The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 127

Chapter 124: Four Elementary School Students

    After the movie “The Flower on the Sword” was finished, it was the first topic on the hot search before its release. Not a well-made trailer for the movie.

    —it’s the Yoyo kid who stole props in the tidbits and Yong Ze who accompanies her to eat dog biscuits.

    Although only a few netizens still have a little impression of Yongze, this does not prevent them from shouting in unison—

    【What kind of **** biscuits are you eating! What we eat is dog food, okay? 】

    I don’t blame them for not being human, it’s just that the two are too harmonious in appearance.

    What’s more, the seven-year-old Yoyo is much taller than the three-year-old, and Yongze… um… How old is this person? Why didn’t it seem to change from the first time I saw him appearing on the show?

    But that doesn’t matter.

    You must know that netizens who kowtow to cp are often able to calmly ignore the age gap when they are on top, and even step on their only remaining conscience and eat with their eyes closed. Take this candy.

    But that’s all in the future. Now Yo Yo, I don’t know how many people will hold down their conscience and want to feed her pig feed to urge her grow up.

    After hearing what Yong Ze said, she seemed less afraid.

    …Anyway, if she can really become a puppy, she won’t change alone, hehe.

    The little princess who finished filming all the scenes in half a day successfully finished. She took the ice cream that Yongze bought her and shared a mouthful for Jiang Tang.

    “Is it delicious?” The little girl tilted her head and looked at her expectantly.

    Jiang Tang, who had not washed his face of dirt, nodded:


    Sharing delicious food with friends made Yoyo very happy, she added:

    “Tangtang, don’t be sad if your father kills you, he’s just fierce at work, it’s not that he really doesn’t like you.”

    Jiang Tang smiled: “I know.”

    Gu Qizhou on the set is indeed not like the kind Uncle Gu she saw at Yoyo’s house.

    But Jiang Tang is an adult at heart, so he can tell the difference between work attitude and private goodness.

    This is why Gu Qizhou chose her among many young actors.

    “Then, Tangtang, do you feel happy?” Yoyo carefully observed her expression, “Although it is important to be rich, it is also important that you be happy.”

    Jiang Tang was a little lost.

    Doing something for the reason of being happy seems to be an idea only in childhood.

    Even if her body returns to the state of a child, her heart will not become young.

    Study hard in order to grow up to be independent.

    I used to sell roses to make money to buy myself a decent new school bag.

    It seems that they are being pushed forward step by step by utilitarianism, without considering whether they are really happy.

    Except this time.

    “I am happy.” Jiang Tang replied sincerely, “Although it is the first time to act, I feel very happy.”

    It’s not just the income from acting that makes her happy.

    Being able to take a moment away from her depressed and hopeless life was enough to free her.

    Yoyo looked into her eyes, although she didn’t understand why Jiang Tang still had sadness and sadness in her eyes when she said she was happy, but at least she was happy Seems to be true.

    She can be happy.

    After a short two-day break, Yoyo went back to the ice rink to start the final sprint for the figure skating competition at the end of the month.

    The technical difficulty of the primary school group is much less than that of the middle school group. Rather than testing the jumping movements, it is more about the basic movements and dance skills on the ice.

    Yin Heyi looked at Yoyo’s figure a little worried.

    Others are doing very well, and learning dance is also very fast, the only thing is—

    This little girl is really meaty.

    She looked at the slightly rounded belly, and the small arms and legs that looked easy to pinch. Compared with peers with long legs, they are more than cute and less elegant.

    “Coach, coach.” At halftime, Yoyo rubbed against Yin Heyi’s feet and looked at her curiously, “Why are you sighing? I didn’t move properly?”

    Coach Yin looked down at Yoyo, and touched her head kindly:

    “It’s not your fault, it’s my fault.”

    That’s good…

    “It was my fault that I didn’t give you enough practice.”

    Yoyo: “Ah???”

    “Ah what, you should be glad that you are only seven years old now, if you multiply your age by two, the training volume will be doubled, and the food intake will have to be halved for me. ”


    The week before the game, Yoyo’s calf was shivering every day when she came home.

    But also because of Yin Heyi’s rigorous training this week, on the day of the official competition, Yoyo did look a little slimmer, at least not standing there, just It makes people want to hug them into their arms and squeeze the meat.

    “…how did you come?”

    Waiting for a long time outside the ice rink with Gu Miaomiao before Yu Lan saw that Gu Qizhou came late with Shen Jingchuan.

    “Isn’t this going to pick up Ji Chuan? His brothers chatted about the experiment endlessly…” Gu Qizhou panted, “Let’s go, let’s go. , it’s about to start.”

    The ice rink was already crowded with people. In addition to the parents of the contestants, there were also many figure skating enthusiasts who came to watch the fun.

