The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 4

Chapter 3: Three Kids

Gu Miaomiao, who was tossing and turning all night, was awakened by the sound of a violin.


Same as sawing wood.

She got up and went out of the room angrily, and at a glance she saw the poor student who was learning the violin under the supervision of the teacher and Yu Lan downstairs.

Yu Lan was very irritable:

“…I’ve been learning this for half a year, why is it still the same as sawing wood? Can’t even pull out a complete song??”

The violin teacher explained:

“This violin is different from instruments such as piano. It takes a long time to lay the foundation. Another is that Yoyo is too young, and her fingers are so big. This age group is mainly interested in cultivating…”

Yu Lan doesn’t care so much, she just wants to learn immediately, and can’t be worse than other children.

While the two of them were arguing, Yoyo, who was tired from standing, sneaked to the sofa and rubbed up on it to find a salted fish stall.

Then she saw Gu Miaomiao looking at her on the second floor.

So she immediately waved to her with an innocent and lovely smirk:

“Sister, you are awake!”

Gu Miaomiao greeted her smiling face full of trust, and instantly recalled the impact of the wet good night kiss last night.

Last night, she tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep, thinking about the kiss before going to bed over and over again.

She’s not a fool.

The reunion last night, from the first sight of meeting, all her reactions and actions have subverted the scene of the first meeting in the last life.

She also guessed whether Gu Youyou was born again, but she recalled all Gu Youyou’s words and deeds last night, and she really couldn’t convince herself with ‘she pretended all this”.

After thinking for a long time, she could only think of one explanation.

—parallel world.

Gu Miaomiao thought viciously, maybe Gu Youyou did too many bad things, so she was punished in this parallel world, so stupid, she easily believed her.

Gu Miaomiao looked at Yoyo who waved at her, turned around and went back to the bedroom.

Yoyo, who waved halfway, was a little dazed.

…Why did my sister run away?

In doubt, she saw that her mother and teacher were still arguing, so she didn’t have time to control her, so she carried Qin quietly upstairs to find Gu Miaomiao.


A small head was peeking out from the crack of the door, and Gu Miaomiao, who just got up, looked cold.


The child’s feeling is very keen, from these simple words, she can feel that Gu Miaomiao is less hostile to her.

She didn’t know that it was because Gu Miaomiao sympathized with her for thinking of a thief as a sister.

“Hee hee hee.”

The little girl holding the piano took another small step on the edge of being scolded, and came in halfway.

“Sister hasn’t heard me play the piano, right? Can I play it for you?”

In fact, she had heard it this morning in her sleep.

It’s very… inspiring.

The kind that kills.

However, Yo Yo could not allow her to refuse, seeing that Gu Miaomiao did not scold her like yesterday, she had to rub into Gu Miaomiao’s room, set up the piano, hold her head high, and raise her elbows —

Pulling out a harsh tone like a fingernail across a blackboard.

“The teacher taught Jasmine last week!”

Although I can only pull a short paragraph, it’s not a good idea, but Yoyo still stands up and is very proud.

“You only learned for three months, isn’t it amazing!”

Gu Miaomiao was almost sent away by her jasmine flower, she endured and endured before she did not scold “what are you pulling”.

She loves the piano and can’t stand this good piano being ruined by Yoyo.

“It’s not like that.”

Yoyo didn’t know why, but after thinking about it, she handed the piano to Gu Miaomiao.

“Can your sister play the violin?”

Gu Miaomiao was startled.

“I want to hear my sister pull!”

Yoyo put the piano in Gu Miaomiao, found a stool and sat down, very supportive of the venue and sat down to applaud.

This violin is expensive and has a good tone. It has been lacquered for several years.

The heavy piano was placed on her shoulders, and the moment her fingers pressed the strings, she almost instantly recalled the past in which she practiced the piano day and night in the previous life.

A complete and melodious “Jasmine” poured out from her fingertips.

The moment the first note was played, Gu Miaomiao’s heart that had been silent for a long time trembled violently.

She hasn’t been able to pull out a song so smoothly for too long.

Yu Lan and the violin teacher who were arguing outside also heard the sound of the violin, and both of them kept silent at the same time.

There were only a few people in the room, and Yu Lan immediately guessed who was playing the piano.

