The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 14

Chapter 13: Thirteen Children

Shen Jingchuan was both unexpected and unexpected.

But Yoyo’s deterrent effect is still very obvious.

Of course, what shocked them was not the little milky voice that was trembling at the end of Yoyo, but the little dumpling in a goose yellow knitted skirt.

The skin was as white as milk, and the big eyes embedded in the face were round and round, like a well-behaved and harmless kitten.

Her eyelashes flickered, and she was looking at them without crying.

…Ok, so cute.

Unlike the children in kindergarten, these little kids who went to primary school have all awakened to the normal aesthetics of both sexes, and they can fully understand how cute this little girl is.

And they thought the same as Cen Sui.

Her face looks so soft.

Want to pinch.

Yoyo didn’t know that she had made these three people so cute.

These three people are a head taller than Yoyo, Yoyo thinks they can knock her off with just a slap.

So seeing one of them slowly extending her hand, her first reaction was to be beaten.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; “Woohoo, you, you, you can’t beat me, my sister, she will scold you …”


Yoyo raised the edge of the umbrella and saw Shen Jingchuan showing a smile.


It was the first time she saw her brother smile.

So she looked at others with a dead face.

“Gu Youyou.”

The hair of Silent River was washed by the rain, and it was as black as ink.

The light in his eyes flickered.

“Aren’t you trying to protect me? Would you like to try hitting them?”

Yoyo rolled her eyes.

Brother! You overestimate your sister!

Yo Yo is just a poor three year old! Yo Yo, I can’t beat the three big brothers!

“They just pushed me off the wheelchair, are you really not going to avenge me?”

Yoyo froze.

Well, it seems that I should avenge my brother.

To bully such a good-looking brother, they have no heart!

Perhaps it was because the three people on the opposite side didn’t make any big moves, and Yoyo became more courageous.

She slowly took a small step, stretched out a small fist like a Doraemon, and tentatively knocked on the forehead of the little boy in the middle.

—After knocking, he quickly ran back to Shen Jingchuan’s wheelchair to hide.

“Brother, brother, I’ll take revenge for you!”

Probably also knew that her revenge was too much, she tried her best to hold an umbrella for Shen Jingchuan and explained:

“I just knocked…but, it’s working hard! I’m just afraid of breaking them, not afraid of them…”

Yoyo narrowed her neck, interpreting the outer gang and inner counsel very well.

Shen Jingchuan did not expose her.

He raised his head and looked at the stupid and bad children in front of him and said:

“Who just stretched out his hand?”

The one in the middle shivered.

“What do you want to do with your hand?”

The little boy dodged his eyes and scratched his head, trying to cover up his crazy behavior of trying to pinch his face.

“Just, just stretch out…” Isn’t that missing!

Shen Jingchuan squinted.

“Yoyo, bring the bricks over there.”

! !

What about you!

The three of them turned around and ran without taking their heads back.

The dazed little face took a long time to react, and she raised her arms and shouted:

“Yeah! Yoyo beat the bad guys away!”

It’s her!

She is amazing!

Although I don’t know why the three brothers ran away, Yo Yo is inexplicably very fulfilling.

“Brother! Let’s go home!”

The little red umbrella made a circle in her palm.

Under the slightly raised umbrella, the little girl has a pair of transparent eyes infiltrated in a smooth life.

Although she seems to have some small troubles, she was born with a slightly dull little brain, and will not be troubled by such small troubles for too long.

It’s easy to be happy.

It’s easy to trust someone.

What remained in her eyes was only ignorance, naivety and sincerity.


She is like a lucky cat holding an umbrella, happily letting Shen Jingchuan push her in a wheelchair and slowly move forward.

However, the child’s umbrella was not stable, and the rainwater ran down the edge of the umbrella, all pouring into the back of Silent River’s neck.

Yoyo doesn’t know anything, and she happily mutters “Brother, brother, don’t worry about the rain, others have umbrellas, you have them”~

Shen Jingchuan did not speak, he was sitting in a wheelchair, quiet and silent.

Let her fool around.

As the bear children around Silent River gradually subsided, the day of Qingming outing has arrived.

It’s rare that Gu Qizhou is not busy with work, so he is going to Disneyland.

“Mickey! Elsa! Stardale!”

The little girl raised her hands high in her eyes.

“No! Study! Practice the piano!”

Yu Lan, who was hanging in the air to practice yoga, vetoed it coldly.

The little girl’s excited face collapsed in an instant.

“You’re too embarrassed to go out to play.” Yu Lan’s tone was cold, “Look at your sister, you don’t need to be urged by the teacher, besides eating and sleeping every day, you are practicing the piano, and your brother, the teacher said he Even the sixth grade math Olympiad can be done, praise him as a genius…”

Every time Yu Lan said a word, the corner of Yoyo’s mouth pressed down.

In the end, the child looked up at his mother in grievance and dissatisfaction, rolled on her yoga mat and started to cheat.

“I just don’t like to practice the piano, I’m not good at math, I’m not as smart as my elder brothers and sisters—”

It’s not that you want to be a waste!

They are too powerful, okay?

“You’re too embarrassed to say it!” Yu Lan was even more annoyed, “I know I can’t do anything but don’t work hard, still want to go out to play?”

Yoyo puffed up her face, tears welling in her eyes, and said nothing.

Yu Lan was a competitive person.

When she was not filming, she wanted to be hot on the red carpet, she wanted to be the No. 1 box office when she made a movie, and others mocked her for her bad English. After three months of study, she made an all-English brand promotion video Slap in the face.

She didn’t understand, yo yo, why didn’t she inherit even the slightest competitive spirit?

