The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 2

Chapter 1: A Kid

The afternoon of Huahua kindergarten.

The children who took a nap were noisy, and the two teachers were busy dressing and combing the children in the small class.

Mr. Xiao Ruan is a new teacher in the kindergarten and is not quite used to it yet.

The other teacher Xiao Zhou also came to help.

Come back with the little fat man to pee, and then Mr. Ruan saw the little girl sitting on the cot quietly and in a daze.

The small class after the nap was chaotic like a war, she only cared about the other noisy children, not the little girl who didn’t cry or make trouble, she ignored it for a while.

Mr. Xiao Ruan’s voice was very soft, she squatted down and asked:

“Are you wearing your own clothes?”

She looked at Teacher Xiao Ruan, and Xiao Nian gave a soft “um”.

Too good.

The young teacher was so cute that she had her heart quivered. After finishing her wrinkled clothes, she brushed her hair again.

“Mr. Ruan, I just had a dream.”

Yoyo lowered her head and pulled the little rubber band in her hand.

Mr. Ruan asked with a smile, “What did you dream about?”

“I dreamed… that I was growing up.”

“That’s it, Yoyo must be very good when she grows up, right?”

Hearing this, Yoyo froze for a moment, then lowered her watery eyes and whispered:

“It’s not good, yo yo is not good, yo yo is good or bad.”

In her dream, she was as tall as Teacher Xiao Ruan.

But she has a straight face, worse than the bad women on TV, always bullying the beautiful brothers and sisters around.

Those brothers and sisters are so pitiful, but she smiled very happily in the dream.

This is too bad.

The teacher didn’t take the children’s words to heart. After combing Yoyo’s hair, she smiled and said:

“How come, Yoyo is the most obedient child in the small class, everyone likes Yoyo.”


Yoyo snapped her fingers and said nothing.

They don’t like it.

stupid penguin.

Seeing the little girl lowered her head and did not speak, and seemed to be in a daze, Teacher Xiao Ruan sighed.

She found out just a few days after her arrival, Yoyo, this little kid is good, but she seems a little silly.

In the afternoon outdoor game class, Teacher Xiao Ruan observed it and found that Yoyo is indeed a little out of place.

She always likes to be in a daze, and her reaction is slow. She is pushed down by other children.

But the children in the small class don’t seem to like playing with her.

The little girl carved in pink and jade stood aside, neither crying nor making trouble, her watery eyes were very pitiful.

The young teacher Ruan decided to talk to Yoyo’s parents when school was over.

When Huahua Kindergarten was dismissed, the parents who came to pick up the students crowded the door of the classroom. Teacher Xiao Ruan saw a beautiful woman wearing sunglasses taking him away, and hurriedly stopped:

“Yoyo mom-”

The woman stopped, the mobile phone in her hand indicated that she was calling, and she looked impatient.


Mr. Ruan felt a little familiar, but she didn’t remember it for a while.

“It’s like this. During the two days of class, I found that Yoyo doesn’t seem to play with other children very much, and her reaction is slow. I’m worried that Yoyo will be psychologically…”

“Will it be something?” Yoyo’s mother raised her voice and took off her sunglasses, which attracted the attention of many parents, “We are alright, how did your teacher speak!?”

Mr. Ruan didn’t expect Yoyo’s mother to be so temperamental, like a gun battle.

She was young and didn’t know how to deal with such a scene for a while.

In the end, it was Teacher Xiao Zhou who came forward and coaxed her mother away with a good voice. She turned her head and said helplessly to Teacher Xiao Ruan:

“You don’t mess with her in the future, you don’t know who she is?”

Mr. Ruan was a little dazed: “Who is it?”

“Yu Lan! That female star who married a great director, you know.”

Teacher Xiao Ruan suddenly realized, she said why she looked a little familiar.

“I know I’m going to pick up your eldest daughter today, what’s wrong with me picking up Yoyo first? Yoyo isn’t your daughter!?”