After listening to this, the teacher unconsciously praised: “Well, the basic skills are very solid, and the speed is also very good, but the pitch is poor, it sounds like the power is not enough…”

The teacher’s level is very high, and it is not easy to get such an evaluation.

Yu Lan immediately sank her face, got up and went upstairs to open Gu Miaomiao’s door and snatched the violin from Gu Miaomiao’s hand.

“This is Yoyo’s piano, who allowed you to play it!”

Gu Miaomiao was still immersed in the sudden realization that she could play the piano again, and did not refute immediately.

“Gu Miaomiao, did you do it on purpose? We can’t play the piano, so you deliberately came to her to show off?? Why are you so scheming at such a young age!?”

After the false peace last night, in the face of Yu Lan’s scolding, Gu Miaomiao found something familiar.

This is the Gu family she is familiar with.

She is at Gu’s house, just a stray dog that was picked up for food.

The icy anger was surging in Gu Miaomiao’s chest, her face was frosty, she just wanted to scold back desperately—

“I gave it to my sister, don’t kill my sister!”

Yoyo stood in front of Gu Miaomiao.

She did not have Gu Miaomiao, she put her feet up, tried to protect Gu Miaomiao behind her, opened her tearful eyes and tried to explain.

She didn’t want to see her mother and sister arguing.

Gu Miaomiao did not expect Yoyo to stand up at this time.

At the age of three, she had a thin back. She tried to open her arms and block in front of her like an old hen protecting her calf.

…This is not what Gu Youyou should do.

Yu Lan sees Yoyo defending her, even more angry.

“You fool! You don’t even know you were sold! People don’t look down on you, and you turn your elbows out!?”

Yoyo was so anxious that tears fell, and she stubbornly retorted:

“No! Sister doesn’t!”

She just saw her sister’s expression when she was playing the violin. She must really like to play the violin, so she showed such a serious and intoxicated expression.

The song played by my sister is so gentle and touching, how can it be a show off?

After listening to Yoyo’s maintenance, Gu Miaomiao looked down at her fingers.

These hands are in good condition, and in another ten years, they will grow slender and dexterous, and have won her a gold medal in international competitions for the violin.

These hands have not been accidentally destroyed by the previous life.

She hasn’t been generous enough to forgive Gu Youyou so easily, so why does Gu Youyou stand in front of her so firmly to protect her?

Does she think this will soften her heart?

Can’t she see that she hates her, doesn’t like her at all?

“I’ll settle the account with you little white-eyed wolf later!”

Yu Lan was very competitive and hostile to Gu Miaomiao, no matter what she said, she believed that Gu Miaomiao was demonstrating.

She picked up Yoyo with one hand and took the expensive piano with the other.

Before leaving, she gave Gu Miaomiao a vicious look.


The fleshy little hand was hanging in the air and stretched out in the direction of Gu Miaomiao.

The door slammed shut.

There is peace all around.

Gu Miaomiao seemed to have lost all her strength and fell on the bed tiredly.

After a long time, she muttered to herself:

“…too crafty.”

Gu Youyou, this little liar, is too cunning.

Yu Yo, who was taken away by Yu Lan, sat on her bed and listened to the serious Yu Lan brainwashing her.

The brainwashing content is nothing more than “your sister has a lot of heart and she doesn’t like you”, and ‘she comes back to fight with you for the family property” and so on.

Yoyo, who just stopped crying, had wet eyelashes, tilted her head and asked, “…What is the family property? Why does my sister fight?”

“…that’s your dad’s money.”

“Mom, didn’t you tell me that good children need to learn to share with others?”

Yu Lan was so angry that she could barely breathe, she poked her in the forehead and said, “I taught you something else and you can’t remember it, but you remember this clearly!”

You Yo replied obediently, “You will remember everything Mom said.”

You remembered the fart!

“Then let me tell you, stay away from Gu Miaomiao and don’t play with her, do you know!”

Looking at her mother’s lingering anger, Yo Yo stared at her for a while, then raised her lips and smiled sweetly and reached out to her.

“Mom Hugs!”

Yu Lan was angry with her, but her anger was no match for Xiao Tuanzi’s coquettish offensive.

It didn’t take long for her to lose her breath, and after a few kisses in her arms, she let Yoyo paint by herself, and then went out to the beauty salon.

You are very sad to have fooled my mother away.

Mother was so fierce just now, she must have scared my sister, maybe she is crying secretly now.