    A lot of local media even came to shoot, Yu Lan and Gu Qizhou quickly put on masks.


    Gu Miaomiao saw Yoyo who was talking to the coach from afar, and heard her sister’s voice, Yoyo turned around and waved to her happily:

    “Sister! Brother!”

     Before Shen Jingchuan asked her to cheer for the game, just listen to her next sentence—

    “Have you seen Brother Yongze?”

    Shen Jingchuan Gu Miaomiao:  …

    “You see us and have nothing else to say?” This is a subtle silence.

    “Just ask Yongze, are we here to help you look after your brother Yongze?” This was Gu Miaomiao, who was obviously dissatisfied.

    Yoyo rubbed the back of her forehead, giggling, ready to perfunctory.

    “No no no, I’ve been waiting for you to come, I just saw you coming, so… That’s why I asked Brother Yongze who didn’t come. .”

& nbsp;


    Gu Miaomiao put her hands around her arms, making a vicious guess.

    “He’s so busy, maybe he lied to you, and I’ll tell you later that he can’t come!”

    Yo Yo retorted: “No! He won’t lie to me!”

    “I lied to you!”

    “Don’t listen!”

    Just as the sisters were repeating these words back and forth, on the side of the road outside the ice rink, a Pikachu bus decorated like a kindergarten school bus slowly stop.

    “All line up, one by one—”

    Standing at the front, Yong Ze held the light sign in his elbow, and trained a group of radishes to get off the car.

    It seems that the spring outing has attracted the attention of many passers-by. The light sticks that turned bright when they were broken, made their way to the ice rink in a very imposing manner.

    Yoyo warmed up and glanced at the door from time to time, making Gu Miaomiao angrily and rubbing her face, only then did Yongze and the others wait coming.

    But when they came, Yoyo was not the only one who saw the past.

    Almost the entire audience and the contestants were shocked by Yong Ze and the others coming fully armed and prepared.

    —and here’s the uniform! Is it so professional!

    Even Gu Qizhou and Yu Lan were dumbfounded by Yong Ze’s posture. When Yong Ze finished greeting and took the children to sit beside the couple, Gu Qizhou asked in astonishment:

    “These are…”

    “It’s the children of the zoo.” Yong Ze explained, “They also wanted to watch Yoyo’s game, so I brought them here to cheer for Yoyo.”

    Gu Qizhou looked at the outfits, banners, balloons and even light signs, and then looked at himself with empty hands.

    He turned his head and looked at Yu Lan:

    “Ashamed, ashamed.”

    Yu Lan: “Ask him if he has more, and help me get one.”

    Gu Qizhou: “Huh?”

    Yu Lan: “Ah what, you haven’t thought about it yet, what’s the use of asking you to be a father!”

    Gu Qizhou: ? ? ?

    These little monsters who have never seen the world feel very novel. Although they are all little monsters that have lived for one or two hundred years, it is the first time to support a friend.

    “What is Brother Yongze figure skating?”

    “Why can skating compete? Who wrestles less?”

    “Then Yoyo will definitely not win, she will fall if she takes two steps when she is a panda hahaha.”

    Ding Yao, who was secretly watching the game with sunglasses and a mask, saw a row of neatly dressed children and big friends sitting in uniform before he could find a place. Standing in a row, he pulled down his sunglasses in disbelief and asked Yongze:


    The leading little monkey Hou Shiyue glanced at Ding Yao, who was dressed very fashionably, but in his eyes was almost like a beggar:

    “Do you know this person?”

    Yong Ze replied, “It’s Yoyo’s friend.”

    “Oh.” Hou Shiyue was a little surprised, “She also knows beggars.”

    The range of friends is quite wide.

    Ding Yao wearing designer drawstring pants: ? ?

    Although he really wanted to refute, Ding Yao still focused on these children with aids.

    He pointed to the printed photo of Yoyo, which also had a banner with the shameful cheering words “Yoyo Luming, win the game”, tremblingly said:

    “…you ordered all these?”

    Yong Ze nodded, and gave him a glow stick and a hand banner from the support items left in his pocket.

    “This is the first time I have done this, and I have no experience. I will improve it next time.”

    Ding Yao was very complicated when he saw these beautifully designed and rich support objects.

    He would like to say that this level is no worse than his first-line artist.

    Ah, what a nice kid!

    If the target of these children’s support is replaced by him, it is estimated that it is not cute, but social news!

    “It’s doing very well.” Ding Yao put away the aid and joked, “If you have to improve, it is estimated that you can only light up the giant screen outside the building. Support her.”

    “Mansion? Giant Curtain?”

    Yong Ze asked with great interest:

    “What is that? Can you elaborate?”

    Ding Yao: You really dare to ask.

    The author has something to say: Brother Yongze, the figure skating fairy Yoyo will be the future big fan of the support club.

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