Yu Lan, who hates iron and steel, glared at the small grievance sitting on the ground, glared twice, and was soft-hearted by her grievance.

“…Well, if you can learn addition and subtraction within ten before tonight, I’ll consider taking you to Disney, how about that?”

Being able to say this proves that Yu Lan really didn’t plan to take her out to play.

Three-year-olds are too young to be able to count.

Most of the children in the small class may not necessarily be able to add and subtract within ten, not to mention dazed from time to time.

Yo Yo, who was eager to go to Disneyland, agreed.

“Okay! Mom pulls the hook, whoever lies is a pig!”


The ambitious Yoyo took the arrogant steps of disregarding six relatives and knocked on the door of Shen Jingchuan.


Shen Jingchuan, who was reading a biological journal, quickly closed and looked back at the little head squeezing in through the crack of the door.

“…for what?”

“Hey hey.”

Maybe it’s the child’s natural intuition, you can feel it, I don’t know when it started, my brother is no longer as scary as the beginning.

Although he hardly smiles now, he is much friendlier than the smirk he had some time ago.

So Yo Yo rubbed against his feet.

“Brother, can you teach me addition and subtraction within ten?”

She looked at Silent River eagerly.

She didn’t know that the seven-year-old brother in front of her was a genius who was admitted to the MIT Department of Biology in his early twenties.

At this time, this genius frowned suspiciously at addition and subtraction.

This needs to be learned?

Isn’t this born? ?

“…why do you want to learn this all of a sudden?”

Yoyo told Shen Jingchuan of her agreement with Yu Lan.

“As long as you teach me, we can go to Disney together! Di! Shi! Ni! Ya-!”

The little girl cheered.


Shen Jingchuan has never been to Disney, and he has no interest.

However, with a little effort, Shen Jingchuan estimated that the church could be taught in at most twenty minutes, so he did not refuse.

And an hour later—

“…It’s been an hour, how come you can’t count from one to ten!?? Start again! I’ll teach it again! Move your little brain, Gu Yoyo!”

“If you can’t count, just copy it for me. Copy it ten times first, and then recite it after you finish!”

“Gu Youyou, you are not allowed to sleep – how dare you drool on my book!? Wipe it for me!”

Yoyo felt like a fragile sapling in the anger of her brother’s storm.

“…1, 2, 3…7, 5, 9…”

After breaking her fingers, Yoyo looked at Shen Jingchuan timidly, her eyes cowardly.

“…is this, this time right?”

Silent River: “…”

He doesn’t think he is Gu Youyou’s brother.

Gu Youyou is his eldest brother.

Silent Chuan thought for a long time, and finally turned on the computer and entered seriously:

—How to teach children addition and subtraction within 10.

The search results include finger breaking, counting sticks, singing nursery rhymes, etc.

…Come on, try them one by one.

In the evening, Yoyo, who was personally tutored by a Ph.D. from the MIT School of Science, still failed Yu Lan’s test.

Shen Jingchuan was hit hard.

He even had deep doubts about his own IQ.

But when Gu Qizhou learned about this, he agreed:

“Why do you have to learn addition and subtraction? Dad agreed, and the day after tomorrow our family will go to Disney!”

Yo Yo surprises and dances:

“Yeah! Long live Daddy!”

Yu Lan sneered: “Oh, you know how to be a good person.”

“Cough.” Gu Qizhou concealed his embarrassment, and then said to Shen Jingchuan, “However, Jichuan’s teaching Yoyo is indeed a good way, just as Jichuan is good at mathematics, he can teach his sister more and make progress together. .”

Shen Jingchuan wanted to tell him that even if he went to MIT at the age of seventeen, he would be able to publish papers in core journals at the age of twenty, but tutoring in addition and subtraction in kindergarten—

Sorry, Gu Yoyo who can’t even count, he really can’t carry it.

Shen Jingchuan’s dislike for Yoyo’s IQ is obvious, and Yoyo feels it too.

It was time for the sisters to chat before bed, Yoyo squeezed into her sister’s bed again, and after turning off the lights, she whispered in Gu Miaomiao’s ear:

“…Sister, am I really stupid?”

In the darkness, her big eyes reflected the moonlight outside the window, as clear as a spring.

“…you’re not stupid.”

“But my mother said I was stupid, my brother tried so hard to teach me, but I couldn’t learn…”

“You’re only three years old, so it’s not normal for you to learn.”

“But you and your brother are so smart… yo yo know nothing, like a fool.”

Gu Miaomiao felt a little funny.

On the contrary, when she was a child, she was the one who envied and felt that she had nothing to do.

The circumstances of life are truly wonderful.

“What’s your name?” She squeezed Yoyo’s palm, looked at her and said, “Maybe when you grow up, you will dance very well, you will become a ballerina, with The troupe is on the international stage together…”

She will be beautiful.

Study is not bad.

There will be countless suitors for her, looking forward to her eyes staying for a moment.

Although she is just a dull-headed and slow-moving child.


With a little loss and expectations for tomorrow’s Disneyland, Yoyo slowly fell asleep.

“Mom and Dad! I’m ready!!”

“The little water bottle is ready! The snacks are ready! My sister even put a new headband on me!”

“When are we going!”

However, Gu Qizhou and Yu Lan answered a few calls and looked at the phone for a while, but they told her seriously:

“Sorry yo yo, we can’t take you to Disney today.”

The screen of Gu Qizhou’s mobile phone hidden behind him showed today’s hot searches on Weibo.

#Yu Lan’s mother and daughter accused of school bullying recording exposure#

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