The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 27

Chapter 26: Twenty-Six Children

When one person and one sheep approached the flock side by side, the wonderful aura of Yoyo came out again.

Except for her sheep, wherever Yoyo goes, the sheep retreat one by one like the tide. Kind of fun.

Then Gu Miaomiao watched Yoyo run two steps quickly, the sheep scattered, she chased two more steps, and the sheep ran away in panic.



The owner of the farm saw it and said with a smile:

“This kid is quite suitable for sheep.”

It’s probably because she has a little friend like Mianmian by her side, Yoyo didn’t get into the question of why she didn’t recruit small animals.

Because… Mianmian likes her very much!

The sheep shearing competition has started over there, and Yoyo here is completely indifferent to the world. She sat cross-legged in front of Mianmian and gently pinched its long ears.

The lamb’s ears stand on the sides, really like a bow.

So Yoyo held its ears and folded it over to cover its eyes.

Then release it suddenly.


Yoyo covered her eyes again.

Don’t let it go.


Mianmian didn’t understand what Yoyo was doing at all, but seeing Yoyo giggling, it seemed to bend its eyes happily, and the corners of its mouth lifted back.

Gu Miaomiao frowned suspiciously when she saw this scene.

Is it her illusion?

Why do you always feel that this sheep is a little different from other sheep?

The last day of recording the first episode passed in the unilateral chatter of Yoyo and Mianmian.

The recording is over, which means that Yoyo must be separated from Mianmian.

“…Dad, can’t we let Mianmian go with us?”

Gu Qizhou squatted down and asked, “Would you like to be separated from father and sister?”

Yoyo shook her head tearfully.

“You don’t want to, then Mianmian definitely doesn’t want to.”

It’s okay to have cats and dogs, but it’s really unimaginable for Gu Qizhou to bring a sheep home.

“Then, I’m going home… Can I see Mianmian again?”


“I’ll see you.” Ding Yao, who had packed up his things, said from behind, “I just made an agreement with the farm manager to take pictures of you every week, that’s all. ?”

He squatted down and looked up at Yoyo, the young man’s pupils were filled with calm and soft light.

“Okay!” Yoyo wiped her tears and added, “I-I want to talk to Mianmian…”

“Then tell me, and I’ll tell the uncle the field manager, and let him tell Mianmian.”

All requirements were met, Yoyo nodded hesitantly.

But she looked back at the end of the flock not far away, and was still looking back at her Mianmian, the grievance in her heart could not be restrained, the big eyes like water grapes soon filled up Lianlian tears.

Ding Yao responded very quickly. He had already practiced in the past few days. Just as he was about to cry, he immediately interrupted:

“Yo yo is awesome!”

Yoyo looked at him blankly.

“You are so sad this time, you didn’t even cry, you are so strong!”

Yo yo is even more confused, but, but I was just about to cry…

“Yoyo is indeed my little fan, so powerful, it makes Brother Ding Yao proud!”


I have always blown other people’s rainbow farts, but I was suddenly attacked by Ding Yao’s continuous rainbow farts, and the whole little brain got stuck.

It is rare for a child to be praised like this, and for a while he has a little pride.

So under the gazes of Gu Qizhou and Gu Miaomiao, Yo Yo actually held back her tears.

“Yeah.” Yoyo affirmed herself in a low voice, “Youyo is almost four years old, I won’t cry.”

! !

Is it so coaxing!

Gu Miaomiao and Gu Qizhou were shocked and suddenly looked at Ding Yao with admiration.

Ding Yao didn’t expect to be able to coax her so well, so she just complimented a few words, and she really stopped crying?

This is so deceiving!

“Brother Ding Yao.” The little girl looked at him expectantly, “When can I see you again?”

Different from my sister, who is so restrained that you can’t guess what she’s thinking, Yoyo’s emotions are all written on her face, and she’s frank and clear.

