The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 12

Chapter 11: Eleven Children

After the holiday, Gu Qizhou also arranged the primary school admission procedures for Shen Jingchuan.

It is a very good aristocratic primary school nearby. The quality of teachers and students is very high. Children like Shen Jingchuan will also be well taken care of.

“Thank you uncle.” He thanked softly.

Gu Qizhou imagined it very well.

But he doesn’t know that the world of children is different from that of adults. Children can be naive or cruel.

It has nothing to do with being poor or rich.

Shen Jingchuan inadvertently looked at the little girl who was watching TV.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah my brother Ding Yao ah ah ah-”

The little star chasing children were dancing on the sofa, and the fourteen-year-old idol on TV was singing on the stage.

The pure happiness has a special appeal, like the flower buds that grow after the spring rain, with strong and beautiful vitality.

…it just looks a little silly.

Gu Qizhou was attracted by Yoyo’s scream and asked with a smile, “You like Brother Ding Yao so much?”

Ding Yao is a member of the boy group that debuted in recent years, and many of his fans in junior high school and elementary school.

Yoyo often watches TV and is also a small fan of Ding Yao.

“Yeah!” Yoyo was so excited that she swayed along, “Brother Ding Yao is so handsome, hehe.”

She made Yu Lan laugh.

“You little boy, you know what handsome is, isn’t he just a little boy?”

Yoyou got angry: “Mom is not allowed to speak ill of brother Ding Yao.”

Gu Qizhou patted her head: “You are obedient in the kindergarten, I will take you to see brother Ding Yao when I have a chance during the holiday.”

I thought Yoyo would be happy when she heard it, but she suddenly wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

“…yoyo don’t want to go to kindergarten.”


This question stumped Yoyo.

She didn’t know how to express that people didn’t like her. After thinking for a long time, she could only say one sentence:

“Because some boys are pulling Yoyo’s braids.”

Gu Qizhou laughed when he heard it: “That’s because the children like you, they will bully you if they like you.”


Yoyo immediately refuted in her heart.

She is not a fool, she knows what is like and what is bullying.

My parents like her, my sister and Cen Sui like her.

They don’t pull Yoyo’s hair.

It won’t be like the annoying little boy in kindergarten, messing up the little braids that Teacher Xiao Ruan tied her, and then running away with a giggle, seeing that she is angry and can’t catch her. Laughing like a man.

Why are you so strange.

Is this a liking?

Yoyo raised her tearful eyes slightly, and met Shen Jingchuan’s scrutiny eyes.

The latter was stunned for a moment, and quickly pushed the wheelchair away.

Shen Jingchuan’s primary school is opposite Yoyo’s kindergarten, only a road away.

Because she wanted to take Shen Jingchuan to school by the way, Yoyo didn’t take the school bus, plus Gu Miaomiao and the three of them took the car at home to go to school together.

Yoyo hummed excitedly along the way.

“…the left hand is my elder sister, the right hand is my elder brother, and there is a good boy sitting in the middle~”

Gu Miaomiao rolled her eyes.

You can recognize a thief as a brother.

“Brother!” When he got off the bus, Yoyo reminded him, “Remember to wait after school, let’s go home together!”

The closing time of kindergarten and elementary school is similar.


The kindergarten should gather at the door after school, right?

Shen Jingchuan thought of something, pursed his lips, and did not answer.

This day, Yoyo is happier than ever in kindergarten. Thinking that I can go to school with my brother and sister every day in the future, Yoyo is so happy that I want to sprinkle flowers.

She looked at the children in the class who were holding hands and playing together and sharing cookies. She was not as envious as before.

It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t have friends, she has brothers and sisters!

Although she seems to have done bad things to her brother and sister…but it doesn’t matter, Yoyo already knows the mistake and corrects it!

Yoyo dangling her short legs and waited for a day, and finally it was the afternoon after school.

She held her schoolbag belt and happily followed Teacher Xiao Ruan to the door of the kindergarten. Even Teacher Xiao Ruan found her happiness from her dangling little tug, and asked with a smile :

“Why are you so happy today?”

Yoyo answered with a small face: “Yoyo is going home with my brother and sister.”

Mr. Ruan was taken aback.

She knew that Gu Miaomiao from Taipan was Yoyo’s sister, and she also saw a lot of gossip about the Gu family on the Internet in private, but this brother…?

Private, illegitimate child?

Hey, the entertainment industry is really deep.

Not long after the kindergarten ended, the children in the big class hadn’t come out yet, and the queue for the small class and the middle class wasn’t ready.

In the midst of the noise, Yoyo, who was worried that her brother would not find the way, looked around for a long time on her feet, and finally saw an abrupt wheelchair across the school.

Yoyo is like a small light bulb that is suddenly energized, and it suddenly lights up.

“Brother! Brother-brother-!”

She jumped up and down, her voice was loud, and she tried her best to wave her short hand like a lotus root into the momentum of a big flag.

Shen Jingchuan saw her of course.

The rows of small radishes across the street were all attracted by Yoyo’s voice, and followed her and looked in their direction.


The much-anticipated Shen Jingchuan wanted to pretend not to know her.

But this little girl, like Shaogenjin, is extraordinarily persistent.

Shen Jingchuan hesitated for a moment, and finally pushed the wheelchair across the zebra crossing.

Yoyo blushed, her eyes curved into small crescents.

“Brother, uncle driver will be here soon, don’t be afraid.”

The children around Yoyo raised their heads and looked up and down this strange little brother.

Someone asked: “Is this your brother?”

Yoke nodded proudly: “Yeah!”

Look good!

It’s just a little worse than her brother Ding Yao!

“Why is he sitting in a chair with wheels?”

“I know I know, it’s called disabled on TV!”

“What is a disabled person?”

