the little pelican behind her. The stubborn little head melon suddenly has his IQ online in time!

    “Sister, sister, sister, sister—!”

    Excited Yoyo got started, pinched the long mouth of the little pelican, and led it to run in the direction of Gu Miaomiao.

    “Give it to Goose Goose! Goose Goose is amazing!”

    Gu Miaomiao looked at the little pelican whose long mouth was pinched by Yoyo, inexplicably aggrieved. No one can leave a shadow on your heart.

    So when the game officially started, the audience saw that everyone else was a normal routine, only Gu Miaomiao—

    Holding a baby pelican.

    The penitent pelican also had a chicken feather in its mouth.

    The moment the whistle sounded, the little pelican, who was patted by Gu Miaomiao, took the lead and flew far away in the blink of an eye.

    Yo Yo is more happy than the little pelican, seeing her sister take the first place, she is so happy to run around:

    “Sister wins, sister wins~!”

    Seeing Yoyo celebrating happily, Xiaosuo couldn’t hold back, and was crying on the spot. .

    Daddy Xiaosuo didn’t soften his heart when he saw him crying, but hardened his heart:

    “Do you know where I went wrong? Would you dare next time?”

    Little Lock, who was not comforted, cried even louder.

     Yo Yo hurriedly stepped forward to comfort:

     “Brother Xiaosuo doesn’t cry or cry, who is bullying you, yoyo help you beat him!”

    Xiao Suo glanced at her resentfully.


    Yo Yo didn’t realize that it was she who made Xiao Suo cry, and she very loyally shouted to protect him, not allowing Xiao Suo’s father to murder him again.

    Daddy Lock also has a headache.

    However, he is still very principled. Originally they were the second farthest, and they should have chosen the second house. Decided to give up voluntarily and leave it to the last option.

    After choosing a house, it is almost time for lunch.

    According to the usual practice, the first meal is the best one in the house.

    This time, the Yoyo family finally raised their eyebrows, became the host once, and lived in a lavish cabin.

    “Wow… Yo Yo, your house looks so good!”

    Tian Tian is lying enviously by the window of the cabin, this is not the top of the mountain, but looking out, you can see Changze Mountain is full of autumn, vaguely There is a sea of clouds surging, as beautiful as a fairyland.

    Yoyo also liked it very much, she turned her head and said to Xiaosuo:

    “Brother Xiaosuo, do you like it here? You can come to my house and let’s play together.”

    The little lock nodded.

    He was coaxed by Yoyo three times, and he has completely forgotten what Yoyo made her cry.

    “I’m sorry.” He even took the initiative to apologize to Gu Miaomiao, “I shouldn’t, I shouldn’t use your method to compete with you for the first place, wonderful I’m sorry.”

    Gu Miaomiao was surprised that he admitted his mistake so quickly.

    On second thought, children seem to be like this, they are easy to make mistakes, and they are easy to correct.

    As long as you guide them well, even children with bad nature can be corrected.

    Gu Miaomiao glanced.

    “Sister, do you want to reconcile with Xiao Suo? Do you want to reconcile?”

    The emperor urged the **** in a hurry.

    “… um.”

    When Gu Qizhou, who helped serve the dishes, came over and asked the children to eat, what he saw was a scene of several children happily playing together.

    After dinner, it was time for lunch break.

    “Yo yo, why are you still not sleeping? We still have tasks in the afternoon. If you don’t sleep, you will have no energy in the afternoon.”

    Yoyo, who carried a small bench and knelt by the window to look at the scenery, held her face and refused to take her eyes away from the scenery outside.

    The forest outside the window is full of dye, and the mountains in the sea of clouds are warm in tone, like the warm autumn sunshine, which makes people feel warm.

    She pointed to the scenery outside the window to show her father:


    Away from the bustling city of reinforced concrete, the beauty of nature will shock children more strongly than adults.

    Yoyo reminded me of the forest in my dream again.

    The forest in the dream is as beautiful as here, but unfortunately she hadn’t had time to see what it looked like before it caught fire, she only saw it was swallowed by the fire and the branches were roasted There was a crackling sound, and there were animal screams coming from out of nowhere.

    That scene was horrible.

    Gu Qizhou didn’t know what Yoyo was thinking, he only heard Yoyo finish the previous sentence, and the next sentence immediately jumped to another topic:

    “…So we must protect the forest! Protect the animals! Protect the little monsters!”

    The little girl clenched her fists and looked serious.

    Gu Qizhou has become accustomed to her intermittent ambitions and continuous babbling. Hearing this, she just slammed dryly and took her out of the window. Picked up and tucked into the bed.