Being watched by such a pair of eyes full of expectation and love, it is easy for people to have a feeling of “I am very popular” and “I am different in her mind”.

Ding Yao doesn’t know if this is his own illusion.

But being able to gain the love of innocent children is definitely a healing thing.

“I’ll see you soon.” He touched the top of the little girl’s hair, “I’m still working with your father, have you forgotten?”

Yo Yo suddenly smiled.


One last look at Ding Yao’s brother and Mianmian, Yoyo resolutely turned around and walked towards Gu Qizhou while cheering herself up in her heart not to cry.

But before she took two steps, she was stopped by Ding Yao.


The little girl stopped and turned back.

He opened his mouth and seemed to hesitate for a long time before asking softly:

“You…would you like me and your father to work together?”

He asked carefully, for fear of disturbing something.

Yoyo’s little face was confused, didn’t understand why he asked that, thought he was acting like a spoiled child and couldn’t bear her.

So Yoyo trotted two steps and ran to Ding Yao. Although Ding Yao was puzzled, he squatted down and listened to her as usual.

Then you were held in the face by Yoyo and kissed on the side of the face.

Ding Yao was shocked.

Gu Qizhou was also shocked.

Gu Miaomiao…has started looking for a knife.

“Dad said that brother Ding Yao has a lot of work to do.” Yoyo little master said seriously, “Brother Ding Yao is a little master, little master can’t always act like a spoiled child, you are all Stop crying, and you have to be strong.”

She is serious, and she speaks well.

Ding Yao stared at her for a long time.

He bowed his head and laughed silently.


“Brother Ding Yao is no longer coquettish, so don’t cry.”

“We are all strong.”

He hugged her gently.

“See you next time, yo yo.”

Under the setting sun, the three of the Gu family who were separated from the others got into the return car.

No one noticed when they got in the car. At the same time as the trunk was automatically closed slowly, a small white thing jumped in quickly and quietly followed the car towards On the way back.

It takes about three hours to drive back from the recording location.

The mountain road is rugged deep in the mountains, and the moon shines on the side of the foothills, but does not illuminate the silhouette behind the foothills.

Gu Qizhou didn’t feel boring along the way. It was the first time for him to drive by himself with his two daughters. If Yu Lan and Shen Jingchuan were there, it would be more like a self-driving tour.

However, Yoyo, who was lying on the side of the car window, was not so excited.

After Ding Yao’s rainbow fart, she began to get a little melancholy again.

Seeing that she had not spoken for a long time, Gu Miaomiao asked:

“Still thinking about Mianmian?”

She nodded: “Mianmian is different from other lambs.”

Other lambs are afraid of her.

Mianmian likes her.

Gu Miaomiao watched her lower her head and pinched her fingers to play, but she didn’t think much about it. Originally, Yoyo is a person who is very emotional, and it is normal to be reluctant to bear it after playing with Mianmian for a long time.

Children don’t like to be separated.

But Yoyo not only doesn’t like separation, but what makes her sad is that Mianmian is her first friend.

This friend has only one day, and she will lose it again.

The child looked at the night outside the window and sighed melancholy.


Yoyo blinks.

“…what sound?”

Gu Qizhou, who concentrated on driving: “What did you say? What did you hear?”

—dong dong.

Gu Miaomiao also seemed to hear something.

“Is it the trunk…”

The movement was too weak, and before they could tell what caused it, they were attracted by the bigger movement.


The harsh sound of the brakes tore through the silent night.

The three people in the car were thrown back to their original positions by the huge inertia, Yoyo had no idea what happened, and the whole person was stunned by this sudden accident.

“Are you okay!?”

Gu Qizhou worried.

“It’s okay.” Gu Miaomiao glanced at her, “What happened?”

“Like a… landslide?”

The mountain road was dark, their home was the first to leave, and the car of the show crew was still behind them, and they didn’t know when they would come.

Sitting in the car, he couldn’t see what was going on outside, so Gu Qizhou decided to get off.