“What does it mean to have the driver pick you up? Gu Qizhou, you asked me to pick up that girl in person, and let the driver pick you up? Your eldest daughter hasn’t entered the house yet, so your heart is like this?”

“You are making trouble!”

The angry Yu Lan cut off the phone.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Yoyo looked at the furious Yu Lan, and smiled cautiously:

“If mom is not angry, she will not be beautiful if she is angry.”

Yu Lan, who was still angry, looked at her daughter who laughed silly, and poked her in the forehead with hatred:

“You’re still laughing! The little wolf cubs are about to enter our house. Why am I not angry? I’m almost dying of anger!”

The three-year-old Yoyo doesn’t understand the grievances of adults, but she understands the little wolf cub, Yu Lan has been scolding at home for several days.

The little wolf cub she said was the daughter of Gu Qizhou’s ex-wife.

After Gu Qizhou’s ex-wife passed away due to illness, the child’s grandmother took away the daughter born to her ex-wife, and has been raising her until now, she is six years old.

Yoyo’s eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she asked in a milky voice:

“Is my sister coming?”

Yu Lan was even more angry when she heard her sister’s voice:

“Where is your little girl’s elbow turning? You have never seen a sister who is so close.”

Yo Yo is a little aggrieved: “I’ve seen it.”

“Where have you seen it?”

Youyou answered seriously: “I saw it in my dream.”

She didn’t lie, she really saw her father’s other daughter in her dream.

My sister has thin cheeks and old clothes, which is different from the children around her, but the sister in the dream was very kind to her at first, and gave her candy.

It’s just that she was so bad in the dream, she knocked out her candy in the first face, and called her a hillbilly.


Yu Lan helplessly looked at the silly Yoyo, and pinched her soft face.

“Little idiot, when did you have a heart?”

Hearing Yu Lan calling her “little idiot”, Yoyo pursed her lips, and her eyes like glass beads were covered with mist.

She remembered that in kindergarten, some children would sneak up to her when the teacher couldn’t see them, calling her a little idiot with a smile, and pulling her hair.

She said to Yu Lan in a milky voice very seriously:

“Yo-yo is not a jerk.”

Yu Lan started the car intently, ignoring Yoyo’s expression, and said casually, “That Yoyo is a little fool.”

“…you’re not a fool.”

Even my mother said so.

Feeling so wronged, Yoyo lowered her head and dropped a few golden beans, but no one noticed.

After returning home, Yu Lan had no plans to pick up someone. She urged the servants to prepare dinner and went upstairs to remove makeup and change clothes.

Lights flashed faintly in the gray sky, and thunder exploded behind the clouds.

The rainstorm is coming.

Yoyo still misses her sister, she chased after her with her short legs and asked:

“Isn’t mom going to pick up my sister?”

While removing her makeup, Yu Lan replied casually, “No.”

Yu Lan had already sent a message to the driver and asked the driver to pick him up.

Yo yo anxious, she was lying on the edge of the dressing table, jumping and shouting: “Mom is going!”

“Mom won’t go.”


Yu Lan was a little upset by Yoyo, and called the servants at home to take Yoyo out.

“Auntie.” With tears in her nose and tears, she was hugged by Aunt Zhang tearfully, “No one picks up my sister, what should I do?”

Yoyo’s brain made up for her lonely sister, who looked like she was looking forward to seeing her in the heavy rain.

In contrast, I am not pitiful at all if I don’t like the children.

Aunt Zhang was even more distressed.

Although Yu Lan loves Yoyo, but she is not a mother, Yoyo is often led by her.

She looked at Yoyo as if she was looking at her own child. The two masters were busy with work, but Yoyo has been negligent. What should I do if I have another child?

To tell the truth, she didn’t want to see another girl in the family, and she didn’t have much love.

But she couldn’t talk to Yoyo, so she had to coax her:

“Do you really want a sister? Don’t cry, don’t cry, someone will pick up my sister…”

The raindrops outside the window fell, becoming more and more dense, and the rain became uncontrollable in the blink of an eye.