She wants to coax her sister for her mother.

But for a while, Yo Yo couldn’t think of how to coax her.

…What does my sister like?

Holding her little face, she thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of it!

This sister will love it!

You are so smart!

Excited, Yoyo moved the chair to the front of the cabinet, took out her piggy bank with feet, and put it in her schoolbag.

Climbed up on the table again, tore a small piece of paper, drew something stroke by stroke, and held it in the palm of your hand.

The door was opened, Aunt Zhang was preparing lunch in the kitchen, and Gu Miaomiao was still in the room.

No one saw that, Yoyo, who was carrying a small schoolbag, shoved the note into Gu Miaomiao’s door.

Then she slipped out of the house, holding her head high, as if she was going to do something earth-shattering.

Until lunch time, Aunt Zhang looked around the house and couldn’t find Yoyo, only to find out that Yoyo was gone.

“…Yes, I’ve searched everywhere, even in my yard, but I haven’t seen it…”

“…the schoolbag and piggy bank are gone, I’m wondering if I’m running away from home…”

“…the one upstairs? Miss Miaomiao? She’s been in the room…”

“…Okay, I’ll contact the security, check the community monitoring, and call the police immediately…”

Gu’s family is all messed up.

It is too dangerous for a three-year-old child to go out alone, and Aunt Zhang panicked.

After hanging up, she took off her apron and ran out, completely forgetting Gu Miaomiao upstairs.

Gu Miaomiao was also surprised by Yoyo’s disappearance.

But she didn’t think Yoyo ran away from home.

Just as she opened the door and was about to go out to have a look, she suddenly stepped on something.

It is a folded note.

Open it and see a violin and a little girl with a pig on her back.

An incredible thought appeared in Gu Miaomiao’s heart:

… Gu Youyou must have bought a violin for herself, right?

Gu Miaomiao did not guess wrong.

In the business district not far from the villa area, there is a musical instrument store.

Yoyo usually sees this store when she goes to kindergarten. She followed the path in her memory, but she really found it.

At this time, Yoyo walked out of the musical instrument store with a brand new violin on her back.

I got it as a gift for my sister!

My sister won’t get angry again when she gets the violin!

…It’s a pity that her piggy bank was smashed.

The piggy bank was bought for her by her father, and it was stuffed with her New Year’s money. Even though the piggy bank was not big, it was filled with red banknotes.

The clerks of the musical instrument store saw that she was too young to sell to her, and when she opened the piggy bank and the money inside was scattered, their eyes were straight.


Yoyo looked at the way you came, a little dazed.

Is the way back going left or right?

“Little girl?”

A man’s voice came from behind.

Yoyo was taken aback, looking back, it was an unfamiliar uncle.

“Who are you?”

Yoyo hugged her piano vigilantly and took a step back.

The man doesn’t look ugly, his facial features are Zhou Zheng, and his appearance is nothing like everyone else.

He crouched down and asked with a smile:

“Is this the violin you just bought?”

Seeing that he asked about the piano, Yoyo nodded and replied, “I bought it for my sister.”

As she answered, she thought to herself, what my mother and teacher said, not to go with strangers, not to eat what strangers gave…

“Sister.” The man followed her words and said, “Then uncle will take you to find your sister, okay?”

Yo Yo is surprised:

“Does my uncle know my sister?”

He only knows the ghost.

He just started to follow this little girl from afar, and followed her all the way here, confirming that she came out alone, and then took the opportunity to start.

There are a lot of pedestrians around, so he didn’t want to kidnap the child directly, so he stepped forward to talk.

“Of course I know, it was your sister who asked me to come to you.” The man whispered softly, coaxing.

Three-year-old Yoyo has always been well protected by her family, and she naturally trusts people who claim to know her sister.

Since he said he knew his sister, he was not a stranger.

Yoyo turned the corner of course.

“Then take me to my sister, I can’t find my way home.”

Stupid Yoyo did not hesitate to sell herself completely.

When the man heard this, he was overjoyed, raised Yoyo’s little hand and said:

“Okay, okay, uncle will take you to find sister…”

Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly felt hands behind him pressing his shoulders.

Gu Miaomiao’s breathless voice resounded behind him, gnashing her teeth:

“What should I do to find your father? Let’s find your mother who was sticking the pot in the crematorium first.”

Human traffickers: …? ? ? ?

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