“Miaomiao, you look at my sister, I’ll get out of the car and have a look.”

Opening the door, the silence of the mountains is even more eerie.

Although it is only eight or nine o’clock, the outskirts of the city are already shrouded in the moonlight of the summer night.

Gu Qizhou took two steps forward, using the moonlight to see the situation in front of him.

…It looks like a landslide indeed.

He also wondered for a while. It didn’t rain and there was no earthquake. How could he drop so many stones and soil down?

He turned back to the car.

“The road can still be driven, but there are a lot of stones. Dad cleans it up a little before going over there. Can you stay in the car for a while?”

The winding mountain road is narrow, so it is necessary to remove all the big stones for safety.

“Okay.” Gu Miaomiao turned her head and said to Yoyo, “Sister is going to help, Yoyo, okay?”

“No, I’ll just…”

“The two will be faster.”

Yo Yo didn’t want to stay here too long, so she nodded:

“Then I’ll wait for you.”

I was a little scared after saying that.

“Hurry up.”

“Yes, if you are afraid, call Dad and sister, we will come right away.”

The place where the stones and soil were piled up was not far, Gu Qizhou stopped the car and went to move the stones with Gu Miaomiao.

The light in the car was dim, Gu Qizhou was worried that she was afraid, so she played the cross talk of Deyun Club for her.

Yoyo was very attentive at first, but when I listened to it, I felt like there was something moving on the mountain next to me.

So she stuck to the car window, squinting her eyes and trying to distinguish what was on the dark hillside.

In the shadows of the trees, a shadow seems to come out of the dark.


It’s a dog.

Yoyo rolled down the car window, stretched her head out and called Dad:

“Dad! There are dogs on the mountain!”

Gu Qizhou, who was moving stones, looked up.

“Where did the dog come from? Yo Yo, are you scared?”

Yoyo took another look.

“Dad! There really is a dog! It’s a husky!”

Gu Miaomiao also raised her head and glanced in her direction. This direction was just illuminated by the moonlight, and the view on the hillside was clear.

“Yoyo, if you’re afraid, I’ll come back.”

Yo Yo sat back angrily.

There really are huskies!

Yoyo climbed to the right, rolled down the window, and said to the thing:


The “Husky” with silver gray fur looked at her quietly.


The other’s pair of green eyes flickered in the dark, sharp and cold.

Yoyo instinctively counseled.

She silently rolled the window up.

…Yes, this dog is rude, she just ignores him, she is not afraid!

But Yoyo’s peripheral vision still glanced at the “Husky” from time to time.

She seemed to feel something was wrong, but she couldn’t tell.

…the neighbor’s husky…is this one so handsome?

The “Husky” who had been silently observing in the forest for a long time moved when he saw it. Just as he was about to rush down the slope, he suddenly heard the sound of an engine coming from the front.

A car came across.

Gu Qizhou’s father and daughter, who were moving stones, and the “Husky” who was secretly watching looked over.

Porsche stopped on the other side of the mound.

Gu Qizhou looked at the car and seemed to wonder why such a car would drive to the village at this time.

Two people, one big and one small, got out of the car.

The light is against the light, so you can’t see the figure clearly.

Gu Qizhou explained: “It’s temporarily impossible to pass here, and we need to clear the road before we can pass.”

When the other party walked in, he realized that the man walking in front was a boy of about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Even if the moon is dim, Gu Qizhou’s vicious eyes can see that this young man has outstanding eyebrows, unique temperament, and even his voice is different from ordinary people. .

“Need help?”

The boy’s tone was polite and light.

Gu Qizhou was stunned for a while before answering, “…Okay.”

What a good looking child.

Different from the slightly noble temperament, this young man’s movement of rolling up his sleeves and moving stones is not twisted, and… he has a lot of strength.

A few stones that even Gu Qizhou didn’t intend to move, the young man picked it up easily and threw it all the way.