    “It’s not a child’s responsibility to protect the forest, it’s a good sleep.”


    Accompanied by the distant and clear chirping of larks outside the window, Yoyo took a fragrant nap.

    When she woke up, Gu Qizhou gave Yoyo a new set of clothes.

    “Would it be good to wear this in the afternoon?”

    Most of the clothes in the suitcase were prepared by Yu Lan for Yoyo, she matched everything from clothes to shoes, but Gu Qizhou prefers to wear cute and cute clothes for her daughter small clothes.

    —like this little lion onesie he was holding up.

    Yoyo is very picky about clothes and dislikes Gu Qizhou’s aesthetics.

    “I don’t want, I want to wear a princess dress!”

    However, after being chased by Gu Qizhou holding her small clothes for a long time, she still gave in.

    While wearing it, she said:

    “Hey Dad, you are so childish.”

    Gu Qizhou, who was called naive by a three-year-old child: …? ? ?

    Never mind.

    whatever she said, she wore it anyway~

    Wait and change into the lion jumpsuit. After Gu Qizhou took off the towel covering the camera in the room, the audience in front of the screen could instantly understand Gu Qizhou’s feelings about this dress persistent.




    【Ahhh, put on your hat! I knocked what little cute lion cub this is and I sucked! 】

    Yo Yo was originally a small one. She usually wears small clothes and skirts, in the style of a soft and cute little princess.

    However, it was wrapped from head to toe by this lion costume, revealing only a pair of black grape eyes, just like a live lion cub cub.

    Gu Qizhou is very satisfied, holding the cool Gu Miaomiao in one hand and the cute lion cub in the other, attracting countless envious eyes along the way, the old father shows off his daughter vanity was completely satisfied.

    Especially Daddy Zhouzhou, Daddy Xiaosuo and Daddy Joe, who had no daughters, looked at Gu Qizhou’s two lovely daughters, and their eyes were green with envy.

    “Gu Dao, your family is not short of sons, I will exchange our Zhouzhou with yours, how about I help you raise a daughter for a few days? ”

    Gu Qizhou was about to say no when he listened to Yoyo and replied:


    Gu Qizhou: ? ? ? ?

    Yoo silly and careless answer: “I like Zhouzhou Dad! Zhouzhou Dad’s cooking is delicious!”

    Dad Zhouzhou, who was affirmed by the little girl, laughed so hard that he could not see his teeth.

    “…don’t forget!”

    The precocious Zhouzhou is still fanning the flames: “It doesn’t matter Dad, I will marry Yoyo in the future, Yoyo will be our family!”

    Gu Qizhou&Gu Miaomiao:? Don’t even think about it, little turtle!

    Director Zhou interrupted them with a smile and announced the tasks of the children in the afternoon:

    “…The ingredients for the afternoon dinner, we had already put them in the forest, waiting for our children to find them, but now there is a little accident.”

& nbsp; Take back the ingredients that belong to us.”

    “Children, are you confident?”

    When it comes to food, Yoyo answered with a loud voice and enthusiasm:

    “There is—!”

    “Okay.” Director Zhou sent a map to each of the children, “Follow the map and find the monsters that each of you is responsible for.”

    The children with baskets set off.

    At the same time, Yongze also returned to Changze Mountain.

    He took a special mountain road up the mountain. Coincidentally, the first place the mountain passed by on that road was the lake where a group of pelicans often fished.

    “Brother Yongze!”

    When the little pelican saw Yongze’s return, it couldn’t wait to transform into a ten-year-old boy and plunged into Yongze’s arms.

    “I saw a very interesting little sister today! She is a little bit like a person, and a bit like a monster, she smells good, she looks like a So-so cute!”

    Yong Ze guessed who he met.

    However, he thought of something and looked down at the little boy.

    “And then?”

    The little boy did not know that the danger was approaching, and told him cheerfully:

    “Then I bit her lightly as usual, and she cried so loudly!”

    Youkai and humans express their likes differently, and they often hurt people when they play, so he doesn’t hurt others’ sense of proportion.

    Yong Ze’s eyes moved slightly, but his tone was indifferent.


    The little boy was immersed in the joy of meeting the cute little girl, and danced and gestured:

    “It’s just…”

    As he was talking, he suddenly saw Yong Ze returning to the form of a lion.

    The majestic growing lion was much taller than him, and the little boy didn’t understand how he suddenly changed back to his original form, his vision suddenly darkened.

    “Is that the bite?”

    Yong Ze, who opened his mouth and ate the little boy’s head in, said calmly.

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