Gu Miaomiao, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at the familiar scenery passing by through the window of the car washed by the heavy rain, and finally had a real sense of rebirth.

She remembers the year.

Gu Miaomiao’s mother died a year after giving birth to her. Her father was busy with work and soon had an affair with the actress. Her grandmother was afraid that she would be wronged and took her to raise her .

When she was five years old, when she reached the age of primary school, she could not go to the rural primary school, so she returned to her father.

However, her father, Gu Qizhou, had already remarried and had children, and gave birth to a three-year-old daughter, Gu Youyou.

The three of them are one family.

Gu Miaomiao, who returned to Gu’s house, seemed to be a superfluous existence.

On this day in her previous life, she came to Gu’s house full of anxiety.

She knew that her father had a new wife and daughter, she felt a little sour of being abandoned, but more longing for a complete family.

At that time, with a little hope, she tried to integrate into this new home.

But the first side I saw—

The candy she handed out was knocked down by the little girl and smashed to smash on the smooth ground.

The milky little girl raised her head and said arrogantly: “You are not my sister, my father has only one daughter.”

The beautiful woman she had seen on TV stood behind her, as if she did not see all this, hugged her and left as if nothing had happened.

Gu Miaomiao was still young at that time, and she always thought that she was not likable because she was not good.

She worked hard to please them, trying to become what they liked, thinking that one day she would be recognized.

But it took her a long, long time to understand that she was destined to be an unwelcome intruder to Yoyo and her daughter from the start.

How silly.

The car was parked outside Gu’s villa, and the driver turned back in embarrassment:

“Sorry, Miss Miaomiao, there is no umbrella in the car, why don’t you wait in the car first…”

“It’s okay.”

The pouring rain poured down her head, five-year-old Gu Miaomiao opened the car door, and her body was soon soaked by the rain.

But her small back was straight and she walked steadily towards the gate of Gu’s house not far away.

She doesn’t know why she was reborn, but in her next life, she will never repeat the same mistakes, give up herself to please others, and live a mediocre life.

More importantly, this time, who would dare to insult her and take away what should belong to her like in the previous life, she will never swallow it, and she will not let it go easily.

—especially her arrogant sister Gu Youyou.

The driver who hurriedly followed with her luggage knocked on the door of Gu’s house.

The door opened slowly, and Gu Miaomiao, who was as calm as water, pursed her lips and had a serious face, ready to meet her mean stepmother and vicious sister.


What caught my eye was a little girl with a round face lying on Aunt Zhang’s shoulder and crying out snot.

The two of them met in midair.


Gu Miaomiao was stunned for a moment.

But it came back quickly.

She forgot, now Gu Youyou is only three years old, and she is cute and deceptive at first glance.

But the devil is the devil, even if it’s just a cub now, she can’t underestimate her black heart…


Gu Miaomiao was stunned by the voice of ‘sister” with a small milk voice.

Is…her hallucination?

Gu Youyou, who always called her by her first name, never called her sister in the last life.


As if to remind her that it was not a hallucination, the little girl called out again.

She jumped from Aunt Zhang’s arms and ran towards her happily with her short legs, but because she ran too fast, she was caught by her own legs—

Gu Miaomiao, who was often framed and bullied by her sister in the last life, took a step back subconsciously.


Yoyo fell at Gu Miaomiao’s feet.

This familiar scene reminded Gu Miaomiao of countless misunderstood experiences.

—I was pushed by Gu Miaomiao!

—she was jealous of my dancing and wanted to break my leg!

—Miaomiao, you are my sister, how can you treat my sister like this?

—You have disappointed me so much.

The memory of the past life is circling in Gu Miaomiao’s mind.

Gu Miaomiao stared at the little dumpling lying on the ground.

“Sister you are suffering TAT”

The voice with a crying voice was childish and wronged, as if it was not someone else who suffered, but herself.

Gu Miaomiao was stunned on the spot.

Looking at her sister whose hair was still dripping with water, Yoyo felt so distressed that she had no choice but to open her small arms and put the drenched Gu Miaomiao—

A hug.

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