Gu Miaomiao looked at the slender arms of the young man, her mind full of question marks.

This person appears so inexplicably.

If it wasn’t for his good looks and the fact that there was only a gray-haired old man behind him, she would have doubted whether it was a bandit who robbed halfway.

Gu Qizhou was also a little wary, but he confirmed out of the corner of his eye that there was no one else in the car.

…this is amazing.

But until the road was cleared, the grandfather and grandson did not do anything strange.

“Thanks to you today, little brother, otherwise we would have to delay for a while.”

Gu Qizhou walked towards the car and thanked him, “Are you from the village? Are you still going inside so late?”

The boy replied: “Well, let’s find a sheep.”

Gu Qizhou: “…?”

This person is a little unusual.

“What sheep?” Yoyo, who was in the car, stuck her head out, “Are you talking about sheep?”

The boy’s eyes fell on Yoyo.

A round, fluffy head.

A pair of almond eyes like water grapes were embedded on her soft face.

Flickering and flickering, like a star.

“Who is Mianmian?” the boy asked.

Yoyo smiled and rolled her eyes: “Mianmian is my new friend!”


Human cubs are a little weird.

However, the teenager seemed to feel something in her, looked at her with a very subtle look for a while, and then said:

“You go first.”

“It’s dark and it’s not safe here.”

Gu Qizhou, who had just sat in the driver’s seat, nodded in confusion.

“Okay…Thank you for today, you should leave early, and it will be more difficult to see the road later.”

The young man nodded lightly, turned slightly sideways, and stepped aside, as if preparing to watch Gu Qizhou and the others leave.

The old man standing behind the young man did not make a sound, he just stood silently behind him with a strange posture.

…a bit like the elegant servant in the British drama.

This adjective appeared in Gu Qizhou’s mind.


As he was about to leave, Yoyo suddenly called him by the car window.


Yoyo shook his head and told him sincerely:

“You look so good, hehe.”

Gu Miaomiao on the side was speechless for a while, wishing to indent into the crack of the ground.

“You look better than Brother Ding Yao!”

She knows!

This afternoon, she was still saying goodbye to her brother Ding Yao in tears. Now, when she sees a good-looking boy on the side of the road, her heart flies away.

It’s so straightforward! Can you take a break!


The teenager looked at her strangely.

It was like seeing someone like that for the first time.

He thought about it, it seemed to be complimenting him, so he politely replied:

“Thanks, you look great too.”

Qingyue’s youthful voice is like a spring breeze. Although the tone is a little cold, it still makes Yoyo very happy.

Surely good-looking brother, and a good person.

She likes pretty people the most!

So she introduced herself and asked the other party’s name.

The young man still had a very novel expression, blinked and replied:

“Yongze, my name is Yongze.”

Li Wu Qianqian, the little girl, waved at him:

“Goodbye Brother Yongze! I saw a very fierce husky just now, don’t stay too long.”

Yong Ze was taken aback.

Gu Qizhou: “Where did the husky come from, are you sleepy, baby?”

Gu Miaomiao: “If you are sleepy, do you want to sleep now?”

Yoyo: “There really are huskies! Super fierce!”

The taillights gradually disappeared from view.

He came back to his senses, turned his head and said to the old man behind him:

“She can see?”

“Maybe there is a little bit of monster blood, but even if it is an atavistic phenomenon, it is indeed rare.”

He was still a little surprised.

…Maybe it’s because he rarely goes down the mountain, so everything feels novel.

“Leave that.”

Yongze looked at the “Husky” hiding in the shadow of the tree, took a step back, and then suddenly exerted strength, jumping up in that direction—

Moonlight was obscured by dark clouds for a moment.

The figure of the boy turned into a golden lion in midair.

Shake the paw of this juvenile lion for a point.

Under the moonlight, the young lion with the golden mane is majestic and majestic, already showing a bit of the imposing manner of the forest lord.

“Run what?”

“Can’t you afford it?”

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