“Ah! He’s missing a leg… terrifying!”

Everyone was attracted by the last child’s words, and looked at Shen Jingchuan’s empty left leg in surprise.

A child screamed, and the other children also screamed, as if the Silent River were some kind of monster, and they retreated in fear.

Shen Jingchuan is used to it, and doesn’t care about the words of these children who have just been weaned for a few years.

Yoyo stayed where she was.

It was not what she thought.

She hurriedly stood in front of Shen Jingchuan, stomping her feet in a hurry.

“No, it’s not scary, don’t be afraid, my mother said, my brother’s leg is a branch, but it was broken by the wind. As long as you eat more, it can grow again!”

Other children were also surprised by Yoyo’s incredible logic.

Don’t think we are kids and you can lie!

How could the legs grow longer!


Some of the children retorted loudly.

“You’re a liar!”

“The legs won’t grow back! Neither will the hands!”

“She’s not a little liar, she’s a little fool hahaha…”

“You idiot! You’ve been deceived!”

After half a sound, Shen Jingchuan slowly reminisced.

So…she served him rice and vegetables and fed him snacks, thinking that as long as he eats more, his legs will grow back?

Shen Jingchuan felt amused, he looked at his broken leg and thought:

Not coming back.

Broken leg.

Dead parents.

He should have been healthy and smooth, and his parents will never come back.

Even over again, he didn’t change anything.

“—grow back!”

The ground squeaked.

It was not Shen Jingchuan, and the children in front of her were not shocked by her.

“It just won’t grow back! Your brother is disabled, he won’t be like us!”

“You liar, I want to tell the teacher that you lie!”

“We don’t play with liars!”

The child’s clear laughing sound was innocent and cruel, and it drowned out Yoyo and her helpless defense.

“You’re not lying.”

“You’re not a liar.”

“Brother will grow new legs, he will be like us.”

Yoyo blushed and looked at the children around her who laughed at her at a loss.

She wanted to argue something, but she didn’t say anything, and tears fell down.

She didn’t want to cry, she was just angry.

But she was so angry that she couldn’t understand anything except repeating those few excuses.

Yoyo with tears in her eyes looked into the distance helplessly, now she really hopes that her sister will appear soon and help Yoyo and the children explain clearly.

“What’s so funny?”

Yoyo didn’t wait for her sister, but Shen Jingchuan’s cold voice sounded behind her.

This older brother, who is a few years older than them, was not affected by the children’s laughter at all, and was calm like a terrible adult.

He reached out and grabbed Yoyo’s collar in front of him and told her to step back.

Then his eyes wandered around among the bunch of little kids, and fell on the little chubby who laughed the loudest and spoke the worst.

“You look so ugly, how dare you laugh?”

These little brats fell silent.

Although he is fat, he has been pampered by his parents, grandparents and grandparents since birth. How can he ever hear such a cruel and straightforward truth.

He was dumbfounded, like a solidified fat pillar.

Yo Yo also listened in a daze, the tears hanging on the eyelashes will not fall.

“Not only is you ugly, but also rude, look at Gu Youyou, and look at yourself, don’t you think everyone is laughing at you when you are so ugly?”

Tears welled up in Little Fatty’s eyes.

“You…you talk nonsense! My grandma said I was the best looking little boy…”

“You’re the best ass.”

Silence is ruthless.

“When you grow up, you won’t even be able to find a wife.”

This time, the little chubby dude who was just showing off his strength just now can’t laugh anymore.

He burst into tears and finally caught the attention of the teacher over there, and hurried over to ask “what’s the matter?”

The other children were stunned for a moment, and moved back involuntarily, for fear that they would be caught and scolded by Yoyo’s brother.

“… Yo Yo?”

Gu Miaomiao, who followed the team of the big class, looked at them in surprise.

Yoyo heard her sister’s voice, the tears she just held back didn’t collapse, and she threw herself into her sister’s arms with grievances.

Then retell the story.

Gu Miaomiao vaguely guessed what happened from her narration.

After she looked up and down the Jingjing River with strange eyes, she touched Yoyo’s head, and looked at the crying fat man and other children over there.

Gu Miaomiao smiled:

“Don’t be sad, if you look ugly, you can be considered disabled, and you can also be considered disabled.”

The little chubby who was just about to be coaxed:

“…Wow woo woo ah ah teacher, I don’t want to be a disabled person woo ah no, teacher I’m not ugly woo woo…”

Even the other children who were bombarded by Gu Miaomiao were also incited by the atmosphere and started to cry one after another.

Mr. Ruan was alone in front of a large group of children who were crying. While in a hurry, she heard the voice of the little boy in the wheelchair sound faintly:

“Yo yo, last time you said, who often pulls your hair?”

Gu Miaomiao immediately locked the little brat and took him out, who was trembling.

“If you dare to pull my sister’s hair again, I will—”

She originally wanted to say that I would take off your pants, but she said it was a bit perverted as a girl, so she pointed back—

“I’ll let him take off your pants, you know?”

Silent River: ?

The dull-eyed child was stunned for a moment, and nodded honestly.

You Yo asked curiously, “Brother why did you take off his pants?”


A little shy.

Shen Jingchuan looked down at her and said after a while:

“Because he deserves it.”

The driver who arrived late due to the traffic jam picked up the three young masters and young ladies.

Before leaving, he looked at Xiaoban, who was crying, and smacked his tongue:

“Sure enough, these children are not as sensible as us, Miss Yoyo. They are about to go to middle school, and they cry every now and then.”

You Yo, who had just wiped away her tears, froze for a moment, and the next second, she praised herself without any guilt:

“…Yes! Yoyo no, no crying! Yoyo is awesome!”

Gu Miaomiao&Shen Jingchuan: If you want to think so, I have no choice.

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